Help:Special symbols

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Help:Special symbols — there are some characters that can not be accessed by all keyboards. Some of them have may have shortcuts generated by basic HTML coding. This can be useful to know when editing foreign-language wikis that are written using non-roman script alphabets. The following tables on this 'help' page list the HTML keyboard commands required to generate the display of these special symbols and / or characters.

Special symbols[edit]


latin character letters
character(s) shortcut(s) origin / usage
á  à  ä  â  ã  å á à ä â ã å from the roman English letter a
é  è  ë  ê é è ë ê from the roman English letter e
í  ì  ï  î í ì ï î from the roman English letter i
ñ ñ from the roman English letter n
ó  ò  ö  ô  õ  ø ó ò ö ô õ ø from the roman English letter o
ú  ù  ü  û ú ù ü û from the roman English letter u
ý  ÿ ý ÿ from the roman English letter y
æ  œ æ œ used in words such as 'encyclopædia'

The above latin character letters can be changed to upper-case 'capital' by changing the first letter of the HTML code to upper-case. Thus, Ò would make Ò.


quotation marks and characters
character(s) shortcut(s) description comments / usage
' ' single apostrophe used to highlight an 'emphasised' word or phrase
" " double quotation mark used to enclose sections of quoted text or speech
‘  ’ ‘ ’ angled single apostrophe as single above, but 'fancy' stylised
“  ” “ ” angled double quotation mark as double above, but 'fancy' stylised
„  ‚ „ ‚ lower quotation mark / apostrophe typically used in Spanish


other special characters
character shortcut comments / usage
– 'ndash' - 1.5 times the length of a standard hyphen
— 'mdash' - 2 times the length of a standard hyphen
· · 'mid-dot' - located mid-height in the row of text
• 'bullet-point' - located mid-height in the row of text
→ 'right arrow'
← 'left arrow'
↑ 'up arrow'
↓ 'down arrow'
& & 'ampersand' - common abbreviation for 'and'
€ 'euro' - currency symbol for countries of the European Union (EU)
£ £ 'pound' - currency symbol for the United Kingdom, British Crown Dependencies, and some Commonwealth countries

For a non-breaking space (usually used between numbers and their descriptors or units of measurement, or dates), use  .

See also[edit]

Category: Shortcut