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Asheron's Call Community Wiki: Difference between revisions

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| logo             = [[Image:Asheron's Call Community Wiki.png]]
|URL              = http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/Home
| URL               = http://ac.wikkii.net/wiki/Home
|logo             = [[File:Asheron's Call Community Wiki.png|Asheron's Call Community Wiki logo]]
| recentchanges URL = http://ac.wikkii.net/wiki/Special:Recentchanges
|wide logo        = y
| wikinode URL     = http://ac.wikkii.net/wiki/WikiNode
|recentchanges URL= https://web.Archive.org/web/20140528231309/http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/Special:RecentChanges
| about URL         = http://ac.wikkii.net/wiki/ACCWiki:About
|wikinode URL     = http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/WikiNode
| status           = Active
|about URL       = https://web.Archive.org/web/20140610194226/http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/ACCWiki:About
| language         = English
|founder          = <!--wiki founder(s) name(s); default is plain text, wikilink only to existing article - if unknown leave void-->
| editmode         = LoginToEdit
|status           = Dead
| engine           = MediaWiki
|language         = English
| license           = Creative Commons
|editmode         = LoginToEdit
| maintopic         = Games
|engine           = MediaWiki
|license         = Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike
|maintopic       = Asheron's Call
|backupurl        = https://sites.Google.com/site/tloskac/Home/dump20140503.xml.gz
|backupdate      = 2014-05-03 <!--ISO 8601 date of backup URL, as in YYYY-MM-DD; if unknown leave void-->
== Description ==
{{Size <!--see Template:Size for full detail-->
[http://ac.wikkii.net/wiki/ACC_Wiki_Home Asheron's Call™ Community Wiki] is a player-run wiki that documents patch day information, quest write ups, creatures, dungeon maps and gear for the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game ({{tag|MMORPG}}) [http://ac.turbine.com/ Asheron's Call] published by [http://turbine.com/ Turbine, Inc] and is updated monthly.
|pages= 26,330
|statistics URL= https://web.Archive.org/web/20140528051733/http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/Special:Statistics
|wikiFactor= 28 <!--preferred, if unknown leave void, see: Category:wikiFactor-->
|wikiFactor URL= http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/Special:PopularPages
}}(Page count as of: 2014-05-28<br>wikiFactor as of: 2012-MM-DD)<!--YYYY-MM-DD; manually add/amend date when stats are verified and/or updated-->

| pages = 25745 <!--Necessary. Type the plain number of pages here - no thousands separators.-->
| statistics URL = http://ac.wikkii.net/wiki/Special:Statistics <!--Preferred, source of page count (mostly a statistics page). If unknown leave void.-->
| wikiFactor = 28 <!--Optional. If unknown leave void. (See Proposal:wikiFactor)-->
| wikiFactor URL = http://ac.wikkii.net/wiki/Special:PopularPages <!--Optional, source of wiki factor. If unknown leave void.-->

[[Category:Asheron's Call]]
'''[http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/ACC_Wiki_Home Asheron's Call™ Community Wiki]''' ('''ACCW''') was a player-run [[wiki]] that documented [[Archive.org:20140528061539/http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/Patches|patch]] day information, [[Archive.org:20140528073658/http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/Category:Quests|quest]] write ups, creatures, dungeon maps, and gear; for the 'massively multiplayer online role-playing game' ({{tag|MMORPG}}) [[Archive.org:20170128212558/http://www.AsheronsCall.com/en|Asheron's Call]] published by [[Archive.org:20180727063308/https://Careers.WBGames.com/studios/boston|Turbine, Inc]].
;''Brief history
Asheron's Call Community Wiki (ACCW) was founded 11 October {{tag|FoundedIn2007|2007}} by [http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/User:Gouru Gouru] of [http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/Morningthaw Morningthaw].  The wiki existed in its first two years being hosted privately, but due to the very large size the wiki grew into, it was decided to to [http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/Wikia_Migration migrate to Wikia] in September 2009.  However, the {{tag|Wikia}} 'honeymoon' was short-lived; in October 2010, a decision was made to {{tag|Ex-Wikia|leave Wikia}}, and would [[Archive.org:20140528082649/http://AC.Wikkii.net/wiki/Wikkii_Migration|migrate]] this time to {{tag|Wikkii}}.

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