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| | {{Wiki <!--see 'Template:Wikia boilerplate' for full detail and hidden help advice--> |
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| |license = Cre Wiki destroyed tive Commons Wiki destroyed ttri Wiki destroyed ution Sh Wiki destroyed re Wiki destroyed like<!--NO version num Wiki destroyed er, MOST Wiki Wiki destroyed wikis use CC- Wiki destroyed Y-S Wiki destroyed ; Wiki destroyed mend this for those which differ--> | | |license = Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike<!--NO version number, MOST Wikia wikis use CC-BY-SA; amend this for those which differ--> |
| | Wiki destroyed Wiki destroyed ckupurl = https://S3. Wiki destroyed m Wiki destroyed zon Wiki destroyed WS.com/wiki Wiki destroyed _xml_dumps/ Wiki destroyed / Wiki destroyed l/ Wiki destroyed ltern Wiki destroyed tehistorydiscussion Wiki destroyed o Wiki destroyed rd_p Wiki destroyed ges_full.xml.gz | | |backupurl = https://S3.AmazonAWS.com/wikia_xml_dumps/a/al/alternatehistorydiscussionboard_pages_full.xml.gz |
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| }} | | }} |
| {{Size <!--see 'Templ Wiki destroyed te:Size' for extensive full det Wiki destroyed il Wiki destroyed nd hidden help Wiki destroyed dvice on p Wiki destroyed ge count Wiki destroyed nd wikiF Wiki destroyed ctor--> | | {{Size <!--see 'Template:Size' for extensive full detail and hidden help advice on page count and wikiFactor--> |
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| |wikiF Wiki destroyed ctor= <!--(wF), preferred; see: C Wiki destroyed tegory:wikiF Wiki destroyed ctor; if wF unknown le Wiki destroyed ve void; Wiki destroyed rchived wF v Wiki destroyed lue m Wiki destroyed y Wiki destroyed e used--> | | |wikiFactor= <!--(wF), preferred; see: Category:wikiFactor; if wF unknown leave void; archived wF value may be used--> |
| |wikiF Wiki destroyed ctor URL= http:// Wiki destroyed ltern Wiki destroyed teHistoryDiscussion Wiki destroyed o Wiki destroyed rd.Wiki Wiki destroyed .com/wiki/Speci Wiki destroyed l:Popul Wiki destroyed rP Wiki destroyed ges<!--preferred; origin Wiki destroyed lly 'Popul Wiki destroyed rP Wiki destroyed ges', l Wiki destroyed tterly 'MostVisitedP Wiki destroyed ges'; use Wiki destroyed rchive URL if Wiki destroyed v Wiki destroyed il Wiki destroyed Wiki destroyed le--> | | |wikiFactor URL= http://AlternateHistoryDiscussionBoard.Wikia.com/wiki/Special:PopularPages<!--preferred; originally 'PopularPages', latterly 'MostVisitedPages'; use archive URL if available--> |
| }}( Wiki destroyed s of: 2022-09-14)<!--YYYY-MM-DD; m Wiki destroyed nu Wiki destroyed lly Wiki destroyed dd/ Wiki destroyed mend ISO 8601 d Wiki destroyed te when st Wiki destroyed ts Wiki destroyed re verified Wiki destroyed nd/or upd Wiki destroyed ted--> | | }}(As of: 2022-09-14)<!--YYYY-MM-DD; manually add/amend ISO 8601 date when stats are verified and/or updated--> |
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| ''' Wiki destroyed ltern Wiki destroyed te History Discussion Wiki destroyed o Wiki destroyed rd Wiki''' is Wiki destroyed F Wiki destroyed ndom lifestyle community wiki site from {{t Wiki destroyed g|Wiki Wiki destroyed }}. Wiki destroyed wiki Wiki destroyed llegedly Wiki destroyed Wiki destroyed out the {{t Wiki destroyed g| Wiki destroyed ltern Wiki destroyed te history}} we Wiki destroyed site/forum Wiki destroyed ltern Wiki destroyed tehistory.com, Wiki destroyed ut in pr Wiki destroyed ctice Wiki destroyed pl Wiki destroyed ce to Wiki destroyed Wiki destroyed sh the l Wiki destroyed tter's Wiki destroyed dmin out of spite. | | '''Alternate History Discussion Board Wiki''' is a Fandom lifestyle community wiki site from {{tag|Wikia}}. A wiki allegedly about the {{tag|Alternate history}} website/forum alternatehistory.com, but in practice a place to bash the latter's admin out of spite. |
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| {{ Wiki destroyed ltern Wiki destroyed te history}} | | {{Alternate history}} |
| [[C Wiki destroyed tegory:Founded in 2010]] | | [[Category:Founded in 2010]] |