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This user language template renders the appropriate page display in the primary or 'mother' category of a specific language which is spoken by the people who edit (or have previously edited) this WikiIndex wiki site. It creates a standardised display, with uniform formatting, and appropriately targeted links; internal wikilinks here on WikiIndex, and external links by way of interwiki to the English Wikipedia (En.Wp). These specific categories are all part of category: Wiki people by language. This particular template has two (2) input requirements – immediately after {{UserLanguageCategory| . . .: both are compulsory; the second default 'no' is acceptable, but the native translation is ideally preferred.

Input requirements

  • 1st — the two- or three- letter ISO 639 language code, (plus any sub-language letters, eg: en-gb, pt-br, zh-hk, zh-tw, etc); see template:Language and template:Language names;
  • 2nd — native translation of 'The people in this category here on WikiIndex listed below speak (language)'; if no is entered, only the description in English will be displayed.


{{UserLanguageCategory|ISO 639 code|native language translation}}

One-language output

Two-input, one-language output example:


which displays at the top of the category page:
The people in this category here on WikiIndex listed below speak Spanish.

Two-language output

Two-input, two-language output example:

{{UserLanguageCategory|sv|'''[[:Category:Wiki people|Personerna]]''' i denna [[Special:Categories|kategori]] här på WikiIndex listade nedan '''talar {{tag|Swedish|svenska}}'''}}

which displays at the top of the category page:
Personerna i denna kategori här på WikiIndex listade nedan talar svenska.
The people in this category here on WikiIndex listed below speak Swedish.

See also

External links