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Template:WikiStats by S23.org MediaWiki projects table: Difference between revisions

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remainder of wikilinks
(source links, wikilinks)
(remainder of wikilinks)
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| 13
| wikisite
| 128381
| 2655672
| 1760362
| 4015
| 1543304
| 85431
| 14
| shoutwiki
| 113916
| 311743
| 1175242
| 524
| 470254
| 62557
| 15
| neoseeker
| 70345
| 208819
| 553515
| 0
| 1157647
| 97610
| 16
| wikiversity
| 68517
| 317366
| 2912091
| 92
| 1860432
| 22977
| 17
| wikitravel
| 61482
| 169867
| 3094834
| 138
| 94264
| 18210
| 18
| wikifur
| 25277
| 108462
| 617965
| 94
| 12775
| 20655
| 19
| scoutwiki
| 21477
| 78896
| 1112446
| 98
| 20484
| 13564
| 20
| anarchopedias
| 16105
| 61777
| 386827
| 240
| 201105
| 2296
| 21
| gentoo
| 1724
| 10601
| 73483
| 30
| 33743
| 388
| 22
| opensuse
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
| 0
===Grand Total===
===Grand Total===

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