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Audiences Technology Working Group

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atwg aka
Audiences Technology Working Group

Recent changes • [No WikiNode] • About • [No Mobile URL]
Founded by: Ccicalese
Status: Dormant
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: No license
Main topic: MediaWiki
Backups: 2020-10-18
Wiki size: 52 article pages see stats
wikiFactor: 2 info / verify

(As of: 2023-04-13)

atwg is a wiki site for the Audiences Technology Working Group of MediaWiki developers of the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF).

In recent months, teams across the organization have authored documents outlining both the needs of, and issues with the current WMF technical infrastructure. During conversations around these topics, it has become increasingly clear that stakeholders around the organization are not aligned on goals for our infrastructure which was making it difficult to move discussions forward in a productive way. The purpose of the Audiences and Technology Working Group (ATWG) is to gather and organize information on these issues in a systematic way in order to facilitate collaboration, decision making, and solution development within the WMF. This Platform Evolution Cross-Departmental Program (CDP) is the result of the efforts of this working group.
The CDP Plan has been moved to https://wikifarm.wmflabs.org/platformevolution.

Unusually for a WMF wiki site, this wiki includes the Extension: HitCounters (used for generating page views and thus a wikiFactor output), and also uses Semantic MediaWiki (SMW).

External links