WikiIndex:Confirm account requests

From WikiIndex
Revision as of 18:26, 12 August 2014 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) ('suppose we ought to have an article on this)
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NOT YET FINISHED - WILL RETURN SHORTLY TO COMPLETE Sean, aka Hoof HeartedAdmin / 'Crattalk2HH 18:26, 12 August 2014 (UTC)

WikiIndex:Confirm account requests

Historically, when WikiIndex was created, the founding fathers had a very strong desire to have a fully 'open' wiki; meaning that not only could registered WikiIndex folks edit existing articles and create new ones, so could unregistered users, commonly known as IP editors. We call this an open edit wiki.

IP editors are generally quite restricted in what they can submit, usually needing to satisfy various anti-spam measures, including 'CAPTCHA'. However, registered users do not have to satisfy such restrictions, are much freer in the content they can submit, and therefore also much easier to post spammy links or vandalise new or existing articles. For many years after its inception, WikiIndex was able to manage with the occasional spam or vandalism edits, but recently, spambots have become more sophisicated; and like a vast many other wiki, WikiIndex became a very frequent and determined target of such disruptive behaviour – we were plagued by hundreds, maybe thousands of new account registrations by spambots, and many of them went on major offensives of disrupting WikiIndex by way of flooding us with huge numbers of spam and/or vandalism edits. We persevered for a while with the status quo, but it became a huge drain on the sysops of WikiIndex. The management were eventually persuaded to take action, and as a result, the Confirm Account extension (amongst other tools) was enabled in our configuration. This basically disables automatic account creation by new users, and requires manual approval by WikiIndex bureaucrats (we have also enabled sysops to also approve these new accont requests). This system also requires that new user requests also submit a valid e-mail address, and this is subsequently confirmed as valid, before the account creation process is allowed to procede.