Talk:Wiki engine

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Template ??[edit]

Apparently, if we use the Wiki List template to describe a wiki engine, we create a little recursive situation where the page points to itself, and also shows up as a subcategory in "category:All". While correct in a sense, it might be confusing also. I propose that we only use the "Wiki List" template for wiki's and if (as many do) engines have a wiki themselves, make the engine page separate from the engine's wiki page. What do you guys think? --Raymond King | talk 14:14, 12 Feb 2006 (EST)

I am still grasping with this concept and I think you are saying something that might be a resolution for us. If we use a WikiEngine template that gets rid of some offending code, I would love the WikiEngine wiki to be in the category:WikiEngine space. However, if that is not easy, not reasonable or doesn't work, we should put the pointer to the wiki on a non-category page, until we figure out a solution. (I like the idea of having most pages look similar with the template!) :-) MarkDilley | talk 17:07, 13 Feb 2006 (EST)


Mark, I'm not sure I discovered whatever it is you think I did. 16:26, 16 Feb 2006 (EST)

see and compare:

Okay, I see what you're saying. I didn't discover it and don't understand it, but I do see it. Hmm. I'm going to do an experiment. Back soon. TedErnst | talk 16:37, 16 Feb 2006 (EST)
I figured out what happened. Normally categories look like this:
and they put the page into that category, without having CATEGORYNAME show up in the page text (only in the footer). Here at WikiIndex, we decided that it was a good idea to have the category name show up on the page itself, so we started using this:
which does two things. One, it puts the page in the category without showing the category on the page and Two, it shows the category name on the page without putting the page in the category.
To simplify coding, we created Template:Tag which allows a simpiler syntax:
which does the same thing as the example immediately above.
What you've done, Mark, is to link to the category without including the page in the category, using this:
which seems like a fine convention to use on wiki engine category pages. TedErnst | talk 16:46, 16 Feb 2006 (EST)