This Category: Locked is either empty, or sparsely populated, and needs to be 'populated' with articles, stubs (and / or other categories) relevant to the subject matter of this specific category. Include an article page in this category via one (or more) of three methods: |
Category: Locked — items in this Locked status category here on WikiIndex are wiki sites that have had their wiki database locked. A locked database cannot process new technical actions; including logging in, nor creating new accounts, nor editing.
On MediaWiki sites, their database can be locked in the following ways:
- Via Special:LockDB by a wiki founder or owner;
- Setting the $wgReadOnly variable in LocalSettings.php to 'true' by a server administrator.
Usually, wikis with a locked database are only temporary; although occasionally an abandoned wiki will indefinitely lock its database to prevent other people from trying to adopt it, or spam it.
- See also
- Category: ReadOnly — an edit mode sub-category
Pages in category “Locked”
The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.