Category:Doctor Who
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Doctor Who is a long-running British science fiction and fantasy television series from the BBC. It fundamentally focusses on its lead character, The Doctor, a 'Time Lord', who travels through space and time in his/her Tardis, usually with a companion; and his/her many encounters with various adversaries, including the Daleks and Cybermen.
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- Doctor Who, Torchwood, The Sarah Jane Adventures, Class, K9 and Company, K9, the TARDIS, the sonic screwdriver, psychic paper, the Daleks, the Cybermen, the K9 prop — and all characters, concepts and situations described and displayed on this wiki — are © (copyright) and or ™ (trademark) the British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC Worldwide, Metal Mutt Productions and / or their individual creators and licensees. No infringement of any entity's legal rights is intended.
Pages in category “Doctor Who”
The following 6 pages are in this category, out of 6 total.