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Heraldry of the World

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Heraldry of the World
Recent changes • [No WikiNode] • About • Mobile URL
Founded by: Ralf Hartemink aka Knorrepoes
Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: ByInvitation
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: Copyright to original source author
Main topic: Heraldry
Wiki size: 152,082 article pages see stats
wikiFactor: 46 info / verify

(As of: 2021-11-15)

Heraldry of the World is a private website which is devoted only to civic heraldry, i.e. coats of arms of cities, states, municipalities, countries etc. It also includes an attempt to make a complete catalogue of heraldic (paper based) collector's items, again with the main focus on civic heraldry.

From the Netherlands, its original URL for Heraldry of the World wiki site was www.NGW.nl/heraldrywiki. From Christmas 2018, it is now found at Heraldry-Wiki.com/heraldrywiki.