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Template:Wikia boilerplate: Difference between revisions

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tweak to scrolling page display
(looks like Wikia has been updating and pretifying their URLs & re-introducing 'Mostvisitedpages' - boilerplate updated to reflect this)
(tweak to scrolling page display)
Line 1: Line 1:
<noinclude>This [[:Category:Boilerplates|boilerplate]] template is to be used <u>only</u> for [[:Category:Wikia|Wikia]] wikis.</noinclude>
This [[:Category:Boilerplates|boilerplate]] template is to be used <u>only</u> for [[:Category:Wikia|Wikia]] wikis.</noinclude>
<pre style="overflow-x:scroll; overflow-y:hidden">
<!--Replace WIKINAME with the specific Wikia domain name. For example, 'starwars.wikia.org'-->
<!--Replace WIKINAME with the specific Wikia domain name. For example, 'starwars.wikia.org'-->

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