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Revision as of 02:21, 4 August 2018 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (update article)
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Template:Wiki Engine The PmWiki wiki engine is written in PHP, was created by Dr Patrick R. Michaud (Pm), and is released for free under version 2 of the GNU General Public License (GPLv2). All data is stored in flat files,[1] and the core wiki engine can be customised by adding extensions, which PmWiki call 'recipies' that are available from their 'Cookbook'. PmWiki looks visually vaguely similar to MediaWiki, having a sidebar for wiki navigation, and individual page commands (view, edit, history, print) at the top right (but without 'tabs'). PmWiki supports most of the established wiki syntax, including CamelCase, free links and backlinks (the former now disabled by default), and page rendering appears to be clean and fast. One great feature of PmWiki is that no existing data is lost or corrupted during separate simultaneous attempts at editing the same page; PmWiki will automatically merge these attempted simultaneous edits,[2] thus preventing the dreaded 'edit conflict' which occurs on more complex engines such as MediaWiki.

Since January 2009, lead development of PmWiki has been taken over by Petko Yotov.

The wiki homepage for is PmWiki, and its Chinese localised version is PmWikiZhCn. There is a page for all PmWiki users, along with a PmWiki users map, and the success stories page highlights vibrant PmWiki installs with extended descriptions along with (sometimes) a screenshot.

PmWiki size information
add /index.php/Site/Search?q=/ at the end of the URL – eg.
External links


The following wikis in this category are powered by the PmWiki wiki engine.


This category has the following 3 subcategories, out of 3 total.


Pages in category “PmWiki”

The following 179 pages are in this category, out of 179 total.

Media in category "PmWiki"

The following 3 files are in this category, out of 3 total.