This Category: Vector is either empty, or sparsely populated, and needs to be 'populated' with articles, stubs (and / or other categories) relevant to the subject matter of this specific category. Include an article page in this category via one (or more) of three methods: |
Category:Vector — this category here on WikiIndex contains a list of wiki sites that use, or are able to use Vector, a MediaWiki skin. Vector is a skin for MediaWiki which became default on 2010-05-13 (MediaWiki 1.17, git #2833b07a), succeeding MonoBook. The Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) launched Vector on all its wikis in 2010, having created it in 2009 as part of the work done by the Wikipedia Usability Initiative.
- External links
- Skin:Vector — at (founded 2011), the wiki site for detailed information on all MediaWiki-powered websites
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Pages in category “Vector”
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,316 total.
(previous page) (next page)1
- Abkhazian Wikipedia
- Acuariofilia
- Ada Developers Academy Wiki
- Afar Wikipedia
- Afrikaans Wikipedia
- Afrikaans Wikiwoordeboek
- Akan Wikipedia
- Akan Wiktionary
- Alaska Wiki
- Albanian Anarchopedia
- Albanian Wikinews
- Albanian Wiktionary
- AlchemistryWiki
- Alemannic Wiktionary
- Alemannische Wikipedia
- Alex - Core Platform Team
- AlexanderMen
- All The Tropes
- Stadtwiki-Allmende
- Alternate History (Miraheze)
- Amharic Wikipedia
- Amharic Wiktionary
- Animalpedia (Miraheze)
- Aniwall
- Ansaikuropedia
- Anti-Wikia Alliance
- Apertium
- Arabic Anarchopedia
- Arabic Wikinews
- Arabic Wikipedia
- Arabic Wikisource
- Arabic Wikiversity
- Arabic Wiktionary
- Aragonés Biquipedia
- Aramaic Wikipedia
- Archive Team
- ArdKorPedia
- Argumentrix
- Armenian Anarchopedia
- Armenian Wikipedia
- Armenian Wiktionary
- ARMS Institute
- ARRSEPedia
- Artigpedia
- Asheron's Call Community Wiki
- Asian Canadian Wiki
- Asturianu Uiquipedia
- Audiences Technology Working Group
- Audiovisual Identity Database (Miraheze)
- Automotive and Web Platform Business Group
- Avar Wiktionary
- Avañe'ẽ Vikipetã
- Awesome Games Wiki
- Aymara Wikipidiya
- Aymara Wiktionary
- Azurilland Wiki
- Azurilland Wiki (pt-br)
- Azərbaycan Vikipediya
- The Bad Webcomics Wiki (ShoutWiki)
- Bahaipedia
- Bahasa Indonesia Wikipedia
- Bahasa Indonesia Wiktionary
- Bahasa Melayu Wikikamus
- Bahasa Melayu Wikipedia
- Bahá'í9 Wiki
- Bakugan Wiki (
- Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki
- Bambara Wikipedia
- Bambara Wiktionary
- Banjar Wikipedia
- Banyumasan Wikipedia
- Basa Jawa Wikipedia
- Basa Sunda Wikikamus
- Basa Sunda Wikipédia
- Battlestar.Wiki
- Beidipedia
- Bengali Wikipedia
- Bengali Wikiquote
- Bengali Wikisource
- Bengali Wikivoyage
- Bengali Wiktionary
- Berghapedia
- Beschlussdatenbank der SPD Schleswig-Holstein
- Beyond politics
- Bglwiki
- Bhamwiki
- Bihari Wikipedia
- Bihari Wiktionary
- Bildungsverein Region Karlsruhe
- Bioeticawiki
- Biosite
- Biowikifarm Metawiki
- Biquipédia
- Biquizionario
- Birdpedia
- Bishnupriya Manipuri Wikipedia
- Bislama Wikipedia
- Bislama Wiktionary
- Bisq Wiki
- Bitcoin Wiki (en)
- Bluepages
- Boarischn Wikipedia
- Bosanska Wikipedia
- Bose L1 Encyclopedia FAQ
- Bosnian Anarchopedia
- Bosnian Wikinews
- Brezhoneg Wikipedia
- Brickimedia Meta
- Brickipedia
- The Brighton Toy and Model Index
- Brongersma
- Buginese Wikipedia
- Bulbagarden Archives
- Bulbanews
- Bulbapedia
- Bulgarian Wikinews
- Bulgarian Wikipedia
- Bulgarian Wikiquote
- Burmese Wikipedia
- Burmese Wiktionary
- Bân-lâm-gú Wikipedia
- C4 Wiki
- CAcert in Berlin
- Cambodian Wiktionary
- Campfire Wiki
- Cantonese Wikipedia
- Cantonese Wikivoyage (Orain)
- Cashwiki
- Catalan Wikinews
- Catalan Wikipedia
- Catalan Wikisource
- Cathopedia
- Cathopedia (de)
- Cathopedia (en)
- Cathopedia (es)
- Cathopedia (it)
- Cathopedia (ro)
- Celwyddoniadur
- Central Bicolano Wikipedia
- Chamorro Wikipedia
- Chaos Computer Club Dresden
- Chavacano de Zamboanga Wikipedia
- Cherokee Wikipedia
- Cherokee Wiktionary
- Chess Programming Wiki (MediaWiki)
- ChiliWiki
- Chinese Anarchopedia
- Chinese Wikinews
- Chinese Wikipedia
- Chinese Wikisource
- Chinese Wikivoyage
- Chinese Wiktionary
- Chocolate Doom
- Choctaw Wikipedia
- Citizendium
- Clash of Clans France
- Classical Chinese Wikipedia
- Club Penguin Fanon Wiki
- Club Penguin Wiki
- Clínica Spa Lagoas do Maceió
- Combine OverWiki
- Commons Archive
- Community Owned digital Preservation Tool Registry
- Complaint Wiki
- Conker Wiki (Grifkuba)
- ConShell
- Conspiracy List Wiki
- Consumer Action Taskforce
- Consumerium
- Core Platform Team
- Cornelis Drebbel
- Cornish Wiktionary
- Corsu Wikizziunariu
- Crappy Games Wiki
- Crash Bandicoot Wiki (Grifkuba)
- Creative Commons Wiki
- Cree Wiktionary
- Crimean Tatar Vikipediya
- Croatian Anarchopedia
- Croatian Wiktionary
- CWCki
- CWRE - Center for Wingnut Remedial Education
- CyanogenMod
- Cybersecurity Wiki
- Cymraeg Wicipedia
- Czech Wikinews
- Czech Wikipedia