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https://archive.is/w0P3c/d59fc5d27e2e08a55cfe8a6e18be4234f8265617.png DizaVerdade
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Founded by: unknown
Status: Dead
Language: Portuguese
Edit mode: ByInvitation
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: GNU Free Documentation License
Main topic: Activism
Backups: 2013-11-15
Wiki size: 10 article pages see stats

(As of: 2013-06-19 – archive.is)


DizaVerdade (en: Tell me the truth) was a wiki site hosted by the now defunct Wikkii wiki farm.

It is time to start telling the truth about the interests that really govern our country, put us in a crisis situation, they are not held accountable and, in the end, we are the ones who pay.

The challenge is simple. Putting the truth to the naked eye. To this end, contribute documents that show how we are daily disregarded and punished for the actions of those who play behind the scenes and benefit from our loss.

Let the sun shine on the darkness of obscurantism, tell the TRUTH!


DizaVerdade – É tempo de começar a dizer a verdade sobre os interesses que realmente governam o nosso País, nos colocam numa situação de crise, não são responsabilizados e, no fim, quem paga somos nós.

O desafio é simples. Colocar a verdade a olho nú. Para tal, contribuam com documentos que mostrem como somos diariamente desconsiderados e castigados pelas acções de quem se move em jogos de bastidores e beneficia com o nosso prejuízo.

Faça-se sol sobre as trevas do obscurantismo, diga-se a VERDADE!

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