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|Heading=Welcome, recent visitors! <span style="font-size:x-small">(<span class="plainlinks">[http://www.wikiindex.org/index.php?title=Template:Recent_visitors&action=edit add yourself here]</span> after [[WikiIndex:Add a Wiki|adding your wiki here]])</span>
|Heading=Welcome, these are the newest additions to WikiIndex!<br><small>[[edit:Template:Newest additions|add the wiki article page to the listing below here]] ''after'' [[WikiIndex:Add a Wiki|creating a new wiki site article page to WikiIndex here]]<br>''Note:'' please do not use our 'tag' command when adding articles to this template</small>
|NewsLeft=<!--please use ISO numerical international date format, as in YYYY-MM-DD; newest additions at top. Note that 2023 entries have already been added to the archive, so some of them can be removed as new 2024 entries are added, but try to leave 30 or so here so that it fills out the Main Page-->
14-Nov-2011: [[TestWiki]] - a wiki where anyone can be an administrator for testing purposes.<br>
*2025-02-02: [[VariantenGrammatik]] - Information on grammatical variation in standard German.
10-Nov-2011: [[Awa]] - a wiki to share your opinion on places all other the world.<br>
*2025-01-30: [[OberpfalzWiki]] - Information portal for and about the Upper Palatinate.
06-Oct-2011: [[OccupyWiki]] - a wiki to serve to OccupyMovement. Please join us! <br>
*2025-01-30: [[Schokokeks.org Wiki]] - Customer information for Schokokeks.org webhosting
27-Sep-2011: [[WikiMANNia]] - a wiki about [[wikipedia:Masculism|Masculism]], [[wikipedia:Men's rights|Men's rights]] and [[wikipedia:Antifeminism|Antifeminism]]<br>
*2025-01-29: [[Consumer Action Taskforce]] - documents a new generation of consumer exploitation
27-Sep-2011: [[AudiWorld Wiki]] - a wiki for the AudiWorld.com website and forum<br>
*2025-01-28: [[Starke Familie]] - Child, Youth, and Family Coaching
26-Sep-2011: [[CorradoTechnik]] - a wiki for the Volkswagen Corrado automobile<br>
*2025-01-28: [[Community Owned digital Preservation Tool Registry]] - Tools registry for long-term digital preservation tasks
26-Sep-2011: [[TEFLChina]] - a wiki for English teachers in China<br>
*2025-01-24: [[Scripture advocate wiki]] - Scripture Advocacy
25-Sep-2011: [[Ratiopol]] - a French political wiki that aims to address the problems faced by politicians<br>
*2024-07-18: [[XVR Wiki]] – 3D interface technology
25-Sep-2011: [[Dentopolis.org]] - the biggest wiki for dentistry<br>
*2024-06-28: [[Wikibase World]] – list all known instances of wiki sites using Wikibase, a reboot of the earlier Wikibase Registry
24-Sep-2011: [[Debuntu wiki]] - a wiki for the Debian and Ubuntu operating systems<br>
*2024-06-27: [[Wikifunctions]] – library of code functions to support the Wikimedia projects and beyond, latest WMF project launched July 2023
24-Sep-2011: [[ALF Wiki]] - a wiki for all things related to the fictional character ALF<br>
*2024-06-19: [[NURDspace]] – central documentation for the NURDspace hackerspace in Gelderland, the Netherlands
23-Sep-2011: [[Ross-Tech Wiki]] - a wiki on the VAG-COM Diagnostic System (VCDS) for use on all Volkswagen Group vehicles<br>
*2024-06-19: [[BruCON 2014]] – site for the 2014 occurrence of BruCON, an annual security training and conference held in Belgium
23-Sep-2011: [[Roccopedia]] - a wiki on the Volkswagen Scirocco (Mk3)<br>
*2024-06-03: [[Enciclopedia Dominicana SOS]] – historical, social, and cultural information about the Dominican Republic in Spanish
22-Sep-2011: [[Jedipedia.net]] - a German wiki for ''Star Wars'', second-biggest after Wookieepedia<br>
*2024-05-23: [[MDWiki]] – medical site, high-quality articles from the Wiki Project Med Foundation
22-Sep-2011: [[Digital Fortress]] - a wiki for Dan Brown's novel ''Digital Fortress''<br>
*2024-05-02: [[Rainverse Wiki]] about Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick's comic series ''Rain'' and ''My Impossible Soulmate''
21-Sep-2011: [[Wiibrew]] - a wiki for Wii and Homebrew games<br>
*2024-04-03: [[Yuripedia]] about Girls' Love in anime and manga
14-Sep-2011: [[Bhamwiki]] - a wiki for the Birmingham District in Alabama<br>
*2024-01-31: [[Wikia La Passe-Miroir]] – French wiki for ''The Mirror Visitor''
7-Sep-2011: [[International Aids Vigil, Toronto]] - a wiki for the International Aids Vigil event in Toronto<br>
*2024-01-31: [[Die Spiegelreisende Wiki]] – German wiki for ''The Mirror Visitor''
5-Sep-2011: [[IT Security Wiki]] - a wiki for IT Security<br>
*2024-01-31: [[The Mirror Visitor Books Wiki]] – English wiki for the French fantasy series ''The Mirror Visitor''
1-Sep-2011: [[Men of War - Wiki]] - a wiki for the tactic-strategic video-game ''Men of War''<br>
*2024-01-16: [[REC Wiki]] – professional standards site for smart meter installation in the United Kingdom
1-Sep-2011: [[Tauschwiki]] - a German wiki for Local Exchange and Trading Systems<br>
*2023-11-18: [[Kardashev Scale Wiki]] about the Kardashev scale and an exhaustive list of sapient human and alien civilizations with an attempt to classify their origins, existence, technologies, computing level, energy usage, longevity, travel, the possibility of extinction
31-Aug-2011: [[Hockeycardwiki.com]] - a wiki about information on hockey cards<br>
*2023-11-11: [[Gaming Wiki Network Wiki]] – meta wiki for the Gaming Wiki Network
30-Aug-2011: [[InterSciWiki]] - a wiki about trans-disciplinary research, especially networks and complexity sciences<br>
*2023-11-11: [[Hollow Knight Wiki]] about Hollow Knight games by Team Cherry
29-Aug-2011: [[Roblox Wikia]] - the unofficial Roblox Wiki<br>
*2023-11-10: [[Star Trek Online Wiki (stowiki.net)]] – about massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Trek Online
29-Aug-2011: [[Qmail wiki]] - a wiki about the software qmail<br>
*2023-11-10: [[Mamiya Wiki]] about the visual novel MAMIYA, A Shared Illusion of the World's End
27-Aug-2011: [[Japanese beyblade]] - The official ''Beyblade'' Wiki in Japanese<br>
*2023-08-14: [[SCEE Cambridge Wiki]] about the defunct Sony Cambridge Studio and their games
26-Aug-2011: [[Whitest Kids U' Know Wiki]] - information on the hilarious show ''The Whitest Kids U' Know''<br>
*2023-07-29: [[Berghapedia]] – Dutch-language free encyclopedia about the former municipality of Bergh in the Netherlands
25-Aug-2011: [[Artduweb]] - a French wiki about system administration, by sysadmins<br>
*2023-07-22: [[Pandora's Tale Wiki]] about the webcomic Pandora's Tale
25-Aug-2011: [[Edinburgh City Wiki]] - a wiki about Edinburgh, Scotland<br>
25-Aug-2011: [[Arx Fatalis Wiki]] - a wiki about the fantasy videogame ''Arx Fatalis''<br>
24-Aug-2011: [[Wikiloc]] - an Italian wiki about Outdoor, travel, nature...<br>
24-Aug-2011: [[District 151 Wiki]] - a wiki for competitive Pokémon battlers<br>
23-Aug-2011: [[The Dark Tower Wiki]] - a wiki about the magnum opus of Stephen King<br>
20-Aug-2011: [[Wikiapbn]] - Encyclopedia of Ministry of Finance, Indonesia<br>
18-Aug-2011: [[Tatiana's TOMATObase - Heritage Tomatoes]] - a wiki about heirloom and open-pollinated vegetable varieties, with focus on tomatoes<br>
17-Aug-2011: [[One Piece Wiki Italia]] - an Italian wiki about ''One Piece''<br>
17-Aug-2011: [[Stamps Wiki]] - a wiki about stamps from all time periods, rare or common<br>
17-Aug-2011: [[Catalan One Piece Wikia]] - the Catalan wiki for ''One Piece''<br>
16-Aug-2011: [[One Piece]] - a wiki about ''One Piece''<br>
16-Aug-2011: [[Chinese Wikisimpsons]] - the Chinese wiki for ''The Simpsons''<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[VIKIpedia]] - an Italian wiki about VIKI<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Lamonetapedia]] - an Italian wiki for numismatics<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Dimenticatoio]] - an Italian wiki about the 1980s<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[RotoWiki]] - an Italian wiki about the city Rotondella's people<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Wikiviaggiatori]] - an Italian wiki for adventurist people<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Cosenza wiki]] - an Italian wiki about the city Cosenza's people<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Coscienziopedia]] - a Portuguese wiki about Conscienciology<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Ekopedia/it]] - an Italian wiki about ecology<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Wikiartpedia]] - an Italian wiki about art<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Wikiufo]] - an Italian wiki about UFOs<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Ufopedia]] - an Italian wiki about UFOs<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Naturpedia]] - an Italian wiki about Nature<br>
14-Aug-2011: [[Lords of Uberdark Wiki]] - an informative wiki for the game ''Lords of Uberdark''<br>
11-Aug-2011: [[The World God Only Knows Wiki]] - a wiki about the manga ''The World God Only Knows''<br>
10-Aug-2011: [[Fanartwii]] - a Spanish wiki about fanart for the wiiflow software<br>
7-Aug-2011: [[Open New Zealand‎]] - a wiki regarding government and democracy in New Zealand<br>
3-Aug-2011: [[War in the North Wiki]] - a wiki all about the upcoming videogame, ''Lord of the Rings: The War in the North''<br>
3-Aug-2011: [[KernelEx Wiki]] - a wiki about KernelEx, an Open Source compatibility layer with an aim to allow running Windows 2000/XP-only applications on Microsoft Windows 98 and Microsoft Windows Millennium operating systems<br>
1-Aug-2011: [[Men in Black Wiki]] - a fast growing wiki covering the entire ''Men in Black'' series<br>
29-Jul-2011: [[Wikimedia Outreach]] - home for several Wikimedia Foundation outreach and collaboration initiatives<br>
29-Jul-2011: [[Sci-fi Independent Wiki Alliance]] - a wiki alliance about sci-fi topics<br>
29-Jul-2011: [[WikiQueer]] - encyclopedia and resource hub for and by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and ally communities.<br>
23-Jul-2011: [[Everybody Edits Wiki]] - a wiki about the multiplayer level editor everybody edits.<br>
23-Jul-2011: [[Crappypedia]] - a new wiki of humor.<br>
22-Jul-2011: [[Shihad Wiki]] - a wiki about New Zealand‎ band ''Shihad''.<br>
22-Jul-2011: [[OARiNZ Knowledge Base Wiki]] - a wiki supporting New Zealand‎ repository projects.<br>
22-Jul-2011: [[Waihekepedia]] - a wiki with information about Waiheke Island, New Zealand‎.<br>
18-Jul-2011: [[Qi-Wiki]] - a wiki about the BBC television program ''Qi‎''.<br>
15-Jul-2011: [[Roblox Wiki]] - an active wiki about the popular online sandbox MMO ''Roblox''.<br>
15-Jul-2011: [[New Zealand Linux Wiki‎]] - a New Zealand Linux Wiki‎.<br>
14-Jul-2011: [[Cheat Engine Wiki]] - a wiki about the popular gamehacking program Cheat Engine.<br>
03-Jul-2011: [[The Ferry Wiki]] - a wiki all about ferries and their companies from around the world.<br>
01-Jul-2011: [[Up The Punks]] - a wiki about punk music in Wellington, New Zealand.<br>
01-Jul-2011: [[Flight of the Conchords Wiki]] - a wiki about New Zealand comedy duo Flight of the Conchords.<br>
30-Jun-2011: [[Home and Away Wiki]] - a wiki about long running Australian TV show, ''Home and Away''.<br>
30-Jun-2011: [[Shortland Street Wiki]] - a wiki about long running New Zealand TV show, ''Shortland Street''.<br>
26-Jun-2011: [[Wikiwrimo]] - a wiki for all things National Novel Writing Month<br>
26-Jun-2011: [[The Almighty Johnsons Wiki]] - a wiki about New Zealand TV show, the ''Almighty Johnsons''.<br>
25-Jun-2011: [[ARRSEPedia]] - a wiki about the British Army.<br>
25-Jun-2011: [[Duran Duran Wiki]] - a wiki about the band Duran Duran.<br>
25-Jun-2011: [[Dresden Dolls Wiki]] - a wiki about the band Dresden Dolls.<br>
25-Jun-2011: [[GNS Science Public Wiki‎]] - a wiki for New Zealand science collaboration.<br>
25-Jun-2011: [[Cricket Wiki]] - a wiki on the sport of cricket.<br>
24-Jun-2011: [[Music Ontology]] - a wiki on Music Ontology.<br>
24-Jun-2011: [[H-Town Rock Wiki]] - a wiki on music from Houston, Texas.<br>
24-Jun-2011: [[Postcards of Cornwall]] - a wiki on postcards of Cornwall, UK.<br>
24-Jun-2011: [[Kiwi Biker Wiki]] - a wiki on motorcycle clubs, etc, from New Zealand.<br>
21-Jun-2011: [[Glocal Focal]] - a wiki on social issues both local and global.<br>
21-Jun-2011: [[wikYpages]] - a wiki about local places and business, everywhere in the world.<br>
18-Jun-2011: [[Goatopedia]] - a wiki about the Royal Air Force.<br>
11-Jun-2011: [[Liverpool FC Wiki]] - a wiki about Liverpool Football Club.<br>

<big>'''''See [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive|earlier additions]], specifically from: <!--[[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2025|2025]]&nbsp;• --> [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2024|2024]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2023|2023]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2022|2022]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2021|2021]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2020|2020]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2019|2019]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2018|2018]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2017|2017]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2016|2016]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2015|2015]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2014|2014]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2013|2013]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2012|2012]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2011|2011]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2010|2010]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2009|2009]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2008|2008]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2007|2007]]&nbsp;• [[WikiIndex:Newest additions archive#2006|2006]]'''''</big>
* See earlier visitors from [[WikiIndex:Visitors|2006–2011]]
[[Category:Templates|Recent visitors]]

Latest revision as of 08:42, 2 February 2025

Welcome, these are the newest additions to WikiIndex!
add the wiki article page to the listing below here after creating a new wiki site article page to WikiIndex here
Note: please do not use our 'tag' command when adding articles to this template

  • 2025-02-02: VariantenGrammatik - Information on grammatical variation in standard German.
  • 2025-01-30: OberpfalzWiki - Information portal for and about the Upper Palatinate.
  • 2025-01-30: Schokokeks.org Wiki - Customer information for Schokokeks.org webhosting
  • 2025-01-29: Consumer Action Taskforce - documents a new generation of consumer exploitation
  • 2025-01-28: Starke Familie - Child, Youth, and Family Coaching
  • 2025-01-28: Community Owned digital Preservation Tool Registry - Tools registry for long-term digital preservation tasks
  • 2025-01-24: Scripture advocate wiki - Scripture Advocacy
  • 2024-07-18: XVR Wiki – 3D interface technology
  • 2024-06-28: Wikibase World – list all known instances of wiki sites using Wikibase, a reboot of the earlier Wikibase Registry
  • 2024-06-27: Wikifunctions – library of code functions to support the Wikimedia projects and beyond, latest WMF project launched July 2023
  • 2024-06-19: NURDspace – central documentation for the NURDspace hackerspace in Gelderland, the Netherlands
  • 2024-06-19: BruCON 2014 – site for the 2014 occurrence of BruCON, an annual security training and conference held in Belgium
  • 2024-06-03: Enciclopedia Dominicana SOS – historical, social, and cultural information about the Dominican Republic in Spanish
  • 2024-05-23: MDWiki – medical site, high-quality articles from the Wiki Project Med Foundation
  • 2024-05-02: Rainverse Wiki – about Jocelyn Samara DiDomenick's comic series Rain and My Impossible Soulmate
  • 2024-04-03: Yuripedia – about Girls' Love in anime and manga
  • 2024-01-31: Wikia La Passe-Miroir – French wiki for The Mirror Visitor
  • 2024-01-31: Die Spiegelreisende Wiki – German wiki for The Mirror Visitor
  • 2024-01-31: The Mirror Visitor Books Wiki – English wiki for the French fantasy series The Mirror Visitor
  • 2024-01-16: REC Wiki – professional standards site for smart meter installation in the United Kingdom
  • 2023-11-18: Kardashev Scale Wiki – about the Kardashev scale and an exhaustive list of sapient human and alien civilizations with an attempt to classify their origins, existence, technologies, computing level, energy usage, longevity, travel, the possibility of extinction
  • 2023-11-11: Gaming Wiki Network Wiki – meta wiki for the Gaming Wiki Network
  • 2023-11-11: Hollow Knight Wiki – about Hollow Knight games by Team Cherry
  • 2023-11-10: Star Trek Online Wiki (stowiki.net) – about massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Trek Online
  • 2023-11-10: Mamiya Wiki – about the visual novel MAMIYA, A Shared Illusion of the World's End
  • 2023-08-14: SCEE Cambridge Wiki – about the defunct Sony Cambridge Studio and their games
  • 2023-07-29: Berghapedia – Dutch-language free encyclopedia about the former municipality of Bergh in the Netherlands
  • 2023-07-22: Pandora's Tale Wiki – about the webcomic Pandora's Tale

See earlier additions, specifically from: 2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008 • 2007 • 2006