Gongjin's Campaign Memorials: a Three Kingdoms Wiki

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Gongjin's Campaign Memorials:
a Three Kingdoms Wiki

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Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: Wikia
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike
Main topic: China
Wiki size: 1,000 article pages see stats

(As of: DD Month 2016)

Gongjin's Campaign Memorials: a Three Kingdoms Wiki is an online encyclopedia about ancient China's Later Han (-220), Three Kingdoms (220-280) and early Jin periods (280-). Using reliable sources by renowned historians such as Rafe de Crespigny and Achilles Fang, as well as translations of historical documents such as the Zizhi Tongjian (資治通鑒).

The wikis aim is to become a reliable source for anything concerning the Three Kingdoms period. Articles are sorted by reliability and every article is sufficiently sourced. The wiki, founded 15 January 2010, will lead you through the later years of the Later Han, starting with the Yellow Turban Rebellion (184), towards the foundation of the Jin Dynasty by Sima Yan and the destruction of the last of the Three Kingdoms: Wu (280).