Five Guys Corporate Wiki

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Five_Guys_logo.png Five Guys Corporate Wiki
aka: FGWiki

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Founded by:
Status: Goal abandoned
Language: English
Edit mode: ByInvitation
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: No license
Main topic: Accounting
Wiki size: 27 article pages see stats

Five Guys Corporate Wiki, also known as FGWiki was an ill-fated corporate wiki launched on 17 January 2017, unveiled to the Five Guys company management 18 January 2017, and abandoned 19 January 2017. A case study of the failure of the Five Guys wiki was documented on the wiki. Five Guys is an upstart fast-food burger bar, with rapid expansion via franchising.

Wiki contents
page title page length
2102_(account) 98
6022_(account) 114
90-day_list 189
Accounts 713
Accounts_payable 243
Accounts_payable_batch_review 843
Checking_store_status 261
Commercial_Activity_Tax 375
Connecticut 1402
FGWiki 198
Five_Guys_Corporate_Data.xlsx 186
Great_Plains 191
Insurance 384
Integration 397
Main_Page 74
Nathan_Larson 179
Nicki_Kidwell 224
Rent_reclass 246
Store_1029 233
Store_1054 136
Store_1063 145
Store_1121 201
Store_1347 221
Store_1448 182
Store_1517 145
Store_310 616
Store_421 184
Store_422 191
Store_458 166
Store_658 233
Store_678 102
Stores 100
Utility_accruals 337
Variance_check 2760