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Wikibase World

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Wikibase World
Recent changes • [No WikiNode] • About • Mobile URL
Founded by: James Hare, aka Harej
Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: ConfirmEmail
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0)
Main topic: Wikibase
Wiki size: 345 article pages see stats

(Page count as of: 2024-06-28)

Wikibase World is a wiki site founded in 2023 by James Hare to list all known instances of wiki sites using Wikibase. This is a reboot of the earlier 'Wikibase Registry' wiki project (started in 2018), and to create a place to link his different Wikibase projects together. Wikibase World is operated on Wikibase Cloud (a free Wikibase hosting service provided by Wikimedia Deutschland) as a service by and for the community. The Wikibase World wiki site is open for anyone to participate, however, you must login to edit after creating your account by confirming your email address.

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