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Justin Anthony Knapp

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Koavf avatar
Justin Anthony Knapp
Gender: Male
Other names: Koavf
Nationality: American
Language(s): English, Spanish, German, Portuguese
Residence: USA
Home wiki(s): English Wikipedia
Editing status: Active
Pers. website: Wikipedia:User:Koavf
Contact(s): name{[at]}Gmail.com
I'm an administrator here on WikiIndex,
talk to one of us  :-)
en-N This person is a native English speaker.

es-2 This person is an intermediate Spanish speaker.

de-1 This person is a basic German speaker.

pt-1 This person is a basic Portuguese speaker.

I got started working on wikis in 2003 as a product of the Slashdot effect on the English-language Wikipedia. While Wikimedia Foundation projects are what mostly interest me (MediaWiki.org, Wikimedia Meta-Wiki, Wikimedia Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons, Wikimedia Incubator, Wikibooks, Wikinews, Wikipedia, Wikiquote, Wikisource, Wikispecies, Wikiversity, Wikivoyage, and Wiktionary), I've also contributed to some Wikia projects (mostly DC Database, LyricWiki, Peanuts Gang Wiki, and R.E.M. Wiki), Appropedia, CC Wiki, Citizendium, Enciclopedia Libre, Freedom Defined, IMSLP, LocalWiki, MozillaWiki, OrthodoxWiki, OpenStreetMap Wiki, Rodovid, translatewiki.net, wikiHow, Wikilivres, Wikilivres.ru, Wikitravel, and here as well. Similarly, you can find me on DMOZ, Everything2, OpenStreetMap, and Project Gutenburg/Distributed Proofreaders/LibriVox.

I like the idea of fostering community between wikis and the larger movement for free and open culture: creative works, software, etc.

I arrived at WikiIndex a few months after it started—only about 300 accounts are older than mine. You're more likely to catch me on Wikipedia but I have had admin and interwiki rights since 2014 so that I can serve this community. In 2016, I became a bureaucrat to become more involved in the administration of the site. If you ever need someone, don't hesitate to contact me!

Pages I have created[edit]