Talk:TV Tropes

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TvTropes is a site devoted to cataloging and analyzing tropes (recurring themes, plots, motifs, and cliches) in all forms of fiction and entertainment.

The various buttons are in unfamiliar places. Proxima Centauri has succeeded in creating an account and editing but has not found out how to access the userpage or user contributions, does not know if either are accessible.

  • A userpage is created like a standard page is (just added to the correct index), under the name of a contributers account, from there a users contributations can be found by either a:clicking on the Contributor's Page banner at the top of that users page, or threw here for a logged in user's personal contributations.

— preceding unsigned comment added by Koveras (talkcontribs) – 17:16, 14 May 2009‎ (UTC).