User talk:LauraHale

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Hello Laura,

Good to meet you at RCC :-) I don't have any idea what that would mean for people using a MediaWiki engine for their wiki - but I might assume that the Wikimedia Foundation would survive. But that is just a guess. Best, MarkDilley

Whoops. I think I meant how wold that impact wikis where the person who owned it was also a primary contributor. Also, ditto. Nice to meet you there. :) The experience really made me want to create a wiki group in Chicago but kind of a bit at a loss about how to do that at the moment. ;-) --LauraHale 21:08, 17 May 2008 (EDT)
Ahh, great question that I don't have an answer to. Definitely needs to be figured out though. As for creating a wiki group, I think advertising for WikiWednesday in June, and you and Ted committed to be there is a good first step. That would presume that Ted has gotten a hold of you. Best, MarkDilley
I sent him a message through AboutUs's e-mail contact. I haven't heard back from him yet. :/ (May need to be more persistent/annoying.) It would just be a nice little social thing to talk about those related issues in person. That question may be sort of moot unless the wiki is on your own server anyway, which isn't the case for Fan History as our wiki is hosted on server space we pay for so we'd likely be liable anyway. --LauraHale 11:48, 19 May 2008 (EDT)