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This bot script looks for pages that have a url with in them, and changes the wiki engine to Wikia. It iterates over the list of pages contained in CategoryMembers.txt. See mw:Manual:Chris G's botclasses/AllCategoryMembersBot.php for details on generating that file.
<?php /* * ChangeWikiaEngine.php * By Leucosticte, * GPL 2.0 * * This bot looks for pages that have a url with in them, and changes the wiki engine to * Wikia. /* /* Setup my classes. */ include( 'botclasses.php' ); $wiki = WikiIndex; $wiki->url = ""; /* All the login stuff. */ $user = 'LeucosticteBot'; $pass = 'REMOVED'; $wiki->login( $user, $pass ); // Configuration $pageTitlesFile = 'CategoryMembers.txt'; // Test file existence if ( !file_exists ( $pageTitlesFile ) ) { die ( "File $pageTitlesFile not found" ); } // Read files $lines = file( $pageTitlesFile, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES ); $startHere = 'Belligerent Universe Wiki'; // Resume where we left off // Each line is a wiki page $thereYet = false; foreach ( $lines as $line ) { if ( !$startHere || $thereYet || $line == $startHere ) { $thereYet = true; // Poll to get wiki page content $contents = $wiki->getpage ( $line ); // A template line with data will start with a |, e.g. |URL = if ( $begin = strpos ( $contents, '|URL' ) ) { if ( $equals = strpos ( $contents, '=', $begin ) ) { $closingBrace = strpos ( $contents, "}}", $equals ); // End this string at the newline or the }} (closing the template), whichever // comes first $newline = strpos ( $contents, "\n", $equals ); if ( $closingBrace && $closingBrace < $newline ) { $newline = $closingBrace; } if ( $newline ) { $url = trim( substr ( $contents, $equals + 1, $newline - $equals - 1 ) ); } } } // If the URL contains, then replace the engine, if necessary if ( strpos ( $url, '' ) ) { if ( $begin = strpos ( $contents, '|engine' ) ) { if ( $equals = strpos ( $contents, '=', $begin ) ) { $closingBrace = strpos ( $contents, "}}", $equals ); // End this string at the newline or the }} (closing the template), whichever // comes first $newline = strpos ( $contents, "\n", $equals ); if ( $closingBrace && $closingBrace < $newline ) { $newline = $closingBrace; } if ( $newline ) { $mediawiki = strpos ( $contents, 'MediaWiki', $equals ); if ( $mediawiki && $mediawiki < $newline ) { $contents = substr_replace ( $contents, 'Wikia', $mediawiki, 9 ); echo $contents; $wiki->edit( $line, $contents, 'Robot: Changing engine. MediaWiki -> Wikia' ); } } } } } } }