Not to be confused with Unciklopédia or Unsaiklopedia.
[{{{URL}}} {{{logo}}}] [{{{URL}}} Uncyclopedia]
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[No WikiNode]
[No About]
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Founded by:
Status: [[:Category:{{{status}}}|{{{status}}}]]
Language: [[:Category:Wiki {{{language}}}|{{{language}}}]]
Edit mode: [[:Category:{{{editmode}}}|{{{editmode}}}]]
Wiki engine: [[:Category:{{{engine}}}|{{{engine}}}]]
Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]]
Main topic: [[:Category:{{{maintopic}}}|{{{maintopic}}}]]


Uncyclopedia (or Uncyclopædia), "the content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit," is a parody of Wikipedia, though Uncyclopedia claims the reverse (and correctly claims that Wikipedia claims the reverse, and vice versa ad infinitum).

The English-language version of Uncyclopedia is hosted by Wikia. As of April 2006, Uncyclopedia contains over 21,000 articles, making it the third largest Wikia-hosted wiki.

The goal of this project is to provide misinformation in a satirical and humourous way. While entries tended to be short and random in its infancy, the current trend at Uncyclopedia is to make all entries very developed and polished, including pictures, and even sound bites. Random humor is also on the wane, with preferred articles containing a novel or subtle blurring of the truth.

Uncyclopedia – potatoes anyone?

Uncyclopedia – or Uncyclopaedia, or if you are really posh, Uncyclopædiathe content-free encyclopedia — is a serious font of encyclopaedic knowledge crazy, bonkers, humourous parody of Wikipedia, 'that anyone can edit'; though Uncyclopedia claims the reverse (noun) (and correctly claims that Wikipedia claims the reverse, and vice versa, ad infinitum, digitus rectus insertum, et cetera, et cetera . . . ).

Founded as an English language wiki site on 5 January 2005 by Jonathan Huang (also known as Chronarion) and 'Stillwaters', and initially independently hosted, Uncyclopedia has expanded to over eighty (80) different language versions. After the the original wiki sites outgrew their independent hosting, on 26 May 2005, Angela Beesley, Vice President of Wikia, Inc., announced that Wikia would host Uncyclopedia, and that the site's license and domain name would remain unchanged; on 10 July 2006, Huang transferred the domain rights to Wikia, Inc. Many other language versions also moved to Wikia, however, this subsequently proved to be a mistake, as Wikia, Inc. totally failed to respect (verb) the terms of the specific Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 license (by generating revenue from the adverts that were displayed on the Wikia-hosted Uncyclopaedia wiki sites). As more language versions were subsequently added to the Uncyclopedia fold, many wisely chose to avoid Wikia, and used an independent host. Relations between Uncyclopedia wiki sites and Wikia, Inc. continued to worsen over time (as did many other wiki sites hosted on Wikia), and the end result was that all Uncyclopedia wikis were forced off Wikia (then rebranded to Fandom) in late 2019, which Wikia / Fandom conveniently 'claimed' was due to censorship!

Today, no Uncyclopedia wiki sites survive on Wikia / Fandom; many of the different language versions are now 'officially' hosted by (or directly affiliated with) the Uncyclomedia Foundation (at *, and its unofficial but closely related * Other Uncyclopedia wiki sites have chosen an alternative wiki farm as their host (including Miraheze), and a small number have chosen a totally independent host.

Uncyclopedia / Uncyclomedia domains (primary)
  • * (various sub-domains, typically formed from first part of wiki site)
  • (auto-redirects to

All Uncyclopedia wiki sites in these languages (view / edit / talk) — Uncyclopaedia project WikiNodes: UnMeta / English / Spanish / German / Galician

100,000+: UnCommons (, f. 2000) • Uncyclomedia Commons (, f. 2012)
10,000+: Stupidedia (bar) • Uncyclopedia (English) (en) • Uncyclopedia (British English) (en-gb) • Inciclopedia (es) • Désencyclopédie (fr) • Tolololpedia (id) • Nonciclopedia (it) • Ansaikuropedia (ja) • Kamelopedia (nds) • Nonsensopedia (pl) • Desciclopédia (pt)
1,000+: Beidipedia / بيضيپيديا (ar) • Necyklopedie (cs) • Spademanns Leksikon (da) • (de) • Frikipaideia / Φρικηπαίδεια (el) • Neciklopedio (eo) (eo) • Hikipedia (fi) • Desgalipedia (gl) • Eincyclopedia (he) • Unciklopédia (hu) • 백괴사전 (ko) • Oncyclopedia (nl) • Ikkepedia (no) • / Абсурдопедия (ru) • / Абсурдопедия (ru) • Necyklopédia (sk) • Psyklopedin (sv) • ไร้สาระนุกรม (th) • Yansiklopedi (tr) • Інциклопедія (uk) • Pseudo-encyclopaedia (zh) • 偽基百科 (zh-tw)
100+: UnMeta-Wiki (meta) • Оксипедия (bg) • Valenciclopèdia (ca) • Ebatsüklopeedia (et) • اونسایکلوپدیا (fa) • Neciklopedija (hr) (hr) • Anciklopedia (ka) • Uncapædia (la) • Juokopedija (lt) • Neciklopēdija (lv) • Нециклопедий (mk) • Анциклопедиа (mn) • Bodohpedia (ms) • Çciclopédia (mwl) • Ikkjepedia (nn) • Neciclopedie (ro) • Simple English Uncyclopedia (simple) • Нециклопедија (sr) • Pekepedia (tl)
10+: Nunyepedia (ast) • Paudurapedyja (be) • আনসাইক্লোপিডিয়া (bn) • Neciklopedija (bs) (bs) • Celwyddoniadur (cy) • Frithchiclipéid (ga) • Unsaiklopedia (got) • Angragitaran (hy) • Neciklopedio (io) (io) • Ndhablek (jv) • Kengencyclopedia (lb) • Kwatsjpedia (li) • Hatsiklopedia (mg) • Uichipedia (mo) • Oisquipedia (oc) • Butalopedija (sl) • ghItlh'a'pedia (tlh) • Keinziklopedie / קיינציקלאפעדיע (yi) • 粵語偽基百科 (Pseudokipedia) (yue) • Zombiepedia (zombie)
0+: Uncyclomedia Foundation ( • UnData (data) • Niesiklopedia (af) • Dalmata Nečiklopedija (dlm) • Kakapedia (grc) • Uncyclopedia (km) (km) • Uncyclopedia (lo) (lo) • Scotypedia (sco) • Goblogpedia (su)

Sista projects:

German / Deutsch (de): UnNews, UnBooks, Undictionary
English (en): BJAODN, Complaint Wiki, Encyclopaedia Daemonica, UnNews[1], UnBooks[2], UnDictionary[3], UnSource[4], UnSpecies[5], Unquotable[6], Uncycloversity[7], Zombiepedia
Spanish / español (es): Incinoticias, Incitables, Incilibros
Finnish / suomi (fi): Hikinews, Hiktionary, Hikikirjasto, Hikisitaatit
French / français (fr): dÉsinformation
Galician / galego (gl): Desgalinews, Desgalizionario, Desgalilibros, Desgalicitas, Desgaliespecies
Hebrew / עברית (he): איןציקלופדיה, שא, איןציקלופדיה:איןלדעת
Hungarian / Magyar (hu): UncikloNews
Italian / italiano (it): Nondizionario, NonNews, NonCitazioni, Manuali di istruzioni, Horroscopo
Japanese / 日本語 (ja): UnNews
Korean / 한국어 (ko): 백괴게임, 백괴뉴스, 백괴낱말사전
Latin / Latina (la): Nenuntii
Dutch / Nederlands (nl): Onwoordenboek, OnNieuws, OnBoeken
Norwegian / norsk bokmål (no): Ikkenytt
Polish / polski (pl): NonNews, Noncytaty, Nonźródła
Portuguese / português (pt & pt-br): Crapedia, Desnotícias[8], Descionário[9], Deslivros[10], Desentrevistas[11], Wikimerda, Wikinet
Swedish / svenska (sv): PsykNyheter, Psyktionary, PsykCitat, PsykBöcker
Thai / ไทย (th): ไร้ข่าว
Chinese / 中文 (zh): 伪基新闻, 伪基辞典
Taiwanese / ‪中文(台灣) (zh-tw): 偽基新聞, 偽基辭典, 偽基遊戲

Please add if you know any more. Any red links above need the {{Wiki}} infobox template, their Uncyclopædia / Uncyclomedia URLs, the {{add}} and / or {{Uncyclomedia-stub}} template(s) (if necessary), and this {{Uncyclopedia}} navigation template added.
See also

List of Uncyclomedia wikis

External source, dynamically sortable to any criteria, self-updating every six hours by cronjob

External source, generated wikisyntax, which manually is being pasted below

Name Language Language (local) Good Total Edits Views Admins Users Images Stub ratio Updated
1 en2 English English 23980 107859 108290 1039 1 2 0 0.2223 2007-05-16 02:00:06
2 en English English 23371 153152 1979059 17643923 47 52303 50949 0.1526 2007-05-16 02:02:13
3 pl Polish Polski 5970 22790 244358 628302 10 129365 3221 0.2620 2007-05-16 02:01:59
4 ja Japanese 日本語 5737 14624 107091 10293271 21 1805 1709 0.3923 2007-05-16 02:00:46
5 pt Portuguese Português 4649 28315 236329 11972410 12 6667 10817 0.1642 2007-05-16 02:01:29
6 fr French Français 4417 9595 73872 129073 8 129370 2669 0.4603 2007-05-16 02:02:17
7 fi Finnish Suomi 3247 13298 89174 5295781 8 2671 733 0.2442 2007-05-16 02:01:37
8 de German Deutsch 2869 8405 74352 778285 19 129376 2130 0.3413 2007-05-16 02:02:18
9 zh-tw Chinese (Taiwan) 繁體 2864 12776 109070 8310786 7 3000 3291 0.2242 2007-05-16 02:00:37
10 es Spanish Español 2733 21885 253966 2 15 129388 9691 0.1249 2007-05-16 02:02:14
11 it Italian Italiano 2377 7112 49892 1947 11 129378 2354 0.3342 2007-05-16 02:01:57
12 no Norwegian Norsk 2027 5741 21131 304874 4 605 257 0.3531 2007-05-16 02:01:18
13 ru Russian Русский 1533 5740 39576 3 8 129377 1675 0.2671 2007-05-16 02:02:00
14 da Danish Dansk 1192 2080 10071 0 4 129375 371 0.5731 2007-05-16 02:02:15
15 he Hebrew עברית 1118 7788 40526 3090 10 129369 1467 0.1436 2007-05-16 02:02:08
16 zh Chinese 中文 930 1481 15729 1 15 129374 262 0.6280 2007-05-16 02:00:29
17 el Greek Ελληνικά 688 1778 9151 0 6 129375 498 0.3870 2007-05-16 02:01:56
18 sv Swedish Svenska 646 2939 9924 257512 4 155 152 0.2198 2007-05-16 02:02:07
19 cs Czech Čeština 608 3239 15710 0 8 129385 1439 0.1877 2007-05-16 02:01:06
20 sv2 Swedish Svenska 600 3179 10878 47080 1 65 67 0.1887 2007-05-16 02:00:50
21 nl Dutch Nederlands 498 5186 23973 464575 5 224 820 0.0960 2007-05-16 02:00:57
22 th Thai ไทย 465 3157 9106 141035 4 148 352 0.1473 2007-05-16 02:00:48
23 hu Hungarian Magyar 377 2746 11715 182439 3 110 239 0.1373 2007-05-16 02:01:50
24 ar Arabic العربية 273 1336 5491 0 2 129374 508 0.2043 2007-05-16 02:02:01
25 ca Catalan Català 268 560 3835 297 1 129366 67 0.4786 2007-05-16 02:00:11
26 ko Korean 한국어 250 1036 3523 58820 6 73 53 0.2413 2007-05-16 02:02:30
27 fa Persian فارسی 169 1835 2404 46061 1 64 17 0.0921 2007-05-16 02:01:46
28 sr Serbian Српски 124 8107 9805 105960 6 96 155 0.0153 2007-05-16 02:01:11
29 tr Turkish Türkçe 109 1897 2725 25711 0 181 104 0.0575 2007-05-16 02:00:19
30 portal Portal Page English 96 2042 4767 124830 5 275 85 0.0470 2007-05-16 02:01:59
31 meta UnMeta English 80 2074 6408 110753 6 156 88 0.0386 2007-05-16 02:00:59
32 oldmeta UnMeta (old) English 57 1638 4745 100831 11 108 0 0.0348 2007-05-16 02:02:16
33 commons UnCommons English 52 60101 63988 409809 6 433 68478 0.0009 2007-05-16 02:00:39
34 la Latin Latina 49 352 6981 0 3 129374 38 0.1392 2007-05-15 12:16:15
35 id Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia 47 219 2135 0 4 129385 59 0.2146 2007-05-15 12:16:17
36 ast Asturian Asturianu 42 562 2873 0 1 129381 142 0.0747 2007-05-16 02:00:30
37 lv Latvian Latviešu 23 1633 1702 5677 0 8 0 0.0141 2007-05-16 02:00:23
38 eo Esperanto Esperanto 20 30 1483 0 1 129382 1 0.6667 2007-05-16 02:00:10
39 yi Yiddish ייִדיש 18 39 1493 0 1 129380 3 0.4615 2007-05-16 02:00:08
40 hr Croatian Hrvatski 13 1630 1695 1303 2 5 3 0.0080 2007-05-16 02:02:34
41 mg Malagasy Malagasy 7 1600 1621 2638 1 6 2 0.0044 2007-05-16 02:01:55
42 sl Slovenian Slovenščina 6 1592 1618 3377 1 85 0 0.0038 2007-05-16 02:01:04
43 got Gothic gutisk 4 119 220 1241 1 1 3 0.0336 2007-05-16 02:02:37

Grand total

Articles Total Edits Admins Users Images
94 603 533 267 3 672 455 290 2 398 020 164 969
Wiki size: unknown size