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BruCON 2014

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BruCON 2014
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Founded by: unknown
Status: Goal reached
Language: English
Edit mode: Read-only
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike
Main topic: Security
Wiki size: 94 article pages

(As of: 2018-06-06 – via WikiApiary)

BruCON 2014 is the wiki site for the 2014 occurrence of BruCON; three-days of security training courses in Ghent, Belgium from 22 to 24 September 2014, immediately followed by a two-day security conference on 25 and 26 September. The wiki site is powered by MediaWiki but uses a custom skin from Paul Gu called GuMax. It has been locked from editing since the conclusion of its 2014 conference, but remains live for posterity.

BruCON is an annual security and hacker(*) conference providing two days of an interesting atmosphere for open discussions of critical infosec issues, privacy, information technology and its cultural / technical implications on society. Organised in Belgium, BruCON offers a high quality line up of speakers, security challenges and interesting workshops. BruCON is a conference by and for the security and hacker(*) community.

The conference tries to create bridges between the various actors active in computer security world, included but not limited to hackers(*), security professionals, security communities, non-profit organisations, CERTs, students, law enforcement agencies, etc.....

(*)Hackers are "persons who delight in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular". People who engage in illegal activities like unauthorised entry into computer systems are called crackers and don't have anything to do with hacking. BruCON doesn't promote any illegal activities and behaviour. Many hackers today are employed by the security industry and test security software and systems to improve the security of our networks and applications. In addition, for the younger generations, we want to create some awareness and interest in IT students to learn more about IT Security.

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