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Template:WikiStats by S23.org MediaWiki projects table: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "---- ==Table of MediaWiki wiki projects <small>(view template)</small>== {|class="wikitable sortable" bord...")
(source links, wikilinks)
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==Table of [[:Category:MediaWiki|MediaWiki]] [[wiki]] projects <small>([[Template:MediaWiki WikiStats table|view template]])</small>==
==Table of [[wiki]] projects powered by [[:Category:MediaWiki|MediaWiki]] <small>([[Template:MediaWiki WikiStats table|view template]])</small>==
<b>[https://S23.org/wikistats/ External source]</b>, dynamically sortable to any criteria, <s>self-updating every six hours by [[cronjob]],</s> last updated 2014-12-30, from WikiStats by [[S23-Wiki|S23.org]]

<b>[https://S23.org/wikistats/coalesced_wiki.php External source]</b>, generated wikisyntax, from WikiStats by S23.org, which manually is being pasted below
{|class="wikitable sortable" border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 style="background:#f9f9f9; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; border-collapse:collapse; white-space:nowrap; text-align:right; overflow-x:scroll; overflow-y:hidden"
{|class="wikitable sortable" border=1 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 style="background:#f9f9f9; border:1px solid #aaaaaa; border-collapse:collapse; white-space:nowrap; text-align:right; overflow-x:scroll; overflow-y:hidden"
|+WikiStats by [[S23-Wiki|S23.org]] – statistics about projects powered by [[:Category:MediaWiki|MediaWiki]]
|+WikiStats by [[S23-Wiki|S23.org]] – statistics about projects powered by [[:Category:MediaWiki|MediaWiki]]
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| 1
| wikipedias
| 33465820
| 124286013
| 1904654373
| 4096
| 49656779
| 2293749
| 2
| wiktionaries
| 21608290
| 25303929
| 135361036
| 450
| 3160736
| 4543
| 3
| mediawikis
| 14724994
| 91935955
| 305171570
| 8038085
| 36392335
| 8675299
| 4
| wikia
| 13472491
| 44487589
| 162621679
| 42662
| 4161735
| 6756622
| 5
| wikisources
| 4072484
| 6124789
| 22077641
| 293
| 2252616
| 39194
| 6
| wmspecials
|[[:Category:Wikimedia Foundation|WM specials]]
| 703583
| 38109099
| 178660415
| 1440
| 14117729
| 21934031
| 7
| metapedias
| 242852
| 656412
| 1917035
| 364
| 26892
| 190670
| 8
| uncyclomedia
| 212313
| 1838168
| 18409459
| 522
| 4163148
| 720320
| 9
| wikinews
| 211724
| 2213227
| 12696111
| 170
| 1856564
| 5607
| 10
| wikibooks
| 199344
| 697526
| 7037806
| 186
| 2468561
| 42092
| 11
| wikiquotes
| 173481
| 613817
| 6028953
| 186
| 2220792
| 1261
| 12
| editthis
| 131221
| 1836384
| 2824487
| 1732
| 169106
| 18839
| 13
| 13
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[[Category:MediaWiki| ]]
[[Category:Article templates]]</noinclude>
[[Category:Article templates]]</noinclude>

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