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WikiIndex:Namespace conventions: Difference between revisions

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(fix redirects, wikilinks, minor tweaks, Category:WikiIndex)
m (wikilinks)
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'''WikiIndex:Namespace Conventions''' — this [[wiki]] has many built in namespaces because of the '''[[:Category:MediaWiki|MediaWiki]]''' software.  Here is how we are . . . or are not using them.
'''WikiIndex:Namespace Conventions''' — this [[WikiIndex]] wiki has many built-in 'namespaces', because of the '''[[:Category:MediaWiki|MediaWiki]]''' software.  Here is how we are . . . or are not using them.

*All wiki article entries
*All [[wiki]] article entries
*Wiki people pages (and users with [[WikiIndex:RealNames|RealNames]])
*[[:Category:Wiki People|Wiki people]] pages (and users with [[WikiIndex:RealNames|RealNames]])
*Normal articles related to with WikiSphere in general, such as [[OptOut]]
*Normal articles related to with WikiSphere in general, such as [[OptOut]]
*Everything not mentioned below.
*Everything not mentioned below.

*Meta pages, about the policies and workings of WikiIndex, such as [[WikiIndex:AntiSpamMeasures]]
*'Meta' pages, about the policies and workings of WikiIndex, such as [[WikiIndex:AntiSpamMeasures]]

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[[:Category:Images|Images]] go here, particularly:
[[:Category:Images|Images]] go here, particularly:
*Uploaded Logos
*Uploaded [[:Category:WikiLogo|Logos]]
*Uploaded People Pictures
*Uploaded [[:Category:Wiki People Images|People pictures]]
*Uploaded Charictures
**Uploaded Charictures

*<s>So far unused</s>
*<s>So far unused</s>
** need to think about how this works: [[Help]] - is it a hard wired page like [[Special:RecentChanges|Recent Changes]]?  Should it be a portal for the Help namespace?
**need to think about how this works: [[Help]] - is it a hard wired page like [[Special:RecentChanges|Recent Changes]]?  Should it be a portal for the Help namespace?
***No, it's not. The "Help namespace portal" is [[Help:Contents]]
***No, it's not. The "Help namespace portal" is [[Help:Contents]]
**** If the Help page is not hardwired - then how is the help namespace portal determined? ... Just went to check on a brand new wiki and there is nothing in the Help:Contents space, so it seems to me that it is up to us to figure out, right? [[MarkDilley]]
****If the Help page is not hardwired - then how is the help namespace portal determined? ... Just went to check on a brand new wiki and there is nothing in the Help:Contents space, so it seems to me that it is up to us to figure out, right? [[MarkDilley]]
***[[MediaWiki:Sidebar]] determines what pages appear in the navigation box — all links, including [[Help:Contents]] are therefore editable by admins and can be added, removed or made to point anywhere. Help: is just a namespace like any other and, unless you've downloaded documentation from a [[:Category:MediaWiki|MediaWiki]] site and posted it there, will be initially empty. --[[User:Carlb|Carlb]] 11:34, 15 December 2006 (EST)
***[[MediaWiki:Sidebar]] determines what pages appear in the navigation box — all links, including [[Help:Contents]] are therefore editable by admins and can be added, removed or made to point anywhere. Help: is just a namespace like any other and, unless you've downloaded documentation from a [[:Category:MediaWiki|MediaWiki]] site and posted it there, will be initially empty. --[[User:Carlb|Carlb]] 11:34, 15 December 2006 (EST)


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