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WikiIndex:Invitations to get involved: Difference between revisions

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moving explanation to TalkPage
(2nd invitation)
(moving explanation to TalkPage)
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This page shall become a list(!) of one(!)-liners which are linking to TalkPages where someone wishes the paticipation of other [[WikiIndex:Wiki Person]]s. As far as possible the date when work/problem/issue/idea was started or discovered (TopicDate) and certainly the date of invitation, of inclusion in this list, should be given. Possibly it makes sense to ad a 3rd date after the issue is done somehow and the line left there for a period of a week or month. But than the line should be removed, because it is no longer an invitation. As long as it is ongoing work, a StatusWord can be inserted that gives a hint on how far things have developed.
  No discussions should be on this page! Only inviting links. Explanations are on the TalkPage.
  No discussions should be on this page! Only inviting links.
== Invitations ( WikiLink / TopicDate / InvitationDate (SolvedDate or StatusWord) ) ==
== Invitations ( WikiLink / TopicDate / InvitationDate (SolvedDate or StatusWord) ) ==
* [[WikiIndex talk:Teamwork Info]] August 2014 / 7-10-2014 / SomeParticipation
* [[WikiIndex talk:Teamwork Info]] August 2014 / 7-10-2014 / SomeParticipation


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