Category:GNU General Public License

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GNU General Public License, version 3.0 (GPLv3) logo
For wiki sites whose wiki content is released under the GNU General Public License, see: category: Wiki GNU General Public License.

Category:GNU General Public License — this category here on WikiIndex contains wiki engine software and / or other software released under one (or more) iterations of the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL, or merely just GPL). They may be generally classed as either free software and / or open content.

Category: GPL and Category: GNU GPL redirect to here.

This category may also contain wiki sites which cover the GNU General Public License as a subject matter. Articles in this category would primarily consist of wikis discussing say software such as Sage Mathematical software.

The GNU General Public License has been released in three iterations, the current valid iteration as follows:

Prior to the above current iteration, the GNU GPL was previously available in the following obsolete iterations:

External links

Pages in category “GNU General Public License”

The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.

Media in category "GNU General Public License"

This category contains only the following file.