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WikiIndex talk:Community talk: Difference between revisions

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A similar page with similar purposes is WikiIndex talk:Community portal.
(A similar page with similar purposes is WikiIndex talk:Community portal.)
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{{TOCright}}[[Category:WikiIndex|Community talk]]
{{TOCright}}[[Category:WikiIndex|Community talk]]
This '''community talk''' page is a space to ask a question when the question is not directed towards a [[:Category:Wiki People|community person]] but towards the whole group; or if you don't know who to ask here at [[WikiIndex]].
This '''community talk''' page is a space to ask a question when the question is not directed towards a [[:Category:Wiki People|community person]] but towards the whole group; or if you don't know who to ask here at [[WikiIndex]]. A similar page with similar purposes is [[WikiIndex talk:Community portal]].

You may wish to type your question in the search engine to see if there has been a question like yours before, or consult the [[WikiIndex:FrequentlyAskedQuestions|WikiIndex FAQ]] – ''before'' you post a question here.
You may wish to type your question in the search engine to see if there has been a question like yours before, or consult the [[WikiIndex:FrequentlyAskedQuestions|WikiIndex FAQ]] – ''before'' you post a question here.
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I notice that we don't actually have a lot of pages in [[:Category:WikiConcept]] and [[:Category:WikiIdea]]. To what extent is it actually encouraged to add these kinds of pages? There's a lot that one could write about wiki-philosophy, wiki norms, etc. However, I don't want to do it if it'll be frowned upon. A [[meatball wiki]] is basically one that "describes the general tendencies observed on wikis and other on-line communities; for example the life cycles of wikis, and people's behavior on them." To what extent are you cool with hosting that kind of content? [[User:Leucosticte|Leucosticte]] ([[User talk:Leucosticte|talk]]) 07:31, 8 March 2014 (UTC)
I notice that we don't actually have a lot of pages in [[:Category:WikiConcept]] and [[:Category:WikiIdea]]. To what extent is it actually encouraged to add these kinds of pages? There's a lot that one could write about wiki-philosophy, wiki norms, etc. However, I don't want to do it if it'll be frowned upon. A [[meatball wiki]] is basically one that "describes the general tendencies observed on wikis and other on-line communities; for example the life cycles of wikis, and people's behavior on them." To what extent are you cool with hosting that kind of content? [[User:Leucosticte|Leucosticte]] ([[User talk:Leucosticte|talk]]) 07:31, 8 March 2014 (UTC)
== Citations ==
Are citations of sources for statements made in articles encouraged? I've been citing sources inline like this.[http://example.com] Of course, we don't have [[mw:Extension:Cite]], so there's no pretty way of doing it, currently. [[User:Leucosticte|Leucosticte]] ([[User talk:Leucosticte|talk]]) 13:08, 8 March 2014 (UTC)


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