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Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution
Main topic: Intuitionistic fuzzy sets and Generalized nets


Ifigenia is a non-commercial scientific and educational web-based resource in the areas intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFS) and generalized nets (GN). These two concepts gave the name Ifigenia. The website is powered by the MediaWiki software, which further provides its users with a flexible and user-friendly environment for online collaboration.

Project Ifigenia has several major goals:

  • providing relevant information in encyclopedic manner,
  • online distribution of published materials and preprints,
  • fostering the collaborative research and paper writing,
  • partners networking and communication.

Ifigenia aims to provide well structured encyclopedic information about generalized nets and intuitionistic fuzzy sets:

  • articles with definitions, explanations and examples of various terms from these two fields and the related areas,
  • overview and history of the fields,
  • articles about the the books, the journals, the conferences, and the software developments within the scope of the project,
  • as well as biographies / CVs of the researchers in these fields.

These informative and educational articles are placed on publicly accessible and editable pages from the main namespace.

Apart of the encyclopedic content, Ifigenia will also provide an online database of relevant publications for reading and download: journal papers, conference communications, book chapters, whole books etc. These publications are placed on publicly accessible and non-editable pages in the Issue: namespace, protected against further changes, with all their rights reserved on the behalf of the authors and publishers.

Researchers and users of Ifigenia are given the wiki-platform to foster their communication and cooperation, to exchange ideas for present and future research in IFS and GN, and involve in public or private online collaborative writing of scientific and educational content (textbooks, exercises, manuals).

Wiki size: 1,800 article pages see stats