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(added abc doll wiki)
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|Border= 1px solid #a48bbf
|Heading=Welcome, these are the newest additions to WikiIndex!<br><small>[[edit:Template:Newest additions|add the wiki article page to the listing below here]] ''after'' [[WikiIndex:Add a Wiki|creating a new wiki site article page to WikiIndex here]]<br>''Note:'' please do not use our 'tag' command when adding articles to this template</small>
|HeadingColor= #f7d4e0
|NewsLeft=<!--please use ISO numerical international date format, as in YYYY-MM-DD; newest additions at top. Note that 2023 entries have already been added to the archive, so some of them can be removed as new 2024 entries are added, but try to leave 30 or so here so that it fills out the Main Page-->
|BackgroundColor= #f8f4fd
*2025-02-02: [[VariantenGrammatik]] - Information on grammatical variation in standard German.
| Heading = Welcome, recent [[WikiIndex:Visitors|visitors]]!
*2025-01-30: [[OberpfalzWiki]] - Information portal for and about the Upper Palatinate.
| NewsLeft =
*2025-01-30: [[Schokokeks.org Wiki]] - Customer information for Schokokeks.org webhosting
: ''[[:Category:Active contributors to this wiki|Join us]] in making [[WikiIndex]] better and better! <small>(<span class="plainlinks">[http://www.wikiindex<!-- thats it! -->.org/index.php?title=Template:Recent_visitors&action=edit add yourself])</span></small> <br />
*2025-01-29: [[Consumer Action Taskforce]] - documents a new generation of consumer exploitation
14-Jul-2008: [[The ABC Doll Wiki]] - A wiki on all fashion and collectible dolls (and some other toys) such as Barbie dolls and Dollfies. <br />
*2025-01-28: [[Starke Familie]] - Child, Youth, and Family Coaching
13-Jul-2008: [[Geohashing Community Wiki]] - A wiki involving an adventure generator for real life. <br />
*2025-01-28: [[Community Owned digital Preservation Tool Registry]] - Tools registry for long-term digital preservation tasks
11-jul-2008: [http://www.spiriwiki.com SpiriWiki] - A wiki about spirituality in Dutch.<br/>
*2025-01-24: [[Scripture advocate wiki]] - Scripture Advocacy
10-Jul-2008: [[Golfwiki]] - A wiki about golf and travel. Bilingual English/Swedish.<br />
*2024-07-18: [[XVR Wiki]] – 3D interface technology
9-Jul-2008: [[Gartentipp-Wiki]] - A german wiki of [http://www.kleingarten-infonetz.de Kleingarten-Infonetz] for sharing garden tips.<br />
*2024-06-28: [[Wikibase World]] – list all known instances of wiki sites using Wikibase, a reboot of the earlier Wikibase Registry
6-Jul-2008: [[FRApedia]] - A swedish wiki for citizens who have no desire of being eavesdropped by the Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA).<br />
*2024-06-27: [[Wikifunctions]] – library of code functions to support the Wikimedia projects and beyond, latest WMF project launched July 2023
25-Jun-2008: [[Wikigender]] - A new online resource on gender equality, created by the OECD. <br />
*2024-06-19: [[NURDspace]] – central documentation for the NURDspace hackerspace in Gelderland, the Netherlands
23-Jun-2008: [[xooguru]] - A shoppig wiki for articles and information on products and merchants. <br />
*2024-06-19: [[BruCON 2014]] – site for the 2014 occurrence of BruCON, an annual security training and conference held in Belgium
12-Jun-2008: [[World Wodka Web]] - A german Wiki about Wodka. <br />
*2024-06-03: [[Enciclopedia Dominicana SOS]] – historical, social, and cultural information about the Dominican Republic in Spanish
06-Jun-2008: [[WikiAudio]] - a wiki for learning about audio creation. <br />
*2024-05-23: [[MDWiki]] – medical site, high-quality articles from the Wiki Project Med Foundation
06-Jun-2008: [[WikiCandidate]] - a wiki to create a virtual presidential candidate. <br />
*2024-05-02: [[Rainverse Wiki]] about Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick's comic series ''Rain'' and ''My Impossible Soulmate''
04-Jun-2008: [[FruWiki]] - A wiki about frugality, it's a place for sharing tips on saving money and using resources wisely.  <br />
*2024-04-03: [[Yuripedia]] about Girls' Love in anime and manga
01-Jun-2008: [[Internet Business Logic]] - a Wiki for writing and running database applications in open vocabulary, executable English. Shared use is free. <br />
*2024-01-31: [[Wikia La Passe-Miroir]] – French wiki for ''The Mirror Visitor''
25-May-2008: [[ScriptsPedia]] - a Wiki Guide which includes code examples in various languages.<br />
*2024-01-31: [[Die Spiegelreisende Wiki]] – German wiki for ''The Mirror Visitor''
24-May-2008: [[Yatina]] - a Wiki Guide of Open Content proyects which works like a "meta-encyclopedia". <br />
*2024-01-31: [[The Mirror Visitor Books Wiki]] – English wiki for the French fantasy series ''The Mirror Visitor''
21-May-2008: [[Club Penguin]] - The Club Penguin Wiki aims to create a large database for all there is to know about the popular online game, Club Penguin. <br />
*2024-01-16: [[REC Wiki]] – professional standards site for smart meter installation in the United Kingdom
19-May-2008: [[myKoWi.net]] - a german wiki for students of communication <br />
*2023-11-18: [[Kardashev Scale Wiki]] – about the Kardashev scale and an exhaustive list of sapient human and alien civilizations with an attempt to classify their origins, existence, technologies, computing level, energy usage, longevity, travel, the possibility of extinction
14-May-2008: [[Navision]] - Wiki used by the Dynamics NAV (Navision) community to share their Navision knowledge.
*2023-11-11: [[Gaming Wiki Network Wiki]] – meta wiki for the Gaming Wiki Network
4-May-2008: [[IdeaWiki]] - A wiki for everyone around the world to contribute and improve ideas in any area. <br />
*2023-11-11: [[Hollow Knight Wiki]] about Hollow Knight games by Team Cherry
1-May-2008: [[Hellboy]] - a wiki all about Hellboy.<br />
*2023-11-10: [[Star Trek Online Wiki (stowiki.net)]] – about massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Trek Online
1-May-2008: [[FFXIclopedia]] - wiki about Final Fantasy XI. <br />
*2023-11-10: [[Mamiya Wiki]] – about the visual novel MAMIYA, A Shared Illusion of the World's End
29-Apr-2008: [[Sustain A Place]] - a user-generated, comprehensive and global directory for both businesses and non-profits that promote sustainable practices.<br />
*2023-08-14: [[SCEE Cambridge Wiki]] about the defunct Sony Cambridge Studio and their games
29-Apr-2008: [[The Computer Resource]] - A wiki about computers <br />
*2023-07-29: [[Berghapedia]] – Dutch-language free encyclopedia about the former municipality of Bergh in the Netherlands
29-Apr-2008: [[Batman Wiki]] - A wiki about Batman <br />
*2023-07-22: [[Pandora's Tale Wiki]] about the webcomic Pandora's Tale
29-Apr-2008: [[Robotech Wiki]] - A wiki about Robotech (a science fiction franchise) <br />
28-Apr-2008: [[CultureSheet dot org]] - Plant cultivation. <br />
27-Apr-2008: [[Marvel Movies Wiki]] - A wiki about movies based on Marvel comics, including ''Iron Man'' and ''The Incredible Hulk''.<br />
27-Apr-2008: [[Speed Racer Wiki]] - A wiki about ''Speed Racer''.<br />
27-Apr-2008: [[Recipes Wiki]] - A wiki about food with free recipes.<br />
27-Apr-2008: [[Mystery Science Theater 3000 Wiki]] - A wiki for about MST3K comedy series.<br />
23-Apr-2008: [[Skywiki]] is the Corporate-Wide Knowledge Portal of [http://www.fraport.com Fraport AG]. In 2007, the Frankfurt airport operator Fraport AG (Germany) set up its corporate Wiki – Skywiki. To ensure high acceptance of Skywiki, the software MediaWiki applied by Wikipedia was implemented. After a 1 year long test period 1,200 articles were written. The reason for the high number of users was not the technology but the active communication of the tools and intensive recruitment of potential authors.
21-Apr-2008: [[Telescope F70076 | Telescope F70076 Wiki]] -- Get yourself a telescope.<br />16-Apr-2008: [[Videogame Sales Wiki]] - A wiki for the videogame sales industry.<br />
15-Apr-2008: [[WeCoWi]] - The future of Wiki, a project of the Web 3.0 with the newest features and many things to explore<br />
15-Apr-2008: [[WiSiKi]] - A Wiki around the Klausenerplatz in Berlin <br />
12-Apr-2008: [[BienenWiki.de]] - Wiki in German language about beekeeping and honeybees in general.<br />
10-Apr-2008: [[9Dragons Wiki]] - A wiki dedicated to documenting all aspects of the MMORPG 9Dragons.<br />
09-Apr-2008: [[CopyCamp Wiki]] - wiki for CopyCamp, a copyright event for fans and artists.<br />
06-Apr-2008: [[DelhiDekho]] is a project to document all the information about Delhi, India. Everything about it from its history to the routes in delhi, to new malls, metro, places.. everything about delhi<br />
03-Apr-2008: [[EmuWiki]] is a project aimed at producing an encyclopedia about emulators. It is a good example of a completely modified mediawiki structure that gives a lot of option to the user, amongst which : YouTube video tables with automatic video additions from users, news submission, and a very modified mediawiki esthetic.<br />
02-Apr-2008: [[Forget the Franchise]] is a project to create a localised directory of independent, quirky and unique shops, restaurants, experiences etc that franchise clones and charmless chains are destroying. These independents are really special and Forget the Franchise would like to promote them.<br />
02-Apr-2008: [[ChinaTravelGuide]] is a free wiki web site featuring unbiased China travel reviews, opinions, and wiki guides from real travelers. It covers reviews and guides of hotels, restaurants, and attractions in China, as well as China-related travel news, deals, tips, etc. ChinaTravelGuide.com is not a travel agency or a tour operator. And thus is unbiased, and exists to help fellow travelers search for China-related travel information. The site is traveler-powered and the contents on this website are contributed collaboratively by real travelers.<br />
02-Apr-2008: [[Strawberryland Wiki]] A wiki made for Strawberry Shortcake fans. Aims to provide a reference for those who wish to go farther than the basics in the Strawberry Shortcake franchise, and to provide info about the show, its characters, episodes, spin-offs and the like.<br />
31-Mar-2008: [[Tram Wiki]] A Wiki created by two tram enthusiasts for many others to enjoy, gain information from and contribute to. Aims to create a large Tram data repository.<br />
28-Mar-2008: [[BPMA Wiki]] A Wiki created by The British Postal Museum & Archive to encourage people to share their postal and family history stories and experiences of working for the Post Office.<br />
28-Mar-2008: [[Jamaikedia]] A community based wiki to imrpove the knowledge of the area and understanding to its citizens and the rest of the world<br />

| NewsRight =
<big>'''''See [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive|earlier additions]], specifically from: <!--[[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2025|2025]]&nbsp;• --> [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2024|2024]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2023|2023]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2022|2022]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2021|2021]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2020|2020]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2019|2019]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2018|2018]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2017|2017]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2016|2016]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2015|2015]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2014|2014]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2013|2013]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2012|2012]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2011|2011]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2010|2010]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2009|2009]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2008|2008]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2007|2007]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2006|2006]]'''''</big>
26-Mar-2008: [[Wikiecho]] A wiki providing free high quality resources on echocardiography<br />
25-Mar-2008: [[Sustainaplace]] Good choices, anywhere, anytime. A wiki that contains a collections of sustainable choices in cities around the world.<br />
25-Mar-2008: [[Conshellwiki]] A technical wiki concerning Virtualization, Linux, FreeBSD, system & network administration & security, open-source server and desktop applications.<br />
17-Mar-2008: [[Retailwiki]] A wiki that gathers all information and pictures on characters in leisure industry.<br />
16-Mar-2008: [[Teltow Wiki]] A grammar school project of a congested area near by the german capital Berlin. <br />
13-Mar-2008: [[Lost Odyssey]] - A wiki about the RPG Lost Odyssey.<br />
13-Mar-2008: [[Gienga Do-It-Yourself Learning]] - A community where people can find out how to learn just about anything and contribute their own experience to others.<br/>
11-Mar-2008: [[Archivopedia]] is a wiki about archives and finding primary source research material.<br />
08-Mar-2008: [[Easy to Read Wiki]] is a German Easy to Read Dictionary for Words an Articles<br/>
07-Mar-2008: [[Mono Wiki]] is a wiki for the Mono .NET project.<br/>
07-Mar-2008: [[FMSLogo Wiki]] is a wiki for people to discuss, ask and share about LOGO.<br />
06-Mar-2008: [[WakiWiki]] - A wiki for international students looking to study in the United Kingdom<br />
02-Mar-2008: [[Idiki]] - is a wiki of ideas organised in categories. <br />
29-Feb-2008: [[Bucketheadland]] - A wiki about experimental guitarist Buckethead and his friends.  <br />
20-Feb-2008: [[DaSch-Tour]] - Projects, Literature, Poetry and Journalism.  <br />
16-Feb-2008: [[HostPedia]] - A wiki on web hosting, Including articles on web servers and networks.  <br />
15-Feb-2008: [[SimpsonsWiki]] - A wiki created just for the Simpson's Universe. <br />
13-Feb-2008: [[Hostel Management Wiki]] - Community-written documentation and resources for hostel managers (a.k.a. "youth hostels"). <br />
13-Feb-2008: [[Community Traveler Travel Guides]] - Community-written travel guides licensed under the GFDL. <br />
06-Feb-2008: [[RARIN Wiki|RARIN]] - Rights and Reproductions Information Network for Museum Professionals <br />
05-Feb-2008: [[Ferato]] - A health and medicine wiki in spanish <br />
02-Feb-2008: [[mondiparol]] - A wiki intending to categorize all words and lay a page for each of them <br />
01-Feb-2008: [[recipewiki]] - It is your FREE place to share your favorite Recipes! <br />
30-Jan-2008: [[CodeAlias]] - Articles on computer networks, coding and general IT <br />
24-Jan-2008: [[Wham! wiki]] - A wiki for marketers containing tips, guidelines, rules and instructions. <br />
27-Jan-2008: [[Democratic Science Wiki]] - Experimenting with Democratic Science <br />
21-Jan-2008: [[PeMex]] - Discussion about Mexican Politics.<br />
19-Jan-2008: [[Rugby Union]] - A wiki running on [[Wikia]] of one of the World's largest Sport.<br />
18-Jan-2008: [[Rhondda Cynon Taf Wiki|RCT Wiki]] - Wiki for Rhondda Cynon Taf in Wales. <br />
15-Jan-2008: [[SiteHoppin]] - A social networking/bookmarking site based on MediaWiki that let's you find new site with 1 click. <br />
10-Jan-2008: [[Grand Theft Auto Wikia]] - A wiki regarding the Grand Theft Auto series <br />
10-Jan-2008: [[ITtoolbox Wiki]] - A wiki to share Information Technology (IT) definitions, HowTos, answers to frequently asked questions, code, etc.<br />
10-Jan-2008: [[Tamriel-Almanach]] - A german wiki about The Elder Scrolls and all his background informations.<br />
09-Jan-2008: [[Technische Analyse]] - A wiki for Technical Analysis of Financial Markets in German Language.<br />
07-Jan-2008: [[Arrested Development Wiki]] - About ''Arrested Development'' television series.<br />
07-Jan-2008: [[Joepedia]] - A wiki for ''G.I. Joe'' toys, cartoons and comics of all eras<br />
06-Jan-2008: [[Eigapedia]] - A Japanese movie wiki<br />
06-Jan-2008: [[ProjectWiki]] - A wiki for Project Managers <br />
04-Jan-2008: [[MusicDocz]] - A wiki for musicians and music lovers <br />
04-Jan-2008: [[Kotava Kotapedia]] - A wiki lexical and linguistic encyclopaedia about the Kotava language<br />
01-Jan-2008: [[The Formula 1 Wiki]] - A wiki for all fans of Formula 1. Everyone welcome to join the great project!<br />
* See the ones from [[WikiIndex:Visitors|2007 and 2006]]

Latest revision as of 08:42, 2 February 2025

Welcome, these are the newest additions to WikiIndex!
add the wiki article page to the listing below here after creating a new wiki site article page to WikiIndex here
Note: please do not use our 'tag' command when adding articles to this template

  • 2025-02-02: VariantenGrammatik - Information on grammatical variation in standard German.
  • 2025-01-30: OberpfalzWiki - Information portal for and about the Upper Palatinate.
  • 2025-01-30: Schokokeks.org Wiki - Customer information for Schokokeks.org webhosting
  • 2025-01-29: Consumer Action Taskforce - documents a new generation of consumer exploitation
  • 2025-01-28: Starke Familie - Child, Youth, and Family Coaching
  • 2025-01-28: Community Owned digital Preservation Tool Registry - Tools registry for long-term digital preservation tasks
  • 2025-01-24: Scripture advocate wiki - Scripture Advocacy
  • 2024-07-18: XVR Wiki – 3D interface technology
  • 2024-06-28: Wikibase World – list all known instances of wiki sites using Wikibase, a reboot of the earlier Wikibase Registry
  • 2024-06-27: Wikifunctions – library of code functions to support the Wikimedia projects and beyond, latest WMF project launched July 2023
  • 2024-06-19: NURDspace – central documentation for the NURDspace hackerspace in Gelderland, the Netherlands
  • 2024-06-19: BruCON 2014 – site for the 2014 occurrence of BruCON, an annual security training and conference held in Belgium
  • 2024-06-03: Enciclopedia Dominicana SOS – historical, social, and cultural information about the Dominican Republic in Spanish
  • 2024-05-23: MDWiki – medical site, high-quality articles from the Wiki Project Med Foundation
  • 2024-05-02: Rainverse Wiki – about Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick's comic series Rain and My Impossible Soulmate
  • 2024-04-03: Yuripedia – about Girls' Love in anime and manga
  • 2024-01-31: Wikia La Passe-Miroir – French wiki for The Mirror Visitor
  • 2024-01-31: Die Spiegelreisende Wiki – German wiki for The Mirror Visitor
  • 2024-01-31: The Mirror Visitor Books Wiki – English wiki for the French fantasy series The Mirror Visitor
  • 2024-01-16: REC Wiki – professional standards site for smart meter installation in the United Kingdom
  • 2023-11-18: Kardashev Scale Wiki – about the Kardashev scale and an exhaustive list of sapient human and alien civilizations with an attempt to classify their origins, existence, technologies, computing level, energy usage, longevity, travel, the possibility of extinction
  • 2023-11-11: Gaming Wiki Network Wiki – meta wiki for the Gaming Wiki Network
  • 2023-11-11: Hollow Knight Wiki – about Hollow Knight games by Team Cherry
  • 2023-11-10: Star Trek Online Wiki (stowiki.net) – about massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Trek Online
  • 2023-11-10: Mamiya Wiki – about the visual novel MAMIYA, A Shared Illusion of the World's End
  • 2023-08-14: SCEE Cambridge Wiki – about the defunct Sony Cambridge Studio and their games
  • 2023-07-29: Berghapedia – Dutch-language free encyclopedia about the former municipality of Bergh in the Netherlands
  • 2023-07-22: Pandora's Tale Wiki – about the webcomic Pandora's Tale

See earlier additions, specifically from: 2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007 • 2006