Arrowverse Wiki

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Arrowverse Wiki
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Founded by: Arrow Roh
Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: Fandom
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike
Main topic: TV show
Backups: 2020-03-02
Wiki size: 13,538 article pages see stats

(As of: 2022-12-10)

Arrowverse Wiki, formerly the Arrow Wiki and Arrow & The Flash Wiki, a Fandom entertainment wiki site, is detailing the television series, Arrow and The Flash, both airing on The CW Network, and NBC television series Constantine. It also details the web series set in the same shared universe, Vixen.

The wiki was created on 14 April 2011 by Arrow Roh as a personal wiki. Arrow Roh never edited the wiki, and so it was adopted just over a year later on 21 April 2012 by MakeShift as a wiki dedicated to the then-upcoming television series, Arrow. The wiki officially gained a new admin, Wraiyf, on 10 December 2013. In July 2014 the wiki changed its name from Arrow Wiki to Arrow & The Flash Wiki, as it began incorporating the original show's spin-off, The Flash. The wiki gained another administrator, TimeShade, on 6 October 2014. On 9 August 2015, the wiki changed its name to Arrowverse Wiki by popular vote in order to accommodate for the growing shared universe it covered.

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