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The Hart Of The Matter
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Founded by: Jim Hart
Status: Dead
Language: English
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: AwkiAwki
Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]]
Main topic: Lifestyles
Wiki size: 26 article pages see stats

(As of: 2003-06-09)

The Hart Of The Matter was a wiki dedicated to Tibetan vajra energy, the diamond that cuts sharply to the core.

So much is being written and said that obscures issues more than it clarifies them. We strive to write, in prose, stories and poetry, work that sees IntoTheHeart of things, that shines the lights of WisdomAndCompassion into the darkness.

9-11 and its aftermath showed me, in stark relief, how leaders all across the board were constantly working to make others into enemies, to promote SuspicionFearAndHatred. They were capitalizing on 'Us vs. Them thinking' (UvTt).

This wiki become heavily spammed, and was subsequently taken offline sometime in 2005.