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''You want to express your opinion on a given topic of debate? You’re looking to better understand the different positions on a topic of debate without spending hours researching arguments scattered throughout the internet? Wikidebates serves exactly that purpose.''
{{Wiki <!--see 'Template:Wiki' for full detail and hidden help advice-->
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|mobile URL      = No<!-- or>
|founder          = unknown<!--wiki founder(s) name(s); wikilink or hotlink if available; if unknown, use 'unknown'-->
|status          = Needs love
|language        = English
|editmode        = LoginToEdit
|engine          = MediaWiki
|license          = Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike
|maintopic        = Debate
|backupurl        = <!--database dump backup file URL; found at '/Special:Statistics' on Wikia & some other MediaWiki sites; archived URL may also be used-->
|backupdate      = 20YY-MM-DD<!--YYYY-MM-DD, ISO 8601 extended date of backup URL; if unknown, dynamic or NO date, DELETE this field-->
'''{{tag|Wiki English|English}}''' language version of '''[[Wikidebates]]'''.
{{Size <!--see 'Template:Size' for extensive full detail-->
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}}(As of: 2023-01-01)<!--YYYY-MM-DD; manually add/amend ISO 8601 date when stats are verified and/or updated-->

[ Wikidebates] is a project to create an encyclopedia of debates functioning on the principle of wikis. Each page brings together the different arguments for and against any number of issues, in order to allow each individual to form his or her own informed opinion on a given topic of debate.
[[Category:Vector]]<!--skin categories, default skin first-->
==What is Wikidebates==
===Wikidebates is an encyclopedia===
[[Category:Founded in YYYY]]
Wikidebates gathers knowledge, presented in a simple, synthetic and organized manner.
''Because even if we can find everything or almost everything on the Internet, the information we dispose of is scattered around the four corners of the Web, and is rarely brought together in an organized way.''
===Wikidebates is an encyclopedia of debates ===
Contrary to Wikipedia, the pages of Wikidebates don’t give information about any and all subjects, but about debates, questions that we can respond to with arguments.
''Because no specific resource specific to debates that allows each individuel to form his or her own informed opinion on a given topic of debate exists.''
===Wikidebates gathers arguments===
Each debate page describes all the arguments for and against a given issue, as well as the objections that can be made against these arguments.
''Because the best way to form an opinion is to know the arguments and the counter-arguments to the different positions.''
===Wikidebates is a wiki===
The content of the encyclopedia comes from its users who can modify and enrich the pages in all simplicity.
''Because establishing such an encylopedia is a colossal task, which requires collaboration.''
===Wikidebates is freely diffused and modified===
All the content of the encyclopedia is placed under a Creative Commons license authorizing the diffusion and modification.
''Because a collaborative encyclopedia is the fruit of the labors of all, and knowledge is to be shared.''
== What Wikidebates is not ==
===Wikidebates is not a discussion forum===
Wikidebates is an encyclopedia that aims to objectively synthesize the different opinions that we can find on a given topic of debate. It is not a space in which personal opinions can be indiscriminately expressed for the purpose for convincing others.
''Because many debate forums exist already and these spaces do not have the same function as an encyclopedia: a forum serves, above all, to allow people to dialogue, while an encyclopedia serves to relay knowledge.''
===Wikidebates is not a polling site===
Wikidebates is not a site that collects the opinions of internet users on a given topic of debate displaying percentages of opinions for and against.
''Because the merit of an opinion doesn’t depend on the number of people who agree with it. We can sometimes be right despite what the majority thinks.''
==Contact ==
Wikidebates is a project that currently exists only in [ French], but its objective is to become a multilingual encyclopedia, like Wikipedia.
'''Are you interested in this project? Would you like to contribute in English? [ Contact us!]'''
==External links==
* Source of this text:
* French version:
[[Category:Wikis with a mobile-view site]]

Latest revision as of 00:40, 2 January 2023
Recent changes • [No WikiNode] • About • [No Mobile URL]
Founded by: unknown
Status: Needs love
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike
Main topic: Debate

English language version of Wikidebates.

Wiki size: 0 article pages see stats
wikiFactor: 1 info / verify

(As of: 2023-01-01)

Wikidebates wiki sites in these languages (view / edit)
English (en) • French / Français (fr) • German / Deutsch (de) • Italian / Italiano (it) • Portuguese / Português (pt) • Spanish / Español (es)


Wikidebatesthe encyclopaedia of debates – is an open licence, wiki based debate encyclopeedia. In each debate, arguments 'for' and 'against' are presented, with respective potential refutes, so as to enable each reader to develop an informed and critical opinion of their own.

Wikidebates is the brain-child of the Structured Debate think tank, a French non-profit.

You want to form your opinion on a given topic of debate? You’re looking to better understand the different positions on a topic of debate without spending hours researching arguments scattered throughout the internet? Wikidebates serves exactly that purpose.

Wikidebates is a project to create an encyclopaedia of debates functioning on the principle of wikis. Each page brings together the different arguments for and against any number of issues, in order to allow each individual to form his or her own informed opinion on a given topic of debate.

What is Wikidebates

Wikidebates is an encyclopaedia

Wikidebates gathers knowledge, presented in a simple, synthetic and organised manner.

Because even if we can find everything or almost everything on the internet, the information we dispose of is scattered around the four corners of the web, and is rarely brought together in an organised way.

Wikidebates is an encyclopaedia of debates

Contrary to Wikipedia, the pages of Wikidebates don’t give information about any and all subjects, but about debates, questions that we can respond to with arguments.

Because no specific resource specific to debates that allows each individual to form his or her own informed opinion on a given topic of debate exists.

Wikidebates gathers arguments

Each debate page describes all the arguments for and against a given issue, as well as the objections that can be made against these arguments.

Because the best way to form an opinion is to know the arguments and the counter-arguments to the different positions.

Wikidebates is a wiki

The content of the encyclopaedia comes from its users who can modify and enrich the pages in all simplicity.

Because establishing such an encyclopaedia is a colossal task, which requires collaboration.

Wikidebates is freely diffused and modified

All the content of the encyclopaedia is placed under a Creative Commons license authorising the diffusion and modification.

Because a collaborative encyclopaedia is the fruit of the labours of all, and knowledge is to be shared.

What Wikidebates is not

Wikidebates is not a discussion forum

Wikidebates is an encyclopaedia that aims to objectively synthesise the different opinions that we can find on a given topic of debate. It is not a space in which personal opinions can be indiscriminately expressed for the purpose for convincing others.

Because many debate forums exist already and these spaces do not have the same function as an encyclopaedia: a forum serves, above all, to allow people to dialogue, while an encyclopaedia serves to relay knowledge.

Wikidebates is not a polling site

Wikidebates is not a site that collects the opinions of internet users on a given topic of debate displaying percentages of opinions for and against.

Because the merit of an opinion doesn’t depend on the number of people who agree with it. We can sometimes be right despite what the majority thinks.


  1. Wikidebates is an encyclopaedia of debates whose primary objective is to serve for the development of informed and rationally based opinions, that is to say, developed by weighing the pros and cons and founded only at the end of this deliberation.
  2. Wikidebates thus contributes to forming enlightened citizens, capable of exercising their critical spirit. This is an essential condition, even if not sufficient, for the proper functioning of a democratic society based on the involvement of citizens in the discussion of political proposals.
  3. Beyond this purpose, a tool like Wikidebates also serves to disseminate a method, a way of exhibiting and appropriating debates. In this sense, it is an instrument for accompanying debates of all types, the use of which can only contribute to improving the quality of daily debates, from counter discussions to the public deliberations that constitute democratic life.
  4. To do this, the encyclopaedia must be in its form and in its most accessible writing possible. It must be seen as a resource intended for a wide audience, allowing as many people as possible to take ownership of sometimes complex debates, which too often leave individuals helpless. By this requirement of simplicity, Wikidebates serves an objective of popular education.


Wikidebates is a project that currently exists originally existed only in French, but its objective is to become a multilingual encyclopaedia, like Wikipedia.

Are you interested in this project? Would you like to contribute in English? Contact us!


Vous souhaitez vous faire un avis sur un débat donné? Vous cherchez à connaître les différentes positions d'un débat sans passer des heures à rechercher des arguments éparpillés sur la toile? Wikidébats sert justement à ce but.

Wikidébatsl'encyclopédie des débats – est une encyclopédie de débats, c'est-à-dire de pages qui synthétisent les arguments 'pour' et 'contre' qui existent sur un sujet donné.

Alors que ces arguments se trouvent disséminés sur internet, dans les livres, dans les discours, Wikidébats permet justement de les rassembler.

Wikidébats est une ressource au service de la pensée critique, qui permet à chacun de se forger des opinions éclairées et rationnellement fondées.

Ce site est administré par l'association le Laboratoire du débat méthodique, indépendante de tout mouvement politique ou religieux et composée de citoyens de différents horizons.

Ce qu'est Wikidébats

Wikidébats est une encyclopédie

Wikidébats réunit des connaissances, présentées de façon simple, synthétique et organisée.

Parce que même si on trouve tout ou presque sur internet, les informations dont on dispose sont éparpillées aux quatre coins de la toile, rarement rassemblées.

Wikidébats est une encyclopédie de débats

Contrairement à Wikipédia, les pages de Wikidébats ne traitent pas d'un sujet quelconque mais d'un débat, c'est-à-dire d'une question à laquelle on répond par des arguments.

Parce qu'il n'existe pas de ressource spécifique aux débats, qui permette à chacun de se faire un avis sur un débat donné.

Wikidébats rassemble des arguments

Chaque page de débat décrit l'ensemble des arguments pour et contre du débat, ainsi que les objections qui font face à ces arguments.

Parce que la meilleure façon de se forger une opinion, c'est de connaître les arguments et les contre-arguments des différentes positions.

Wikidébats est un wiki

Le contenu de l'encyclopédie est apporté par ses utilisateurs, qui peuvent modifier et enrichir les pages en toute simplicité.

Parce que constituer une telle encyclopédie est une tâche colossale, qui impose la collaboration.

Wikidébats est libre de diffusion et de modification

Tout le contenu de l'encyclopédie est placé sous une licence Creative Commons autorisant la diffusion et la modification.

Parce qu'une encyclopédie collaborative est le fruit du travail de tous et que la culture est faite pour être partagée.

Ce que Wikidébats n'est pas

Wikidébats n'est pas un forum de discussion

Wikidébats est une encyclopédie qui vise à synthétiser, de façon objective, les différents avis que l'on peut trouver sur un débat donné. Ce n'est pas un espace d'expression sur lequel chacun peut donner, pêle-mêle, son opinion personnelle dans le but de convaincre des interlocuteurs.

Parce qu'il existe déjà de multiples forums de débats et que ceux-ci n'ont pas les mêmes fonctions qu'une encyclopédie: un forum sert avant tout à faire dialoguer des gens, tandis qu'une encyclopédie sert à transmettre des connaissances.

Wikidébats n'est pas un site de sondages

Wikidébats n'est pas un site qui recueille les opinions des internautes sur un débat donné, en affichant les pourcentages d'opinions favorables et défavorables.

Parce que le bien-fondé d'une opinion ne dépend pas du nombre de personnes qui y adhèrent. On peut parfois avoir raison contre la majorité.


  1. Wikidébats est une encyclopédie de débats dont l'objectif premier est de servir à l'élaboration d'opinions éclairées et rationnellement fondées, c'est-à-dire élaborées en pesant le pour et le contre et fondées à l'issue seulement de cette délibération.
  2. Wikidébats contribue par là à former des citoyens éclairés, capables d'exercer leur esprit critique. Ce qui est une condition essentielle, même si non suffisante, du bon fonctionnement d'une société démocratique reposant sur l'engagement des citoyens dans la discussion des propositions politiques.
  3. Au-delà de cette finalité, un outil comme Wikidébats sert aussi à diffuser une méthode, un mode d'exposition et d'appropriation de débats. C'est en ce sens un instrument d'accompagnement de débats de tout type, dont l'utilisation ne peut que contribuer à améliorer la qualité des débats quotidiens, des discussions de comptoir aux délibérations publiques constitutives de la vie démocratique.
  4. Pour ce faire, l'encyclopédie doit être dans sa forme et dans son écriture la plus accessible possible. Elle doit être vue comme une ressource destinée à un large public, permettant au plus grand nombre de s'approprier des débats parfois complexes, qui trop souvent laissent les individus désemparés. Par cette exigence de simplicité, Wikidébats sert un objectif d'éducation populaire.


Vous êtes intéressé par ce projet? Contactez-nous!