Template:Wikipedia / Wikinfo / Wikia / WikiKnowledge — comparison table

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Comparison table of policies and other interesting attributes of general-reference wikis in English (with over 1,000 articles).


Wikipedia WikInfo Wikia WikiKnowledge
size (# articles) >3,842,000 35,923
(but mostly imported
and little modified)
>12,000 1,812
traffic / SearchEngine ranking ??? ??? ??? ???
Google PageRank 9/10 0/10 ?/10 0/10
average # edits per day ~300,000 ~50 ??? ~10
admins / registered users >1,500 / >16,000,000 26 / 1,879 ??? / ???? 7 / 100
who can edit anonymous registered only anonymous anonymous
license of content GFDL CC - Creative Commons ? CC-BY-SA PD - Public Domain
scope general-reference general-reference-plus general-reference-plus general-reference-plus
point of view (POV) NPOV SPOV ??? NPOV
standard verifiable truth ??? truth?
notability non-notable excluded inclusive anything goes inclusive
original research (OR) excluded invited ??? OK
self-commentary COI discouraged permitted ??? ???
offensive material
(sexual, violence, profanity)
permitted (unresolved) ??? no censorship
boldness Be Bold Be Bold, but.. ??? Be Bold
rules Ignore the rules Please read the rules ??? ???
software used ('WikiEngine') MediaWiki GetWiki heavily modified MediaWiki MediaWiki
archived by 3rd party many unofficial mirrors ??? internally by Wikia no
database download
published online
yes ??? from Wikia article
'Statistics' page
Statistics as of 29jan07. If they are more than 30 days out of date, please update them.


Anonymous — OpenEdit – anyone can edit content, without registration
Registered only — LoginToEdit – registration required
GFDL — GNU Free Documentation Licensehttp://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/fdl.html
NPOV — Neutral point of view
SPOV — Sympathetic point of view – http://www.wikinfo.org/wiki.php?title=SPOV
COI — Conflict of interest


future questions
additional resources