Katherine Maher

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Katherine Maher, 2016, source Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-SA-3.0.
Katherine Roberts Maher
Age: born 18 April 1983
Gender: Female
Other names:
Nationality: American
Language(s): English, Arabic, French, German
Residence: San Francisco, California, USA[1]
Home wiki(s): Wikimedia Foundation
Editing status:
Pers. website:
Contact(s): kmaher<at>Wikimedia<dot>org, https://Twitter.com/krmaher, https://LinkedIn.com/in/krmaher/
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Katherine Roberts Maher (born 18 April 1983) is Executive Director[2] of the Wikimedia Foundation (WMF).[1] Maher, born in Connecticut, United States, started her Wikimedia Foundation career in April 2014 as WMF chief communications officer (CCO).[3] Maher became WMF interim executive director in March 2016, following the resignation its then executive director, Lila Tretikov. In June 2016, Maher was appointed executive director, with the appointment announced on 24 June by Jimmy Wales at Wikimania 2016 in Esino Lario, Italy, her appointment being effective 23 June 2016.[4]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Katherine Maher; WEForum.org; World Economic Forum; accessed 4 February 2019.
  2. Wikimedia Foundation Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director; Meta.Wikimedia.org; Wikimedia Meta-Wiki; accessed 4 February 2019.
  3. Wikimedia hires Maher to fill chief comms role; PRWeek.com; PR Week; Haymarket Media Group Ltd.; date 15 May 2014; accessed 4 February 2019.
  4. Foundation Board appoints Katherine Maher as Executive Director; blog.Wikimedia.org; Wikimedia blog; dated 24 June 2016; accessed 4 February 2019.
External links