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Dragon Village Collection Wiki

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DVC-site-logo.png Dragon Village Collection Wiki
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Founded by: GyoZK
Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial
Main topic: Dragon Village
Wiki size: 1,219 article pages see stats

The Official Dragon Village Collection Wiki on Fandom is a collaborative community-based wiki run by the official Dragon Village Collection Discord. The wiki has articles of all the basics, mechanics, and lore of the game that anyone can help build upon, along with a vast library of sprites, illustrations, music, and videos. An animated model viewer is also integrated for dragon character pages.

Dragon and aura name translations are provided by the community for twelve different languages (Korean, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Filipino, Indonesian, Thai, and Vietnamese) for ease of searching. The official Dragon Village Collection Discord provides additional guides and features a help section for players that have any questions.

Dragon Village Collection is part of the Dragon Village franchise developed by Highbrow in Korea. The game released on May 3rd, 2023 and is based on collecting, breeding, and taking care of dragons. Players also can personalize their village, cave, profile and more as they explore the vast world of Alitia and meet colorful, vibrant characters.