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Small rectangular monochrome image, landscape orientation, thin black border with a white background, containing the words 'no logo' in black text. Tutorium
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Status: Active
Language: German
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Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]]
Main topic: HowTo


write HowTos and Tutorial for almost everything - The Project has started 2007 and there are actually not too much guidlines in Structure or Themes - so come and take your chance on an early start. Structuring is magic - writing technical instructions to a staight-forward (one-dimensional) forum is not state of the art.

Everything practical is welcome. wikipedia tells, WHAT things are. Tutorium tells, HOW things can be done.

The first aim ist to write in german for a german speaking european technical oriented community - but that doesn't mean that english articles are impossible.

After we have a view thousand pages, ads will be possible and managed.

Wiki size: 30 article pages [No see stats]