Alternate Future Wiki

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Alternate Future Wiki
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Founded by: Ismael755
Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: Wikia
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike
Main topic: Speculative fiction
Backups: 2015-10-08
Wiki size: 802 article pages see stats

(As of: 2022-12-07)

On the Alternate Future Wiki, a Wikia lifestyle community wiki on speculative fiction, you will find scenarios different from those found on other historical Wikias. These scenarios are based on historical events that went different, but can go as far into the future as the author wants. If creating these types of scenarios are in your interest, come to our wiki!

We have timelines transferred to various alternate history wikis on Wikia. See Mercia- UDI 1995 from the Implausable Alternate History Wiki.

We are also friends of Future and Alternative History.


The wiki was created in 3 January 2014 by former Future admin Ismael755 (Ismael777 on Wikia) after five (5) months of joining. As he left the position as admin, he wanted to create something new. Alternate histories were not allowed on the partner Althistory Wiki, and only three alternate history scenarios were written on Future wiki, and that's when Ismael decided to create The Alternate Future Wiki.

Ismael promoted Daneofscandinavy, also admin on Future Wiki, to help with development while on the meantime, created FutureVerse Wiki. On the first week, adminship was open to whom are willing to visit the wiki and volunteer to help until it was restricted to election. Some pages sprung up, including Mercia UDI- 1995. In the first six (6) months, the wiki has experienced a great growth of pages. But now there are a few contributors, so we need more contributors to join.

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