Not to be confused with, Unciklopédia or Unsaiklopedia.
[{{{URL}}} {{{logo}}}] [{{{URL}}} Uncyclopedia]
[{{{recentchanges URL}}} Recent changes]
[No WikiNode]
[No About]
[No Mobile URL]
Founded by:
Status: [[:Category:{{{status}}}|{{{status}}}]]
Language: [[:Category:Wiki {{{language}}}|{{{language}}}]]
Edit mode: [[:Category:{{{editmode}}}|{{{editmode}}}]]
Wiki engine: [[:Category:{{{engine}}}|{{{engine}}}]]
Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]]
Main topic: [[:Category:{{{maintopic}}}|{{{maintopic}}}]]


Uncyclopedia (or Uncyclopædia), "the content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit," is a parody of Wikipedia, though Uncyclopedia claims the reverse (and correctly claims that Wikipedia claims the reverse, and vice versa ad infinitum).

The English-language version of Uncyclopedia is hosted by Wikia. As of April 2006, Uncyclopedia contains over 21,000 articles, making it the third largest Wikia-hosted wiki.

The goal of this project is to provide misinformation in a satirical and humourous way. Entries tended to be short and random in its infancy. The current partially successful trend at Uncyclopedia is to make all entries very developed and polished. This includes pictures, and even sound bites. Random humor is also on the wane, with preferred articles containing a novel or subtle blurring of the truth. Users wanting to write random humour may try Illogicopedia instead.

Uncyclopedia blocking policy

A wide of offences can lead to a block, frequently with a humiliating reason given. Administrator, Mordillo stated that their policy is, “We have the "piss of the admins and they ban you rule". [1] It’s hard to tell when Uncyclopedians are serious and when they are joking.

Wiki size: unknown size

Uncyclopedia – potatoes anyone?

Uncyclopedia – or Uncyclopaedia, or if you are really posh, Uncyclopædiathe content-free encyclopedia — is a serious font of encyclopaedic knowledge crazy, bonkers, humourous parody of Wikipedia, 'that anyone can edit'; though Uncyclopedia claims the reverse (noun) (and correctly claims that Wikipedia claims the reverse, and vice versa, ad infinitum, digitus rectus insertum, et cetera, et cetera . . . ).

Founded as an English language wiki site on 5 January 2005 by Jonathan Huang (also known as Chronarion) and 'Stillwaters', and initially independently hosted, Uncyclopedia has expanded to over eighty (80) different language versions. After the the original wiki sites outgrew their independent hosting, on 26 May 2005, Angela Beesley, Vice President of Wikia, Inc., announced that Wikia would host Uncyclopedia, and that the site's license and domain name would remain unchanged; on 10 July 2006, Huang transferred the domain rights to Wikia, Inc. Many other language versions also moved to Wikia, however, this subsequently proved to be a mistake, as Wikia, Inc. totally failed to respect (verb) the terms of the specific Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike 3.0 license (by generating revenue from the adverts that were displayed on the Wikia-hosted Uncyclopaedia wiki sites). As more language versions were subsequently added to the Uncyclopedia fold, many wisely chose to avoid Wikia, and used an independent host. Relations between Uncyclopedia wiki sites and Wikia, Inc. continued to worsen over time (as did many other wiki sites hosted on Wikia), and the end result was that all Uncyclopedia wikis were forced off Wikia (then rebranded to Fandom) in late 2019, which Wikia / Fandom conveniently 'claimed' was due to censorship!

Today, no Uncyclopedia wiki sites survive on Wikia / Fandom; many of the different language versions are now 'officially' hosted by (or directly affiliated with) the Uncyclomedia Foundation (at *, and its unofficial but closely related * Other Uncyclopedia wiki sites have chosen an alternative wiki farm as their host (including Miraheze), and a small number have chosen a totally independent host.

Uncyclopedia / Uncyclomedia domains (primary)
  • * (various sub-domains, typically formed from first part of wiki site)
  • (auto-redirects to

All Uncyclopedia wiki sites in these languages (view / edit / talk) — Uncyclopaedia project WikiNodes: UnMeta / English / Spanish / German / Galician

100,000+: UnCommons (, f. 2000) • Uncyclomedia Commons (, f. 2012)
10,000+: Stupidedia (bar) • Uncyclopedia (English) (en) • Uncyclopedia (British English) (en-gb) • Inciclopedia (es) • Désencyclopédie (fr) • Tolololpedia (id) • Nonciclopedia (it) • Ansaikuropedia (ja) • Kamelopedia (nds) • Nonsensopedia (pl) • Desciclopédia (pt)
1,000+: Beidipedia / بيضيپيديا (ar) • Necyklopedie (cs) • Spademanns Leksikon (da) • (de) • Frikipaideia / Φρικηπαίδεια (el) • Neciklopedio (eo) (eo) • Hikipedia (fi) • Desgalipedia (gl) • Eincyclopedia (he) • Unciklopédia (hu) • 백괴사전 (ko) • Oncyclopedia (nl) • Ikkepedia (no) • / Абсурдопедия (ru) • / Абсурдопедия (ru) • Necyklopédia (sk) • Psyklopedin (sv) • ไร้สาระนุกรม (th) • Yansiklopedi (tr) • Інциклопедія (uk) • Pseudo-encyclopaedia (zh) • 偽基百科 (zh-tw)
100+: UnMeta-Wiki (meta) • Оксипедия (bg) • Valenciclopèdia (ca) • Ebatsüklopeedia (et) • اونسایکلوپدیا (fa) • Neciklopedija (hr) (hr) • Anciklopedia (ka) • Uncapædia (la) • Juokopedija (lt) • Neciklopēdija (lv) • Нециклопедий (mk) • Анциклопедиа (mn) • Bodohpedia (ms) • Çciclopédia (mwl) • Ikkjepedia (nn) • Neciclopedie (ro) • Simple English Uncyclopedia (simple) • Нециклопедија (sr) • Pekepedia (tl)
10+: Nunyepedia (ast) • Paudurapedyja (be) • আনসাইক্লোপিডিয়া (bn) • Neciklopedija (bs) (bs) • Celwyddoniadur (cy) • Frithchiclipéid (ga) • Unsaiklopedia (got) • Angragitaran (hy) • Neciklopedio (io) (io) • Ndhablek (jv) • Kengencyclopedia (lb) • Kwatsjpedia (li) • Hatsiklopedia (mg) • Uichipedia (mo) • Oisquipedia (oc) • Butalopedija (sl) • ghItlh'a'pedia (tlh) • Keinziklopedie / קיינציקלאפעדיע (yi) • 粵語偽基百科 (Pseudokipedia) (yue) • Zombiepedia (zombie)
0+: Uncyclomedia Foundation ( • UnData (data) • Niesiklopedia (af) • Dalmata Nečiklopedija (dlm) • Kakapedia (grc) • Uncyclopedia (km) (km) • Uncyclopedia (lo) (lo) • Scotypedia (sco) • Goblogpedia (su)

Sista projects:

German / Deutsch (de): UnNews, UnBooks, Undictionary
English (en): BJAODN, Complaint Wiki, Encyclopaedia Daemonica, UnNews[2], UnBooks[3], UnDictionary[4], UnSource[5], UnSpecies[6], Unquotable[7], Uncycloversity[8], Zombiepedia
Spanish / español (es): Incinoticias, Incitables, Incilibros
Finnish / suomi (fi): Hikinews, Hiktionary, Hikikirjasto, Hikisitaatit
French / français (fr): dÉsinformation
Galician / galego (gl): Desgalinews, Desgalizionario, Desgalilibros, Desgalicitas, Desgaliespecies
Hebrew / עברית (he): איןציקלופדיה, שא, איןציקלופדיה:איןלדעת
Hungarian / Magyar (hu): UncikloNews
Italian / italiano (it): Nondizionario, NonNews, NonCitazioni, Manuali di istruzioni, Horroscopo
Japanese / 日本語 (ja): UnNews
Korean / 한국어 (ko): 백괴게임, 백괴뉴스, 백괴낱말사전
Latin / Latina (la): Nenuntii
Dutch / Nederlands (nl): Onwoordenboek, OnNieuws, OnBoeken
Norwegian / norsk bokmål (no): Ikkenytt
Polish / polski (pl): NonNews, Noncytaty, Nonźródła
Portuguese / português (pt & pt-br): Crapedia, Desnotícias[9], Descionário[10], Deslivros[11], Desentrevistas[12], Wikimerda, Wikinet
Swedish / svenska (sv): PsykNyheter, Psyktionary, PsykCitat, PsykBöcker
Thai / ไทย (th): ไร้ข่าว
Chinese / 中文 (zh): 伪基新闻, 伪基辞典
Taiwanese / ‪中文(台灣) (zh-tw): 偽基新聞, 偽基辭典, 偽基遊戲

Please add if you know any more. Any red links above need the {{Wiki}} infobox template, their Uncyclopædia / Uncyclomedia URLs, the {{add}} and / or {{Uncyclomedia-stub}} template(s) (if necessary), and this {{Uncyclopedia}} navigation template added.
See also

List of Uncyclomedia Wikis

External Source, dynamically sortable to any criteria, self-updating every six hours by cronjob

External Source, generated wikisyntax, which manually is being pasted below

Name Language Language (local) Good Total Edits Views Admins Users Images Stub Ratio Updated
1 en English English 23372 211731 3110088 17643925 57 83234 62087 0.1104 2008-05-28 05:03:59
2 pt Portuguese Português 11066 89664 772279 79656500 15 21034 38937 0.1234 2008-05-28 05:00:51
3 commons UnCommons English 11065 89662 772282 79657382 15 21034 38937 0.1234 2008-05-28 05:04:25
4 ja Japanese 日本語 10381 34861 365566 57189409 17 5454 5848 0.2978 2008-05-28 05:01:55
5 it Italian Italiano 7105 34998 394030 1947 10 757474 14022 0.2030 2008-05-28 05:04:13
6 fr French Français 6279 21353 157960 129073 12 757470 7231 0.2941 2008-05-28 05:05:27
7 pl Polish Polski 6224 29582 385375 628302 13 757472 3983 0.2104 2008-05-28 05:04:01
8 fi Finnish Suomi 4849 22596 231522 14926754 12 6166 2722 0.2146 2008-05-28 05:02:41
9 es Spanish Español 4746 41571 509118 2 20 757480 18534 0.1142 2008-05-28 05:02:27
10 zh-tw Chinese (Taiwan) 繁體 4301 29145 251198 23065128 10 7801 10765 0.1476 2008-05-28 05:04:36
11 no Norwegian Norsk 3677 10172 99426 2355906 9 3063 1505 0.3615 2008-05-28 05:00:15
12 de German Deutsch 3189 11959 108793 778285 19 757485 3434 0.2667 2008-05-28 05:05:33
13 da Danish Dansk 2563 6011 30497 0 6 757485 1962 0.4264 2008-05-28 05:03:06
14 ru Russian Русский 2149 10083 84906 3 17 757479 3358 0.2131 2008-05-28 05:05:25
15 he Hebrew עברית 1596 11285 86940 3090 10 757474 2261 0.1414 2008-05-28 05:03:21
16 ko Korean 한국어 1535 6333 37188 936891 5 271 921 0.2424 2008-05-28 05:04:51
17 th Thai ไทย 1515 10382 54741 2218301 5 1656 2809 0.1459 2008-05-28 05:04:37
18 el Greek Ελληνικά 1269 3238 19863 0 7 757480 1009 0.3919 2008-05-28 05:05:06
19 cs Czech Čeština 1207 7268 40722 0 11 757511 3530 0.1661 2008-05-28 05:03:41
20 sv Swedish Svenska 1017 2839 21538 487688 3 302 122 0.3582 2008-05-28 05:02:24
21 nn Nynorsk Nynorsk 997 1620 12868 0 8 757482 312 0.6154 2008-05-28 05:05:50
22 zh Chinese 中文 967 4939 39584 1 8 757481 2267 0.1958 2008-05-28 05:05:24
23 nl Dutch Nederlands 965 9092 67066 1897199 6 634 2097 0.1061 2008-05-28 05:00:47
24 hu Hungarian Magyar 771 2895 26828 614937 3 232 779 0.2663 2008-05-28 05:02:19
25 ar Arabic العربية 584 3166 15928 0 5 757484 1316 0.1845 2008-05-28 05:02:21
26 sr Serbian Српски 458 1260 12930 383072 8 229 377 0.3635 2008-05-28 05:01:29
27 tr Turkish Türkçe 362 3104 11724 274634 1 447 745 0.1166 2008-05-28 05:03:58
28 ca Catalan Català 359 805 5228 297 1 757474 110 0.4460 2008-05-28 05:02:51
29 fa Persian فارسی 355 636 3619 91448 2 114 37 0.5582 2008-05-28 05:03:40
30 sk Slovak Slovenčina 348 1297 6151 0 4 757515 463 0.2683 2008-05-28 05:04:52
31 id Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia 323 1321 7933 0 8 757510 371 0.2445 2008-05-28 05:05:00
32 hr Croatian Hrvatski 256 578 3774 64811 2 75 134 0.4429 2008-05-28 05:00:22
33 lt Lithuanian Lietuvių 216 544 4407 45396 3 23 47 0.3971 2008-05-28 05:02:05
34 meta UnMeta English 166 1070 12129 263059 12 220 249 0.1551 2008-05-28 05:04:30
35 uk Ukrainian Українська 149 356 1236 29903 2 47 84 0.4185 2008-05-28 05:03:07
36 lv Latvian Latviešu 105 313 3146 34435 1 34 56 0.3355 2008-05-28 05:05:23
37 la Latin Latina 63 420 7340 0 3 757480 56 0.1500 2008-05-28 05:02:59
38 ast Asturian Asturianu 51 685 3259 0 1 757504 161 0.0745 2008-05-28 05:04:53
39 sl Slovenian Slovenščina 43 97 1902 10664 1 106 18 0.4433 2008-05-28 05:04:45
40 eo Esperanto Esperanto 41 146 1806 0 1 757505 28 0.2808 2008-05-28 05:04:48
41 mg Malagasy Malagasy 32 871 1721 7528 1 10 3 0.0367 2008-05-28 05:01:07
42 yi Yiddish ייִדיש 32 61 1554 0 1 757501 4 0.5246 2008-05-28 05:02:26
43 bs Bosnian Bosanski 29 70 266 6667 3 14 13 0.4143 2008-05-28 05:05:44
44 et Estonian Eesti 29 59 2687 15286 0 10 7 0.4915 2008-05-28 05:01:55
45 cy Welsh Cymraeg 24 67 418 3485 1 6 16 0.3582 2008-05-28 05:00:24
46 portal Portal Page English 21 4555 9201 528987 5 404 2569 0.0046 2008-05-28 05:01:41
47 got Gothic gutisk 21 221 582 16326 1 9 11 0.0950 2008-05-28 05:04:27
48 mk Macedonian Македонски 12 140 610 8245 1 4 27 0.0857 2008-05-28 05:02:47
49 bn Bengali বাংলা 10 66 236 4636 0 3 14 0.1515 2008-05-28 05:04:28
50 lb Luxembourgish Lëtzebuergesch 7 278 400 3761 1 3 57 0.0252 2008-05-28 05:04:16
51 su Sundanese Basa Sunda 3 23 62 0 4 755744 4 0.1304 2008-05-28 05:02:52
52 jv Javanese Basa Jawa 1 18 63 0 4 755746 0 0.0556 2008-05-28 05:02:48

Grand Total

Articles Total Edits Admins Users Images
116 905 725 506 7 800 690 375 16 813 875 236 409