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Rhoda Grossman

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Rhoda Grossman is an extremely talented artist. Back in 2006, WikiIndex sent her hundreds of photos which were taken at RecentChangesCamp 2006, and Rhoda managed to capture everyone's expressions and nuances as though they were sitting right in front of her. In addition to caricatures, she's done a number of other illustrations. Samples of her art work below:


You find more caricatures in the category: Caricature.

Usage policy


For the agreed upon fees, Rhoda will provide caricature and cartoon art for a variety of web and print usage by WikiIndex.org. Name attribution and URL must accompany all uses of the artwork. The following credit lines are suggested:

Rhodas' books

Fun with Photoshop Elements 3

Rhoda wrote the book Fun with Photoshop Elements 3 in 2005, which teaches you how to do caricatures and the like. In 1997, she wrote Photoshop Effects Magic, and more recently co-authored (with Sherry London) Photoshop 6 Effects Magic and Painter f/x and Design.


Rhoda teaches digital art and graphic design at the Center for Electronic Art in San Francisco, and at the Foothill College in Los Altos Hills, California. She also does on-the-spot caricature at events. Rhoda is a member of the Graphic Artists Guild, the San Francisco Society of Illustrators, and the National Caricaturists Network. In recent years, she played a role in creating fair tax regulations for artists in California.

External links