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Niilopedia, founded on 14 October 2007, is the (presumably parody) wiki created by the Finnish internet personality Niilo Paasivirta. The Niilopedia affects an extremely conservative Christian worldview, and takes all conspiracy and other fringe theories seriously as a matter of principle. As yet, there is no English-language Niilopedia, although one has been promised for some time now; the only available language is Finnish. Niilopedia was orginally an openly viewable public wiki site, though it is now a private site, requiring a password to view, the last known public access being March 2019.

The Finnish Niilopedia frequently uses archaic language and defunct terminology, and several pages (especially those concerning sexuality and gender roles) are verbatim or almost verbatim quotations from out-of-copyright books on sexual health, published for general reading public in the early twentieth century and reflecting attitudes back then. All churches and Christian congregations are in the Niilopedia deemed to be too liberal, while 'True Christianity', professed by Niilo and his (fictitious) followers, is declared to be, no religion, but truth and science. Male homosexuality is frowned upon, but polygamy and concubinage are seen as Biblical practices, and female homosexuality is loudly approved of and recommended as part of Christian (polygamous) marriage and/or concubinage. Japanese popular culture and fashions are regarded as indecent and sinful, as are roleplaying games. Universe beyond Earth is understood in the terms of the geocentric, Ptolemaic model, and modern astronomy condemned as irrational and sinful.

External links