Muff's Modules & More wiki

Revision as of 16:35, 10 July 2023 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (Local logo)
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(As of: 20YY-MM-DD)

Launched on 3 November 2008, Muff's Modules & More wiki was about modular synthesizers. The idea for this wiki site came from the members of the Muff's Modules & More forum.

In December 2012, an XML and image dump was exported from the wiki shortly before it sunk under a deluge of spam.

In 2017, (thanks to Miraheze free wiki hosting) the wiki was restored and cleaned up, latterly known as Modular Synthesizer Wiki. Shortly afterwards it became dormant, and was deleted under the Miraheze abandonment policy. Another XML and image dump was exported and is available at

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