WikiIndex:Newest additions archive
- see very recent vistors
- 27-Feb-2015: — homeschooling
- 27-Feb-2015: — community project for collecting reviews of... everything!
- 24-Feb-2015: — anarchism
- 17-Feb-2015: — researched and conflict-free alternatives and recipes to common household products
- 10-Feb-2015: — home of the Cascadia Wikimedians User Group, an independent group of Wikimedians and an officially-recognized Wikimedia user group serving the Cascadia region of North America
- 10-Feb-2015: — dedicated to game cheats
- 08-Feb-2015: — dedicated to My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, the My Little Pony franchise, and its fandom
- 29-Jan-2015: Messenger of God Wiki — dedicated to people who are considered messengers of God
- 29-Jan-2015: — dedicated to extraterrestrial life
- 29-Jan-2015: SheboyganWiki — dedicated to Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
- 23-Jan-2015: Wiki.Wiki — a wiki farm for the new .wiki top level domain
- 23-Jan-2015: YouTube Poop Wiki (de) - deutsches YouTube Poop-Wiki (German YouTube Poop wiki)
- 21-Jan-2015: — family-friendly activities and resources in Cordova, Alaska
- 21-Jan-2015: — teaches Chines and Japanese through a fictional story set in Arcania City
- 21-Jan-2015: — dedicated to the Kannada (India) film industry
- 16-Jan-2015: Wiki — info about all aspects of gender outside the binary.
21-Dec-2014: Animal Boyfriend Wiki — a wiki about Animal Boyfriend game for Android
17-Dec-2014: True Awakening Wiki — a wiki about an upcoming show
04-Dec-2014: - a wiki dedicated to the body of all life
04-Dec-2014: Cornelis_Drebbel - History of Science. 1572-1633 Innovations - submarine - regulators
23-Nov-2014: SJWiki — social justice wiki about social justice activism, theory. and praxis
20-Nov-2014: KarnevalsWiki Brühl - wiki about carnival in Brühl, Germany
17-Nov-2014: Dilbert Wiki - (web)comic strip Dilbert by Scott Adams
07-Nov-2014: Webcomic Wiki — wiki about webcomics
03-Nov-2014: FoodStartup.Wiki — about food startup companies and resources
03-Nov-2014: Supercars.Wiki — about supercars
22-Oct-2014: RenewableEnergy.Wiki — about renewable energy
22-Oct-2014: VerticalSpace.Wiki — about vertical spaces and cities
22-Oct-2014: Idiom.Wiki — about idioms
21-Oct-2014: MobiWiki - WikiEngine for UNIX based on Wards Wiki with scientific formatting.
19-Oct-2014: Dailybsness - The encyclopedia of the work and business.
10-Oct-2014: Bilgive Wiki - Turkish language encyclopedia, glossary and news.
06-Oct-2014: RiffTrax Wiki - about RiffTrax and iRiffs. RiffTrax is an audio comedy project by MST3K comedians.
28-Sep-2014: Vimwiki WikiEngine
15-Sep-2014: Marriage Equality Wiki (wikia) — about history of marriage equality in the USA
08-Sep-2014: Discordian Wiki — a discordianism wiki at wikia
25-Aug-2014: Geschichtswerkstatt der SPD Schleswig-Holstein — history of SPD Schleswig-Holstein
25-Aug-2014: Beschlussdatenbank der SPD Schleswig-Holstein — Database of Resolutions
25-Aug-2014: Beschlussdatenbank der SPD Baden-Württemberg — Database of Resolutions
25-Aug-2014: — German wiki about Tabletop and Boardgames
17-Aug-2014: Freimaurer-Wiki — about Freemasons
14-Aug-2014: YaSM Wiki — recommended best practices for providing services
05-Aug-2014: NIER Wiki — about the NIER video games
05-Aug-2014: Gallowmere Wiki — about the MediEvil video game series
04-Aug-2014: Scienticity wiki — science literacy wiki
02-Jul-2014: — about 3D printing and printers
18-Jun-2014: Coin.Wiki — about crypto-currencies
18-Jun-2014: Startup.Wiki — about startups and resources
17-Jun-2014: Ostrobe Country Wiki — about a fictional country called Ostrobe
02-Jun-2014: Busty Resources — wiki detailing everything about bras and breasts
01-Jun-2014: Wikistad — Dutch wiki about a fictional country called Libertas
23-May-2014: Weed.Wiki — about cannabis
11-May-2014: Electrical Installation Wiki — for professional electrical engineers
10-May-2014: Arrow Wiki — about the television series, Arrow
06-Apr-2014: Pindula wiki — wiki about all things Zimbabwe
18-Mar-2014: Pirate Party of Canada wiki — political party wiki
08-Mar-2014: De Tuin Wiki — Dutch wiki about gardening
08-Mar-2014: MovieMeterWiki — Dutch wiki about films
08-Mar-2014: LeerWiki — Dutch wiki about educational topics
08-Mar-2014: FOK!wiki — Dutch wiki of the news and lifestyle site FOK!
27-Feb-2014: wikiBest — a wiki listing the 'best of' in a variety of topics
26-Feb-2014: Wiki reken-wiskundeonderwijs — Dutch wiki about calculus and math education
26-Feb-2014: Museum van het Nederlandse Uurwerk Wiki — Dutch wiki about clockwork
26-Feb-2014: Genwiki Nederland — Dutch wiki about genealogy
22-Feb-2014: Bee and PuppyCat — wiki about the webseries Bee and PuppyCat.
22-Feb-2014: Duurzame Energie Wiki — Dutch wiki about sustainable energy
22-Feb-2014: Koipedia — Dutch wiki about koi-fish
22-Feb-2014: Radiopedia — Dutch wiki about radio
22-Feb-2014: Imkerpedia — Dutch wiki about beekeeping
22-Feb-2014: DiabetesWiki — Dutch wiki about diabetes
22-Feb-2014: Wiki Piratenpartij Nederland — Dutch wiki about the political partij Piratenpartij
22-Feb-2014: OV in Nederland — Dutch wiki about public transport
22-Feb-2014: Catawiki — Dutch wiki for collectors
21-Feb-2014: Beeld en Geluid wiki — Dutch wiki about television, media and audiovisual collections
21-Feb-2014: SigarenWiki — Dutch wiki about cigars
21-Feb-2014: ArchiefWiki — Dutch wiki about archives in the Netherlands and Belgium
20-Feb-2014: Wegenwiki — Dutch wiki about roads and traffic
20-Feb-2014: Reliwiki — Dutch wiki about religious buildings in the Netherlands
20-Feb-2014: Ubuntu Nederlands — Dutch wiki about Ubuntu
09-Feb-2014: Crowdfunding Wiki — crowdfunding
25-Jan-2014: The TaraElla Wiki — fan made wiki, all about the talented singer songwriter and writer TaraElla
30-Dec-2013: Gensoukyou: Eastern Story — a touhou roleplaying community
28-Dec-2013: Apertium — free/open-source platform for developing rule-based machine translation systems
17-Dec-2013: La Librairie de Thermographie — French thermographic wiki, also in English and Dutch
17-Dec-2013: Unwelcome Guests — broadcasters who produce a fortnightly, public domain 2 hour talk radio show on a range of topics
15-Dec-2013: Pinata — Viva Piñata wiki
22-Nov-2013: Who's Who from the Arab World — encyclopedia about prominent Arabs past and present
18-Nov-2013: SuicideWiki — online repository of suicide reasons, methods and miscellany
14-Nov-2013: ChildWiki — the children's liberation encyclopedia
11-Nov-2013: Nudist History Wiki — seeks to compile a complete source of nudist history in North America
25-Oct-2013: PolyWiki — the global storehouse of information and ideas about polyamory
25-Oct-2013: 77 Days Wiki — encyclopaedia of the 77 Days Mystery
01-Sep-2013: iSC Pedia (Wikia) Wiki — The True Wiki(a) Encyclopedia, available in a number of languages
06-Aug-2013: LXDE Wiki — Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
03-Aug-2013: WikiSuriya — Arabic wiki about the Syrian Civil War
14-Jul-2013: Teacher Story Wiki — wiki for the game Teacher Story by Motion Twin
25-Jun-2013: Gastro-Wiki — German wiki about kitchen technology for the catering industry
17-Jun-2013: Wikipink — Italian language LGBT wiki
09-Jun-2013: TranzWiki — directory of resources for transgender people in the United Kingdom
08-Jun-2013: Gentils Virus — French wiki on thoughts of participatory democracy
25-May-2013: The Neverhood Wiki — a wiki about The Neverhood
24-May-2013: Whuspedia — a new wiki of humor
02-May-2013: TheyServed Wiki (Wikia) — dedicated to all contributions made by the British Armed Forces during WW1 & WW2
06-Apr-2013: Sobel Wiki — an encyclopedia of Robert Sobel's alternate history For Want of a Nail: If Burgoyne Had Won at Saratoga
03-Apr-2013: h2g2 — The Guide to Life, The Universe and Everything - a collaborative site from Douglas Adams, the author of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
01-Apr-2013: 20% Cooler wiki — a MLP (My Little Pony) wiki
31-Mar-2013: HârnWiki — a wiki for developing material for the role-play world of Hârn
24-Mar-2013: Open Mesh — a wiki about building free and open mesh networks
24-Mar-2013: Monster Frontier — a wiki about an iTunes Store Application Game, where you will find useful information on the game!
06-Mar-2013: Alvin and the Chipmunks Wiki — a wiki about the animated & CGI musical groups, The Chipmunks and The Chipettes
23-Jan-2013: Research Groups Wiki — comparing Research Groups
28-Dec-2012: WikiTunisie — a Tunisian wiki about Tunisia in French
10-Dec-2012: CoDeSaH Wiki — la wiki de RuneScape en Español
05-Dec-2012: Socialbar — a wiki about a social community which is dedicated to sharing information
24-Nov-2012: Lengas Bastidas — a wiki about constructed languages, in Occitan
23-Nov-2012: Oisquipèdia — a humourous wiki, in Occitan
21-Nov-2012: — a wiki about group games for youth groups, workshops, seminars or wherever you play games
19-Nov-2012: Testwiki — ein deutsches Wiki, wo man machen kann, was man will, auch Uploads von Bildern, Audios und Videos
06-Nov-2012: SDIY wiki — a wiki for learning and sharing knowledge about making your own electronic musical instruments and related equipment
29-Oct-2012: LGBT History UK — building a history of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender people, places, organisations and events in the United Kingdom
29-Oct-2012: Wikisage — a General Interest open free wiki encyclopedia in Dutch and English
27-Oct-2012: Torque OBD2 Wiki — an automotive wiki on Android powered OBD2 scan tools
10-Oct-2012: Nostalgia Wikipedia — a frozen snapshot of the English Wikipedia from 20 December 2001
09-Oct-2012: Open Web Application Security Project — a wiki for The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
08-Oct-2012: WebPlatform Docs — aims to become a comprehensive and authoritative source for web developer documentation
06-Oct-2012: The Business Model Project — a wiki about Business Models
30-Sep-2012: UK Transport Wiki — a wikia on buses and trains of the UK
30-Sep-2012: — an Arabic wiki about drafting the Constitution of Tunisia
29-Sep-2012: Chemistry Wiki — an educational wiki to assist in GCSE/IGCSE studies
27-Sep-2012: London's Burning Wiki — a wikia about London's Burning
27-Sep-2012: RLSH - Real Life Superheroes Wiki — a wiki about fictional Real Life Superheroes
09-Sep-2012: Mt633 — a personal wiki for Zach Harris' research in (primarily) math, theology, and computing
06-Sep-2012: The Blackadder Wiki — a wikia about the television program Blackadder
04-Sep-2012: Freaks and Geeks — a wiki about the television program Freaks and Geeks
25-Aug-2012: Quantum Conundrum Wiki — a wiki for Airtight Games' puzzle-platformer Quantum Conundrum
02-Aug-2012: Touhou Patch Center — a wiki whose goal is to translate the Touhou games into any language
02-Aug-2012: Vnds Wiki — a wiki specializing in porting Visuals novels to the Nintendo DS
02-Aug-2012: Vocaloid Software — a Vocaloid wiki that focuses on the technical aspects of the Vocaloid software
02-Aug-2012: Decrecipedia — a Spanish wiki about degrowth
25-Jul-2012: Touhou Edge of Perspective — a roleplaying group that roleplays as Touhou Characters
04-Jul-2012: Nathania — Nathan Larson's bliki: biographies, interviews, essays, and more
03-Jul-2012: DFRV - Regionalgruppe Berlin — the wiki for fundraisers in Berlin, Germany
26-Jun-2012: Linux Gaming Wiki — the Linux Gaming Wiki is a growing database of games that can be played on Linux and instructions for running them
26-Jun-2012: GameTree Linux Wiki — a wiki of information about Cedega, which allows many Windows games to be played on Linux
26-Jun-2012: Green Grass Ink — open wiki about the Inner-Mongolian singer Uudam and his ideal ink greening the world
24-Jun-2012: Islamic Finance Encyclopedia — free Arabic wiki encyclopedia for Islamic finance
24-Jun-2012: Isqat Al-Nizam — free Egyptian wiki encyclopedia for the January 25 Revolution
20-Jun-2012: WikiMaktabat — free Arabic wiki encyclopedia for library and information cataloging and archiving
20-Jun-2012: UKAirsoftWiki — UK Airsoft based wiki
10-Jun-2012: Sturmkrieg — unofficial encyclopedia for player created content related to Warhammer 40,000
07-Jun-2012: Continuum Wiki — a wiki about the science fiction show Continuum
04-Jun-2012: Class3Outbreak Wiki — about Class3Outbreak zombie game
01-Jun-2012: Semantic Stargate Wiki — English and French semantic wikis about the Stargate franchise
29-May-2012: WikiAuto — US-based automotive wiki for automobile, truck, and motorcycle repair
26-May-2012: Pirates of the Caribbean Online Wiki — information resource for Pirates of the Caribbean Online
25-May-2012: TV Maps Wiki — a wiki for maps from tv shows, movies, games and more
19-May-2012: Fun-Wiki — Ein deutsches Wiki, das lustige Sachen wie z. B Witze enthalten soll
13-May-2012: Baustellenwiki — Ein deutsches Wiki bestehend aus Spielwiesen im Benutzernamensraum, einer Spielwiese und Ähnliches
13-May-2012: Wikibaustelle — Ein deutsches Wiki bestehend aus Spielwiesen und Artikeln, die angelegt werden für die Wikipedia, wo jeder auch seinen Kram ablegen kann
08-May-2012: (es) — Spanish version of the wiki - the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
08-May-2012: (ca) — Catalan version of the wiki - the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
08-May-2012: (en) — English version of the wiki - the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
08-May-2012: Media-pool — media & template repository wiki of - the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
08-May-2012: The Global Square — an English wiki about the social movements that occupy public spaces like squares all over the world, e.g. Occupy, 15M, Takethesquare
08-May-2012: — a Spanish wiki about the collective
08-May-2012: We Rebuild - Telecomix — a wiki about the Telecomix cluster of net activists
12-Apr-2012: Firefox-Wiki — a German wiki about the free web browser Firefox
11-Apr-2012: Forscherliga-Wiki — a German wiki about the World of Warcraft realm 'Forscherliga'
05-Apr-2012: Arab Sciencepedia — an Arabic Syrian free wiki encyclopedia about scientific topics
04-Apr-2012: SMWiki — a wiki containing information and resources to help with ROM hacking of the game Super Mario World
04-Apr-2012: Foamypedia — a wiki about the webtoon Neurotically Yours
04-Apr-2012: SM64 Machinima Wiki — a wiki about Super Mario 64 machinima
04-Apr-2012: Ikhwan(.net) Wiki — an Arabic wiki encyclopedia of the Muslim Brotherhood
03-Apr-2012: Wiki Feqh — an Iranian wiki encyclopedia about Islamic jurisprudence, Fiqh
02-Apr-2012: Ikhwan Wiki — an Arabic official historical wiki encyclopedia of the Muslim Brotherhood
02-Apr-2012: NetworkSet Wiki — an Arabic wiki encyclopedia about computer networks
02-Apr-2012: Wiki Jubail — a Saudi Arabian Arabic wiki encyclopedia about about biographies of the families of the city of Jubail in Saudi Arabia
02-Apr-2012: Arabeyes — an Arabic wiki encyclopedia about arabizing open source softwares
02-Apr-2012: Kantoula — a Tunisian Arabic general-interest wiki encyclopedia
29-Mar-2012: Hero Tower Defense Wiki — a wiki about Hero Tower Defense
27-Feb-2012: Copfilter — a wiki about an IPCop-Addon
27-Feb-2012: Marefa — an Arabic wiki encyclopedia
26-Feb-2012: Powerbase — a wiki about lobbies, corporations and pressure groups
23-Feb-2012: True Capitalist Wiki — a wiki about an amateur radio show called True Capitalist Radio
19-Feb-2012: Icaruspedia — a wiki about Nintendo's Kid Icarus franchise
14-Feb-2012: Dessouswiki — a German wiki about fashion and lifestyle
13-Feb-2012: F-Zero Wiki — a wiki about Nintendo's F-Zero franchise
25-Jan-2012: World Cruising and Sailing — a wiki on cruising and sailing the oceans and high seas
24-Jan-2012: FSFE Fellowship wiki — a wiki for the 'Free Software Foundation Europe'
21-Jan-2012: Supernatural Wiki — a wiki about the television series Supernatural
10-Jan-2012: ITU Encyclopedia — wiki about Istanbul Technical University
08-Jan-2012: Irish Comics Wiki — comics and cartoonists from Ireland
08-Jan-2012: Wikimpress (de) and Wikimpress (en) — wikis with dynamic content
03-Jan-2012: Lego Glitch Central — a wiki about glitches within games produced by the Lego Company
02-Jan-2012: Claymore New Wiki — a wiki about Claymore, the manga and anime series
30-Dec-2011: Vampira Wiki — a German wiki about the paperback novel series VAMPIRA
30-Dec-2011: FLOSS Manuals — a wiki for collaborative writing of Free Software manuals
24-Dec-2011: Fanlore — wiki by and about fans and fan communities that create and consume fanworks
19-Dec-2011: Wikirating — a wiki for independent and transparent credit ratings - the alternative to mainstream credit rating agencies
17-Dec-2011: Looney Pyramid wiki — a wiki for people to play games or design games using the Looney Pyramid game system
16-Dec-2011: Mega Bloks — a wiki of all Mega Bloks sets released
07-Dec-2011: EffiWiki — a wiki of Efficient INDIA; the Tools and software tutorial wiki
02-Dec-2011: Personality Tests Wiki — a wiki about personality tests
24-Nov-2011: QuizMeUp — a wiki of quiz questions; the community where sharing quiz questions builds better quizzes
21-Nov-2011: My Little Pony NeoWiki — a wiki all about My Little Pony
14-Nov-2011: TestWiki — a wiki where anyone can be an administrator for testing purposes
10-Nov-2011: Awa — a wiki to share your opinion on places all other the world
06-Oct-2011: OccupyWiki — a wiki to serve the OccupyMovement - please join us!
27-Sep-2011: WikiMANNia — a wiki about masculism, men's rights and anti-feminism
27-Sep-2011: AudiWorld Wiki — a wiki for the website and forum, dedicated to Audi motor cars
26-Sep-2011: CorradoTechnik — a wiki for the Volkswagen Corrado automobile
26-Sep-2011: TEFLChina — a wiki for English teachers in China
25-Sep-2011: Ratiopol — a French political wiki that aims to address the problems faced by politicians
25-Sep-2011: — the biggest wiki for dentistry
24-Sep-2011: Debuntu wiki — a wiki for the Debian and Ubuntu operating systems
24-Sep-2011: ALF Wiki — a wiki for all things related to the fictional character ALF
23-Sep-2011: Ross-Tech Wiki — a wiki on the VAG-COM Diagnostic System (VCDS) for use on all Volkswagen Group vehicles
23-Sep-2011: Roccopedia — a wiki on the Volkswagen Scirocco (Mk3) automobile
22-Sep-2011: — a German wiki for Star Wars, second-biggest after Wookieepedia
22-Sep-2011: Digital Fortress — a wiki for Dan Brown's novel Digital Fortress
21-Sep-2011: Wiibrew — a wiki for Wii and Homebrew games
14-Sep-2011: Bhamwiki — a wiki for the Birmingham District in Alabama
07-Sep-2011: International Aids Vigil, Toronto — a wiki for the International Aids Vigil event in Toronto
05-Sep-2011: IT Security Wiki — a wiki for IT Security
01-Sep-2011: Men of War - Wiki — a wiki for the tactic-strategic video-game Men of War
01-Sep-2011: Tauschwiki — a German wiki for Local Exchange and Trading Systems
31-Aug-2011: — a wiki about information on hockey cards
30-Aug-2011: InterSciWiki — a wiki about trans-disciplinary research, especially networks and complexity sciences
29-Aug-2011: Roblox Wikia — the unofficial Roblox wiki
29-Aug-2011: Qmail wiki — a wiki about the software qmail
27-Aug-2011: Japanese beyblade — the official Beyblade wiki in Japanese
26-Aug-2011: Whitest Kids U' Know Wiki — information on the hilarious show The Whitest Kids U' Know
25-Aug-2011: Art du Web — a French wiki about system administration, by sysadmins
25-Aug-2011: Edinburgh City Wiki — a wiki about Edinburgh, Scotland
25-Aug-2011: Arx Fatalis Wiki — a wiki about the fantasy videogame Arx Fatalis
24-Aug-2011: Wikiloc — an Italian wiki about outdoor, travel, nature...
24-Aug-2011: District 151 Wiki — a wiki for competitive Pokémon battlers
23-Aug-2011: The Dark Tower Wiki — a wiki about the magnum opus of Stephen King
20-Aug-2011: Wikiapbn — Encyclopedia of Ministry of Finance, Indonesia
18-Aug-2011: Tatiana's TOMATObase — Heritage Tomatoes - a wiki about heirloom and open-pollinated vegetable varieties, with focus on tomatoes
17-Aug-2011: One Piece Wiki Italia — an Italian wiki about One Piece
17-Aug-2011: Stamps Wiki — a wiki about stamps from all time periods, rare or common
17-Aug-2011: Catalan One Piece Wikia — the Catalan wiki for One Piece
16-Aug-2011: One Piece — a wiki about One Piece
16-Aug-2011: Chinese Wikisimpsons — the Chinese wiki for The Simpsons
15-Aug-2011: VIKIpedia — an Italian wiki about VIKI
15-Aug-2011: Lamonetapedia — an Italian wiki for numismatics
15-Aug-2011: Dimenticatoio — an Italian wiki about the 1980s
15-Aug-2011: RotoWiki — an Italian wiki about the city Rotondella's people
15-Aug-2011: Wikiviaggiatori — an Italian wiki for adventurist people
15-Aug-2011: CosenzaWiki — an Italian wiki about the city Cosenza's people
15-Aug-2011: Coscienziopedia — a Portuguese wiki about Conscienciology
15-Aug-2011: Ekopedia (it) — an Italian wiki about ecology
15-Aug-2011: EduEDA — an Italian wiki about art, formerly known as Wiki ARTpedia
15-Aug-2011: Wikiufo — an Italian wiki about UFOs
15-Aug-2011: Ufopedia — an Italian wiki about UFOs
15-Aug-2011: Naturpedia — an Italian wiki about nature
14-Aug-2011: Lords of Uberdark Wiki — an informative wiki for the game Lords of Uberdark
11-Aug-2011: The World God Only Knows Wiki — a wiki about the manga The World God Only Knows
10-Aug-2011: Fanartwii — a Spanish wiki about fanart for the wiiflow software
07-Aug-2011: Open New Zealand — a wiki regarding government and democracy in New Zealand
03-Aug-2011: War in the North Wiki — a wiki all about the upcoming videogame, Lord of the Rings: The War in the North
03-Aug-2011: KernelEx Wiki — a wiki about KernelEx, an Open Source compatibility layer with an aim to allow running Microsoft Windows 2000/XP-only applications on Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition operating systems
01-Aug-2011: Men in Black Wiki — a fast growing wiki covering the entire Men in Black series
29-Jul-2011: Wikimedia Outreach — home for several Wikimedia Foundation outreach and collaboration initiatives
29-Jul-2011: Sci-fi Independent Wiki Alliance — a wiki alliance about sci-fi topics
29-Jul-2011: WikiQueer — encyclopedia and resource hub for and by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and ally communities
23-Jul-2011: Everybody Edits Wiki — a wiki about the multiplayer level editor everybody edits
23-Jul-2011: Crappypedia — a new wiki of humor
22-Jul-2011: Shihad Wiki — a wiki about New Zealand band Shihad
22-Jul-2011: OARiNZ Knowledge Base Wiki — a wiki supporting New Zealand repository projects
22-Jul-2011: Waihekepedia — a wiki with information about Waiheke Island, New Zealand
18-Jul-2011: Qi-Wiki — a wiki about the BBC television program Qi
15-Jul-2011: Roblox Wiki — an active wiki about the popular online sandbox MMO Roblox
15-Jul-2011: New Zealand Linux Wiki — a New Zealand Linux Wiki
14-Jul-2011: Cheat Engine — a wiki about the popular gamehacking program Cheat Engine
03-Jul-2011: The Ferry Wiki — a wiki all about ferries and their companies from around the world
01-Jul-2011: Up The Punks — a wiki about punk music in Wellington, New Zealand
01-Jul-2011: Flight of the Conchords Wiki — a wiki about New Zealand comedy duo Flight of the Conchords
30-Jun-2011: Home and Away Wiki — a wiki about long running Australian TV show, Home and Away
30-Jun-2011: Shortland Street Wiki — a wiki about long running New Zealand TV show, Shortland Street
26-Jun-2011: Wikiwrimo — a wiki for all things National Novel Writing Month
26-Jun-2011: The Almighty Johnsons Wiki — a wiki about New Zealand TV show, the Almighty Johnsons
25-Jun-2011: ARRSEPedia — an unofficial wiki about the British Army
25-Jun-2011: Duran Duran Wiki — a wiki about the band Duran Duran
25-Jun-2011: Dresden Dolls Wiki — a wiki about the band Dresden Dolls
25-Jun-2011: GNS Science Public Wiki — a wiki for New Zealand science collaboration
25-Jun-2011: Cricket Wiki — a wiki on the sport of cricket
24-Jun-2011: Music Ontology — a wiki on Music Ontology
24-Jun-2011: H-Town Rock Wiki — a wiki on music from Houston, Texas
24-Jun-2011: Postcards of Cornwall — a wiki on postcards of Cornwall, UK
24-Jun-2011: Kiwi Biker Wiki — a wiki on motorcycle clubs, etc, from New Zealand
21-Jun-2011: Glocal Focal — a wiki on social issues both local and global
21-Jun-2011: wikYpages — a wiki about local places and business, everywhere in the world
18-Jun-2011: Goatopedia — a wiki about the Royal Air Force
11-Jun-2011: Liverpool FC Wiki — a wiki about Liverpool Football Club
07-May-2011: Einstein University — the Free University
06-May-2011: Heraldik-Wiki — a wiki about heraldry
20-Apr-2011: Touhou Project Wiki — a wikia about the Touhou franchise (video games, comics, etc)
27-Apr-2011: Softeuskaraz — a wiki about software and web pages in Basque
14-Apr-2011: Pascal — a wiki for Pascal developers
11-Apr-2011: BirdWiki — for people passionate about Birding
09-Apr-2011: Maratrean Wiki — about the religion of Maratreanism
25-Mar-2011: AtterWiki — about the Austrian region Attersee-Attergau
25-Mar-2011: Chromium — open-source project behind Google Chrome
23-Mar-2011: Dragon Age Wiki — a wikia about Dragon Age franchise (video games, comics, etc)
23-Mar-2011: Mass Effect Wiki — a wikia about Mass Effect franchise (video games, comics, etc)
21-Mar-2011: WikiNorthia — a wiki about life in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne
21-Mar-2011: WikiShepp — a wiki about the history of the Goulburn Valley, in Australia
21-Mar-2011: Delimiter — a wiki about Technology in Australia
20-Mar-2011: WIKINT — wiki focused on Intelligence Studies and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance
19-Mar-2011: — wiki about food, and their impact upon the body
18-Mar-2011: Planned Economy Wiki — wiki about the subject of Planned Economy
15-Mar-2011: WikiBound and NintendoWiki — wiki's on EarthBound/Mother and Nintendo, respectively
09-Mar-2011: mrbš — open-edit city wiki of the Germany city Meerbusch for both inhabitants and interested parties
08-Mar-2011: The Springfield Shopper — wiki with news articles about The Simpsons
08-Mar-2011: Simptionary — a Simpsons dictionary wiki
08-Mar-2011: UnSimpsons Wiki — a humorous wiki about The Simpsons
08-Mar-2011: Adventure Time Wiki — a wikia about the Cartoon Network series Adventure Time
08-Mar-2011: Random Wiki — write about anything, it's random; you will enjoy it
07-Mar-2011: Beachapedia — a project for publishing knowledge on coastal environmental topics
20-Feb-2011: LlamadaWiki — a wiki about a fictional land, you can create your own character, house and business
15-Feb-2011: California Criminal Defense Encyclopedia — provides information for people facing criminal charges in California
12-Feb-2011: Guardians of Ga'Hoole Wiki — wiki about Guardians of Ga'Hoole fantasy book series
11-Feb-2011: RadioReference wiki — CollectiveAccess is a collections management application for museums, archives and digital collections
10-Feb-2011: ATWiki — wiki about assistive technology; AT being any device or equipment used to maintain or improve the capabilities of people with disabilities
08-Feb-2011: Fullmetal Alchemist Wiki — ...
08-Feb-2011: Pork Bun Wiki — a wiki about Chinese pork buns
06-Feb-2011: CollectiveAccess Documentation — CollectiveAccess is a collections management application for museums, archives and digital collections
04-Feb-2011: Svecthor Wiki — wiki about the great people who are Sven, Seth and Hector
04-Feb-2011: DMFA Wiku — wiki about webcomic Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures
02-Feb-2011: Biblepedia — wiki about webcomic Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
31-Jan-2011: Club Penguin Fanon Wiki — a wiki where you can read and write Club Penguin fan fiction
27-Jan-2011: Chicken Wiki — one-stop resource for those lovable poultry, chickens
19-Jan-2011: Cyborg Anthropology — a resource for students and educators
30-Dec-2010: Xwing: The Rogue Squadron Wiki — wiki all about the Rogue Squadron
23-Dec-2010: StFWiki - Die Wiki zu Sternenfaust — all about the german SF-Series Sternenfaust
28-Nov-2010: Gongjin's Campaign Memorials: a Three Kingdoms Wiki — a detailed encyclopedia about the historic events of China's Three Kingdoms period
25-Nov-2010: GhibliWiki — all about the productions of the Studio Ghibli
21-Nov-2010: Discworld & Pratchett Wiki — a Terry Pratchett-oriented wiki including the Discworld novels and adaptions
21-Nov-2010: Street Fighter EX Wiki — everything about EX series for the true Arika/Capcom fans
19-Nov-2010: Windows Phone Wiki — the ultimate source and only wiki about Windows Phone 7 and its predecessors
18-Nov-2010: The Italy Wiki — everything to do with Italy
15-Nov-2010: Wiki-Photography — a brand new photography wiki for beginners and professionals alike
14-Nov-2010: Human Nature: Science and Catholic Doctrine — about the relationship between social sciences and Catholicism
14-Nov-2010: Gay History Wiki — about gay men and allies in Philadelphia and their organization, culture, etc
12-Nov-2010: NORAD Tracks Santa — a wiki about NORAD Tracks Santa available year-round)
11-Nov-2010: Napoleon Bonaparte Wiki — a wiki about one of the most influential people ever, Napoleon Bonaparte
30-Oct-2010: Wikicollect — the one like Japanese version of this site (WikiIndex)
26-Oct-2010: BeagleBoard wiki — wiki about BeagleBoard (a single-board computer)
11-Sep-2010: Physikwiki — German-language wiki about theoretical physics
03-Sep-2010: Lylat Wiki — the sole, independent Star Fox wiki
03-Sep-2010: emule-wiki — a wiki about eMule world
31-Aug-2010: Casualty Wiki — a wiki about the long-running medical drama Casualty
24-Aug-2010: Zelda Chaos — the largest Zelda glitches database on the web
21-Aug-2010: The Uncharted Wiki — a wiki about the Uncharted video game series
18-Aug-2010: ProjectRhea — a wiki created by students for students used to create/share/discuss education-related material
08-Jul-2010: Portland Afoot — wiki about low-car life in Portland
24-Jun-2010: Coasterpedia — a wiki about Roller Coasters
01-Jun-2010: Sekirei — a wiki about the Sekirei manga and anime
20-May-2010: Fable Answers — ask questions about anything to do with the Fable games
14-May-2010: AeroGardeners Wiki — an AeroGarden encyclopedia containing Seed, Model, Recipe, and Tip articles
09-May-2010: Wycliffe Model United Nations Wiki — complete resource and research tool for Model United Nations participants
01-May-2010: Project Yuki Developer Wiki — for development of a free and open-source video game industry simulation game
09-Apr-2010: Paragon Wiki — wiki about City of Heroes and City of Villains
06-Apr-2010: Wikisimpsons — all about The Simpsons
06-Apr-2010: Test Wiki (wikia) — ???
03-Apr-2010: Sam & Max Wiki — if it's about our favorite suit-wearing six foot dog and mentally unhinged rabbity thing, we have an article about it
02-Apr-2010: Test Wiki — wiki for testing
02-Apr-2010: Neciclopedie — wiki humor
22-Mar-2010: BCP Airport Parking Wiki — everything you could want to know about Airport Car Parking at all other major UK airports
15-Mar-2010: Dragon Ball — a wiki about the famous serie of Dragon Ball, in Spanish
12-Mar-2010: GayPedia — gay information wiki in French-language
10-Mar-2010: WiKirby — a wiki about Kirby
09-Mar-2010: — a wiki with the mission of organizing the African Diaspora in Alpha stage
09-Mar-2010: Mass Effect Fanon — a fan wiki where anyone can create their own articles about their Mass Effect ideas
02-Mar-2010: Libertarian Wiki — a wiki by and for libertarians
26-Feb-2010: MUGEN Database — a database of MUGEN characters, stages and more
26-Feb-2010: Wiki Web Help — a new wiki engine for help applications designed to work like a desktop help viewer
23-Feb-2010: Pharm2Phork Wiki — wiki about project for open source solutions for agricultural sectors
03-Feb-2010: Luzipedia — a new German humor wiki; satanical, satirical, critical cynical but never ever almost funny
01-Feb-2010: Home Wiki — a wiki about homes; it has information about the people who make a place a home, structures and infrastructure, furniture and furnishings, decorating, safety, tips for "how to" and other homemaking ideas
20-Jan-2010: LocoRoco Wiki — a wiki for the PSP game, LocoRoco
18-Jan-2010: War of Legends Wiki — a general purpose wiki collection of information about the new game produced by Jagex Ltd called War of Legends
18-Jan-2010: Three Sheets Wiki — an encyclopedia about the show Three Sheets a travelogue/pub-crawl television series
18-Jan-2010: Amazing Race Wiki — an encyclopedia about the show The Amazing Race, a reality television game show in which teams of two race around the world in competition with other teams
18-Jan-2010: White Collar Wiki — an encyclopedia about the show White Collar, an original crime drama series
09-Jan-2010: Wikirestauro — an encyclopaedic guide to antiques and restoration, according to the philosophy of Wikipedia and all the free wiki
29-Dec-2009: Glestmaps — compendium of Glest Maps, Tilesets and Factions Wikia; the ultimate resource for glest map editing, design tools, tileset and faction downloads
15-Dec-2009: Wiki69 — repository of sex stories and articles
01-Dec-2009: Our Brant — local history wiki for people from the County of Brant, Ontario, Canada to share their memories, life stories, and family histories
30-Nov-2009: — gardening wiki / plant encyclopedia with 15,000 articles
26-Nov-2009: Dragonica Online Wiki — wiki about the new MMORPG, Dragonica Online
16-Nov-2009: Wikichan — wiki database detailing the memes, peoples, and topics involved in *chan culture
16-Nov-2009: 1d4chan — wiki database detailing the memes, peoples, and topics involved in 4chan's /tg/ (tradition games) board
14-Nov-2009: Mafia Wars Wiki — wiki about the social networking game Mafia Wars
09-Nov-2009: Tech Tutorials — wiki for Technology Related Tutorials
09-Nov-2009: Airfix Dogfighter — wiki for fans of the Airfix Dogfighter game
03-Nov-2009: Zelda — in depth, in universe style documentation of the Legend of Zelda series; independent of the Wikia network as a collaborative wiki among related sites
30-Oct-2009: Red vs. Blue Wiki — about Red vs Blue science-fiction comedy video series
08-Oct-2009: Discoogle — wiki about popular music, including discographies, albums, lyrics, charts, bands, and muscial artists
04-Oct-2009: The Pet Wiki — everything about pets
01-Oct-2009: Mjällomslandet — wiki regarding the place Mjällomslandet 134
30-Sep-2009: Artyoulike — wiki dedicated to the Art lover; is full of user generated content for the art world including museums & art galleries from around the world
30-Sep-2009: DiabloWiki — likely the biggest wiki for the Diablo franchise on the internet; covering everything from in-game class info and skills to lore, novels, merchandise and fan creations
30-Sep-2009: Titannica — the Fighting Fantasy wiki - dedicated to Fighting Fantasy, its locations, background lore, creatures, books and production
24-Sep-2009: WoWWiki Sverige — Swedish-language information resource about World of Warcraft and the Warcraft universe
14-Sep-2009: apostiladigital — Brazilian universities admission exam questions
13-Sep-2009: Railwiki — wiki dedicated to abandoned railroads across the United States
23-Aug-2009: Dan Dascalescu's Wiki — personal wiki comparing electronics (displays, PDA phones, electic toothbrushes etc)
16-Aug-2009: Starsky and Hutch Game Wiki — information on the Starsky and Hutch game
10-Aug-2009: MarketsWiki — for current and historical information about the global exchange traded capital, derivatives, environmental and related OTC markets
06-Aug-2009: Fundraising-Wiki — non-commercial source of information and knowledge about fundraising in German language
04-Aug-2009: Lommepedia — Norwegian Pokémon wiki
30-Jul-2009: Daidalos — wiki for aircraft dispatch officer and maintenance technician in Spanish
30-Jul-2009: LehramtsWiki — for teacher trainees at University of Duisburg-Essen
30-Jul-2009: Lumeniki — allows 'debate mapping' of many controversial topics; featured topics include: backyard solar steam electricity generation, converting waste into food, wiki "anarchism", and philosophy
28-Jul-2009: Atlanta Wiki — new wiki about Atlanta, Georgia and its surroundings
28-Jul-2009: Debatrix — debate wiki that focuses more on discovering what is true, than just winning
25-Jul-2009: Insekten Wiki — wiki about insects and animals, in German
24-Jul-2009: Wetter Wiki — site about weather, in German
10-Jul-2009: ZTEX Wiki — ??????
04-Jul-2009: Eatapedia — recipe wiki geared towards great eating, featuring many BBQ and Traeger (wood pellet) grill recipes
26-Jun-2009: Free Health, Safety & Environment Information Sources — ??????
16-Jun-2009: Royalist Canada — Canadian monarchist wiki
16-Jun-2009: Sabrina The Teenage Witch Wiki — great database about the Sabrina The Teenage Witch
15-Jun-2009: Director Wiki — international database for (movie?) Directors and anyone in the entertainment world
07-Jun-2009: Serna Company Wiki — ??????
05-Jun-2009: Mississippi Wiki — online guide to Mississippi people, places, and things
02-Jun-2009: Peace Corps Wiki — ??????
24-May-2009: Psychic Database Wiki — ??????
20-May-2009: Animal Crossing Wiki — wiki about the video game Animal Crossing
16-May-2009: ZeroWiki — about the video game series Fatal Frame
15-May-2009: 942 — wiki about a school bus
09-May-2009: Plants — gardening wiki with articles on (hopefully) every garden plant in the world
07-May-2009: Helpinitalian — wiki site dedicated to learning Italian, with info for students or teachers
04-May-2009: Avatar: The Last Airbender (de) — wiki about the comic TV-show Avatar in German language
04-May-2009: Narnia-Wiki (Deutsch) — Narnia wiki in German language
29-Apr-2009: CongervilleNet — local community wiki
27-Apr-2009: WikiRococo — collaborative encyclopedia about the Firesign Theatre
26-Apr-2009: Alien vs Predator — wiki all about the Alien and Predator franchise and the combined one
24-Apr-2009: Catholic Guide — wiki relating to all things Roman Catholic
16-Apr-2009: Wikimini — encyclopedia written for and by children aged from 8 to 13 years
14-Apr-2009: Flyff Wiki — wiki about the popular MMORPG Flyff (Fly For Fun)
08-Apr-2009: Games & Worlds — wiki where fantasy enthusiasts can develop constructed mythologies, fantasy worlds and roleplaying settings; based on previous Pegasus Project
07-Apr-2009: WikiFotball — Norwegian wiki site for Norwegian soccer teams, players, venues and such
30-Mar-2009: a Storehouse of Knowledge — general encyclopædia with a biblical worldview
26-Mar-2009: Charles de Koninck — wiki on the philosopher Charles de Koninck
20-Mar-2009: MechScape Wiki Nederlands — wiki on all aspects of MechScape in Dutch
18-Mar-2009: Apologetics-Wiki — for Christian apologetics
17-Mar-2009: Stagepedia — wiki on all aspects of Stagecraft & Technical Theatre
11-Mar-2009: Scalable game design wiki — wiki for scalable game design/iDREAMS/ITEST
09-Mar-2009: Wiki4Games — wiki about video games
04-Mar-2009: k2g2 Craftopedia — craftopedia for knitting knerds and geek girls (everything from handicraft to crafting machines)
24-Feb-2009: Fable Fanon — fan-fiction wiki babled on the Fable series of games
09-Feb-2009: Whoisbehind Domain Wiki — editable wiki for domain names; alas, offline as of 2009-07-07
03-Feb-2009: The Chemistry Book — wiki for high school chemistry students
26-Jan-2009: MapleTip MapleWiki — wiki about MapleStory, a MMORPG; one of the most reliable wiki's for Maplestory with also the most articles
20-Jan-2009: Fable — wiki about the Fable series of video games
20-Jan-2009: New Amsterdam Wiki — about the 2008 Fox Television show New Amsterdam
16-Jan-2009: The Houston Wiki — about Houston, Texas
02-Jan-2009: Wikademia — for free and open research and learning
25-Dec-2008: MapleWiki — a wiki all about MapleStory, a current popular online game
22-Dec-2008: Artigpedia — the Illogicopedia is becoming bigger, the non-Wikia Norwegian version
21-Dec-2008: Spelljammer Wiki — a wiki of 'canon' from the Spelljammer fantasy universe
20-Dec-2008: Northants Pub Guide — a wiki started by the Northamptonshire branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) to document real ale pubs in the county . . . hic, hic
14-Dec-2008: Healthywiki — all about "how to stay healthy in a sick world"; information and discussion on an alternative approach to health care
10-Dec-2008: Applied Stacks — a structured wiki documenting the diverse set of languages, libraries, frameworks, and other tools people use to build websites and apps
10-Dec-2008: E-maculation — wiki focusing on emulation of older Macintosh computers
05-Dec-2008: Star Wars Fan Wiki — for Star Wars fans and fanworks
04-Dec-2008: Ami6Wiki — the DokuWiki about the Citroen Ami6 voiture (car)
18-Nov-2008: Marriage Equality wiki — compendium of online resources for marriage equality
16-Nov-2008: AmwayWiki — about the Amway company, business opportunity, products and people
13-Nov-2008: Musikwiki — wiki about free music
10-Nov-2008: Elder Scrolls — Elder Scrolls Wikia
08-Nov-2008: Tesfanon — an Elder Scrolls fan-fiction and modding Wikia
06-Nov-2008: UnRuneScape Wiki — a satire, parody, and humour wiki about the popular MMORPG, RuneScape
05-Nov-2008: Timber Investments Wiki — a wiki about forestry investments, with a focus on hardwood investments
05-Nov-2008: Hardhoutbeleggingen Wiki — Dutch-language wiki about teak, and other hardwood investments
04-Nov-2008: TMNTPedia — a wiki about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
04-Nov-2008: Wikiants — is a free content encyclopedia for D.I.Y. projects
03-Nov-2008: Animation Wiki — all about animation
31-Oct-2008: FinnegansWiki — for interpretation of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake
31-Oct-2008: — a German-speaking wiki about Startups
18-Oct-2008: My Eco Guide — a wiki with tips for eco living
14-Oct-2008: Pegasus/Dragon Project — a place where fantasy enthusiasts can develop their own mythologies and fantasy worlds
10-Oct-2008: DWiki — a wiki for D Students
09-Oct-2008: Life on Mars Wiki — dedicated to the British television show Life on Mars
09-Oct-2008: SSM2007 Wiki — a community wiki for Space Shuttle Mission 2007 Simulator
07-Oct-2008: Statfastic — wiki for statistics, research design, and data analysis
07-Oct-2008: Captainbranding — marketing branding, and strategy methods
07-Oct-2008: Mediawikibook — documentation for MediaWiki administration
07-Oct-2008: Sourcegirl — open source and cloud computing applications
07-Oct-2008: Openflight — wiki for crowd-sourcing the flying car
07-Oct-2008: Model Muse Barbies Wiki — dedicated to Mattel's ModelMuse doll body sculpt
04-Oct-2008: Fahrrad-Wiki — German-language wiki about cycling
03-Oct-2008: Help For Shepherds — a wiki designed to help Christian pastors with free community created resources
02-Oct-2008: Pegasus Project — a place where fantasy enthusiasts can develop their own mythologies and fantasy worlds
01-Oct-2008: — an open free information provider of companies, people, or web sites
26-Sep-2008: SuccuWiki — the wiki of the Succubi, and its related forms
26-Sep-2008: ThunderWiki — Science Fiction in it's written form; alas, offline as of 2008-11-24
20-Sep-2008: Rocket Science Wiki — all about Rocket Science
18-Sep-2008: Fringe Wiki — a Wikia for the J.J. Abrams' tv series Fringe
10-Sep-2008: Style Encyclopedia — the wiki for all things fashion, style, and beauty related
06-Sep-2008: USHikingtrails — a wiki of hiking trail maps, descriptions and trail reviews throughout the US
02-Sep-2008: BlogaPro — the wiki that features sites that teach individuals 'how to make money blogging'
01-Sep-2008: WikiSara — the wiki about French roads
01-Sep-2008: Nintendo DS Wiki — all about the Nintendo DS
25-Aug-2008: cam.* FAQ — the FAQ for the cam.* hierarchy of Usenet newsgroups from Cambridge, England
06-Aug-2008: Irwin Allen Wiki — all about Irwin Allen's productions, including TV shows Lost in Space, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Land of the Giants and The Time Tunnel
14-Aug-2008: Starting Strength Wiki — beginner strength training wiki, based on Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
06-Aug-2008: GM Wiki — a (Gaming) gangster Mind Wikia
03-Aug-2008: FreeCLAS — Free Commons of Annotated Speech
01-Aug-2008: Teflpedia — wiki about English language teaching in foreign countries
31-Jul-2008: Weedee — hybrid wiki about people and companies that provides directory and networking tools
30-Jul-2008: Twilight Saga Wiki — about the popular "Twilight Saga" books and the Twilight movie
27-Jul-2008: Read and Review Wiki — a literary community to share book reviews in any genres
26-Jul-2008: Amateur Radio Wiki — the online encyclopedia for Hams
25-Jul-2008: EveryBlog — the very first wiki that collects your blogs; join now and start editing without registration
21-Jul-2008: Adobe Wiki — for all Adobe software, including tips, profiles and tutorials
21-Jul-2008: X-Files — all about the X-Files
17-Jul-2008: Pokia — a poker wiki encyclopedia, dictionary, tutorial and more
17-Jul-2008: Sega Wiki — all about Sega, their games, their characters and their consoles
14-Jul-2008: Mail Quizzer (now known as Guru Quiz) — wiki-based resource for quizzes in all areas
14-Jul-2008: IEEE Bushy Tree — a collaborative encyclopedia about the Human Computer Interface
14-Jul-2008: ABCdollwiki — all fashion and collectible dolls (and some other toys) such as Barbie dolls and Dollfies
13-Jul-2008: Geohashing Community Wiki — an adventure generator for real life
10-Jul-2008: GolfWiki — golf and travel; bilingual English/Swedish
09-Jul-2008: Gartentipp-Wiki — German wiki of Kleingarten-Infonetz for sharing gardening tips
06-Jul-2008: FRApedia — Swedish wiki for citizens who have no desire of being eavesdropped by the Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA)
25-Jun-2008: Wikigender — online resource on gender equality, created by the OECD
23-Jun-2008: xooguru — shopping wiki for articles and information on products and merchants
12-Jun-2008: World Wodka Web — German wiki about Wodka
06-Jun-2008: WikiAudio — learn about audio creation
06-Jun-2008: WikiCandidate — create a virtual presidential candidate
04-Jun-2008: FruWiki — about frugality, it's a place for sharing tips on saving money and using resources wisely
25-May-2008: ScriptsPedia — wiki guide which includes code examples in various languages
24-May-2008: Yatina — wiki guide of open content projects which works like a "meta-encyclopedia"
21-May-2008: Club Penguin — aims to create a large database for all there is to know about the popular online game, Club Penguin
14-May-2008: Navision — wiki used by the Dynamics NAV (Navision) community to share their Navision knowledge
04-May-2008: IdeaWiki — for everyone around the world to contribute and improve ideas in any area
01-May-2008: Hellboy — all about Hellboy wiki
01-May-2008: FFXIclopedia — Final Fantasy XI wiki
29-Apr-2008: Sustain A Place — a user-generated, comprehensive and global directory for both businesses and non-profits that promote sustainable practices
29-Apr-2008: The Computer Resource — a wiki about computers
29-Apr-2008: Batman Wiki — about Batman
29-Apr-2008: Robotech Wiki — about Robotech (a science fiction franchise)
28-Apr-2008: CultureSheet dot org — plant cultivation
27-Apr-2008: Marvel Movies Wiki — about movies based on Marvel comics, including Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk
27-Apr-2008: Speed Racer Wiki — about Speed Racer
27-Apr-2008: Recipes Wiki — about food with free recipes
27-Apr-2008: Mystery Science Theater 3000 — a wiki for the MST3K comedy series
23-Apr-2008: Skywiki — the corporate-wide private knowledge portal of, the Frankfurt airport operator Fraport AG (Germany)
21-Apr-2008: Telescope F70076 — get yourself a telescope
16-Apr-2008: Video Game Sales Wikia — a wiki for the videogame sales industry
15-Apr-2008: WeCoWi — the future of Wiki, a project of the Web 3.0 with the newest features and many things to explore
15-Apr-2008: WiSiKi — a wiki around the Klausenerplatz in Berlin
12-Apr-2008: — German language wiki about beekeeping and honeybees in general
10-Apr-2008: 9Dragons Wiki — dedicated to documenting all aspects of the MMORPG 9Dragons
09-Apr-2008: CopyCamp Wiki — wiki for CopyCamp, a copyright event for fans and artists
06-Apr-2008: DelhiDekho — a project to document all the information about Delhi, India
03-Apr-2008: EmuWiki — a project aimed at producing an encyclopedia about emulators
02-Apr-2008: Forget the Franchise — project to create a localised directory of independent, quirky and unique shops, restaurants, experiences etc; which franchise clones and charmless chains are destroying
02-Apr-2008: ChinaTravelGuide — wiki web site featuring unbiased China travel reviews, opinions, and wiki guides from real travelers
02-Apr-2008: Strawberryland Wiki — for Strawberry Shortcake fans
31-Mar-2008: Tram Wiki — created by two tram enthusiasts for many others to enjoy, gain information from and contribute to; aims to create a large Tram data repository
28-Mar-2008: BPMA Wiki — British Postal Museum & Archive wiki to encourage people to share their postal and family history stories and experiences of working for the Post Office
28-Mar-2008: Jamaikedia — a community based wiki to improve the knowledge of the area and understanding to its citizens and the rest of the world
26-Mar-2008: Wikiecho — free high quality resources on echocardiography
25-Mar-2008: Sustainaplace — collections of sustainable choices in cities around the world
25-Mar-2008: Conshellwiki — a technical wiki concerning Virtualization, Linux, FreeBSD, system & network administration & security, open-source server and desktop applications
17-Mar-2008: Retailwiki — information and pictures on characters in leisure industry
16-Mar-2008: Teltow Wiki — a grammar school project of a congested area near by the German capital Berlin
13-Mar-2008: Lost Odyssey — a wiki about the RPG Lost Odyssey
13-Mar-2008: Gienga Do-It-Yourself Learning — a community where people can find out how to learn just about anything and contribute their own experience to others
11-Mar-2008: Archivopedia — a wiki about archives and finding primary source research material
08-Mar-2008: Hurraki - Easy to Read Wiki — a German Easy to Read Dictionary for Words an Articles
07-Mar-2008: Mono Wiki — a wiki for the Mono .NET project
07-Mar-2008: FMSLogo Wiki — a wiki for people to discuss, ask and share about LOGO
06-Mar-2008: WakiWiki — a wiki for international students looking to study in the United Kingdom
02-Mar-2008: Idiki — a wiki of ideas organised in categories
29-Feb-2008: Bucketheadland — a wiki about experimental guitarist Buckethead and his friends
20-Feb-2008: DaSch-Tour — projects, literature, poetry and journalism
16-Feb-2008: HostPedia — a wiki on web hosting, including articles on web servers and networks
15-Feb-2008: — a wiki created just for the Simpson's Universe
13-Feb-2008: Hostel Management Wiki — community-written documentation and resources for hostel managers (a.k.a. "youth hostels")
13-Feb-2008: Community Traveler Travel Guides — community-written travel guides licensed under the GFDL
06-Feb-2008: RARIN Wiki — Rights and Reproductions Information Network for Museum Professionals
05-Feb-2008: Ferato — Spanish health and medicine wiki
02-Feb-2008: mondiparol — a wiki intending to categorize all words and lay a page for each of them
01-Feb-2008: recipewiki — it is your free place to share your favorite recipes
30-Jan-2008: CodeAlias — articles on computer networks, coding and general IT
24-Jan-2008: Wham! wiki — a wiki for marketers containing tips, guidelines, rules and instructions
27-Jan-2008: Democratic Science Wiki — experimenting with Democratic Science
21-Jan-2008: PeMex — discussion about Mexican Politics
19-Jan-2008: Rugby Union — a Wikia of one of the World's largest sport
18-Jan-2008: Rhondda Cynon Taf Wiki — wiki for Rhondda Cynon Taf in Wales
15-Jan-2008: SiteHoppin — a social networking/bookmarking site based on MediaWiki that let's you find new site with 1 click
10-Jan-2008: Grand Theft Auto Wikia — a wikia regarding the Grand Theft Auto series
10-Jan-2008: ITtoolbox Wiki — a wiki to share Information Technology (IT) definitions, HowTos, answers to FAQs, code, etc
10-Jan-2008: Tamriel-Almanach — a German wiki about The Elder Scrolls and all his background information
09-Jan-2008: Technische Analyse — German language wiki for Technical Analysis of Financial Markets
07-Jan-2008: Arrested Development Wiki — about Arrested Development television series
07-Jan-2008: Joepedia — a wiki for G.I. Joe toys, cartoons and comics of all eras
06-Jan-2008: Eigapedia — a Japanese movie wiki
06-Jan-2008: ProjectWiki — a wiki for Project Managers
04-Jan-2008: MusicDocz — a wiki for musicians and music lovers
04-Jan-2008: Kotava Kotapedia — Kotava language lexical and linguistic encyclopaedia
01-Jan-2008: Formula 1 Wikia — a Wikia for all fans of Formula 1
29-Dec-2007: Bose L1 Encyclopedia FAQ — wiki for musicians and others using the Bose® L1™ Personal Line Array
28-Dec-2007: Critical Mass Wikia — wiki for information about Critical Mass bike/cycle rides in cities around the world
24-Dec-2007: Gardora — das Gartenwiki für Österreich
17-Dec-2007: Gislewiki — wiki about Gisle Martens Meyer
16-Dec-2007: ShoppiWiki — the wiki-way of shopping
13-Dec-2007: PinWiki — pinball games wiki
09-Dec-2007: SM-201 — BDSM wiki that is a combination of various projects
09-Dec-2007: Wiki Herbolaria — todo lo que hay que saber acerca de las plantas y hierbas medicinales utilizadas en la terapéutica actual y antigua
06-Dec-2007: Bucureşti Wiki — all about Bucharest, the capital of Romania
03-Dec-2007: James Bond Wiki — wiki about the fictional character James Bond, also known as 007
02-Dec-2007: TransWiki — wiki that lists Public Transportation companies around the world and includes information on buses, trains and routes
23-Nov-2007: FedITWiki — wiki designed to communicate the Information Technology (IT) related research and development activities One Enterprise Consulting Group (1ECG) is engaged in that support the Federal Government IT initiatives
22-Nov-2007: VdfWiki — wiki for the DataFlex and Visual DataFlex software development community
19-Nov-2007: WikiAOC — wiki about the game Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures! (also a french version)
18-Nov-2007: EntreWiki — a new paid wiki site for Entrepreneurs who are looking for Money Making Business Ideas
16-Nov-2007: Liberapedia — parody of Conservapedia that advises that: "most articles should take stereotypical liberal views and distort them to the extreme"
14-Nov-2007: StartUps 24/7 — on demand entrepreneurial resources from the Council for Entrepreneurial Development
14-Nov-2007: ASP3 Wiki — entire contents of Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0 book from Wrox Press
14-Nov-2007: Christmas Specials Wiki — a very merry wiki full of yuletide cheer
13-Nov-2007: Language Links 2006 — wiki for teachers of modern foreign languages
11-Nov-2007: Oracle Wiki — wiki about Oracle products and the Oracle community
11-Nov-2007: IDS Developer Edition Wiki — wiki about IBM's high-performance cluster database - Informix Dynamic Server
08-Nov-2007: Enciclopedia DG — wiki encyclopedia in spanish, carmeni and english
07-Nov-2007: WikiBriefs — wiki for writing amicus curiae briefs
04-Nov-2007: Wikinvestopedia — financial wiki glossary with investment definitions, chart descriptions and trading resources
31-Oct-2007: Gay Celebrities Wiki — wiki about who's gay and who's not
29-Oct-2007: OneBuckWiki — wiki for entrepreneurs and SEO specialists
13-Oct-2007: ArticleWiki — wiki about all things article
11-Oct-2007: Pixar Wiki — wiki about the animated movies of Pixar, including Toy Story and Finding Nemo
11-Oct-2007: Reaper Wiki — wiki about the CW series Reaper, about a young man hunting down souls for the Devil
11-Oct-2007: Dexter Wiki — wiki about the Showtime series Dexter about a serial killer who works for the police
11-Oct-2007: Ugly Betty Wiki — wiki about the hit ABC series Ugly Betty
11-Oct-2007: Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki — wiki about the new Disney Channel series about wizards-in-training
09-Oct-2007: WikiBond — the Dutch webarchive about the most famous fictional Secret Agent: James Bond 007
06-Oct-2007: Skaneateles Wiki — an encyclopedia of all things relating to Skaneateles, NY
28-Sep-2007: ActProper — a manners and etiquette wiki with the goal of making the world nicer
27-Sep-2007: Bionic Wiki — wiki documenting the world of NBC's new show Bionic Woman
25-Sep-2007: Folkipedia — wiki for Folk & Traditional song, music and dance
25-Sep-2007: Tradexicon — wiki with everything relating to trading, finance, business and companies
14-Sep-2007: Wiki — wiki guide on all Italian cities, information and photo
12-Sep-2007: ADD TV: The Robot Chicken Wiki — wiki for Robot Chicken television show
04-Sep-2007: JargonF — French IT dictionary
01-Sep-2007: Wikimagination — collaborative fantasy worldbuilding
29-Aug-2007: WikiDex — Pokémon encyclopedia
27-Aug-2007: Peoplandard — a project-wiki to regulate democratic, international standards
26-Aug-2007: RationalWiki — pro-science, anti-creationism website
18-Aug-2007: Radswiki — Radiology wiki that anyone can edit
16-Aug-2007: Terrorchid — wiki on Terrestrial Orchid culture, companion wiki for the terrorchid forum and gallery
16-Aug-2007: — wiki for tango argentino, run by (t.i)
14-Aug-2007: Flash Gordon — wiki about the Flash Gordon comic strip, serials, movie and TV show
12-Aug-2007: AberWiki — wiki oriented towards seafront town of Aberystwyth in west Wales
12-Aug-2007: WikiWeddings — free wedding planning site that everyone can edit
11-Aug-2007: Humane Earth — define, plan, and act - to make a more sustainable, inclusive, safe, and cruelty-free world
09-Aug-2007: Wikipornia — for collecting information on porn actors, films and studios
09-Aug-2007: RoWikicity — a free, fictional country that everyone can edit
04-Aug-2007: Trustlet — a transparent, cooperative environment for the scientific research of trust metrics on social networks
04-Aug-2007: TrentoWiki — wiki for the city of Trento in Italy
01-Aug-2007: Wikifixmycar — collaborative car repair manual for every car
01-Aug-2007: Wikihorses — encyclopedia of horses and horse-related topics
01-Aug-2007: Symbolism Wiki — guide to literary symbolism
01-Aug-2007: CDWiki — a large wiki about Audio-CDs (german)
01-Aug-2007: Kivapedia — wiki supporting Kiva, online microlending to small businesses in developing countries
01-Aug-2007: Greenlivingpedia — green living and sustainable building wiki
29-Jul-2007: Pensapedia — city wiki for Pensacola, Florida (USA) seaport
28-Jul-2007: Tribalwiki — the tribalradix wiki ~ workings of the world - untie!
27-Jul-2007: Ron Paul wiki — 2008 USA Presidential Candidate Ron Paul wiki; help save America by getting him the Republican Nomination
27-Jul-2007: HD AV wiki — HD Audio Video custom installation wiki; discusses AV products, methods and custom installation
27-Jul-2007: SnoWiki — snow lifestyles: Snowboarding and Skiing Extreme Sport
27-Jul-2007: wiki Pollution — tackling pollution worldwide through anonymous geographic collaboration
27-Jul-2007: wiki Global Warming — analyzing the causes, situations and implications of societies views on Global Warming
26-Jul-2007: WiKitsune — online encyclopedia of foxes
25-Jul-2007: International Music Score Library Project — public domain musical scores
14-Jul-2007: Ugugu — German and English-language private wiki on outstanding musicians and actors
14-Jul-2007: Mikiwiki — German-language private wiki on Linux-based computers
10-Jul-2007: PetCities — user edited database on cities and their pet friendly places
06-Jul-2007: Beekeeping Wiki — English, Romanian and Spanish project sites about beekeeping
03-Jul-2007: NativeWiki — an online collaborative wiki project of NativeWeb
02-Jul-2007: — mountain bike (MTB) routes in Italy
02-Jul-2007: Dead Rabbit — wiki encompassing the entire universe of Dead Rabbit characters, as well as a look behind the music
01-Jul-2007: Copula Wiki — information exchange platform for researchers in the field of copula theory
29-Jun-2007: Windows Wiki — German wiki about Microsoft Windows (especially the Alpha- and Beta-versions)
27-Jun-2007: WindelWiki — German-language wiki (about diaper lovers?)
27-Jun-2007: CIO - Portal — information exchange platform for Austrian Chief Information Officers (CIO)
24-Jun-2007: AoCWiki — wiki about the game Age of Conan and Conan lore
22-Jun-2007: TeleWiki — business telecommunications related information, installation, programming, and documentation
22-Jun-2007: Illogicopedia — an insane repository of words put together in no particular order
20-Jun-2007: Sudopedia — wiki for Sudoku players
17-Jun-2007: NikkiWiki — the premier online adult model encyclopedia
10-Jun-2007: wiki.Единоборства.info — Russian project dedicated to martial arts
12-Jun-2007: YouWiki — Australian project site where users can share their interests with the world
09-Jun-2007: The Music Snob — musicians sharing info on local music scenes
30-May-2007: Jesus-Wiki — the Christian encyclopedia
28-May-2007: Lunarpedia — wiki about the Earth's Moon - Luna - exploration and settlement
25-Jan-2007: Jedi Academy Wiki — compilation of general and technical information about the game Jedi Academy
25-Jan-2007: PlantPhotos — project to create a plant identification wiki, with a color photo of each plant listed
22-Jan-2007: SaneScreen — free video directory, indexing content on YouTube and DailyMotion
20-Jan-2007: Wikimocracy — vote and debate
09-Jan-2007: Zyprexa — for the past few years, there has been some controversy about the drug Zyprexa
08-Jan-2007: selearninggames — nonprofit social entrepreneur learning game
06-Jan-2007: Wikevent — free content public events calendar
06-Jan-2007: Oklahoma Wiki — wiki covering all things 'Okie'
06-Jan-2007: Coach Universe Wiki — all about coaching
31-Dec-2006: TechnoWiki — for everything technological
12-Dec-2006: Career Rymx — for career, job, and company profiles
10-Dec-2006: Neverwinter — Wikia about Neverwinter Nights, a role-playing-game
08-Dec-2006: Travel Pelopor — a little wiki for travel tips, hints, locations, things to do and food!
06-Dec-2006: TipCollection — tips to make life easier
06-Dec-2006: A Cornish Wiki — communally created online resource devoted to the history, culture, language, places and people of Cornwall
06-Dec-2006: WikiStock — quick reference for Stock Trading
05-Dec-2006: Biblio Curiosa — bibliographic catalogue of erotic, pornographic and curiosa literature
04-Dec-2006: WikiChix — gender bias in wikis (female-only)
03-Dec-2006: Kathpedia — German Catholic wiki
03-Dec-2006: WikiWorlds — repository of Free Content 3d media
03-Dec-2006: FreeTrails — backpacking and related sports, a copy-left project
01-Dec-2006: Humbolpedia — Humboldt County California, information, guides, opinions, and more...
23-Nov-2006: Richdex — free open online directory
22-Nov-2006: Quake III Arena Wiki — information database about the popular game Quake III Arena
21-Nov-2006: Jobberwiki — "aims to become a valuable research tool for people researching careers"
21-Nov-2006: Trackpedia — information database about driving cars on race tracks around the world
18-Nov-2006: Swedish Nintendo — Swedish information database about Nintendo
17-Nov-2006: Astrowiki — pictures from the sky
14-Nov-2006: Netcipia — blog and wiki farm
07-Nov-2006: UespWiki — Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages!
04-Nov-2006: PsychWiki — for psychology researchers
03-Nov-2006: World Wikia — travel guide for the world
02-Nov-2006: wikicosm — encyclopedia of alternative knowledge, culture, and views
29-Oct-2006: Savory San Francisco — video restaurant guide for the San Francisco Bay Area
23-Oct-2006: Relicodia — Windows API encyclopedia
16-Oct-2006: Unity Wiki — multipartisan online politics; civil, pragmatic, effective
13-Oct-2006: Pen Pal Wiki — for people interested in writing to others around the world
10-Oct-2006: Plastics Wiki — dedicated to plastics technology, materials and equipment
29-Sep-2006: — Polish dictionary, grammar guide and phrase book
24-Sep-2006: CryptoDox — encyclopedia on Cryptography and Information Security
23-Sep 2006: Yaransiklopedi — Turkish Wikipedia parody
23-Sep 2006: WikiDream — general knowledge with exceptions of extra content
10-Sep-2006: Sightseeing Wiki — travel portal dedicated to sightseeing and related activities around the globe
30-Aug-2006: wiki-markets — one nerd's attempt to create a free, user-supported database of financial information on stocks, futures, options, fixed income and currencies
30-Aug-2006: Appropedia — living library of appropriate technology, also covering sustainability and broader international development issues
29-Aug-2006: WikiCreole — creating a common wiki markup (not replacing existing markup)
27-Aug-2006: Open Guide to Milton Keynes — community guide to Milton Keynes written for folk living and working in the town
27-Aug-2006: China 0km — Backpackers' Information Center in Western China
23-Aug-2006: Hitchhiking Wiki — about hitchhiking
23-Aug-2006: CouchSurfing Wiki — for Couch Surfing
23-Aug-2006: Hospitality Exchange Wiki — hospitality exchange
22-Aug-2006: AIBO Lexikon — collection of information on the Robo Dog AIBO (in German language)
21-Aug-2006: OntologWiki — open, international, virtual community of practice devoted to ontological engineering and semantic technologies
20-Aug-2006: FreedomWiki — experiment in social interaction
11-Aug-2006: Scouting wikis — Scouting wikis
03-Aug-2006: KneeQuickie — conlanging community
25-Jul-2006: ERPWiki — encyclopedia of roleplaying materials used in the Elite Roleplaying group
25-Jul-2006: Ottawa Wiki — guide to the city of Ottawa in Ontario, Canada
22-Jul-2006: WikiCPA — collective knowledge and understanding on issues relating to the practice of a Certified Public Accountant
19-Jul-2006: Wikipitaka — rder
21-Jun-2006: TaxAlmanac — the goal of the site is to transform tax research and to improve the effectiveness of tax professionals everywhere
21-Jun-2006: MyCraic — the USA Irish Pub Directory
20-Jun-2006: Julie @ ChickShare — a medium for women to share advice, tips, learning and fun with other women
20-Jun-2006: Diablotins — French wiki about the operating system FreeBSD
18-Jun-2006: Stadtwiki Karlsruhe and Rhein-Neckar-Wiki — city wikis in Germany
18-Jun-2006: Ardapedia — open Tolkien encyclopedia for the spectacular world of Middle-earth
18-Jun-2006: TSWPG — The Star Wars Podcasting Guide
17-Jun-2006: LyricWiki — second largest wiki on the internet
16-Jun-2006: TheTransitioner — thinking about the economy and CollectiveIntelligence in order to build a fair world
14-Jun-2006: Абсурдопедию, Psyklopedia & 伪基百科 — Russian, Swedish & Chinese Wikipedia parodies
14-Jun-2006: AIDS Wiki — a place for AIDS dissidents to assist and foster activism
13-Jun-2006: JurisPedia, Queer101Wiki, TripAdvisor
12-Jun-2006: WikiPasy, Wikimonster
11-Jun-2006: WikiAV, LostPedia
10-Jun-2006: Eric @ Upcycling, Ancientworld Wiki
09-Jun-2006: WikiRaider, Sheep
08-Jun-2006: Michael Daly @ KayakWiki, Mike Hammond @ OoBdoo
07-Jun-2006: FreewarWiki
01-Jun-2006: Gmail wiki, Eugene Pik @ Million Artists (Translations), Sonic the Hedgehog Information Treasury
31-May-2006: FEWiki,, ArdKorPedia, Gay Halifax, Biological Cybernetics Wiki, PCSpieleTest, FreShTest, ActivityScout
30-May-2006: MikaLindqvist @ Kpopwiki, ArmchairGM, ZetaDoc, WikiFAQs