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File:B5ccg.wikia logo-Wikia.png: Difference between revisions

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EarthFurst moved page File:B5ccg.wikia logo-Wikia-compress5.png to File:B5ccg.wikia logo-Wikia.png without leaving a redirect: "-compress5" unnecessary
(Screengrab of wiki logo (when in Wikia layout) of b5ccg.wikia.com background combined with http:// vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/b5ccg/images/8/89/Wiki-wordmark.png/revision/latest?cb=20150125225437 (and then saved with compression factor of 5).)
m (EarthFurst moved page File:B5ccg.wikia logo-Wikia-compress5.png to File:B5ccg.wikia logo-Wikia.png without leaving a redirect: "-compress5" unnecessary)
(No difference)

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