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Encyc (MediaWiki): Difference between revisions

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;''External links
;''External links
{{WikiApiary|Encyc}}<!--needs updating with correct foundation date, it has the earlier PmWiki start date-->
{{WikiApiary|Encyc}}<!--needs updating with correct foundation date, it has the earlier PmWiki start date-->
*[[archive.is:Encyc.org|List of 170 snapshot archived URLs for <tt>Encyc.org</tt>]] — at [[archive.is]]
{{Wikistats v2.2-wiki|mw|8600|Encyc|mediawikis}}
{{Wikistats v2.2-wiki|mw|12897|Encyc|mediawikis}}
*[[archive.is:Encyc.org|List of 171 snapshot archived URLs for <tt>Encyc.org</tt>]] — at [[archive.is]]
*[https://twitter.com/encyc @Encyc] — Twitter feed
*[https://twitter.com/encyc @Encyc] — Twitter feed
*[https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=114232038678905 Facebook page]
*[https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=114232038678905 Facebook page]

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