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Media statistics

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Statistics about uploaded file types. This only includes the most recent version of a file. Old or deleted versions of files are excluded.


MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
application/pdf.pdf5 (0.104%)590,192 bytes (576 KB; 0.385%)

Total file size for this section of 5 files (0.104%): 590,192 bytes (576 KB; 0.385%).

Drawings (vector images)

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
image/svg+xml.svg22 (0.459%)772,511 bytes (754 KB; 0.504%)

Total file size for this section of 22 files (0.459%): 772,511 bytes (754 KB; 0.504%).

Bitmap images

MIME typePossible extensionsNumber of filesCombined size
image/jpeg.jpeg, .jpg, .jpe, .jps2,452 (51.1%)90,816,537 bytes (86.61 MB; 59.2%)
image/png.png, .apng1,996 (41.6%)54,087,269 bytes (51.58 MB; 35.3%)
image/gif.gif322 (6.71%)7,030,021 bytes (6.7 MB; 4.59%)

Total file size for this section of 4,770 files (99.4%): 151,933,827 bytes (144.9 MB; 99.1%).

All files

Total file size for all 4,797 files: 153,296,530 bytes (146.19 MB).