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muCCC, aka Chaos Computer Club Munich Recent changes [No WikiNode] [No About] [No Mobile URL] |
Founded by: | unknown |
Status: | Active |
Language: | German |
Edit mode: | ConfirmEmail |
Wiki engine: | DokuWiki |
Wiki license: | No license |
Main topic: | Hacking |
Wiki size: | unknown size see stats |
Willkommen im Wiki des muCCC. In unserem Wiki dokumentieren wir unsere Projekte und teilen Nuetzliches und Interessantes, z.B. unter Links. Ausserdem dient das Wiki zur Organisation des Münchner Chaos.
Schau Dich hier und in unseren Raeumlichkeiten ruhig um. Und wenn Du Lust hast, uns zu unterstuetzen oder eigene Projekte voranzutreiben, bist Du herzlich eingeladen, unserem Club beizutreten, oder Sachen die auf der Wunschliste stehen zu spenden.
Du hast Fragen oder willst uns Kennenlernen? Lies die FAQ, nimm Kontakt zu uns auf oder besuche eine unserer öffentlichen Veranstaltungen im Club :)
Die Termine findest Du in der untenstehenden Tabelle oder erkundige Dich direkt bei uns im IRC.
- Herzlich Willkommen
Der Chaos Computer Club München e.V. beschäftigt sich kreativ mit Technik und deren Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft. Jedes Mitglied engagiert sich eigenverantwortlich und auf unterschiedlichste Weise für Informations- und Kommunikationsfreiheit ohne Zensur von Staat und Industrie.
Wir treffen uns regelmässig in unserem Hackerspace um an diversen Projekten zu arbeiten, über Dinge zu reden die uns gerade beschäftigen, aber vor allem um Spass am Gerät zu haben. An jedem zweiten Dienstag eines Monats findet ein öffentliches Treffen statt; jeder kann vorbeikommen, sich informieren und uns kennen lernen.
Welcome to the muCCC wiki. In our wiki we document our projects and share useful and interesting things, e.g. under links. In addition, the wiki serves to organise the Munich chaos.
Take a look around here and in our rooms. And if you would like to support us or promote your own projects, you are welcome to join our club or donate things that are on the wish list.
Do you have any questions or want to get to know us? Read the FAQ, contact us or attend one of our public events at Club :)
You can find the dates in the table below or inquire directly with us on IRC.
- Welcome
The Chaos Computer Club Munich e.V. deals creatively with technology and its effects on society. Each member is committed to freedom of information and communication independently and in a variety of ways without censorship by the state and industry.
We meet regularly in our hackerspace to work on various projects, to talk about things that are currently occupying us, but above all to have fun on the device. A public meeting is held every second Tuesday of each month; everyone can come by, inform themselves and get to know us.
The Chaos Computer Club e.V. (CCC) from Germany is Europe's largest association of hackers. For more than thirty years, we are providing information about technical and societal issues, such as surveillance, privacy, freedom of information, hacktivism, data security, and many other interesting things around technology and hacking issues. As the most influential hacker collective in Europe, we organise campaigns, events, lobbying, and publications, as well as anonymising services and communication infrastructure. There are many hackerspaces in and around Germany which belong to or share a common bond to the CCC as stated in our hacker ethics.
Chaos Computer Club e.V. (CCC) wiki which are (or were) active: (in no particular order) (view / edit)
- Club locations
- Berlin: Chaos Computer Club Berlin (CCCB)
- Cologne: Chaos Computer Club Cologne (C4 Wiki)
- Dresden: Chaos Computer Club Dresden (C3D2)
- Hamburg: Chaos Computer Club Hamburg wiki (CCCH)
- Leipzig: Chaos Computer Club Leipzig (C3le Wiki)
- Munich: Chaos Computer Club Munich (muCCC)
- Stuttgart: Chaos Computer Club Stuttgart (CCCS-wiki)
- Chaosradio
- CCC events
- 22nd Chaos Communication Congress (22C3 Public Wiki)
- 23rd Chaos Communication Congress (23C3 Public Wiki)
- 24th Chaos Communication Congress (24C3 Public Wiki)
- 25th Chaos Communication Congress (25C3) [1] – (FixMe: convert red link to a WikiIndex page)
- 36th Chaos Communication Congress (36C3) [2] – (FixMe: convert red link to a WikiIndex page)
- Chaos Communication Camp 2019 (CCCamp2019) [3] – (FixMe: convert red link to a WikiIndex page)
- External links
- Chaos Computer Club e.V. — CCC official website