WikiIndex:Newest additions archive: Difference between revisions

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(Moving the rest of 2010 over)
(→‎2006: fix redirect)
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{{TOC right}}<!--the date is when the wiki was listed here on WikiIndex, NOT when the wiki site was founded-->
* see very [[:Template:Recent visitors|recent vistors]]
*see our [[:Template:Newest additions|newest additions]]
*2023-11-18: [[Kardashev Scale Wiki]] – about the Kardashev scale and an exhaustive list of sapient human and alien civilizations with an attempt to classify their origins, existence, technologies, computing level, energy usage, longevity, travel, possibility of extinction
*2023-11-11: [[Gaming Wiki Network Wiki]] – meta wiki for the Gaming Wiki Network
*2023-11-11: [[Hollow Knight Wiki]] – about Hollow Knight games by Team Cherry
*2023-11-10: [[Star Trek Online Wiki (]] – about massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Trek Online
*2023-11-10: [[Mamiya Wiki]] – about the visual novel MAMIYA, A Shared Illusion of the World's End
*2023-08-14: [[SCEE Cambridge Wiki]] – about the defunct Sony Cambridge Studio and their games
*2023-07-29: [[Berghapedia]] – Dutch-language free encyclopaedia about the former municipality of Bergh in the Netherlands
*2023-07-22: [[Pandora's Tale Wiki]] – about the webcomic Pandora's Tale
*2023-07-19: [[Create Your Own Story]] – a big wiki about Creating Your Own Adventures
*2023-07-19: [[Wikizilla]] – wiki encyclopedia of Godzilla, Gamera, King Kong, and other monsters
*2023-07-13: [[Stephen King Wiki]] – site all about Stephen King
*2023-07-04: [[Director]] – wiki site about the rich history of Adobe Director
*2023-07-04: [[Backrooms Wiki]] – site about a strange reality called 'the Backrooms'
*2023-07-04: [[James Bond Wiki (En.Wikia)]] – all about the world's most famous spy, James Bond, a.k.a. 007
*2023-05-21: [[Bluepages]] – global historical directory of everyday places
*2023-05-21: [[Scientia Practica]] – new wiki site about a diverse range of knowledge and insights
*2023-04-12: [[Core Platform Team]] – Semantic MediaWiki powered site for logging bug-fixes by MediaWiki developers
*2023-04-01: [[Calendar Wiki]] – wiki site about calendars
*2023-04-01: [[WappenWiki]] – wiki site about coats of arms
*2023-04-01: [[Ewiger Held Wiki]] – Michael Moorcock and his books about the Eternal Hero (German)
*2023-04-01: [[Plan 9 Wiki]] – about the operating system
*2023-03-25: [[Thermal-FluidsPedia]] – thermal fluids science and engineering
*2023-03-25: [[AlchemistryWiki]] – energy calculations in chemistry
*2023-03-18: [[Pornopedia (eo)]] – Esperanto-language version of Pornopedia
*2023-03-18: [[Pornopedia (bn)]] – Bengali-language version of Pornopedia
*2023-03-14: [[Earthdata Wiki]] – semi-private site from NASA about Earth data
*2023-02-01: [[Stunts Wiki]] – about the racing game ''Stunts''
*2023-01-15: [[Miraheze Commons]] – media files repository for the Miraheze wiki farm
*2023-01-15: [[Miraheze Meta]] – meta wiki site for the Miraheze wiki farm
*2023-01-15: [[Liberapedia (Miraheze)]] – fork of the original Liberapedia
*2022-12-25: [[Independent Fallout Wiki]] – dedicated to the ''Fallout'' game franchise
*2022-12-16: [[Dwarf Fortress Wiki (en)]] – about the computer game ''Dwarf Fortress''
*2022-12-06: [[VDR Wiki (]] – German-language site for all aspects of a Video Disk Recorder
*2022-12-02: [[Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki (Grifkuba)|Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki]] – independent wiki about the ''Diary of a Wimpy Kid'' books
*2022-11-29: [[Niesiklopedia]] – Afrikaans-language version of Uncyclopedia
*2022-11-27: [[WHATWG Wiki]] – a site used for making proposals for web standards
*2022-11-23: [[Shadowiki]] – German-language wiki about the ''Shadowrun'' RPG, forked from Shadowhelix
*2022-11-23: [[Shadowrun Wiki]] – wiki about the ''Shadowrun'' RPG
*2022-11-22: [[Karl-May-Wiki]] – German-language site about Karl Friedrich May, a prolific and successful 19th century author of fictitious travels and adventures
*2022-11-22: [[Whiki Meta Wiki]] – official meta wiki site for new British wiki farm for wikis relating to multimedia
*2022-11-21: [[WikiSkripta]] – Czech-language space for cooperative creation and storage of medical educational materials
*2022-11-19: [[The True Tropes Wiki]] – yet another TV Tropes mirror
*2022-11-16: [[Higher Dimensional Geometry Wiki]] – about geometry in higher dimensions than the usual three ones
*2022-11-14: [[SABRE Wiki]] – all about roads in the United Kingdom and Ireland, from the Society for All British and Irish Road Enthusiasts
*2022-11-09: [[Aukrug Geschichte Wiki]] – German site about the history of the town of Aukrug in Germany
*2022-11-01: [[1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die Wiki]] – about the films in the book ''1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die''
*2022-11-01: [[Lone Wolf Wiki]] – about the ''Lone Wolf'' gamebooks
*2022-11-01: [[Tron Wiki (en)]] – about the 1980s' film ''Tron''
*2022-11-01: [[Tommy Westphall Universe]] – about the Tommy Westphall Hypothesis that an autistic boy on ''St. Elsewhere'' dreamed this series and every other series that has crossed over with it
*2022-11-01: [[Inception Wiki]] – about Christopher Nolan's movie ''Inception''
*2022-11-01: [[James Cameron's Avatar Wiki]] – about the ''Avatar'' films
*2022-11-01: [[Sandman Wiki]] – about ''The Sandman'' by Neil Gaiman
*2022-11-01: [[VexiWiki]] – a wiki about flags
*2022-11-01: [[Vexillology Wiki]] – about vexillology, the science of flags
*2022-10-31: [[SpongeBob Wiki (Grifkuba)|SpongeBob Wiki]] – independent wiki about ''SpongeBob SquarePants''
*2022-10-31: [[Arthur Wiki (Grifkuba)|Arthur Wiki]] – independent wiki about the ''Arthur'' TV show
*2022-10-31: [[Triforce Wiki (Grifkuba)|Triforce Wiki]] – independent wiki about ''The Legend of Zelda'' video game series
*2022-10-31: [[SaGa Wiki]] – independent wiki about the ''SaGa'' series of games by Square Enix
*2022-10-31: [[Wiki of Mana]] – independent wiki about the ''Mana'' series of games by Square Enix
*2022-10-29: [[The Road of Time Wiki]] – for real and fictitious scenarios for the future, the past, and the present
*2022-10-29: [[Segment Displays Wiki]] – about 7-segment displays
*2022-10-29: [[LackaWiki]] – about the webcomic ''Lackadaisy'' with anthropomorphic cats
*2022-10-29: [[The Official GPF Wiki]] – about the webcomic ''General Protection Fault''
*2022-10-29: [[Girl Genius]] – about the webcomic ''Girl Genius''
*2022-10-29: [[Order of the Stick Wiki]] – about the webcomic ''The Order of the Stick''
*2022-10-19: [[Military Wiki (Military-History.Wikia)‎]] – world's largest, free, interactive online military encyclopedia
*2022-10-19: [[World War II Wiki]] – central hub for all World War II enthusiasts and historians and viewers
*2022-10-15: [[SofaWiki]] – a file-based CMS wiki engine, based on MediaWiki syntax, supporting Semantic fields
*2022-10-08: [[DiscWiki]] – German-language fan wiki for Terry Pratchett and his ''Discworld'' series
*2022-10-04: [[MediEvil Wiki (|MediEvil Wiki]] – an independent wiki community covering the ''MediEvil'' video game series
*2022-10-02: [[Bildungsverein Region Karlsruhe]] – German-language wiki for the 'educational association in the Karlsruhe region'
*2022-08-29: [[Quickipedia]] – about the Harry Potter fan fiction ''Alexandra Quick''
*2022-08-29: [[Sanctuary Shard]] – a private Ultima Online role-play community
*2022-08-21: [[ButtUgly]] – a personal wiki site from Janne Jalkanen, powered by JSPWiki
*2022-08-11: [[WikiPathways]] – a database of biological pathways maintained by and for the scientific community
*2022-08-10: [[Wikibase Personal data]] – a space and an integrative toolbox for individuals and collectivities addressing surveillance capitalism and wanting to take control of their personal data
*2022-07-31: [[FactGrid]] – a Wikibase (and Wikidata) instance initiated by the Gotha Research Centre in cooperation with Wikimedia Deutschland e.V., and hosted at the University of Erfurt in Germany
*2022-07-29: [[ wiki]] – a site for Humax personal video recorders
*2022-07-13: [[Wiki de Historia Alternativa]] – a Spanish wiki for Alternate history
*2022-07-09: [[VDJPedia]] – a wiki for the VirtualDJ programme, aka the VirtualDJ Knowledge Database
*2022-06-28: [[permacomputing]] – a new site about permacomputing, powered by ikiwiki
*2022-06-03: [[Thank You]] – an official Wikimedia Foundation wiki on the domain, used for thanking donors
*2022-05-16: [[Astrologia Wiki]] – a Polish Wikia on astrology
*2022-05-02: [[OpenZIM]] – website of the openZIM project
*2022-03-26: [[Bisq Wiki]] – for Bisq, a decentralized bitcoin exchange network
*2022-03-10: [[Chess Programming Wiki (MediaWiki)|Chess Programming Wiki]] – all about creating chess programmes on computers
*2021-12-29: [[Historical Hastings]] – history of Hastings in Sussex, England, UK
*2021-10-30: [[Indicators of Compromise]] – a DokuWiki site for cybersecurity professionals
*2021-10-20: [[Encyclopaedia Daemonica]] – a parody of Encyclopedia Dramatica, and now part of the Uncyclomedia Foundation
*2021-10-01: [[Institut AIFB]] – a 'by invitation' wiki from the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
*2021-08-18: [[Wikimedia Beta Cluster]] – a small wiki farm of test wiki running the latest alpha version of MediaWiki for MediaWiki developers
*2021-08-17: [[Star Kirby Wiki (zh)]] – a Chinese language site for ''Kirby''
*2021-07-26: [[WSU Technology Knowledge Base]] – a 'by invitation' wiki from the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Services (TLT) at Winona State University (WSU), Minnesota, USA
*2021-06-29: [[WikiAlpha]] – a collection of articles which are identical copies of articles listed for deletion on Wikipedia
*2021-06-28: [[A Lisp in Wonderland]] – a wiki software (wiki engine) written in Common Lisp, to ease the collaboration on editable web pages
*2021-06-24: [[Clash of Clans France]] – a French wiki for the ''Clash of Clans'' video game
*2021-06-20: [[]] – a collaborative, community project to gather information useful for vegans and interested parties
*2021-04-06: [[Verified Handles]] – is a non-profit database for social handles (or username) aimed at combating impersonation on social media sites
*2021-04-04: [[HandWiki]] – encyclopedia for professional researchers in various branches of science, technology, and computing
*2021-02-14: [[Encycla]] – Git-based wiki style encyclopedia and knowledge sharing website
*2021-01-03: [[WikiPedalia]] – a site about bicycle technology in German based on the technical knowlege of Sheldon Brown
*2020-10-09: [[Falkland Historic Buildings]] – historic and listed buidilngs in Falkland, Fife, Scotland
*2020‎-06-29: [[ZUM Deutsch Lernen]] – an open learning platform for German as a foreign language and German as a second language
*2020‎-06-17: [[WikiAjuda]] – from Brazil, WikiAjuda aims to be a portal where Portuguese-speaking users can help people find everything they need
*2019-04-27: [[Wikidocumentaries]] – for writing history for every historian: amateur historians, scholars and all citizens interested in history
*2019-02-19: [[WikEM]] – ''The Global Emergency Medicine Wiki'', is the world's largest emergency medicine open-access reference resource
*2019-01-11: [[WiGLE Wiki]] – a site in support of the Wireless Geographic Logging Engine (WiGLE) suite of software packages and apps for all WiFi infrastructure
*2018-12-31: [[Ikhwanwiki]]&nbsp;– Arabic encyclopedic wiki by the banned Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood
*2018-12-28: [[Geopoeia]]&nbsp;– Creative Counterfactuality multilingual wiki; ‘Creative counterfactuality’ is the creation (or ‘construction’) of fictional (imaginary, counterfactual) variants of parts or aspects of the world as we know it, and includes geofiction, constructed worlds and languages, and alternate/counterfactual history
*2018-12-05: [[FreeWiki]]&nbsp;– German wiki for 'disputed' topics that get censored on Wikipedia, especially alternative medicine
*2018-11-22: [[Fanonpedia]]&nbsp;– a fanon wiki for everything
*2018-10-01: [[Rebornpedia]]&nbsp;– a Spanish fan-game wiki
*2018-09-21: [[Protopedia]]&nbsp;– a 3D-encyclopedia of proteins and other molecules
*2018-09-21: [[Coastal Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki for and by coastal professionals
*2018-08-29: [[Radio Wiki]]&nbsp;– a list of New Zealand radio frequencies and call signs for radio scanning
*2018-08-29: [[RL3]]&nbsp;– a wiki dedicated to the RL3 language
*2018-08-12: [[BingoLottoWiki]]&nbsp;– a Swedish wiki dedicated to the long running TV show ''BingoLotto''
*2018-07-26: [[Religions Wiki]]&nbsp;– a counter-apologetics wiki that is meant to provide a thorough resource for responding to theistic arguments
*2018-07-23: [[Lolcow Wiki]]&nbsp;– a facts-oriented encyclopedia of eccentricity
*2018-07-13: [[Svensk MJ-Wiki]]&nbsp;– a Swedish railway modelling wiki
*2018-07-03: [[F-Zero Wiki (German)]]&nbsp;– a German ''F-Zero'' wiki
*2018-06-30: [[Wiki Dragon Quest‎]]&nbsp;– a French ''Dragon Quest'' wiki
*2018-06-13: [[Pokémon-wikin]]&nbsp;– a wiki for the Swedish dub of the ''Pokémon'' anime
*2018-06-10: [[Wikivoyage Association]]&nbsp;– home to the meta wiki for the Wikivoyage project
*2018-06-06: [[Adelsvapen-Wiki]]&nbsp;– a Swedish wiki for coats of arms
*2018-05-31: [[Лунная Библиотека]]&nbsp;– a Russian wiki for ''My Little Pony'' run on DokuWiki
*2018-05-31: [[Pokémon 3D Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki for the fan-made ''Pokémon'' game ''Pokémon 3D''
*2018-05-30: [[SAFE Network Wiki]]&nbsp;– a secure data storage and communication platform, owned by users and controlled by no one
*2018-05-27: [[Rightpedia]]&nbsp;– an encyclopedia from the alternative media
*2018-05-19: [[PlaneMapper Wiki]]&nbsp;– a reference for aviation
*2018-05-13: [[PokéPlaza Wiki]]&nbsp;– a never started Swedish ''Pokémon'' wiki
*2018-05-13: [[Drive Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki dedicated to collecting information regarding the science-fiction webcomic ''DRIVE'', by Dave Kellett
*2018-04-17: [[Fextralife Wikis]]&nbsp;– a wiki farm for video game wikis
*2018-04-12: [[SotAwiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki dedicated to the ''Shroud of the Avatar'' game
*2018-04-05: [[Kaijumatic]]&nbsp;– a wiki dedicated to giant monsters throughout movie history
*2018-03-30: [[Harry Potter Wizards Unite Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki for the ''Harry Potter Wizards unite'' mobile game
*2018-03-30: [[Pokemon GO Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki for the popular mobile game ''Pokémon GO''
*2018-03-30: [[Pokémon World Online Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki for the fan-made game ''Pokémon World Online''
*2018-03-30: [[TPPC Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki ofr the fan-made ''Pokémon'' game ''TPPC''
*2018-03-29: [[Magikarp Jump Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki for the ''Pokémon'' game ''Magikarp Jump''
*2018-03-24: [[Yugipedia]]&nbsp;– a wiki dedicatecd to the ''Yu-Gi-Oh'' series
*2018-03-21: [[Biblioteka Ossus]]&nbsp;– a Polish ''Star Wars'' wiki
*2018-03-16: [[Pikmin Neowiki]]&nbsp;– a ''Pikmin'' wiki hosted on neoseeker
*2018-03-16: [[Pokémon NeoWiki]]&nbsp;– a ''Pokémon'' wiki hosted on neoseeker
*2018-03-13: [[Valve Wiki Network]]&nbsp;– a network of Valve related wikis
*2018-03-12: [[Dubbingpedia]]&nbsp;– a Polish wiki about Polish dubbing
*2018-03-12: [[Klingon Language Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki about the Klingon language
*2018-03-11: [[Project X Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki about 'project X', a modification of ''Worms Armageddon''
*2018-03-11: [[Worms W.M.D Wiki]]&nbsp;– the official ''Worms W.M.D'' wiki
*2018-03-11: [[Pixelmon Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki for the ''Minecraft'' mod ''Pixelmon''
*2018-03-11: [[Pokémon Vortex Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki for the fan-made ''Pokémon'' game ''Pokémon Vortex''
*2018-03-10: [[CEMU wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki about the CEMU emulator
*2018-03-10: [[Dolphin Emulator Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki about the Dolphin emulator
*2018-03-07: [[The Official Pokemon Insurgence Wiki‎]]&nbsp;– the wiki for the fan-made ''Pokémon'' game ''Pokémon Insurgence''
*2018-02-28: [[Splatoon 2 Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki about ''Splatoon 2''
*2018-02-28: [[Bulbanews]]&nbsp;– Bulbagardens' news outlet
*2018-02-28: [[PidgiWiki]]&nbsp;– an image depository
*2018-02-27: [[Pokémon Wiki (Vietnamese)]]&nbsp;– a Vietnamese ''Pokémon'' wiki
*2018-02-27: [[PokeMMO Wiki]]&nbsp;– a wiki about the fan made game ''PokeMMO''
*2018-02-27: [[포켓몬고 위키]]&nbsp;– a Korean ''Pokémon GO'' wiki
*2018-02-25: [[Fjantopedin]]&nbsp;– a wiki about the YouTube humor group Monte Fjanton
*2018-02-25: [[Azurilland Wiki]]&nbsp;– a ''Pokémon'' wiki hosted by
*2018-02-25: [[Azurilland Wiki (pt-br)]]&nbsp;– an Brazilian Portuguese ''Pokémon'' wiki hosted on
*2018-02-25: [[Hellenic Pokémon Wiki]]&nbsp;– was a Hellenic ''Pokémon'' wiki
*2018-02-22: [[Animal Crossing Wiki]]&nbsp;– the German ''Animal Crossing'' wiki
*2017-12-27: [[VandalismWiki]] — documenting wiki vandalism
*2017-12-15: [[Pest Information Wiki]] — biological research
*2017-12-14: [[Zauber-Pedia]] — German-language wiki about illusion
*2017-12-05: [[T4-Wiki]] — German-language Volkswagen Transporter T4 wiki
*2017-11-10: [[Spookyverse]] — X-Files in German
*2017-10-22: [[Puroresu System Wikia]] — about Japanese wrestling
*2017-10-13: [[BoJack Horseman Wiki]] — about the animated TV series
*2017-09-29: [[Heraldry of the World]] — heraldry worldwide
*2017-09-22: [[RadioWiki]] — German radio museum
*2017-09-08: [[PokéPédia]] — Brazilian-language Pokémon wiki
*2017-09-06: [[La Wikia de Pokéfanon]] — Spanish-language Pokémon fanon wiki
*2017-09-06: [[My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wikia (sv)]] — Swedish wiki for dedicated to the TV series ''My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic''
*2017-08-26: [[Video Game Glitches Wiki]] — dedicated to glitches found in various video games
*2017-08-26: [[Yu-Gi-Oh!-Wiki]] — German-language site for the Yu-Gi-Oh! video game and card game series
*2017-08-26: [[PKMN GO Trading Wiki ]] — for the popular mobile game Pokémon GO specialized in trading
*2017-08-26: [[Pokémon GO Wiki (Gamepedia)]] — for the popular mobile game Pokémon GO
*2017-08-26: [[Pokémon GO Wiki]] — for the popular mobile game Pokémon GO
*2017-08-25: [[EHWiki]] — wiki for the website
*2017-08-25: [[ПокеВики]] — wiki for the Russian Pokémon league
*2017-08-25: [[Pokemon Wiki (Russian)]] — Russian-language Wikia for all things Pokémon
*2017-08-25: [[神奇宝贝百科]] — Chinese-language wiki for all things Pokémon
*2017-08-25: [[‎Zelda Dungeon Wiki]] — for all things Zelda
*2017-08-25: [[‎Pokémon Speedruns]] — wiki for Pokémon speed runs
*2017-08-25: [[‎Super Mario Wiki (Italian)]] — Italian-language wiki for all things Super Mario
*2017-08-25: [[‎NintendoWiki (German)]] — German-language wiki for the company Nintendo
*2017-08-25: [[Nintendo Independent Wiki Alliance (German)]] — alliance of German-language wikis about Nintendo franchises
*2017-08-25: [[Glitch City Laboratories]] — wiki for glitches found in the Pokémon video game series
*2017-08-25: [[Nederlandstalige Pokémon Wiki]] — Dutch-language Wikia for all things Pokémon
*2017-08-25: [[포켓몬 위키]] — Korean-language Wikia for all things Pokémon
*2017-08-25: [[Seviland Encyclopedia]] — Bulgarian-language Wikia for all things Pokémon
*2017-08-25: [[Pokémon Wiki (Polish)]] — Polish-language Wikia for all things Pokémon
*2017-08-25: [[RayWiki (en)]] — English-language wiki for the ''Rayman'' video game series
*2017-08-24: [[InkluPedia]] — German-language encyclopaedic project
*2017-03-24: [[Acuariofilia]] — Spanish-language fish tank calculator and aquarium atlas
*2017-03-22: [[Colony Wikia]] — about ''Colony'', a 2016 science-fiction television series
*2017-02-22: [[LineageOS Wiki]] — about the new Android OS based on [[CyanogenMod]] wiki
*2017-02-14: [[Billions Wikia]] — about ''Billions'' television series
*2017-01-26: [[WIKI Digitales Lernen im Studium]] — German collection of teaching materials for computer-assisted teaching, German
*2017-01-26: [[WIKI Digitales Lernen in der Beruflichen Ausbildung]] — German collection of teaching materials for computer-assisted teaching
*2017-01-26: [[WIKI Digitales Lernen in der Primarstufe]] — German collection of teaching materials for computer-assisted teaching
*2017-01-25: [[Frasier Wiki (en)]] — about Frasier TV sitcom
*2016-12-22: [[WIKI Digitales Lernen in den Sekundarstufen]] — German collection of teaching materials for computer-assisted teaching
*2016-11-14: [[WikiFootprints]] — environmental impact of products
*2016-10-31: [[粵語偽基百科 (Pseudokipedia)]] — Cantonese version of Uncyclopedia
*2016-10-31: [[B5Wiki]] — German ''Babylon 5''
*2016-10-13: [[]] — American boy scout
*2016-10-10: [[Brandschutz-Wiki]] — fire protection
*2016-10-07: [[Trans* wiki]] — transgender
*2016-10-06: [[Paleowiki Deutschland]] — health and food
*2016-10-05: [[PharmaWiki]] — medicines and health
*2016-09-19: [[Violinwiki]] — a wiki all about acoustic violins
*2016-08-31: [[Fedora Project Wiki]] — a LINUX distribution
*2016-08-28: [[Wordfence Documentation]] — documentation of the Wordfence security plugin for WordPress websites
*2016-07-14: [[Encyclopedia Magnetica]] — encyclopedia of magnetism and electromagnetism
*2016-07-07: [[TechNet Wiki]] — Microsoft Developer Community
*2016-07-06: [[Betreuungsrechtslexikon]] — German wiki about custodianship law
*2016-07-06: [[BildungsWiki]] — German wiki specialised on education about humanities
*2016-07-04: [[Custom Mario Kart Wiki]] — about ''Mario Kart Wii'' modding
*2016-05-15: [[Tox]] — about the software Tox
*2016-05-11: [[DIGITUS Wiki]] — DIGITUS® support wiki
*2016-05-05: [[]] — about polyamory and relationship anarchy
*2016-05-01: [[WikiFood]] — about ingredients of food
*2016-04-27: [[Freephile Wiki]] — community of free software developers, advocates, and users
*2016-03-30: [[Rechnerwiki]] — German wiki about calculators
*2016-03-09: [[The Internet Wiki]] — dedicated to documenting the internet and the technologies that run it
*2016-03-06: [[Wikiagé]] — where @javiage shares what he learns
*2016-01-24: [[My Little Pony Fan Labor Wiki]] — about MLP fan works
*2016-01-24: [[My Little Bronies Wiki]] — a ''My Little Pony'' wiki
*2016-01-01: [[Wikïnity]] — new encyclopedia of Twinity 3D Metaverse in spanish
*2015-12-05: [[Ромянă Чирилице Wики]] — free open-edit encyclopedia in Cyrillic Romanian
*2015-11-27: [[OperaWiki‎]] — German-language site about Opera Browser
*2015-11-03: [[Inkipedia]] — the free, editable Splatoon wiki
*2015-10-22: [[Simplepedia‎]] — German-language wiki on 'controversial' subjects
*2015-09-31: [[RootzWiki‎]] — how to root your smartphone
*2015-09-28: [[VroniPlag Wiki‎]] — detecting plagiarism in masters thesis
*2015-09-20: [[Prepaid-Wiki]] — prepaid mobile phone services in Germany in German language
*2015-09-12: [[]] — German-language electronics wiki
*2015-07-17: [[]] — encyclopedia's mythologies in Spanish language
*2015-07-16: [[]] — dance techniques
*2015-07-16: [[]] — volunteer peer reviewed MediaWiki-based academic journal
*2015-07-08: [[Ada Developers Academy Wiki]] — the Ada Developers Academy addresses diversity in Seattle's tech community
*2015-07-08: [[‎]] — Hong Kong Politics DB (politicians and political parties in Hong Kong)
*2015-07-07: [[Hillary Clinton Wiki]] — about Hillary Clinton
*2015-07-07: [[]] — Kuchařka (English: ''cookbook'') is for students (or Matfyzáks) at MMF UK, the Prague institution also known as Matfyz
*2015-07-07: [[]] — dedicated to the ''Grand Theft Auto'' franchise
*2015-07-04: [[Mitopedia|]] — encyclopedia's mythologies in Spanish language (see [[]])
*2015-06-24: [[The Library Wiki]] — a site seeking to collect, store, and archive fan-fiction for reading purposes
*2015-06-16: [[]] — Pasaulinė Mokslo Enciklopedija (PME) means 'World Encyclopedia of Science' in Lithuanian
*2015-06-16: [[]] — Spanish-language wiki about the Instituto Profesional Chileno Británico de Cultura
*2015-06-16: [[]] — used by a community of teachers who work on a project called ''English as a Foreign Language Resources and Materials''; EFL is an acronym for English as a Foreign Language
*2015-06-16: [[]] — dedicated to the Polish Minecraft server Craftown
*2015-06-16: [[]] — Russian-language wiki for faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics at Moscow State University
*2015-06-16: [[]] — dedicated to environmental art
*2015-06-16: [[Wikifen.Wiki]] — Spanish-language wiki about the Universidad de Chile
*2015-06-16: [[]] — about Zabbix, an enterprise open source monitoring solution for networks and applications
*2015-06-16: [[]] — dedicated to Otherfaith, a modern polytheist religion created in 2010
*2015-06-11: [[]] — dedicated to game shows
*2015-06-01: [[]] — dedicated to the television series ''Bella and the Bulldogs''
*2015-06-01: [[]] — Portuguese-language wiki about Unai, a city in Minas Gerais, Brazil
*2015-05-26: [[]] — documentation by the project team of Enigmail, a free and open source OpenPGP plugin for Mozilla applications
*2015-05-26: [[]] — community theatre
*2015-05-05: [[]] — Washington, D.C.
*2015-03-12: [[Death With Dignity Wiki]] — about physician assisted dying and end of life options
*2015-03-10: [[]] — repository for all things OUYA, both hardware and software
*2015-03-07: [[Unbreakable Machine-Doll Wiki]] — an encyclopedia about the ''Unbreakable Machine-Doll'' light novel, manga, and anime
*2015-02-27: [[]] — homeschooling
*2015-02-27: [[]] — community project for collecting reviews of... everything!
*2015-02-24: [[]] — anarchism
*2015-02-17: [[]] — researched and conflict-free alternatives and recipes to common household products
*2015-02-10: [[]] — Cascadia Wikimedians User Group, an officially-recognized Wikimedia user group serving the Cascadia region of North America
*2015-02-10: [[]] — dedicated to game cheats
*2015-02-08: [[]] — dedicated to ''My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic'', the My Little Pony franchise, and its fandom
*2015-01-29: [[Messenger of God Wiki]] — dedicated to people who are considered messengers of God
*2015-01-29: [[]] — dedicated to extraterrestrial life
*2015-01-29: [[SheboyganWiki]] — dedicated to Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
*2015-01-23: [[:Category:Wiki.Wiki|Wiki.Wiki]] — a wiki farm for the new <tt>.wiki</tt> top level domain (gTLD)
*2015-01-23: [[YouTube Poop Wiki (de)]] — deutsches YouTube Poop-Wiki (German YouTube Poop wiki)
*2015-01-21: [[]] — family-friendly activities and resources in Cordova, Alaska
*2015-01-21: [[]] — teaches Chinese and Japanese through a fictional story set in Arcania City
*2015-01-21: [[]] — dedicated to the Kannada (India) film industry
*2015-01-16: [[ Wiki]] — info about all aspects of gender outside the binary
*2014-12-21: [[Animal Boyfriend Wiki]] — about ''Animal Boyfriend'' game for Android
*2014-12-17: [[True Awakening]] — a wiki about an upcoming show
*2014-12-04: [[]] — dedicated to the body of all life
*2014-12-04: [[Cornelis Drebbel]] — history of science; 1572-1633 innovations, submarine, regulators
*2014-11-23: [[SJWiki]] — about social justice activism, theory, and praxis
*2014-11-20: [[KarnevalsWiki Brühl]] — German-language site about about carnival in Brühl, Germany
*2014-11-17: [[Dilbert Wiki]] — (web)comic strip ''Dilbert'' by Scott Adams
*2014-11-07: [[Webcomic Wiki]] — about webcomics
*2014-11-03: [[FoodStartup.Wiki]] — about food startup companies and resources
*2014-11-03: [[Supercars.Wiki]] — about supercars
*2014-10-22: [[RenewableEnergy.Wiki]] — about renewable energy
*2014-10-22: [[VerticalSpace.Wiki]] — about vertical spaces and cities
*2014-10-22: [[Idiom.Wiki]] — about idioms
*2014-10-21: [[MobiWiki‎]] — wiki engine for UNIX, based on Wards Wiki with scientific formatting
*2014-10-19: [[Dailybsness]] —  encyclopedia of the work and business
*2014-10-10: [[Bilgive Wiki]] — Turkish-language encyclopaedia, glossary and news
*2014-10-06: [[RiffTrax Wiki]] — about ''RiffTrax'' and ''iRiffs''; RiffTrax is an audio comedy project by MST3K comedians
*2014-09-28: [[Vimwiki]] — wiki engine
*2014-09-15: [[Marriage Equality Wiki (Wikia)]] — about history of marriage equality in the USA
*2014-09-08: [[Discordian Wiki]] — Wikia about discordianism
*2014-08-25: [[SPD Geschichtswerkstatt]] — German-language site about the history of SPD Schleswig-Holstein
*2014-08-25: [[Beschlussdatenbank der SPD Schleswig-Holstein]] — German-language site about database of resolutions
*2014-08-25: [[SPD Baden-Württemberg]] — German-language site about database of resolutions
*2014-08-25: [[]] — German-language site about tabletop- and boardgames
*2014-08-17: [[Freimaurer-Wiki]] — about Freemasons
*2014-08-14: [[YaSM Wiki]] — recommended best practices for providing services
*2014-08-05: [[NIER Wiki]] — about the ''NIER'' video games
*2014-08-05: [[Gallowmere Historia (en)]] — Wikia about the ''MediEvil'' video game series
*2014-08-04: [[Scienticity wiki]] — science literacy wiki
*2014-07-02: [[3D Printing Wiki]] — about 3D printing and printers
*2014-06-18: [[Coin.Wiki]] — about crypto-currencies
*2014-06-18: [[Startup.Wiki]] — about startups and resources
*2014-06-17: [[Ostrobe Country Wiki]] — about a fictional country called ''Ostrobe''
*2014-06-02: [[Busty Resources]] — wiki detailing everything about bras and breasts
*2014-06-01: [[Wikistad]] — Dutch-language wiki about a fictional country called ''Libertas''
*2014-05-23: [[Weed.Wiki]] — all about cannabis
*2014-05-11: [[Electrical Installation Wiki]] — for professional electrical engineers
*2014-05-10: [[Arrowverse Wiki]] — about the television series, ''Arrow''
*2014-04-06: [[Pindula wiki]] — about all things Zimbabwe
*2014-03-18: [[Pirate Party of Canada]] — bilingual political party wiki
*2014-03-08: [[De Tuin Wiki]] — Dutch-language site about gardening in the Netherlands
*2014-03-08: [[MovieMeterWiki]] — Dutch-language site about films in the Netherlands
*2014-03-08: [[LeerWiki]] — Dutch-language site about educational topics in the Netherlands
*2014-03-08: [[FOK!wiki]] — Dutch-language site of the news and lifestyle site FOK!
*2014-02-27: [[wikiBest]] — listing the 'best of' in a variety of topics
*2014-02-26: [[Wiki reken-wiskundeonderwijs]] — Dutch-language site about calculus and mathematics education in the Netherlands
*2014-02-26: [[Museum van het Nederlandse Uurwerk Wiki]] — Dutch-language site about clockwork in the Netherlands
*2014-02-26: [[Genwiki Nederland]] — Dutch-language site about genealogy
*2014-02-22: [[Bee and PuppyCat]] — wiki about the web series ''Bee and PuppyCat''
*2014-02-22: [[Duurzame Energie Wiki]] — Dutch-language site about sustainable energy in the Netherlands
*2014-02-22: [[Koipedia]] — Dutch-language wiki site about koi-fish in the Netherlands
*2014-02-22: [[Radiopedia]] — Dutch-language wiki site about radio in the Netherlands
*2014-02-22: [[Imkerpedia]] — Dutch-language wiki site about bees and beekeeping in the Netherlands
*2014-02-22: [[DiabetesWiki]] — Dutch-language site about diabetes in the Netherlands
*2014-02-22: [[Wiki Piratenpartij Nederland]] — Dutch site about the political party Piratenpartij in the Netherlands
*2014-02-22: [[OV in Nederland]] — Dutch-language wiki site about public transport in the Netherlands
*2014-02-22: [[Catawiki]] — Dutch-language site for collectors in the Netherlands
*2014-02-21: [[Beeld en Geluid wiki]] — Dutch-language site about television, media, and audio-visual collections in the Netherlands
*2014-02-21: [[SigarenWiki]] — Dutch-language site about cigars
*2014-02-21: [[ArchiefWiki]] — Dutch-language site about archives in the Netherlands and Belgium
*2014-02-20: [[Wegenwiki]] — Dutch-language site about roads and traffic
*2014-02-20: [[Reliwiki]] — Dutch-language site about religious buildings in the Netherlands
*2014-02-20: [[Ubuntu NL wiki]] — official Dutch-language site about Ubuntu
*2014-02-09: [[Crowdfunding Wiki]] — crowd-funding
*2014-01-25: [[The TaraElla Wiki]] — fan made wiki, all about the talented singer songwriter and writer Tara Ella
*2013-12-30: [[Gensoukyou: Eastern Story]] — a Touhou role-playing community
*2013-12-28: [[Apertium]] — free/open-source platform for developing rule-based machine translation systems
*2013-12-17: [[La Librairie de Thermographie]] — French thermographic wiki, also in English and Dutch
*2013-12-17: [[Unwelcome Guests]] — broadcasters who produce a fortnightly, public domain 2&nbsp;hour talk radio show on a range of topics
*2013-12-15: [[Pinata]] — Viva Piñata wiki
*2013-11-22: [[Who's Who from the Arab World]] — encyclopaedia about prominent Arabs past and present
*2013-11-18: [[SuicideWiki]] — online repository of suicide reasons, methods and miscellany
*2013-11-14: [[ChildWiki]] — the children's liberation encyclopaedia
*2013-11-11: [[Nudist History Wiki]] — seeks to compile a complete source of nudist history in North America
*2013-10-25: [[PolyWiki]] — the global storehouse of information and ideas about polyamory
*2013-10-25: [[77 Days Wiki]] — encyclopaedia of the ''77 Days Mystery''
*2013-09-01: [[iSC Pedia 3.0]] — 'The True Wiki(a) Encyclopedia', available in a number of languages
*2013-08-06: [[LXDE Wiki]] — Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
*2013-08-03: [[WikiSuriya]] — Arabic wiki about the Syrian Civil War
*2013-07-14: [[Teacher Story Wiki]] — wiki for the game ''Teacher Story'' by Motion Twin
*2013-06-25: [[Gastro-Wiki]] — German wiki about kitchen technology for the catering industry
*2013-06-17: [[Wikipink]] — Italian language LGBT wiki
*2013-06-09: [[TranzWiki]] — directory of resources for transgender people in the United Kingdom
*2013-06-08: [[Gentils Virus]] — French wiki on thoughts of participatory democracy
*2013-05-25: [[The Neverhood Wiki]] — a wiki about ''The Neverhood''
*2013-05-24: [[Whuspedia]] — a new wiki of humor
*2013-05-16: [[ROS Wiki]] —  site for ROS 1 (Robotics Operating System), an open source OS and SDK for robotics devices
*2013-05-02: [[TheyServed Wiki (Wikia)]] — dedicated to all contributions made by the British Armed Forces during WW1 & WW2
*2013-04-06: [[Sobel Wiki]] — an encyclopaedia of Robert Sobel's alternate history ''For Want of a Nail: If Burgoyne Had Won at Saratoga''
*2013-04-03: [[h2g2]] — ''The Guide to Life, The Universe and Everything'', a collaborative site from Douglas Adams, the author of ''Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy''
*2013-04-01: [[20% Cooler wiki]] — a ''My Little Pony'' (MLP) wiki
*2013-03-31: [[HârnWiki]] — a wiki for developing material for the role-play world of Hârn
*2013-03-24: [[Open Mesh]] — a wiki about building free and open mesh networks
*2013-03-24: [[Monster Frontier]] — a wiki about an iTunes Store application game, where you will find useful information on the game
*2013-03-06: [[Alvin and the Chipmunks Wiki]] — a wiki about the animated & CGI musical groups, ''The Chipmunks'' and ''The Chipettes''
*2013-01-23: [[Research Groups Wiki]] — comparing Research Groups
*2012-12-28: [[WikiTunisie]] — information about Tunisia in French-language
*2012-12-10: [[CoDeSaH Wiki]] — la wiki de ''RuneScape'' en Español
*2012-12-05: [[Socialbar]] — a wiki about a social community which is dedicated to sharing information
*2012-11-24: [[Lengas Bastidas]] — a wiki about constructed languages, in Occitan-language
*2012-11-23: [[Oisquipèdia]] — a humourous wiki, in Occitan-language
*2012-11-21: [[‎]] — about group games for youth groups, workshops, seminars, or wherever you play games
*2012-11-19: [[Test-Wiki (|Test-Wiki]] — ein deutsches Wiki, wo man machen kann, was man will, auch Uploads von Bildern, Audios und Videos
*2012-11-06: ‎[[SDIY wiki]] — for learning and sharing knowledge about making your own electronic musical instruments and related equipment
*2012-10-29: [[LGBT History UK]] — history of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people, places, organisations, and events in the United Kingdom
*2012-10-29: [[Wikisage]] — general interest open free wiki encyclopaedia in Dutch and English
*2012-10-27: [[Torque OBD2 Wiki]] — automotive wiki on Android-powered OBD2 scan tools
*2012-10-10: [[Nostalgia Wikipedia]] — a frozen snapshot of the English Wikipedia from 20 December 2001
*2012-10-09: [[Open Web Application Security Project]] — a wiki for the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
*2012-10-08: [[WebPlatform Docs]] — aims to become a comprehensive and authoritative source for web developer documentation
*2012-10-06: [[The Business Model Project]] — a wiki about business models
*2012-09-30: [[UK Transport Wiki]] — a Wikia on public transport (buses and trains) of the United Kingdom
*2012-09-30: [[]] — an Arabic-language wiki about drafting the Constitution of Tunisia
*2012-09-29: [[Chemistry Wiki]] — an educational wiki to assist in GCSE / IGCSE studies
*2012-09-27: [[London's Burning Wiki]] — a Wikia about ''London's Burning''
*2012-09-27: [[RLSH - Real Life Superheroes Wiki]] — about fictional ''Real Life Superheroes''
*2012-09-09: [[Mt633 Wiki]] — personal wiki for Zach Harris' research in (primarily) math, theology, and computing
*2012-09-06: [[The Blackadder Wiki]] — a Wikia about the British television programme ''Blackadder''
*2012-09-04: [[Freaks and Geeks]] — wiki about the television programme ''Freaks and Geeks''
*2012-08-25: [[Quantum Conundrum Wiki]] — for Airtight Games' puzzle-platformer ''Quantum Conundrum''
*2012-08-02: [[Touhou Patch Center]] — wiki whose goal is to translate the ''Touhou'' games into any language
*2012-08-02: [[Vnds Wiki]] — specialising in porting Visuals novels to the Nintendo DS
*2012-08-02: [[Vocaloid Software]] — a Vocaloid wiki that focuses on the technical aspects of the Vocaloid software
*2012-08-02: [[Depedia]] — a Spanish-language wiki about degrowth
*2012-07-25: [[Touhou Edge of Perspective‎]] — a role-playing group that role-plays as ''Touhou'' characters
*2012-07-04: [[Nathania]] — Nathan Larson's personal bliki: biographies, interviews, essays, and more
*2012-07-03: [[DFRV - Regionalgruppe Berlin]] — the wiki for fundraisers in Berlin, Germany
*2012-06-26: [[Linux Gaming Wiki]] — a growing database of games that can be played on Linux, and instructions for running them
*2012-06-26: [[GameTree Linux Wiki]] — information about ''Cedega'', which allows many MS Windows games to be played on Linux
*2012-06-26: [[Green Grass Ink]] — open wiki about the Inner-Mongolian singer Uudam, and his ideal ink greening the world
*2012-06-24: [[Islamic Finance Encyclopedia]] — free Arabic wiki encyclopaedia for Islamic finance
*2012-06-24: [[Isqat Al-Nizam]] — free Egyptian wiki encyclopaedia for the January 25 Revolution
*2012-06-20: [[WikiMaktabat]] — free Arabic-language encyclopaedia for library and information cataloging and archiving
*2012-06-20: [[UKAirsoftWiki]] — ''Airsoft'' information site from the United Kingdom
*2012-06-10: [[Sturmkrieg]] — unofficial encyclopaedia for player created content related to ''Warhammer 40,000''
*2012-06-07: [[Continuum Wiki]] — about the science fiction show ''Continuum''
*2012-06-04: [[Class3Outbreak Wiki]] — information about ''Class3Outbreak'' zombie game
*2012-06-01: [[Semantic Stargate Wiki]] — English- and French-language semantic wikis about the ''Stargate'' franchise
*2012-05-29: [[WikiAuto]] — US-based automotive wiki for automobile, truck, and motorcycle repair
*2012-05-26: [[Pirates of the Caribbean Online Wiki]] — information resource for ''Pirates of the Caribbean Online''
*2012-05-25: [[TV Maps Wiki]] — for maps from TV shows, films / movies, games, and more
*2012-05-19: [[Fun-Wiki]] — Ein deutsches Wiki, das lustige Sachen wie z. B Witze enthalten soll
*2012-05-13: [[Baustellenwiki]] — Ein deutsches Wiki bestehend aus Spielwiesen im Benutzernamensraum, einer Spielwiese und Ähnliches
*2012-05-13: [[Wikibaustelle]] — Ein deutsches Wiki bestehend aus Spielwiesen und Artikeln, die angelegt werden für die Wikipedia, wo jeder auch seinen Kram ablegen kann
*2012-05-08: [[ (es)]] — Spanish version of the wiki, the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
*2012-05-08: [[ (ca)]] — Catalan version of the wiki, the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
*2012-05-08: [[ (en)]] — English version of the wiki, the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
*2012-05-08: [[ Media-pool]] — media & template repository wiki of, the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
*2012-05-08: [[The Global Square]] — wiki about the social movements that occupy public spaces like squares all over the world, e.g. Occupy, 15M, Takethesquare
*2012-05-08: [[]] — a Spanish-language wiki about the collective
*2012-05-08: [[We Rebuild - Telecomix]] — a wiki about the Telecomix cluster of net activists
*2012-04-12: [[Firefox-Wiki]] — a German-language wiki about the free web browser Firefox
*2012-04-11: [[Forscherliga-Wiki]] — a German-language wiki about the ''World of Warcraft'' realm 'Forscherliga'
*2012-04-05: [[Arab Sciencepedia]] — Arabic-language Syrian free wiki encyclopaedia about scientific topics
*2012-04-04: [[SMWiki]] — containing information and resources to help with ROM hacking of the game ''Super Mario World''
*2012-04-04: [[Foamypedia]] — a wiki about the web-toon ''Neurotically Yours''
*2012-04-04: [[SM64 Machinima Wiki]] — information about Super Mario 64 machinima
*2012-04-04: [[Ikhwan(.net) Wiki]] — Arabic-language wiki encyclopaedia of the Muslim Brotherhood
*2012-04-03: [[Wiki Feqh]] — an Iranian (Persian-language) encyclopaedia about Islamic jurisprudence, Fiqh
*2012-04-02: [[Ikhwan Wiki]] — an Arabic-language official historical encyclopaedia of the Muslim Brotherhood
*2012-04-02: [[NetworkSet Wiki]] — an Arabic-language encyclopaedia about computer networks
*2012-04-02: [[Wiki Jubail]] — Arabic-language encyclopaedia about about biographies of the families of the city of Jubail in Saudi Arabia
*2012-04-02: [[Arabeyes]] — an Arabic-language wiki encyclopaedia about Arabising open source software
*2012-04-02: [[Kantoula]] — Arabic-language general-interest wiki encyclopaedia from Tunisia
*2012-03-29: [[Hero Tower Defense Wiki]] — about ''Hero Tower Defense''
*2012-02-27: [[Copfilter]] — a wiki about an IPCop-Addon
*2012-02-27: [[Marefa]] — an Arabic-language wiki encyclopaedia
*2012-02-26: [[Powerbase]] — a wiki about lobbies, corporations, and pressure groups
*2012-02-23: [[True Capitalist Wiki]] — about an amateur radio show called True Capitalist Radio
*2012-02-19: [[Icaruspedia]] — a wiki about Nintendo's ''Kid Icarus'' franchise
*2012-02-14: [[Dessouswiki]] — German-language wiki about fashion and lifestyle
*2012-02-13: [[F-Zero Wiki]] — about Nintendo's ''F-Zero'' franchise
*2012-01-25: [[World Cruising and Sailing Wiki]] — information about cruising and sailing the oceans and high seas
*2012-01-24: [[FSFE Fellowship wiki]] — information for the Free Software Foundation Europe
*2012-01-21: [[Supernatural Wiki]] — a wiki about the television series ''Supernatural''
*2012-01-18: [[OccupyWiki (UK)]] — a United Kingdom-based site for the occupy movement in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
*2012-01-10: [[ITU Encyclopedia]] — information about Istanbul Technical University
*2012-01-08: [[Irish Comics Wiki]] — comics and cartoonists from Ireland
*2012-01-08: [[Wikimpress (de)]] and [[Wikimpress (en)]] — German- and English-language wikis with dynamic content
*2012-01-03: [[Lego Glitch Central]] — a wiki about glitches within video games produced by the Lego Company
*2012-01-02: [[Claymore New Wiki]] — about ''Claymore'', the manga and anime series
30-Dec-2011: [[Vampira Wiki]] — a German wiki about the paperback novel series ''VAMPIRA''<br>
30-Dec-2011: [[FLOSS Manuals]] — a wiki for collaborative writing of Free Software manuals<br>
24-Dec-2011: [[Fanlore]] — wiki by and about fans and fan communities that create and consume fanworks<br>
19-Dec-2011: [[Wikirating]] — a wiki for independent and transparent credit ratings - the alternative to mainstream credit rating agencies<br>
17-Dec-2011: [[Looney Pyramid wiki]] — a wiki for people to play games or design games using the Looney Pyramid game system<br>
16-Dec-2011: [[Mega Bloks]] — a wiki of all Mega Bloks sets released<br>
07-Dec-2011: [[EffiWiki]] — a wiki of Efficient INDIA; the Tools and software tutorial wiki<br>
02-Dec-2011: [[Personality Tests Wiki]] — a wiki about personality tests<br>
24-Nov-2011: [[QuizMeUp]] — a wiki of quiz questions; the community where sharing quiz questions builds better quizzes<br>
21-Nov-2011: [[My Little Pony NeoWiki]] — a wiki all about My Little Pony<br>
14-Nov-2011: [[TestWiki]] — a wiki where anyone can be an administrator for testing purposes<br>
10-Nov-2011: [[Awa]] — a wiki to share your opinion on places all other the world<br>
06-Oct-2011: [[OccupyWiki]] — a wiki to serve the OccupyMovement - please join us!<br>
27-Sep-2011: [[WikiMANNia]] — a wiki about masculism, men's rights and anti-feminism<br>
27-Sep-2011: [[AudiWorld Wiki]] — a wiki for the website and forum, dedicated to Audi motor cars<br>
26-Sep-2011: [[CorradoTechnik]] — a wiki for the Volkswagen Corrado automobile<br>
26-Sep-2011: [[TEFLChina]] — a wiki for English teachers in China<br>
25-Sep-2011: [[Ratiopol]] — a French political wiki that aims to address the problems faced by politicians<br>
25-Sep-2011: [[]] — the biggest wiki for dentistry<br>
24-Sep-2011: [[Debuntu wiki]] — a wiki for the Debian and Ubuntu operating systems<br>
24-Sep-2011: [[ALF Wiki]] — a wiki for all things related to the fictional character ALF<br>
23-Sep-2011: [[Ross-Tech Wiki]] — a wiki on the VAG-COM Diagnostic System (VCDS) for use on all Volkswagen Group vehicles<br>
23-Sep-2011: [[Roccopedia]] — a wiki on the Volkswagen Scirocco (Mk3) automobile<br>
22-Sep-2011: [[]] — a German wiki for ''Star Wars'', second-biggest after Wookieepedia<br>
22-Sep-2011: [[Digital Fortress]] — a wiki for Dan Brown's novel ''Digital Fortress''<br>
21-Sep-2011: [[Wiibrew]] — a wiki for Wii and Homebrew games<br>
14-Sep-2011: [[Bhamwiki]] — a wiki for the Birmingham District in Alabama<br>
07-Sep-2011: [[International AIDS Vigil, Toronto]] — a wiki for the International AIDS Vigil event in Toronto<br>
05-Sep-2011: [[IT Security Wiki]] — a wiki for IT Security<br>
01-Sep-2011: [[Men of War - Wiki]] — a wiki for the tactic-strategic video-game ''Men of War''<br>
01-Sep-2011: [[Tauschwiki]] — a German wiki for Local Exchange and Trading Systems<br>
31-Aug-2011: [[]] — a wiki about information on hockey cards<br>
30-Aug-2011: [[InterSciWiki]] — a wiki about trans-disciplinary research, especially networks and complexity sciences<br>
29-Aug-2011: [[Roblox Wikia]] — the unofficial Roblox wiki<br>
29-Aug-2011: [[Qmail wiki]] — a wiki about the software qmail<br>
27-Aug-2011: [[Japanese beyblade]] — the official ''Beyblade'' wiki in Japanese<br>
26-Aug-2011: [[Whitest Kids U' Know Wiki]] — information on the hilarious show ''The Whitest Kids U' Know''<br>
25-Aug-2011: [[Art du Web]] — a French wiki about system administration, by sysadmins<br>
25-Aug-2011: [[Edinburgh City Wiki]] — a wiki about Edinburgh, Scotland<br>
25-Aug-2011: [[Arx Fatalis Wiki]] — a wiki about the fantasy videogame ''Arx Fatalis''<br>
24-Aug-2011: [[Wikiloc]] — an Italian wiki about outdoor, travel, nature...<br>
24-Aug-2011: [[District 151 Wiki]] — a wiki for competitive Pokémon battlers<br>
23-Aug-2011: [[The Dark Tower Wiki]] — a wiki about the magnum opus of Stephen King<br>
20-Aug-2011: [[Wikiapbn]] — Encyclopedia of Ministry of Finance, Indonesia<br>
18-Aug-2011: [[Tatiana's TOMATObase]] — Heritage Tomatoes - a wiki about heirloom and open-pollinated vegetable varieties, with focus on tomatoes<br>
17-Aug-2011: [[One Piece Wikia (it)]] — an Italian wiki about ''One Piece''<br>
17-Aug-2011: [[Stamps Wiki]] — a wiki about stamps from all time periods, rare or common<br>
17-Aug-2011: [[One Piece Wikia (ca)]] — the Catalan wiki for ''One Piece''<br>
16-Aug-2011: [[One Piece Wikia (en)]] — a wiki about ''One Piece''<br>
16-Aug-2011: [[Chinese Wikisimpsons]] — the Chinese wiki for ''The Simpsons''<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[VIKIpedia]] — an Italian wiki about VIKI<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Lamonetapedia]] — an Italian wiki for numismatics<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Dimenticatoio]] — an Italian wiki about the 1980s<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[RotoWiki]] — an Italian wiki about the city Rotondella's people<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Wikiviaggiatori]] — an Italian wiki for adventurist people<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[CosenzaWiki]] — an Italian wiki about the city Cosenza's people<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Coscienziopedia]] — a Portuguese wiki about Conscienciology<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Ekopedia (it)]] — an Italian wiki about ecology<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[EduEDA]] — an Italian wiki about art, formerly known as Wiki ARTpedia<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Wikiufo]] — an Italian wiki about UFOs<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Ufopedia]] — an Italian wiki about UFOs<br>
15-Aug-2011: [[Naturpedia]] — an Italian wiki about nature<br>
14-Aug-2011: [[Lords of Uberdark Wiki]] — an informative wiki for the game ''Lords of Uberdark''<br>
11-Aug-2011: [[The World God Only Knows Wiki]] — a wiki about the manga ''The World God Only Knows''<br>
10-Aug-2011: [[Fanartwii]] — a Spanish wiki about fanart for the wiiflow software<br>
07-Aug-2011: [[Open New Zealand‎]] — a wiki regarding government and democracy in New Zealand<br>
03-Aug-2011: [[War in the North Wiki]] — a wiki all about the upcoming videogame, ''Lord of the Rings: The War in the North''<br>
03-Aug-2011: [[KernelEx Wiki]] — a wiki about KernelEx, an Open Source compatibility layer with an aim to allow running Microsoft Windows 2000/XP-only applications on Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition operating systems<br>
01-Aug-2011: [[Men in Black Wiki]] — a fast growing wiki covering the entire ''Men in Black'' series<br>
29-Jul-2011: [[Wikimedia Outreach]] — home for several Wikimedia Foundation outreach and collaboration initiatives<br>
29-Jul-2011: [[Sci-fi Independent Wiki Alliance]] — a wiki alliance about sci-fi topics<br>
29-Jul-2011: [[WikiQueer]] — encyclopedia and resource hub for and by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and ally communities<br>
23-Jul-2011: [[Everybody Edits Wiki]] — a wiki about the multiplayer level editor everybody edits<br>
23-Jul-2011: [[Crappypedia]] — a new wiki of humor<br>
22-Jul-2011: [[Shihad Wiki]] — a wiki about New Zealand‎ band ''Shihad''<br>
22-Jul-2011: [[OARiNZ Knowledge Base Wiki]] — a wiki supporting New Zealand‎ repository projects<br>
22-Jul-2011: [[Waihekepedia]] — a wiki with information about Waiheke Island, New Zealand‎<br>
18-Jul-2011: [[Qi-Wiki]] — a wiki about the BBC television program ''Qi‎''<br>
15-Jul-2011: [[Roblox Wiki]] — an active wiki about the popular online sandbox MMO ''Roblox''<br>
15-Jul-2011: [[New Zealand Linux Wiki‎]] — a New Zealand Linux Wiki‎<br>
14-Jul-2011: [[Cheat Engine]] — a wiki about the popular gamehacking program Cheat Engine<br>
03-Jul-2011: [[The Ferry Wiki]] — a wiki all about ferries and their companies from around the world<br>
01-Jul-2011: [[Up The Punks]] — a wiki about punk music in Wellington, New Zealand<br>
01-Jul-2011: [[Flight of the Conchords Wiki]] — a wiki about New Zealand comedy duo Flight of the Conchords<br>
30-Jun-2011: [[Home and Away Wiki]] — a wiki about long running Australian TV show, ''Home and Away''<br>
30-Jun-2011: [[Shortland Street Wiki]] — a wiki about long running New Zealand TV show, ''Shortland Street''<br>
26-Jun-2011: [[Wikiwrimo]] — a wiki for all things National Novel Writing Month<br>
26-Jun-2011: [[The Almighty Johnsons Wiki]] — a wiki about New Zealand TV show, the ''Almighty Johnsons''<br>
25-Jun-2011: [[ARRSEPedia]] — an unofficial wiki about the British Army<br>
25-Jun-2011: [[Duran Duran Wiki]] — a wiki about the band Duran Duran<br>
25-Jun-2011: [[Dresden Dolls Wiki]] — a wiki about the band Dresden Dolls<br>
25-Jun-2011: [[GNS Science Public Wiki‎]] — a wiki for New Zealand science collaboration<br>
25-Jun-2011: [[Cricket Wiki]] — a wiki on the sport of cricket<br>
24-Jun-2011: [[Music Ontology]] — a wiki on Music Ontology<br>
24-Jun-2011: [[H-Town Rock Wiki]] — a wiki on music from Houston, Texas<br>
24-Jun-2011: [[Postcards of Cornwall]] — a wiki on postcards of Cornwall, UK<br>
24-Jun-2011: [[Kiwi Biker Wiki]] — a wiki on motorcycle clubs, etc, from New Zealand<br>
21-Jun-2011: [[Glocal Focal]] — a wiki on social issues both local and global<br>
21-Jun-2011: [[wikYpages]] — a wiki about local places and business, everywhere in the world<br>
18-Jun-2011: [[Goatopedia]] — a wiki about the Royal Air Force<br>
11-Jun-2011: [[Liverpool FC Wiki]] — a wiki about Liverpool Football Club<br>
07-May-2011: [[Einstein University]] — the Free University<br>
06-May-2011: [[Heraldik-Wiki]] — a wiki about heraldry<br>
20-Apr-2011: [[Touhou Project Wiki]] — a wikia about the Touhou franchise (video games, comics, etc)<br>
27-Apr-2011: [[Softeuskaraz]] — a wiki about software and web pages in Basque<br>
14-Apr-2011: [[Pascal]] — a wiki for Pascal developers<br>
11-Apr-2011: [[BirdWiki]] — for people passionate about Birding<br>
09-Apr-2011: [[Maratrean Wiki]] — about the religion of Maratreanism<br>
25-Mar-2011: [[‎AtterWiki]] — about the Austrian region Attersee-Attergau<br>
25-Mar-2011: [[‎Chromium]] — open-source project behind Google Chrome<br>
23-Mar-2011: [[Dragon Age Wiki]] — a wikia about Dragon Age franchise (video games, comics, etc)<br>
23-Mar-2011: [[Mass Effect Wiki]] — a wikia about Mass Effect franchise (video games, comics, etc)<br>
21-Mar-2011: [[WikiNorthia]] — a wiki about life in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne<br>
21-Mar-2011: [[WikiShepp]] — a wiki about the history of the Goulburn Valley, in Australia<br>
21-Mar-2011: [[‎Delimiter]] — a wiki about Technology in Australia<br>
20-Mar-2011: [[WIKINT]] — wiki focused on Intelligence Studies and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance<br>
19-Mar-2011: [[]] — wiki about food, and their impact upon the body<br>
18-Mar-2011: [[Planned Economy Wiki]] — wiki about the subject of Planned Economy<br>
15-Mar-2011: [[WikiBound]] and [[NintendoWiki]] — wiki's on EarthBound/Mother and Nintendo, respectively<br>
09-Mar-2011: [[mrbš]] — open-edit city wiki of the Germany city Meerbusch for both inhabitants and interested parties<br>
08-Mar-2011: [[The Springfield Shopper]] — wiki with news articles about The Simpsons<br>
08-Mar-2011: [[Simptionary]] — a Simpsons dictionary wiki<br>
08-Mar-2011: [[UnSimpsons Wiki]] — a humorous wiki about The Simpsons<br>
08-Mar-2011: [[Adventure Time Wiki]] — a wikia about the Cartoon Network series Adventure Time<br>
08-Mar-2011: [[Random Wiki]] — write about anything, it's random; you will enjoy it<br>
07-Mar-2011: [[Beachapedia]] — a project for publishing knowledge on coastal environmental topics<br>
20-Feb-2011: [[LlamadaWiki]] — a wiki about a fictional land, you can create your own character, house and business<br>
15-Feb-2011: [[California Criminal Defense Encyclopedia]] — provides information for people facing criminal charges in California<br>
12-Feb-2011: [[Guardians of Ga'Hoole Wiki]] — wiki about Guardians of Ga'Hoole fantasy book series<br>
11-Feb-2011: ‎[[RadioReference wiki]] — CollectiveAccess is a collections management application for museums, archives and digital collections<br>
10-Feb-2011: ‎[[ATWiki]] — wiki about assistive technology; AT being any device or equipment used to maintain or improve the capabilities of people with disabilities<br>
08-Feb-2011: ‎[[Fullmetal Alchemist Wiki]] — ''...''<br>
08-Feb-2011: ‎[[Pork Bun Wiki]] — a wiki about Chinese pork buns<br>
06-Feb-2011: ‎[[CollectiveAccess Documentation]] — CollectiveAccess is a collections management application for museums, archives and digital collections<br>
04-Feb-2011: [[Svecthor Wiki]] — wiki about the great people who are Sven, Seth and Hector<br>
04-Feb-2011: ‎[[DMFA Wiku]] — wiki about webcomic Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures<br>
02-Feb-2011: [[‎Biblepedia]] — wiki about webcomic Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth<br>
31-Jan-2011: [[Club Penguin Fanon Wiki]] — a wiki where you can read and write Club Penguin fan fiction<br>
27-Jan-2011: [[Chicken Wiki]] — one-stop resource for those lovable poultry, chickens<br>
19-Jan-2011: [[Cyborg Anthropology]] — a resource for students and educators<br>

30-Dec-2010: [[Xwing: The Rogue Squadron Wiki]] - Wiki all about the Rogue Squadron.<br />
*2010-12-30: [[Xwing: The Rogue Squadron Wiki]] — wiki all about the ''Rogue Squadron''
23-Dec-2010: [[StFWiki|StFWiki - Die Wiki zu Sternenfaust]] - All about the german SF-Series Sternenfaust<br />
*2010-12-23: [[StFWiki|StFWiki - Die Wiki zu Sternenfaust]] — all about the german science fiction series ''Sternenfaust''
28-Nov-2010: [[Gongjin's Campaign Memorials|Gongjin's Campaign Memorials: a Three Kingdoms Wiki]] - A detailed encyclopedia about the historic events of China's Three Kingdoms period.<br>
*2010-11-28: [[G-11-ongjin's Campaign Memorials]]: a Three Kingdoms Wiki — a detailed encyclopedia about the historic events of China's Three Kingdoms period
25-Nov-2010: [[GhibliWiki]] - All about the productions of the Studio Ghibli<br />
*2010-11-25: [[GhibliWiki]] — all about the productions of the Studio Ghibli
21-Nov-2010: [[Discworld & Pratchett Wiki]] - A Terry Pratchett-oriented wiki including the Discworld novels and adaptions<br />
*2010-11-21: [[Discworld & Pratchett Wiki]] — a Terry Pratchett-oriented wiki including the ''Discworld'' novels and adaptions
21-Nov-2010: [[Street Fighter EX Wiki]] - Everything about EX series for the true Arika/Capcom fans!<br />
*2010-11-21: [[Street Fighter EX Wiki]] — everything about EX series for the true Arika/Capcom fans
19-Nov-2010: [[Windows Phone Wiki]] - The ultimate source and only wiki about Windows Phone 7 and its predecessors.<br />
*2010-11-19: [[Windows Phone Wiki]] — the ultimate source and only wiki about Windows Phone 7 and its predecessors
18-Nov-2010: [[The Italy Wiki]]: Everything to do with Italy.<br />
*2010-11-18: [[The Italy Wiki]] — everything to do with Italy
15-Nov-2010: [[Wiki-Photography]]: A brand new photography wiki for beginners and professionals alike.<br />
*2010-11-15: [[Wiki-Photography]] — a brand new photography wiki for beginners and professionals alike
14-Nov-2010: [[Human Nature: Science and Catholic Doctrine]] - About the relationship between social sciences and Catholicism.<br />
*2010-11-14: [[Human Nature: Science and Catholic Doctrine]] — about the relationship between social sciences and Catholicism
14-Nov-2010: [[Gay History Wiki]] - About gay men and allies in Philadelphia and their organization, culture, etc.<br />
*2010-11-14: [[Gay History Wiki]] — about gay men and allies in Philadelphia and their organization, culture, etc
12-Nov-2010: [[NORAD Tracks Santa]] - A Wiki about NORAD Tracks Santa available year-round).<br />
*2010-11-12: [[NORAD Tracks Santa]] — a wiki about NORAD Tracks Santa available year-round
11-Nov-2010: [[Napoleon Bonaparte Wiki]] - A Wiki about one of the most influential people ever, Napoleon Bonaparte<br />
*2010-11-11: [[Napoleon Bonaparte Wiki]] — a wiki about one of the most influential people ever, Napoleon Bonaparte
30-Oct-2010: [[wikiparody]] - The one like Japanese version of this site(WikiIndex).<br />
*2010-10-30: [[Wikicollect]] — the one like Japanese version of this site ([[WikiIndex]])
26-Oct-2010: [[BeagleBoard wiki]] - wiki about BeagleBoard (a single-board computer).<br />
*2010-10-26: [[BeagleBoard wiki]] wiki about BeagleBoard (a single-board computer)
11-Sep-2010: [[Physikwiki]] - German-language wiki about theoretical physics<br />
*2010-09-11: [[Physikwiki]] German-language wiki about theoretical physics
03-Sep-2010: [[Lylat Wiki]] - The sole, independent Star Fox wiki!<br/>
*2010-09-03: [[Lylat Wiki]] — the sole, independent ''Star Fox'' wiki
03-Sep-2010: [[emule-wiki]] - a wiki about eMule world !<br />
*2010-09-03: [[emule-wiki]] a wiki about eMule world
31-Aug-2010: [[Casualty Wiki]] - A wiki about the long-running medical drama Casualty!<br />
*2010-08-31: [[Casualty Wiki]] wiki about the long-running BBC Television medical drama ''Casualty''
24-Aug-2010: [[Zelda Chaos]] - The largest Zelda glitches database on the web!<br /> 
*2010-08-24: [[Zelda Chaos]] — the largest Zelda glitches database on the web
21-Aug-2010: [[The Uncharted Wiki]] - A wiki about the '''''Uncharted''''' video game series.<br /> 
*2010-08-21: [[The Uncharted Wiki]] — a wiki about the ''Uncharted'' video game series
18-Aug-2010: [[ProjectRhea]] - A wiki created by students for students used to create/share/discuss education-related material.<br /> 
*2010-08-18: [[ProjectRhea]] — a wiki created by students for students used to create/share/discuss education-related material
08-July-2010: [[Portland Afoot]] - wiki about low-car life in Portland <br />
*2010-07-08: [[Portland Afoot]] wiki about low-car life in Portland
24-June-2010: [[Coasterpedia]] - A wiki about Roller Coasters.<br />
*2010-06-24: [[Coasterpedia]] — a wiki about roller coasters
01-June-2010: [[Sekirei]] - A wiki about the Sekirei manga and anime.<br />
*2010-06-01: [[Sekirei]] — a wiki about the ''Sekirei'' manga and anime
20-May-2010: [[Fable Answers]] - Ask questions about anything to do with the Fable games.<br />
*2010-05-20: [[Fable Answers]] — ask questions about anything to do with the Fable games
14-May-2010: [[AeroGardeners_Wiki| AeroGardeners Wiki]] - An AeroGarden encyclopedia containing Seed, Model, Recipe, and Tip articles.<br />
*2010-05-14: [[AeroGardeners Wiki]] — an AeroGarden encyclopedia containing Seed, Model, Recipe, and Tip articles
09-May-2010: [[Wycliffe Model United Nations Wiki]] - Complete resource and research tool for Model United Nations participants<br />
*2010-05-09: [[Wycliffe Model United Nations Wiki]] — complete resource and research tool for Model United Nations participants
01-May-2010: [[Project Yuki Developer Wiki]] - for development of a free and open-source video game industry simulation game.
*2010-05-01: [[Project Yuki Developer Wiki]] for development of a free and open-source video game industry simulation game
09-Apr-2010: [[Paragon Wiki]] - Wiki about City of Heroes and City of Villains.<br />
*2010-04-09: [[Paragon Wiki]] — wiki about ''City of Heroes'' and ''City of Villains''
06-April-2010: [[Wikisimpsons]] - All About The Simpsons<br />
*2010-04-06: [[Wikisimpsons]] — all about ''The Simpsons''
06-April-2010: [[Test Wiki (wikia)]]<br />
*2010-04-06: [[Test Wiki (Wikia)]] — ???
03-April-2010: [[Sam & Max Wiki]] - If it's about our favorite suit-wearing six foot dog and mentally unhinged rabbity thing, we have an article about it!<br />
*2010-04-03: [[Sam & Max Wiki]] — if it's about our favorite suit-wearing six foot dog and mentally unhinged rabbity thing, we have an article about it
02-April-2010: [[Test Wiki]] - Wiki for testing<br />
*2010-04-02: [[Test Wiki]] — wiki for testing
02-April-2010: [[Neciclopedie]] - Wiki humor <br />
*2010-04-02: [[Neciclopedie]] — wiki humor
22-Mar-2010: [[BCP Airport Parking Wiki]]- Airport Parking Specialist Wiki - Everything you could want to know about Airport Car Parking at all other major UK airports. <br />
*2010-03-22: [[BCP Airport Parking Wiki]] — everything you could want to know about Airport Car Parking at all other major UK airports
15-Mar-2010: [[Spanish Dragon Ball| Dragon Ball]]- It's a wiki about the famous serie of Dragon Ball '''IN SPANISH'''.<br />
*2010-03-15: [[Spanish Dragon Ball|Dragon Ball]] a wiki about the famous serie of ''Dragon Ball'', in Spanish
12-Mar-2010: [[GayPedia]] - gay information wiki in french-language.<br />
*2010-03-12: [[GayPedia]] gay information wiki in French-language
10-Mar-2010: [[WiKirby]]- It's a wiki. About Kirby.<br />
*2010-03-10: [[WiKirby]] a wiki about ''Kirby''
09-Mar-2010: [[]]- A wiki with the mission of organizing the African Diaspora in Alpha stage.<br />
*2010-03-09: [[]] — a wiki with the mission of organising the African Diaspora in Alpha stage
09-Mar-2010: [[Mass Effect Fanon]] - A fan wiki where anyone can create their own articles about their Mass Effect ideas. <br />
*2010-03-09: [[Mass Effect Fanon]] — a fan wiki where anyone can create their own articles about their ''Mass Effect'' ideas
02-Mar-2010  [[Libertarian Wiki]]   - A wiki by and for libertarians.<br />
*2010-03-02: [[Libertarian Wiki]] — a wiki by and for libertarians
26-Feb-2010: [[The MUGEN Database]] - A database of MUGEN characters, stages and more.<br />
*2010-02-26: [[MUGEN Database]] — a database of MUGEN characters, stages and more
26-Feb-2010: [[Wiki Web Help]] - A new wiki engine for help applications designed to work like a desktop help viewer. <br />
*2010-02-26: [[Wiki Web Help]] — a new wiki engine for help applications designed to work like a desktop help viewer
23-Feb-2010: [[Pharm2Phork Wiki]] - wiki about project for open source solutions for agricultural sectors. <br />
*2010-02-23: [[Pharm2Phork Wiki]] wiki about project for open source solutions for agricultural sectors
03-Feb-2010: [[Luzipedia]] - A new german humor wiki. Satanical, satirical, critical cynical but <s> never ever </s> almost funny.<br /> 
*2010-02-03: [[Luzipedia]] — a new German humour wiki; satanical, satirical, critical cynical but <s>never ever</s> almost funny
01-Feb-2010: [[Home Wiki]] - This wiki is about homes.  It has information about the people who make a place a home, structures and infrastructure, furniture and furnishings, decorating, safety, tips for "how to" and other homemaking ideas. <br />
*2010-02-01: [[Home Wiki]] — a wiki about homes; it has information about the people who make a place a home, structures and infrastructure, furniture and furnishings, decorating, safety, tips for 'how to' and other homemaking ideas
20-Jan-2010: [[LocoRoco Wiki]] is a wiki that has just opened up for the PSP game, "LocoRoco". We are looking for more members to help us post great infomation about the game.<br />
*2010-01-20: [[LocoRoco Wiki]] a wiki for the PSP game, ''LocoRoco''
18-Jan-2010: [[War of Legends Wiki]] is a general purpose wiki collection of information about the new game produced by [[wikipedia:Jagex|Jagex Ltd.]] called ''War of Legends''.<br />
*2010-01-18: [[War of Legends Wiki]] a general purpose wiki collection of information about the new game produced by Jagex Ltd called ''War of Legends''
18-Jan-2010: [[Three Sheets Wiki]] is an encyclopedia about the show ''Three Sheets'' a travelogue/pub-crawl television series.<br />
*2010-01-18: [[Three Sheets Wiki]] an encyclopedia about the show ''Three Sheets'' a travelogue/pub-crawl television series
18-Jan-2010: [[Amazing Race Wiki]] is an encyclopedia about the show ''The Amazing Race'', a reality television game show in which teams of two race around the world in competition with other teams.<br />
*2010-01-18: [[Amazing Race Wiki]] an encyclopedia about the show ''The Amazing Race'', a reality television game show in which teams of two race around the world in competition with other teams
18-Jan-2010: [[White Collar Wiki]] is an encyclopedia about the show ''White Collar'', an original crime drama series.<br />
*2010-01-18: [[White Collar Wiki]] an encyclopedia about the show ''White Collar'', an original crime drama series
09-Jan-2010: [[Wikirestauro]] is an encyclopaedic guide to antiques and restoration, according to the philosophy of Wikipedia and all the free wiki.<br />
*2010-01-09: [[Wikirestauro]] an encyclopaedic guide to antiques and restoration, according to the philosophy of Wikipedia and all the free wiki

29-Dec-2009: [[Glestmaps]] - Welcome to the Compendium of Glest Maps, Tilesets and Factions Wikia. The ultimate resource for glest map editing, design tools, tileset and faction downloads.<br />
*2009-12-29: [[Glestmaps]] — compendium of Glest Maps, Tilesets and Factions Wikia; the ultimate resource for Glest map editing, design tools, tile-set and faction downloads
15-Dec-2009: [[Wiki69]] - A repository of sex stories and articles.<br />
*2009-12-15: [[Wiki69]] repository of sex stories and articles
01-Dec-2009: [[Our Brant]] - A local history wiki for people from the [[wikipedia:County of Brant|County of Brant]], Ontario, Canada to share their memories, life stories, and family histories.<br />
*2009-12-01: [[Our Brant]] local history for people from the County of Brant, Ontario, Canada to share their memories, life stories, and family histories
30-Nov-2009: [[]] - A gardening wiki/plant encyclopedia with 15,000 articles.<br />
*2009-11-30: [[]] gardening wiki / plant encyclopedia with 15,000 articles
26-Nov-2009: [[Dragonica Online Wiki]] - A wiki about the new MMORPG, "Dragonica Online".  Relatively new.<br />
*2009-11-26: [[Dragonica Online Wiki]] about the new MMORPG,{{Clarify}} ''Dragonica Online''
16-Nov-2009: [[Wikichan]] – A wiki database detailing the memes, peoples, and topics involved in *chan culture.<br />
*2009-11-16: [[Wikichan]] database detailing the memes, peoples, and topics involved in *chan culture
16-Nov-2009: [[1d4chan]] – A wiki database detailing the memes, peoples, and topics involved in 4chan's /tg/ (tradition games) board.<br />
*2009-11-16: [[1d4chan]] database detailing the memes, peoples, and topics involved in 4chan's /tg/ (tradition games) board
14-Nov-2009: [[Mafia Wars Wiki]] - Wiki about the social networking game Mafia Wars.<br />
*2009-11-14: [[Mafia Wars Wiki]] about the social networking game ''Mafia Wars''
09-Nov-2009: [[Tech Tutorials]] - Wiki for Technology Related Tutorials.<br />
*2009-11-09: [[Tech Tutorial]] — wiki for technology related tutorials
09-Nov-2009: [[Airfix Dogfighter]] - Wiki for fans of the Airfix Dogfighter Game.<br />
*2009-11-09: [[Airfix Dogfighter]] — wiki for fans of the ''Airfix Dogfighter'' game
03-Nov-2009: [[Zelda]]- In depth, in universe style documentation of the ''Legend of Zelda'' series. Independent of the Wikia network as a collaborative wiki among related sites.<br />
*2009-11-03: [[Zelda Wiki]] the ''Legend of Zelda'' series in depth, in universe style documentation; independent of Wikia as a collaborative wiki among related sites
30-Oct-2009: [[Red vs. Blue Wiki]] - About Red vs Blue science-fiction comedy video series
*2009-10-30: [[Red vs. Blue Wiki]] — about ''Red vs Blue'' science-fiction comedy video series
08-Oct-2009: [[Discoogle]] - A wiki about popular music, including discographies, albums, lyrics, charts, bands, and muscial artists<br />
*2009-10-08: [[Discoogle]] wiki about popular music; including discographies, albums, lyrics, charts, bands, and musical artists
04-Oct-2009: [[The Pet Wiki]] - Everything about pets<br />
*2009-10-04: [[The Pet Wiki]] — everything about pets
01-Oct-2009: [[Mjällomslandet]] - A wiki regarding the place Mjällomslandet 134.<br />
*2009-10-01: [[Mjällomslandet]] wiki regarding the place Mjällomslandet 134
30-Sep-2009: [[Artyoulike]] - the wiki dedicated to the Art lover. This wiki based site is full of user generated content for the art world including museums & art galleries from around the world.<br />
*2009-09-30: [[Artyoulike]] dedicated to the Art lover; is full of user generated content for the art world, including museums & art galleries from around the world
30-Sep-2009: [[DiabloWiki (English)|DiabloWiki]] - Likely the biggest wiki for the Diablo franchise on the internet. Covering everything from in-game class info and skills to lore, novels, merchandise and fan creations.<br />
*2009-09-30: [[DiabloWiki (English)|DiabloWiki]] — likely the biggest wiki for the ''Diablo'' franchise; covering everything from in-game class info and skills to lore, novels, merchandise, and fan creations
30-Sep-2009: [[Titannica]] - The Fighting Fantasy Wiki - a wiki dedicated to Fighting Fantasy, its locations, background lore, creatures, books and production. <br />
*2009-09-30: [[Titannica]] — the Fighting Fantasy wiki; dedicated to ''Fighting Fantasy'', its locations, background lore, creatures, books and production
24-Sep-2009: [[WoWWiki Sverige]] - A the Swedish-language information resource about World of Warcraft and the Warcraft universe. <br />
*2009-09-24: [[WoWWiki Sverige]] Swedish-language information resource about ''World of Warcraft'' and the Warcraft universe
14-Sep-2009: [[Apostila digital]] - Brazilian universities admission exam questions. <br />
*2009-09-14: [[apostiladigital]] Brazilian universities admission exam questions
13-Sep-2009: [[Railwiki]] - A wiki dedicated to Abandoned Railroads across the United States. <br />
*2009-09-13: [[Railwiki]] dedicated to abandoned railroads across the United States
23-Aug-2009: [[Dan_Dascalescu's_Wiki|Dan Dascalescu's wiki]] - my personal wiki where I compare electronics (displays, PDA phones, electic toothbrushes etc.) and review my picks <br />
*2009-08-23: [[Dan Dascalescu's Wiki]] personal wiki comparing electronics (displays, PDA phones, electric toothbrushes etc)
16-Aug-2009: [[Starsky and Hutch Game Wiki]] - For information on the Starsky and Hutch Game (English). <br />
*2009-08-16: [[Starsky and Hutch Game Wiki]] information on the ''Starsky and Hutch'' game
10-Aug-2009: [[MarketsWiki]] - For current and historical information about the global exchange traded capital, derivatives, environmental and related OTC markets.<br />
*2009-08-10: [[MarketsWiki]] — for current and historical information about the global exchange traded capital, derivatives, environmental, and related OTC{{Clarify}} markets
06-Aug-2009: [[Fundraising-Wiki]] - Non-commercial source of information and knowledge about fundraising in German language.<br />
*2009-08-06: [[Fundraising-Wiki]] — German language non-commercial source of information and knowledge about fundraising
04-Aug-2009: [[Lommepedia]] - Norwegian Pokémon Wiki.<br />
*2009-08-04: [[Lommepedia]] Norwegian ''Pokémon'' wiki
30-Jul-2009: [[Daidalos]]   - A wiki for aircraft dispatch officer and maintenance technician in Spanish. <br>
*2009-07-30: [[Daidalos]] — Spanish wiki for aircraft dispatch officer and maintenance technician
30-Jul-2009: [[LehramtsWiki]] - A Wiki for teacher trainees at University of Duisburg-Essen<br />
*2009-07-30: [[LehramtsWiki]] for teacher trainees at University of Duisburg-Essen
30-Jul-2009: [[Lumeniki]] - Allows '''debate mapping''' of many controversial topics. Featured topics include: backyard solar steam electricity generation, converting waste into food, wiki "anarchism", and philosophy.<br />
*2009-07-30: [[Lumeniki]] — allows 'debate mapping' of many controversial topics; featured topics include: backyard solar steam electricity generation, converting waste into food, wiki 'anarchism', and philosophy
28-Jul-2009: [[Atlanta Wiki]] - This is a new wiki about Atlanta, Georgia and its surroundings.<br>
*2009-07-28: [[Atlanta Wiki]] new wiki about Atlanta, Georgia, and its surroundings
28-Jul-2009: [[Debatrix]] - is a new debate wiki that focuses more on discovering what is true, than just winning.<br />
*2009-07-28: [[Debatrix]] debate wiki that focuses more on discovering what is true, than just winning
25-Jul-2009: [[Insekten Wiki]] - This is a wiki about insects and animals. Written in German.<br />
*2009-07-25: [[Insekten Wiki]] about insects and animals, in German
24-Jul-2009: [[Wetter Wiki]] - A site about weather. Written in German.<br>
*2009-07-24: [[Wetter Wiki]] site about weather, in German
21-Jul-2009: [[Plants]] - Gardening wiki with articles on (hopefully) every garden plant in the world.<br />
*2009-07-10: [[ZTEX Wiki]] — ??????{{Clarify}}
10-Jul-2009: [[ZTEX Wiki]]<br/>
*2009-07-04: [[Eatapedia]] recipe wiki geared towards great eating, featuring many BBQ and Traeger (wood pellet) grill recipes
04-Jul-2009: [[Eatapedia]] - A recipe wiki geared towards great eating, featuring many BBQ and Traeger (wood pellet) grill recipes.  Eatapedia - Collaborative Cooking!!<br />
*2009-06-26: [[Free Health, Safety & Environment Information Sources]] — ??????{{Clarify}}
26-Jun-2009: [[Free Health, Safety & Environment Information Sources]]<br />
*2009-06-16: [[Royalist Canada]] Canadian monarchist wiki
16-Jun-2009: [[Royalist Canada]] - Canadian monarchist wiki.<br />
*2009-06-16: [[Sabrina The Teenage Witch Wiki]] great database about the ''Sabrina The Teenage Witch''
16-Jun-2009: [[Sabrina The Teenage Witch Wiki]] - A great database about the Sabrina The Teenage Witch!<br />
*2009-06-15: [[Director Wiki]] — international database for (movie?) Directors and anyone in the entertainment world
15-Jun-2009: [[Director Wiki]] -  The International Database for Directors and anyone in the Entertainment World<br />
*2009-06-07: [[Serna Company Wiki]] — ??????{{Clarify}}
07-Jun-2009: [[Serna Company Wiki]] <br />
*2009-06-05: [[Mississippi Wiki]] online guide to Mississippi people, places, and things
05-Jun-2009: [[Mississippi Wiki]] - an online guide to Mississippi people, places, and things.<br />
*2009-06-02: [[Peace Corps Wiki]] — ??????{{Clarify}}
02-Jun-2009: [[Peace Corps Wiki]] <br />
*2009-05-24: [[Psychic Database Wiki]] — ??????{{Clarify}}
24-May-2009: [[Psychic Database Wiki]] <br />
*2009-05-20: [[Animal Crossing Wiki]] about the video game ''Animal Crossing''
20-May-2009: [[Animal Crossing Wiki]] - A wiki about the video game ''Animal Crossing''.<br />
*2009-05-16: [[Zero Wiki]] about the video game series ''Fatal Frame''
16-May-2009: [[零Wiki]] - A wiki about the video game series ''Fatal Frame''.<br />
*2009-05-09: [[Plants]] — gardening wiki with articles on (hopefully) every garden plant in the world
15-May-2009: [[942]] - Wiki about a school bus.<br />
*2009-05-07: [[Helpinitalian]] — wiki site dedicated to learning Italian, with info for students or teachers
09-May-2009: [[Plants]] - Gardening wiki with articles on (hopefully) every garden plant in the world.<br />
*2009-05-04: [[Avatar: The Last Airbender (de)]] wiki about the comic TV show ''Avatar'' in German language
07-May-2009: [[Helpinitalian]] - Wiki site dedicated to learning Italian, with info for students or teachers.<br />
*2009-05-04: [[Narnia-Wiki (Deutsch)]] — ''Narnia'' wiki in German language
04-May-2009: [[Avatar: The Last Airbender (de)| Avatar-Wiki (de)]] - a wiki about the comic TV-Show Avatar in German language.<br />
*2009-04-29: [[CongervilleNet]] local community wiki
04-May-2009: [[Narnia-Wiki_(Deutsch) | Narnia-Wiki (de)]] - a Narnia wiki in German language.<br />
*2009-04-27: [[WikiRococo]] collaborative encyclopaedia about the Firesign Theatre
29-Apr-2009: [[CongervilleNet]] - a new local community wiki.<br />
*2009-04-26: [[Alien vs Predator]] all about the ''Alien and Predator'' franchise and the combined one
27-Apr-2009: [[WikiRococo]] - a collaborative encyclopedia about The Firesign Theatre.<br />
*2009-04-24: [[Catholic Guide]] wiki relating to all things Roman Catholic
26-Apr-2009: [[Alien vs Predator]] - a wiki all about the Alien and Predator franchise and the combined one.<br/>
*2009-04-16: [[Wikimini]] encyclopedia written ''for'' and ''by'' children aged from 8 to 13 years
24-Apr-2009: [[Catholic Guide]] - A wiki relating to all things Roman Catholic.<br/>
*2009-04-14: [[Flyff Wiki]] wiki about the popular MMORPG{{Clarify}} ''Flyff'' (Fly For Fun)
16-Apr-2009: [[Wikimini|Wikimini, encyclopedia for children]] - An encyclopedia written ''for'' and ''by'' children aged from 8 to 13 years.<br/>
*2009-04-07: [[WikiFotball]] — Norwegian site for Norwegian football (soccer) teams, players, venues, and such
14-Apr-2009: [[Flyff Wiki]] - A wiki about the popular MMORPG Flyff ( Fly For Fun )<br/>
*2009-03-30: [[a Storehouse of Knowledge]] — general encyclopædia with a biblical worldview
08-Apr-2009: [[Games & Worlds]] - The new wiki where fantasy enthusiasts can develop constructed mythologies, fantasy worlds and roleplaying settings. Based on previous [[Pegasus Project]]<br />
*2009-03-26: [[Charles de Koninck]] — wiki on the philosopher Charles de Koninck
07-Apr-2009: [[WikiFotball]] - A Norwegian Wiki site for Norwegian soccer teams, players, venues and such. <br />
*2009-03-20: [[MechScape Wiki Nederlands]] — all aspects of ''MechScape'' in Dutch
30-Mar-2009: [[A Storehouse of Knowledge]] - A general encyclopædia with a biblical worldview.<br />
*2009-03-18: [[Apologetics Wiki]] — for Christian apologetics
26-Mar-2009: [[Charles de Koninck]] - A wiki on the philosopher Charles de Koninck. <br />
*2009-03-17: [[Stagepedia]] — wiki on all aspects of stagecraft and technical theatre
20-Mar-2009: [[MechScape Wiki Nederlands]] - A wiki on all aspects of MechScape in Dutch. <br />
*2009-03-11: [[Scalable game design wiki]] for scalable game design / iDREAMS / ITEST{{Clarify}}
18-Mar-2009: [[Apologetics-Wiki]] - A wiki for Christian apologetics. <br />
*2009-03-09: [[Wiki4Games]] — wiki about video games
17-Mar-2009: [[Stagepedia]] - A Wiki on all aspects of Stagecraft & Technical Theatre <br />
*2009-03-04: [[k2g2 Craftopedia]] — craftopedia for knitting knerds and geek girls; everything from handicraft to crafting machines
11-Mar-2009: [[Scalable game design wiki]] - A Wiki for scalable game design/iDREAMS/ITEST <br/>
*2009-02-24: [[Fable Fanon]] — fan-fiction wiki babled on the ''Fable'' series of games
09-Mar-2009: [[Wiki4Games]] - A wiki about video games<br/>
*2009-02-09: [[]] Domain Wiki — editable wiki for domain names; alas, offline as of 2009-07-07
04-Mar-2009: [[K2G2|k2g2]] - the [[craftopedia]] for knitting knerds and geek girls (everything from handicraft to crafting machines). <br />
*2009-02-03: [[The Chemistry Book]] — wiki for high school chemistry students
24-Feb-2009: [[Fable Fanon]] – A [[:Category:Fanon|fan-fiction]] wiki babled on the ''[[Fable]]'' series of games. <br />
*2009-01-26: [[MapleTip MapleWiki]] — about ''MapleStory'', a MMORPG;{{Clarify}} one of the most reliable wikis for MapleStory, also the most articles
09-Feb-2009: [[Whoisbehind]] Domain Wiki - an editable wiki for domain names. Alas, offline as of 2009-07-07<br />
*2009-01-20: [[The Fable Wiki]] — Wikia about the ''Fable'' series of video games
03-Feb-2009: [[The Chemistry Book]] - A wiki for high school chemistry students. <br />
*2009-01-20: [[New Amsterdam Wiki]] — about the 2008 Fox Television show ''New Amsterdam''
26-Jan-2009: [[MapleTip MapleWiki]] - A wiki about MapleStory, a MMORPG. One of the most reliable wiki's for Maplestory with also the most articles. <br/>
*2009-01-16: [[The Houston Wiki]] about Houston, Texas
20-Jan-2009: [[Fable]] - A wiki about the ''[[wikipedia:Fable (video game)|Fable]]'' series of video games. <br/>
*2009-01-02: [[Wikademia]] for free and open research and learning
20-Jan-2009: [[New Amsterdam Wiki]] - A wiki about the 2008 Fox Television show [[wikipedia:New Amsterdam (TV series)|New Amsterdam]]<br/>
16-Jan-2009: [[The Houston Wiki]]- a wiki about Houston<br/>
02-Jan-2009: [[Wikademia]] - a wiki for free and open research and learning

25-Dec-2008: [[MapleWiki]] - a wiki all about MapleStory a current popular online game, it is free.<br/>
*2008-12-25: [[MapleWiki]] all about ''MapleStory'', a current popular online game
22-Dec-2008: [[Artigpedia]] - The [[Illogicopedia]] is becoming bigger, the norwegian version online! (non-wikia)<br />
*2008-12-22: [[Artigpedia]] — the [[Illogicopedia]] is becoming bigger, the non-Wikia Norwegian version
21-Dec-2008: [[Spelljammer Wiki]] - a wiki of 'canon' from the [[:Category:Spelljammer|Spelljammer]] fantasy universe.<br/>
*2008-12-21: [[Spelljammer Wiki]] 'canon' from the ''Spelljammer'' fantasy universe
20-Dec-2008: [[Northants Pub Guide]] - a wiki started by the Northants branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) to document real ale pubs in the county.<br/>
*2008-12-20: [[Northants Pub Guide]] wiki site started by the Northamptonshire branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) to document real ale pubs in the county . . . hic, hic
14-Dec-2008: [[Healthywiki]] - a wiki about "how to stay healthy in a sick world". Information and discussion on an alternative approach to health care<br/>
*2008-12-14: [[Healthywiki]] — all about 'how to stay healthy in a sick world', information and discussion on an alternative approach to health care
10-Dec-2008: [[Applied Stacks]] - A ''structured'' wiki documenting the diverse set of languages, libraries, frameworks, and other tools people use to build websites and apps. <br />
*2008-12-10: [[Applied Stacks]] structured wiki documenting the diverse set of languages, libraries, frameworks, and other tools people use to build websites and apps
10-Dec-2008: [[E-maculation]] - A wiki focusing on emulation of older Macintosh computers. <br />
*2008-12-10: [[E-maculation]] wiki site focusing on emulation of older Macintosh computers
05-Dec-2008: [[Star Wars Fan Wiki]] - The wiki about ''[[:Category:Star Wars|Star Wars]]'' fans and fanworks.<br />
*2008-12-05: [[Star Wars Fan Wiki]] — for ''Star Wars'' fans and fan-works
18-Nov-2008: [[Marriage Equality wiki]] - compendium of online resources for marriage equality.<br />
*2008-12-04: [[Ami6Wiki]] — the DokuWiki about the Citroen Ami6 voiture (car)
16-Nov-2008: [[AmwayWiki]] - wiki about the Amway company, business opportunity, products and people. <br />
*2008-11-18: [[Marriage Equality wiki]] — compendium of online resources for marriage equality
13-Nov-2008: [[Musikwiki]] - Wiki about free music<br />
*2008-11-16: [[AmwayWiki]] about the Amway company, business opportunity, products and people
11-Nov-2008: [[Hochzeit & Trauung]] - Site about wedding in Germany, Austria and Switzerland written in German<br/>
*2008-11-13: [[Musikwiki]] — site about free music
10-Nov-2008: [[Elder Scrolls]] - A [[Wikia]] wiki about the [[:Category:Elder Scrolls|Elder Scrolls]].<br >
*2008-11-10: [[Elder Scrolls Wikia (English)]] — ''Elder Scrolls'' Wikia
08-Nov-2008: [[Tesfanon]] - An [[:Category:Elder Scrolls|Elder Scrolls]] [[:Category:Fanon|fan-fiction]] and modding wiki from [[Wikia]].<br >
*2008-11-08: [[Tesfanon]] — ''Elder Scrolls'' fan-fiction and modding Wikia
06-Nov-2008: [[UnRuneScape Wiki]] - A satire, parody, and humour Wiki about the popular MMORPG, RuneScape<br/>
*2008-11-06: [[UnRuneScape Wiki]] satire, parody, and humour site about the popular MMORPG, ''RuneScape''
05-Nov-2008: [[Timber Investments Wiki]] - A wiki about forestry investments, with a focus on hardwood investments<br/>
*2008-11-05: [[Timber Investments Wiki]] about forestry investments, with a focus on hardwood investments
05-Nov-2008: [[Hardhoutbeleggingen Wiki]] - A Dutch language wiki about teak- and other hardwood investments<br/>
*2008-11-05: [[Hardhoutbeleggingen Wiki]] — Dutch-language wiki about teak, and other hardwood investments
04-Nov-2008: [[TMNTPedia]] - A wiki about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles<br/>
*2008-11-04: [[TMNTPedia]] wiki site about ''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles''
04-Nov-2008: [[Wikiants]] - is a free content encyclopedia for D.I.Y. projects <br/>
*2008-11-04: [[Wikiants]] free content wiki site encyclopedia for DIY projects
03-Nov-2008: [[Animation Wiki]] - A wiki about animation<br/>
*2008-11-03: [[Animation Wiki]] — all about animation
31-Oct-2008: [[FinnegansWiki]] - A Wiki for interpretation of James Joyce's "Finnegans Wake"<br/>
*2008-10-31: [[FinnegansWiki]] for interpretation of James Joyce's ''Finnegans Wake''
31-Oct-2008: [[]] - A German-speaking Wiki about Startups. <br/>
*2008-10-31: [[]] German-language wiki site about start-ups
18-Oct-2008: [[My Eco Guide]] - A wiki with tips for eco living.<br/>
*2008-10-18: [[My Eco Guide]] wiki site with tips for 'eco' living
14-Oct-2008: [[Dragon Project|Pegasus/Dragon Project]] - A place where fantasy enthusiasts can develop their own mythologies and fantasy worlds.<br />
*2008-10-14: [[Dragon Project|Pegasus/Dragon Project]] place where fantasy enthusiasts can develop their own mythologies and fantasy worlds
10-Oct-2008: [[DWiki]] - A wiki for D Students. <br />
*2008-10-10: [[DWiki]] wiki site for D students
09-Oct-2008: [[Life on Mars Wiki]] - A wiki for the television show ''Life on Mars''. <br />
*2008-10-09: [[Life on Mars Wiki]] — dedicated to the British television show ''Life on Mars''
09-Oct-2008: [[SSM2007 Wiki]] - A community wiki for Space Shuttle Mission 2007 Simulator.<br />
*2008-10-09: [[SSM2007 Wiki]] community site for ''Space Shuttle Mission 2007'' simulator
07-Oct-2008: [[Statfastic]] - Statistics, research design, and data analysis.<br />
*2008-10-07: [[Statfastic]] — wiki site for statistics, research design, and data analysis
07-Oct-2008: [[Captainbranding]] - Marketing branding, and strategy methods.<br />
*2008-10-07: [[Captainbranding]] — wiki site marketing branding, and strategy methods
07-Oct-2008: [[Mediawikibook]] - Mediawiki administration.<br />
*2008-10-07: [[Mediawikibook]] — documentation for MediaWiki administration
07-Oct-2008: [[Sourcegirl]] - Open source and cloud computing applications.<br />
*2008-10-07: [[Sourcegirl]] — wiki site open source and cloud computing applications
07-Oct-2008: [[Openflight]] - Crowdsourcing the flying car.<br />
*2008-10-07: [[Openflight]] — wiki site for crowd-sourcing the flying car
07-Oct-2008: [[Model Muse Barbies Wiki]] - A wiki dedicated to Mattel's ModelMuse doll body sculpt.<br />
*2008-10-07: [[Model Muse Barbies Wiki]] dedicated to Mattel's ''ModelMuse'' doll body sculpt
04-Oct-2008: [[Fahrrad-Wiki]] - A German-speaking wiki about cycling.<br />
*2008-10-04: [[Fahrrad-Wiki]] German-language site about cycling
03-Oct-2008: [[Help For Shepherds]] - A wiki designed to help Christian pastors with free community created resources.<br />
*2008-10-03: [[Help For Shepherds]] wiki site designed to help Christian pastors with free community created resources
02-Oct-2008: [[Pegasus Project]] - A place where fantasy enthusiasts can develop their own mythologies and fantasy worlds.<br />
*2008-10-02: [[Pegasus Project]] — wiki site where fantasy enthusiasts can develop their own mythologies and fantasy worlds
01-Oct-2008: [[]] - is an openfree information provider of companies, people, or web sites.<br />
*2008-10-01: [[]] — open free information provider of companies, people, or web sites
26-Sep-2008: [[SuccuWiki]]- The Wiki of the Succubi.<br />
*2008-09-26: [[SuccuWiki]] — <u>the</u> ultimate authority wiki site of the Succubi, and its related forms
26-Sep-2008: [[ThunderWiki]] - A Wiki for Science Fiction in it's written form. Alas, offline as of 2008-11-24.<br />
*2008-09-26: [[ThunderWiki]] — science fiction in it's written form; alas, offline as of 2008-11-24
20-Sep-2008: [[Rocket Science Wiki]] - A wiki about Rocket Science.<br />
*2008-09-20: [[Rocket Science Wiki]] — all about rocket science
18-Sep-2008: [[Fringe Wiki]] - A Wikia wiki for the J.J. Abrams' tv series ''Fringe''<br />
*2008-09-18: [[Fringe Wiki]] Wikia for the J.J. Abrams' television series ''Fringe''
10-Sep-2008: [[Style Encyclopedia]] - The wiki for all things fashion, style, and beauty related.<br />
*2008-09-10: [[Style Encyclopedia]] — the wiki site for all things fashion, style, and beauty related
06-Sep-2008: [[USHikingtrails]] A Wiki of hiking trail maps, descriptions and trail reviews throughout the US.<br />
*2008-09-06: [[USHikingtrails]] — wiki site of hiking trail maps, descriptions, and trail reviews throughout the USA
03-Sep-2008: [[Fan History in het Nederlands‎]], a Dutch language version of [[Fan History Wiki]].<br />
*2008-09-02: [[BlogaPro]] — wiki site that features sites that teach individuals 'how to make money blogging'
03-Sep-2008: [[Fan History en Español‎]], a Spanish language version of [[Fan History Wiki]]<br />
*2008-09-01: [[WikiSara]] — <u>the</u> authority about French roads
02-Sep-2008: [[BlogaPro]], the wiki that features sites that teach individuals 'how to make money blogging'.<br />
*2008-09-01: [[Nintendo DS Wiki]] — all about the Nintendo DS
01-Sep-2008: [[WikiSara]], the wiki about French roads.<br />
*2008-08-25: [[cam.* FAQ]] — wiki site FAQ for the cam.* hierarchy of Usenet newsgroups from Cambridge, England
01-Sep-2008: [[Nintendo DS Wiki]], the wiki about the [[wikipedia:Nintendo DS|Nintendo DS]].<br />
*2008-08-16: [[Irwin Allen Wiki]] — all about Irwin Allen's productions, including TV shows ''Lost in Space'', ''Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea'', ''Land of the Giants'', and ''The Time Tunnel''
25-Aug-2008: [[cam.* FAQ]] the FAQ for the cam.* hierarchy of Usenet newsgroups<br />
*2008-08-14: [[Starting Strength Wiki]] — strength training site for beginners, based on ''Starting Strength'' by Mark Rippetoe
06-Aug-2008: [[Irwin Allen Wiki]] a wiki about Irwin Allen's productions, including TV shows ''Lost in Space'', ''Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea'', ''Land of the Giants'' and ''The Time Tunnel''.<br />
*2008-08-06: [[GM Wiki]] — a (gaming) ''Gangster Mind'' Wikia
14-Aug-2008: [[Starting Strength Wiki]] - A Beginner Strength Training Wiki, Based on "Starting Strength," by Mark Rippetoe.<br />
*2008-08-03: [[FreeCLAS]] Free Commons of Annotated Speech
06-Aug-2008: [[GM Wiki]] - A (Gaming) gangster Mind Wikia<br />
*2008-08-01: [[Teflpedia]] wiki site about teaching English as a foreign language in foreign countries
03-Aug-2008: [[FreeCLAS]] - Free Commons of Annotated Speech<br />
*2008-07-31: [[Weedee]] hybrid wiki site about people and companies that provides directory and networking tools
01-Aug-2008: [[Teflpedia]] - A wiki about English language teaching.<br />
*2008-07-30: [[Twilight Saga Wiki]] about the popular ''Twilight Saga'' books and the ''Twilight'' movie
11-Feb-2009: [[|wedding guide]] - wedding wiki with wedding locations all around the world<br />
*2008-07-27: [[Read and Review Wiki]] literary community site to share book reviews in any genres
31-Jul-2008: [[Weedee]] A hybrid Wiki about people and companies that provides directory and networking tools<br />
*2008-07-26: [[Amateur Radio Wiki]] online encyclopedia for Hams
30-Jul-2008: [[Twilight Saga Wiki]] A wiki about the popular "Twilight Saga" books and the upcoming ''Twilight'' movie.<br />
*2008-07-25: [[EveryBlog]] — the very first wiki site that collects your blogs; join now and start editing without registration
27-Jul-2008: [[Read and Review Wiki]] A literary community to share book reviews in any genres.<br />
*2008-07-21: [[Adobe Wiki]] for all Adobe software, including tips, profiles and tutorials
26-Jul-2008: [[Amateur Radio Wiki]] - The online Encyclopedia for Hams<br />
*2008-07-21: [[X-Files]] wiki site all about the ''X-Files''
25-Jul-2008: [[EveryBlog]] - The very first wiki that collects your blogs! Join now and start editing without registration!<br />
*2008-07-17: [[Pokia]] — poker wiki encyclopedia, dictionary, tutorial and more
21-Jul-2008: [[Adobe Wiki]] - A wiki for all Adobe software, including tips, profiles and tutorials.<br />
*2008-07-17: [[Sega Wiki]] — all about Sega, their games, their characters and their consoles
21-Jul-2008: [[X-Files]] - A wiki all about the X-Files.<br />
*2008-07-14: Mail Quizzer (now known as [[Guru Quiz]]) wiki-based resource for quizzes in all areas
17-Jul-2008: [[Pokia]] - A poker encyclopedia, dictionary, tutorial and more.<br />
*2008-07-14: [[IEEE Bushy Tree]] — collaborative wiki site encyclopedia about the Human Computer Interface
17-Jul-2008: [[Sega Wiki]] - A wiki about Sega, their games, their characters and their consoles.<br />
*2008-07-14: [[DollWiki (ABC Doll Club)]] all fashion and collectible dolls (and some other toys) such as Barbie dolls and Dollfies
14-Jul-2008: Mail Quizzer (now known as [[Guru Quiz]]) - A free wiki-based resource for quizzes in all areas.<br />
*2008-07-13: [[Geohashing Community Wiki]] an adventure generator for real life
14-Jul-2008: [[IEEE_Bushy_Tree]] - A collaborative encyclopedia about the Human Computer Interface<br />
*2008-07-10: [[GolfWiki]] golf and travel; bilingual English / Swedish
14-Jul-2008: [[ABCdollwiki]] - A wiki on all fashion and collectible dolls (and some other toys) such as Barbie dolls and Dollfies.<br />
*2008-07-09: [[Gartentipp-Wiki]] — German-language site of for sharing gardening tips
13-Jul-2008: [[Geohashing Community Wiki]] - A wiki involving an adventure generator for real life.<br />
*2008-07-06: [[FRApedia]] — Swedish-language wiki site for citizens who have no desire of being eavesdropped by the Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA)
11-Jul-2008: [[SpiriWiki]] - A wiki about spirituality in Dutch.<br/>
*2008-06-25: [[]] online resource on gender equality, created by the OECD
10-Jul-2008: [[Golfwiki]] - A wiki about golf and travel. Bilingual English/Swedish.<br />
*2008-06-23: [[xooguru]] shopping wiki site for articles and information on products and merchants
09-Jul-2008: [[Gartentipp-Wiki]] - A German wiki of Kleingarten-Infonetz for sharing garden tips.<br />
*2008-06-12: [[World Wodka Web]] — German-language wiki site about ''Wodka''
06-Jul-2008: [[FRApedia]] - A Swedish wiki for citizens who have no desire of being eavesdropped by the Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA).<br />
*2008-06-06: [[WikiAudio]] — learn about audio creation
25-Jun-2008: [[Wikigender]] - A new online resource on gender equality, created by the OECD.<br />
*2008-06-06: [[WikiCandidate]] create a virtual presidential candidate
23-Jun-2008: [[xooguru]] - A shopping wiki for articles and information on products and merchants.<br />
*2008-06-04: [[FruWiki]] about frugality, it's a place for sharing tips on saving money and using resources wisely
12-Jun-2008: [[World Wodka Web]] - A German Wiki about Wodka.<br />
*2008-05-25: [[ScriptsPedia]] — wiki guide which includes code examples in various languages
06-Jun-2008: [[WikiAudio]] - a wiki for learning about audio creation.<br />
*2008-05-24: [[Yatina]] — wiki guide of open content projects which works like a 'meta-encyclopedia'
06-Jun-2008: [[WikiCandidate]] - a wiki to create a virtual presidential candidate.<br />
*2008-05-21: [[Club Penguin Wiki]] — aims to create a large database for all there is to know about the popular online game, ''Club Penguin''
04-Jun-2008: [[FruWiki]] - A wiki about frugality, it's a place for sharing tips on saving money and using resources wisely.<br />
*2008-05-14: [[Navision]] — wiki site used by the Dynamics NAV (Navision) community to share their Navision knowledge
01-Jun-2008: [[Internet Business Logic]] - a Wiki for writing and running database applications in open vocabulary, executable English. Shared use is free.<br />
*2008-05-04: [[IdeaWiki]] for everyone around the world to contribute and improve ideas in any area
25-May-2008: [[ScriptsPedia]] - a Wiki Guide which includes code examples in various languages.<br />
*2008-05-01: [[Hellboy]] wiki site all about ''Hellboy''
24-May-2008: [[Yatina]] - a Wiki Guide of Open Content proyects which works like a "meta-encyclopedia".<br />
*2008-05-01: [[FFXIclopedia]] wiki site for ''Final Fantasy XI''
21-May-2008: [[Club Penguin]] - The Club Penguin Wiki aims to create a large database for all there is to know about the popular online game, Club Penguin.<br />
*2008-04-29: [[Sustain A Place]] a user-generated, comprehensive and global directory for both businesses and non-profits that promote sustainable practices
19-May-2008: [[]] - a german wiki for students of communication<br />
*2008-04-29: [[The Computer Resource]] wiki site about computers
14-May-2008: [[Navision]] - Wiki used by the Dynamics NAV (Navision) community to share their Navision knowledge.<br />
*2008-04-29: [[Batman Wiki]] about Batman
04-May-2008: [[IdeaWiki]] - A wiki for everyone around the world to contribute and improve ideas in any area.<br />
*2008-04-29: [[Robotech Wiki]] about ''Robotech'', a science fiction franchise
01-May-2008: [[Hellboy]] - a wiki all about Hellboy.<br />
*2008-04-28: [[CultureSheet]] — wiki site about plant cultivation
01-May-2008: [[FFXIclopedia]] - wiki about Final Fantasy XI.<br />
*2008-04-27: [[Marvel Movies]] — Wikia about movies based on Marvel comics, including ''Iron Man'' and ''The Incredible Hulk''
29-Apr-2008: [[Sustain A Place]] - a user-generated, comprehensive and global directory for both businesses and non-profits that promote sustainable practices.<br />
*2008-04-27: [[Speed Racer Wiki]] about ''Speed Racer''
29-Apr-2008: [[The Computer Resource]] - A wiki about computers<br />
*2008-04-27: [[Recipes Wiki]] about food with free recipes
29-Apr-2008: [[Batman Wiki]] - A wiki about Batman<br />
*2008-04-27: [[MST3K Wiki - Mystery Science Theater 3000]] for the ''MST3K'' comedy series
29-Apr-2008: [[Robotech Wiki]] - A wiki about Robotech (a science fiction franchise)<br />
*2008-04-23: [[Skywiki]] the corporate-wide private knowledge portal of, the Frankfurt airport operator Fraport AG (Germany)
28-Apr-2008: [[CultureSheet dot org]] - Plant cultivation.<br />
*2008-04-21: [[Telescope F70076]] — get yourself a telescope
27-Apr-2008: [[Marvel Movies Wiki]] - A wiki about movies based on Marvel comics, including ''Iron Man'' and ''The Incredible Hulk''.<br />
*2008-04-16: [[Video Game Sales Wikia]] — Wikia for the video game sales industry
27-Apr-2008: [[Speed Racer Wiki]] - A wiki about ''Speed Racer''.<br />
*2008-04-15: [[Web Community Wiki]] — the future of wiki, a project of the Web 3.0 with the newest features and many things to explore
27-Apr-2008: [[Recipes Wiki]] - A wiki about food with free recipes.<br />
*2008-04-15: [[WiSiKi]] — wiki site around the Klausenerplatz in Berlin
27-Apr-2008: [[Mystery Science Theater 3000 Wiki]] - A wiki for about MST3K comedy series.<br />
*2008-04-12: [[]] — German-language wiki site about beekeeping and honey bees in general
23-Apr-2008: [[Skywiki]] is the Corporate-Wide Knowledge Portal of Fraport AG. In 2007, the Frankfurt airport operator Fraport AG (Germany) set up its corporate Wiki – Skywiki. To ensure high acceptance of Skywiki, the software MediaWiki applied by Wikipedia was implemented. After a 1 year long test period 1,200 articles were written. The reason for the high number of users was not the technology but the active communication of the tools and intensive recruitment of potential authors.<br />
*2008-04-10: [[9Dragons Wiki]] dedicated to documenting all aspects of the MMORPG ''9Dragons''
21-Apr-2008: [[Telescope F70076 | Telescope F70076 Wiki]] -- Get yourself a telescope.<br />16-Apr-2008: [[Videogame Sales Wiki]] - A wiki for the videogame sales industry.<br />
*2008-04-09: [[CopyCamp Wiki]] for CopyCamp, a copyright event for fans and artists
15-Apr-2008: [[WeCoWi]] - The future of Wiki, a project of the Web 3.0 with the newest features and many things to explore<br />
*2008-04-03: [[EmuWiki]] project aimed at producing an encyclopedia about emulators
15-Apr-2008: [[WiSiKi]] - A Wiki around the Klausenerplatz in Berlin<br />
*2008-04-02: [[Forget the Franchise]] — project to create a localised directory of independent, quirky and unique shops, restaurants, experiences etc; which franchise clones and charmless chains are destroying
12-Apr-2008: [[]] - Wiki in German language about beekeeping and honeybees in general.<br />
*2008-04-02: [[ChinaTravelGuide]] — wiki site featuring unbiased China travel reviews, opinions, and wiki guides from real travellers
10-Apr-2008: [[9Dragons Wiki]] - A wiki dedicated to documenting all aspects of the MMORPG 9Dragons.<br />
*2008-04-02: [[Strawberryland Wiki]] — for ''Strawberry Shortcake'' fans
09-Apr-2008: [[CopyCamp Wiki]] - wiki for CopyCamp, a copyright event for fans and artists.<br />
*2008-03-31: [[Tram Wiki]] — created by two tram enthusiasts for many others to enjoy, gain information from and contribute to; aims to create a large tram data repository
06-Apr-2008: [[DelhiDekho]] is a project to document all the information about Delhi, India. Everything about it from its history to the routes in Delhi, to new malls, metro, places.. everything about Delhi<br />
*2008-03-28: [[BPMA Wiki]] — British Postal Museum & Archive site to encourage people to share their postal and family history stories and experiences of working for the Post Office
03-Apr-2008: [[EmuWiki]] is a project aimed at producing an encyclopedia about emulators. It is a good example of a completely modified mediawiki structure that gives a lot of option to the user, amongst which : YouTube video tables with automatic video additions from users, news submission, and a very modified mediawiki esthetic.<br />
*2008-03-28: [[Jamaikedia]] — a community based wiki site to improve the knowledge of the area and understanding to its citizens and the rest of the world
02-Apr-2008: [[Forget the Franchise]] is a project to create a localised directory of independent, quirky and unique shops, restaurants, experiences etc that franchise clones and charmless chains are destroying. These independents are really special and Forget the Franchise would like to promote them.<br />
*2008-03-26: [[Wikiecho]] — free high quality resources on echocardiography
02-Apr-2008: [[ChinaTravelGuide]] is a free wiki web site featuring unbiased China travel reviews, opinions, and wiki guides from real travelers. It covers reviews and guides of hotels, restaurants, and attractions in China, as well as China-related travel news, deals, tips, etc. is not a travel agency or a tour operator. And thus is unbiased, and exists to help fellow travelers search for China-related travel information. The site is traveler-powered and the contents on this website are contributed collaboratively by real travelers.<br />
*2008-03-25: [[Sustainaplace]] — collections of sustainable choices in cities around the world
02-Apr-2008: [[Strawberryland Wiki]] A wiki made for Strawberry Shortcake fans. Aims to provide a reference for those who wish to go farther than the basics in the Strawberry Shortcake franchise, and to provide info about the show, its characters, episodes, spin-offs and the like.<br />
*2008-03-25: [[ConShell]] — technical wiki concerning virtualization, Linux, FreeBSD, system & network administration & security, open-source server and desktop applications
31-Mar-2008: [[Tram Wiki]] A Wiki created by two tram enthusiasts for many others to enjoy, gain information from and contribute to. Aims to create a large Tram data repository.<br />
*2008-03-17: [[Retailwiki]] — information and pictures on characters in leisure industry
28-Mar-2008: [[BPMA Wiki]] A Wiki created by The British Postal Museum & Archive to encourage people to share their postal and family history stories and experiences of working for the Post Office.<br />
*2008-03-16: [[Kleinmachnow-Stahnsdorf-Teltow-Wiki]] — grammar school project of a congested area near by the German capital Berlin
28-Mar-2008: [[Jamaikedia]] A community based wiki to improve the knowledge of the area and understanding to its citizens and the rest of the world<br />
*2008-03-13: [[Lost Odyssey]] — wiki site about the RPG ''Lost Odyssey''
26-Mar-2008: [[Wikiecho]] A wiki providing free high quality resources on echocardiography<br />
*2008-03-13: [[Gienga]] wiki site community where people can find out how to learn just about anything and contribute their own experience to others
25-Mar-2008: [[Sustainaplace]] Good choices, anywhere, anytime. A wiki that contains a collections of sustainable choices in cities around the world.<br />
*2008-03-11: [[Archivopedia]] — wiki site about archives and finding primary source research material
25-Mar-2008: [[Conshellwiki]] A technical wiki concerning Virtualization, Linux, FreeBSD, system & network administration & security, open-source server and desktop applications.<br />
*2008-03-08: [[Hurraki (de)]] — German-language Easy to Read Dictionary for words and articles
17-Mar-2008: [[Retailwiki]] A wiki that gathers all information and pictures on characters in leisure industry.<br />
*2008-03-07: [[Mono Wiki]] — for the Mono .NET project
16-Mar-2008: [[Teltow Wiki]] A grammar school project of a congested area near by the German capital Berlin.<br />
*2008-03-07: [[FMSLogo Wiki]] — for people to discuss, ask and share about LOGO
13-Mar-2008: [[Lost Odyssey]] - A wiki about the RPG Lost Odyssey.<br />
*2008-03-06: [[WakiWiki]] — for international students looking to study in the United Kingdom
13-Mar-2008: [[Gienga Do-It-Yourself Learning]] - A community where people can find out how to learn just about anything and contribute their own experience to others.<br/>
*2008-03-02: [[Idiki]] wiki site of ideas organised in categories
11-Mar-2008: [[Archivopedia]] is a wiki about archives and finding primary source research material.<br />
*2008-02-29: [[Bucketheadland]] wiki site about experimental guitarist ''Buckethead'' and his friends
08-Mar-2008: [[Easy to Read Wiki]] is a German Easy to Read Dictionary for Words an Articles<br/>
*2008-02-20: [[DaSch-Tour]] — projects, literature, poetry and journalism
07-Mar-2008: [[Mono Wiki]] is a wiki for the Mono .NET project.<br/>
*2008-02-16: [[HostPedia]] — wiki site on web hosting, including articles on web servers and networks
07-Mar-2008: [[FMSLogo Wiki]] is a wiki for people to discuss, ask and share about LOGO.<br />
*2008-02-15: [[]] — created just for the Simpson's universe
06-Mar-2008: [[WakiWiki]] - A wiki for international students looking to study in the United Kingdom<br />
*2008-02-13: [[Hostel Management Wiki]] — community-written documentation and resources for hostel managers (a.k.a. 'youth hostels')
02-Mar-2008: [[Idiki]] - is a wiki of ideas organised in categories.<br />
*2008-02-13: [[Community Traveler Travel Guides]] — community-written travel guides licensed under the GFDL
29-Feb-2008: [[Bucketheadland]] - A wiki about experimental guitarist Buckethead and his friends.<br />
*2008-02-06: [[RARIN Wiki]] — Rights and Reproductions Information Network for museum professionals
20-Feb-2008: [[DaSch-Tour]] - Projects, Literature, Poetry and Journalism.<br />
*2008-02-05: [[Ferato]] — Spanish-language health and medicine wiki site
16-Feb-2008: [[HostPedia]] - A wiki on web hosting, Including articles on web servers and networks.<br />
*2008-02-02: [[mondiparol]] — wiki site intending to categorize all words and lay a page for each of them
15-Feb-2008: [[SimpsonsWiki]] - A wiki created just for the Simpson's Universe.<br />
*2008-02-01: [[Recipewiki]] — free place to share your favourite recipes
13-Feb-2008: [[Hostel Management Wiki]] - Community-written documentation and resources for hostel managers (a.k.a. "youth hostels").<br />
*2008-01-30: [[CodeAlias]] — articles on computer networks, coding and general IT
13-Feb-2008: [[Community Traveler Travel Guides]] - Community-written travel guides licensed under the GFDL.<br />
*2008-01-24: [[Wham! wiki]] — for marketers containing tips, guidelines, rules and instructions
06-Feb-2008: [[RARIN Wiki|RARIN]] - Rights and Reproductions Information Network for Museum Professionals<br />
*2008-01-27: [[Democratic Science Wiki]] — experimenting with democratic science
05-Feb-2008: [[Ferato]] - A health and medicine wiki in Spanish<br />
*2008-01-21: [[PeMex]] — discussion about Mexican politics
02-Feb-2008: [[mondiparol]] - A wiki intending to categorize all words and lay a page for each of them<br />
*2008-01-19: [[Rugby Union]] — Wikia of one of the world's largest sport
01-Feb-2008: [[recipewiki]] - It is your FREE place to share your favorite recipes!<br />
*2008-01-18: [[Rhondda Cynon Taf Wiki]] — site for Rhondda Cynon Taf in Wales
30-Jan-2008: [[CodeAlias]] - Articles on computer networks, coding and general IT<br />
*2008-01-15: [[SiteHoppin]] — social networking/bookmarking site based on MediaWiki that let's you find new site with 1 click
24-Jan-2008: [[Wham! wiki]] - A wiki for marketers containing tips, guidelines, rules and instructions.<br />
*2008-01-10: [[Grand Theft Auto Wikia (English)]] — regarding the ''Grand Theft Auto'' series
27-Jan-2008: [[Democratic Science Wiki]] - Experimenting with Democratic Science<br />
*2008-01-10: [[ITtoolbox Wiki]] — to share information technology (IT) definitions, how-tos, answers to FAQs, code, etc
21-Jan-2008: [[PeMex]] - Discussion about Mexican Politics.<br />
*2008-01-10: [[Tamriel-Almanach]] — German-language wiki about ''The Elder Scrolls'' and all his background information
19-Jan-2008: [[Rugby Union]] - A wiki running on [[Wikia]] of one of the World's largest Sport.<br />
*2008-01-09: [[Technische Analyse]] — German-language wiki for Technical Analysis of Finance Markets
18-Jan-2008: [[Rhondda Cynon Taf Wiki|RCT Wiki]] - Wiki for Rhondda Cynon Taf in Wales.<br />
*2008-01-07: [[Arrested Development Wiki]] — about ''Arrested Development'' television series
15-Jan-2008: [[SiteHoppin]] - A social networking/bookmarking site based on MediaWiki that let's you find new site with 1 click.<br />
*2008-01-07: [[Joepedia]] — wiki site for ''G.I. Joe'' toys, cartoons and comics of all eras
10-Jan-2008: [[Grand Theft Auto Wikia]] - A wiki regarding the Grand Theft Auto series<br />
*2008-01-06: [[Eigapedia]] — Japanese film wiki site
10-Jan-2008: [[ITtoolbox Wiki]] - A wiki to share Information Technology (IT) definitions, HowTos, answers to frequently asked questions, code, etc.<br />
*2008-01-06: [[ProjectWiki]] — for project managers
10-Jan-2008: [[Tamriel-Almanach]] - A German wiki about The Elder Scrolls and all his background information.<br />
*2008-01-04: [[MusicDocz]] — wiki site for musicians and music lovers
09-Jan-2008: [[Technische Analyse]] - A wiki for Technical Analysis of Financial Markets in German Language.<br />
*2008-01-04: [[Kotava Kotapedia]] — Kotava language lexical and linguistic encyclopaedia
07-Jan-2008: [[Arrested Development Wiki]] - About ''Arrested Development'' television series.<br />
*2008-01-01: [[Formula 1 Wikia]] — Wikia for all fans of Formula 1
07-Jan-2008: [[Joepedia]] - A wiki for ''G.I. Joe'' toys, cartoons and comics of all eras<br />
06-Jan-2008: [[Eigapedia]] - A Japanese movie wiki<br />
06-Jan-2008: [[ProjectWiki]] - A wiki for Project Managers<br />
04-Jan-2008: [[MusicDocz]] - A wiki for musicians and music lovers<br />
04-Jan-2008: [[Kotava Kotapedia]] - A wiki lexical and linguistic encyclopaedia about the Kotava language<br />
01-Jan-2008: [[The Formula 1 Wiki]] - A wiki for all fans of Formula 1. Everyone welcome to join the great project!<br />

29-Dec-2007: [[Bose® L1™ Wiki]] - A wiki for musicians and others using the Bose&reg; L1&trade; Personal Line Array<br />
*2007-12-29: [[Bose L1 Encyclopedia FAQ]] wiki for musicians and others using the Bose® L1™ Personal Line Array
28-Dec-2007: [[Critical Mass Wikia]] - A wiki for information about Critical Mass bike rides in cities around the world<br />
*2007-12-28: [[Critical Mass Wikia]] information about Critical Mass bike / cycle rides in cities around the world
24-Dec-2007: [[Gardora]] - Das Gartenwiki für Österreich<br/>
*2007-12-24: [[Gardora]] — das Gartenwiki für Österreich
17-Dec-2007: [[Gislewiki]] - Wiki about Gisle Martens Meyer<br/>
*2007-12-17: [[Gislewiki]] — wiki about Gisle Martens Meyer
16-Dec-2007: [[ShoppiWiki]] - The Wiki-Way of Shopping<br />
*2007-12-16: [[ShoppiWiki]] — the wiki-way of shopping
13-Dec-2007: [[PinWiki]] - pinball games wiki<br/>
*2007-12-13: [[PinWiki]] — for pinball games
09-Dec-2007: [[SM-201]] - a BDSM wiki that is a combination of various projects.<br />
*2007-12-09: [[SM-201]] BDSM wiki that is a combination of various projects
09-Dec-2007: [[Wiki Herbolaria]] - Todo lo que hay que saber acerca de las plantas y hierbas medicinales utilizadas en la terapéutica actual y antigua. <br />
*2007-12-09: [[Wiki Herbolaria]] — todo lo que hay que saber acerca de las plantas y hierbas medicinales utilizadas en la terapéutica actual y antigua
06-Dec-2007: [[Bucureşti Wiki]] - The Bucureşti Wiki is all about Bucharest, the capital of Romania. <br />
*2007-12-06: [[Bucureşti Wiki]] all about Bucharest, the capital of Romania
03-Dec-2007: [[James Bond Wiki]] - A wiki about the fictional character James Bond, also known as 007. <br />
*2007-12-03: [[James Bond Wiki (Wetpaint)]] — all about the fictional British secret agent James Bond, also known as 007
02-Dec-2007: [[TransWiki]] - A wiki that lists Public Transportation companies around the world and includes information on buses, trains and routes. <br />
*2007-12-02: [[TransWiki]] lists of public transportation companies around the world; includes information on buses, trains, and routes
23-Nov-2007: [[FedITWiki]] - A wiki designed to communicate the Information Technology (IT) related research and development activities One Enterprise Consulting Group (1ECG) is engaged in that support the Federal Government IT initiatives.<br />
*2007-11-23: [[FedITWiki]] designed to communicate the information technology (IT) related research and development activities One Enterprise Consulting Group (1ECG) is engaged in that support the Federal Government IT initiatives
22-Nov-2007: [[VdfWiki]] - A wiki for the DataFlex and Visual DataFlex software development community.<br />
*2007-11-22: [[VdfWiki]] for the DataFlex and Visual DataFlex software development community
19-Nov-2007: [[WikiAOC]] - A wiki about the game Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures ! (also a french version).<br />
*2007-11-19: [[WikiAOC]] about the game ''Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures!'' (also a French version)
18-Nov-2007: [[EntreWiki]] - A new paid wiki site for Entrepreneurs who are looking for Money Making Business Ideas.<br />
*2007-11-18: [[EntreWiki]] paid wiki site for entrepreneurs who are looking for money-making business ideas
16-Nov-2007: [[Liberapedia]] A parody of [[Conservapedia]] that advises that: "most articles should take stereotypical liberal views and distort them to the extreme"<br />
*2007-11-16: [[Liberapedia (Wikia)]] parody of Conservapedia, advising that: "most articles should take stereotypical liberal views and distort them to the extreme"
14-Nov-2007: [[StartUps 24/7]] - On demand entrepreneurial resources from the Council for Entrepreneurial Development. <br />
*2007-11-14: [[StartUps 24/7]] — on demand entrepreneurial resources from the Council for Entrepreneurial Development
14-Nov-2007: [[ASP3 Wiki]] - Entire contents of ''Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0'' book from Wrox Press<br />
*2007-11-14: [[ASP3 Wiki]] — entire contents of ''Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0'' book from Wrox Press
14-Nov-2007: [[Christmas Specials Wiki]] - A very merry wiki full of yuletide cheer.<br />
*2007-11-14: [[Christmas Specials Wiki]] — a very merry wiki full of yuletide cheer
13-Nov-2007: [[Language Links 2006]] - A wiki for teachers of modern foreign languages <br />
*2007-11-13: [[Language Links 2006]] wiki for teachers of modern foreign languages
11-Nov-2007: [[Oracle Wiki]] - A wiki about Oracle products and the Oracle community<br />
*2007-11-11: [[Oracle Wiki]] — all about Oracle products and the Oracle community
11-Nov-2007: [[IDS Developer Edition Wiki]] - A wiki about IBM's high-performance cluster database - '''I'''nformix '''D'''ynamic '''S'''erver<br />
*2007-11-11: [[IDS Developer Edition Wiki]] — about IBM's high-performance cluster database, Informix Dynamic Server
08-Nov-2007: [[Enciclopedia DG]] - A wiki encyclopedia in spanish, carmeni and english.<br />
*2007-11-08: [[Enciclopedia DG]] wiki encyclopedia in Spanish, Carmeni, and English
07-Nov-2007: [[WikiBriefs]] - A wiki for writing amicus curiae briefs.<br />
*2007-11-07: [[WikiBriefs]] wiki for writing amicus curiae briefs
04-Nov-2007: [[Wikinvestopedia]] - A Financial Wiki Glossary with investment definitions, chart descriptions and trading resources. <br />
*2007-11-04: [[Wikinvestopedia]] — financial wiki glossary with investment definitions, chart descriptions, and trading resources
31-Oct-2007: [[Gay Celebrities Wiki]] - A wiki about who's gay and who's not.<br />
*2007-10-31: [[Gay Celebrities Wiki]] — celebrities who are gay and who are not
29-Oct-2007: [[OneBuckWiki]] - A wiki for entrepreneurs and SEO specialists.<br />
*2007-10-29: [[OneBuckWiki]] for entrepreneurs and SEO specialists
13-Oct-2007: [[ArticleWiki]] - A wiki about all things article.<br />
*2007-10-13: [[ArticleWiki]] wiki about all things article
11-Oct-2007: [[Pixar Wiki]] - A wiki about the animated movies of Pixar, including ''Toy Story'' and ''Finding Nemo''.<br />
*2007-10-11: [[Pixar Wiki]] — for the animated movies of Pixar; including ''Toy Story'' and ''Finding Nemo''
11-Oct-2007: [[Reaper Wiki]] - A wiki about the CW series ''Reaper'', about a young man hunting down souls for the Devil.<br />
*2007-10-11: [[Reaper Wiki]] — for the CW series ''Reaper'', about a young man hunting down souls for the Devil
11-Oct-2007: [[Dexter Wiki]] - A wiki about the Showtime series ''Dexter'' about a serial killer who works for the police.<br />
*2007-10-11: [[Dexter Wiki]] — for the Showtime series ''Dexter'' about a serial killer who works for the police
11-Oct-2007: [[Ugly Betty Wiki]] - A wiki about the hit ABC series ''Ugly Betty''.<br />
*2007-10-11: [[Ugly Betty Wiki]] — for the hit ABC series ''Ugly Betty''
11-Oct-2007: [[Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki]] - A wiki about the new Disney Channel series about wizards-in-training.<br />
*2007-10-11: [[Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki]] — for the new Disney Channel series about wizards-in-training
09-Oct-2007: [[WikiBond]] - The Dutch webarchive about the most famous fictional Secret Agent: James Bond 007<br />
*2007-10-09: [[WikiBond]] — the Dutch web-archive about the most famous fictional British secret agent, James Bond, 007
06-Oct-2007: [[Skaneateles Wiki]] - An encyclopedia of all things relating to Skaneateles, NY<br />
*2007-10-06: [[Skaneateles Wiki]] — an encyclopedia of all things relating to Skaneateles, New York
28-Sep-2007: [[ActProper]] - A manners and etiquette wiki with the goal of making the world nicer<br />
*2007-09-28: [[ActProper]] — a manners and etiquette wiki with the goal of making the world nicer
27-Sep-2007: [[Bionic Wiki]] - Wiki documenting the world of NBC's new show ''Bionic Woman''<br />
*2007-09-27: [[Bionic Wiki]] documenting the world of NBC's new show ''Bionic Woman''
25-Sep-2007: [[Folkipedia]] - A wiki for Folk & Traditional song, music and dance<br />
*2007-09-25: [[Folkipedia]] wiki for folk and traditional song, music, and dance
25-Sep-2007: [[Tradexicon]] - A wiki with everything relating to trading, finance, business and companies<br />
*2007-09-25: [[Tradexicon]] wiki with everything relating to trading, finance, business, and companies
14-Sep-2007: [[Wiki]] - wiki guide on all italian cities, information and photo<br />
*2007-09-14: [[Wiki]] guide on all Italian cities, information and photos
12-Sep-2007: [[ADD TV: The Robot Chicken Wiki]] - wiki for Robot Chicken television show<br />
*2007-09-12: [[Robot Chicken Wiki]] for ''Robot Chicken'' television show
04-Sep-2007: [[JargonF]] - French IT dictionary<br />
*2007-09-04: [[JargonF]] French IT dictionary
01-Sep-2007: [[Wikimagination]] - collaborative fantasy worldbuilding<br />
*2007-09-01: [[Wikimagination]] collaborative fantasy world-building
29-Aug-2007: [[WikiDex]] - A Pokémon encyclopedia<br />
*2007-08-29: [[WikiDex]] — ''Pokémon'' encyclopedia
27-Aug-2007: [[Peoplandard]] - A Project-Wiki to regulate democratic, international standards.<br />
*2007-08-27: [[Peoplandard]] — a project-wiki to regulate democratic, international standards
26-Aug-2007: [[RationalWiki]] - A pro-science, anti-creationism website.<br />
*2007-08-26: [[RationalWiki]] pro-science, anti-creationism website
18-Aug-2007: [[Radswiki]] - Radiology wiki that anyone can edit.<br />
*2007-08-18: [[Radswiki]] — radiology wiki that anyone can edit
16-Aug-2007: [[Terrorchid]] - Wiki on Terrestrial Orchid culture, companion wiki for the terrorchid forum and gallery<br />
*2007-08-16: [[Terrorchid]] — wiki on Terrestrial Orchid culture, companion wiki for the terrorchid forum and gallery
16-Aug-2007: [[]] - a wiki for tango argentino, run by (t.i).<br />
*2007-08-16: [[]] for tango argentino (Argentine tango), run by (t.i)
14-Aug-2007: [[Flash Gordon]] - a wiki about the ''Flash Gordon'' comic strip, serials, movie and TV show.<br />
*2007-08-14: [[Flash Gordon Wiki]] about the ''Flash Gordon'' comic strip, serials, movie, and TV show
12-Aug-2007: [[AberWiki]] - a wiki oriented towards seafront town of Aberystwyth in west Wales.<br />
*2007-08-12: [[AberWiki]] — for the seafront town of Aberystwyth in west Wales
12-Aug-2007: [[WikiWeddings]] - A free wedding planning site that everyone can edit. <br />
*2007-08-12: [[WikiWeddings]] free wedding planning site that everyone can edit
11-Aug-2007: [[Humane Earth]] - Define, plan, and act - to make a more sustainable, inclusive, safe, and cruelty-free world.<br />
*2007-08-11: [[Humane Earth]] — define, plan, and act: to make a more sustainable, inclusive, safe, and cruelty-free world
09-Aug-2007: [[Wikipornia]] - For collecting information on porn actors, films and studios. <br />
*2007-08-09: [[Wikipornia]] — for collecting information on pornography actors, films, and studios
09-Aug-2007: [[RoWikicity]] - A free, fictional country that everyone can edit! <br/>
*2007-08-09: [[RoWikicity]] — a free, fictional country that everyone can edit
04-Aug-2007: [[Trustlet]] - A transparent, cooperative environment for the scientific research of trust metrics on social networks.<br />
*2007-08-04: [[Trustlet]] — a transparent, cooperative environment for the scientific research of trust metrics on social networks
04-Aug-2007: [[TrentoWiki]] - A wiki for the city of Trento in Italy.<br />
*2007-08-04: [[TrentoWiki]] for the city of Trento in Italy
01-Aug-2007: [[Wikifixmycar]] - Collaborative car repair manual for every car.<br />
*2007-08-01: [[Wikifixmycar]] — collaborative car repair manual for every car
01-Aug-2007: [[Wikihorses]] - Encyclopedia of horses and horse-related topics.<br />
*2007-08-01: [[Wikihorses]] — encyclopedia of horses and horse-related topics
01-Aug-2007: [[Symbolism Wiki]] - Guide to literary symbolism.<br />
*2007-08-01: [[Symbolism Wiki]] — guide to literary symbolism
01-Aug-2007: [[CDWiki]] - A large Wiki about Audio-CDs (german)<br />
*2007-08-01: [[CDWiki]] — large German-language wiki about audio-CDs
01-Aug-2007: [[Kivapedia]] - wiki supporting Kiva, online microlending to small businesses in developing countries.
*2007-08-01: [[Kivapedia]] wiki supporting, online micro-lending to small businesses in developing countries
01-Aug-2007: [[Greenlivingpedia]] - green living and sustainable building wiki.<br />
*2007-08-01: [[Greenlivingpedia]] green living and sustainable building wiki
29-Jul-2007: [[Pensapedia]] - city wiki for Pensacola, Florida (USA) seaport.<br />
*2007-07-29: [[Pensapedia]] city wiki for Pensacola seaport, Florida, USA
28-Jul-2007: [[Tribalwiki]] - the tribalradix wiki ~ workings of the world - untie!<br />
*2007-07-28: [[Tribalwiki]] the tribalradix wiki ~ workings of the world - untie!
27-Jul-2007: [[Ron Paul wiki]] - 2008 USA Presidential Candidate Ron Paul wiki.  Help save America by getting him the Republican Nomination. <br />
*2007-07-27: [[Ron Paul wiki]] — for Ron Paul (Republican), the 2008 USA Presidential candidate
27-Jul-2007: [[HD AV wiki]] - HD Audio Video Custom Installation wiki.  Discusses AV products, methods and custom installation<br />
*2007-07-27: [[HD AV wiki]] — high-definition (HD) audio-video (AV) custom installation; discusses AV products, methods, and custom installation
27-Jul-2007: [[SnoWiki]] - Snow Lifestyles: Snowboarding and Skiing Extreme Sport Wiki<br />
*2007-07-27: [[SnoWiki]] — snow lifestyles: snowboarding and skiing extreme sport
27-Jul-2007: [[wiki Pollution]] - Tackling pollution worldwide through anonymous geographic collaboration<br />
*2007-07-27: [[wiki Pollution]] — tackling pollution worldwide through anonymous geographic collaboration
27-Jul-2007: [[wiki Global Warming]] - Analyzing the causes, situations and implications of societies views on Global Warming<br />
*2007-07-27: [[wiki Global Warming]] — analyzing the causes, situations and implications of societies views on global warming
26-Jul-2007: [[WiKitsune]] - Online encyclopedia of foxes<br />
*2007-07-26: [[WiKitsune]] — online encyclopedia of foxes
25-Jul-2007: [[International Music Score Library Project]] - public domain musical scores<br />
*2007-07-25: [[International Music Score Library Project]] public domain musical scores
14-Jul-2007: [[Ugugu]] - a German and English-language private wiki on outstanding musicians and actors.<br />
*2007-07-14: [[Ugugu]] — German- and English-language private wiki on outstanding musicians and actors
14-Jul-2007: [[Mikiwiki]] - a German-language private wiki on Linux-based computers.<br />
*2007-07-14: [[Mikiwiki]] German-language private wiki on Linux-based computers
10-Jul-2007: [[PetCities]] - a user edited database on cities and their pet friendly places.<br />
*2007-07-10: [[PetCities]] user edited database on cities and their pet friendly places
06-Jul-2007: [[Beekeeping Wiki]] - english, romanian and spanish project sites about beekeeping.<br />
*2007-07-06: [[Beekeeping Wiki]] — English, Romanian and Spanish project sites about beekeeping
03-Jul-2007: [[NativeWiki]] - an online collaborative wiki project of NativeWeb to allow users to 02-Jul-2007: [[]] - Mountain bike routes in Italy. <br />
*2007-07-03: [[NativeWiki]] an online collaborative wiki project of NativeWeb
02-Jul-2007: [[Dead Rabbit]] - Dead Rabbit Wiki encompassing the entire universe of Dead Rabbit characters, as well as a look behind the music.<br />
*2007-07-02: [[]] — cross-country mountain bike (MTB) routes in Italy
01-Jul-2007: [[Copula Wiki]] - An information exchange platform for researchers in the field of copula theory.<br />
*2007-07-02: [[Dead Rabbit]] — wiki encompassing the entire universe of ''Dead Rabbit'' characters, as well as a look behind the music
29-Jun-2007: [[WindowsWiki]] - German Wiki about Microsoft Windows (especially the Alpha- and Beta-Versions)<br />
*2007-07-01: [[Copula Wiki]] information exchange platform for researchers in the field of copula theory
27-Jun-2007: [[WindelWiki]] - German-language wiki (about diaper lovers?) <br>
*2007-06-29: [[Windows Wiki]] — German-language site about Microsoft Windows (especially the Alpha- and Beta-versions)
27-Jun-2007:[[CIO - Portal]] - An information exchange platform for Austrian Chief Information Officers (CIO) <br />
*2007-06-27: [[WindelWiki]] German-language site (about diaper lovers?)
24-Jun-2007: [[AoCWiki]] - ''A Wiki about the game Age of Conan and Conan lore'' <br />
*2007-06-27: [[CIO - Portal]] information exchange platform for Austrian Chief Information Officers (CIO)
22-Jun-2007: [[TeleWiki]] - business telecommunications related information, installation, programming, and documentation.<br />
*2007-06-24: [[AoCWiki]] — wiki about the game ''Age of Conan'' and ''Conan'' lore
22-Jun-2007: [[Illogicopedia]] - an insane repository of words put together in no particular order. <br />
*2007-06-22: [[TeleWiki]] business telecommunications related information, installation, programming, and documentation
20-Jun-2007: [[Sudopedia]] - ''A wiki for Sudoku players'' <br />
*2007-06-22: [[Illogicopedia]] an insane repository of words put together in no particular order
17-Jun-2007: [[NikkiWiki]] - ''The premier online adult model encyclopedia'' <br />
*2007-06-20: [[Sudopedia]] wiki for Sudoku players
10-Jun-2007: [[wiki.Единоборства.info]] - ''Russian project dedicated to martial arts.'' <br />
*2007-06-17: [[NikkiWiki]] — the premier online adult model encyclopedia
12-Jun-2007: [[YouWiki]] - ''Australian project site where users can share their interests with the world.'' <br />
*2007-06-12: [[YouWiki]] — Australian project site where users can share their interests with the world
09-Jun-2007: [[The Music Snob]] - ''Musicians sharing info. on local music scenes''<br />
*2007-06-10: [[wiki.Единоборства.info]] Russian project dedicated to martial arts
30-May-2007: [[Jesus-Wiki]] - ''The Christian Encyclopedia''<br />
*2007-06-09: [[The Music Snob]] — musicians sharing info on local music scenes
28-May-2007: [[Lunarpedia]] – a wiki about the Earth's Moon - Luna - exploration and settlement<br />
*2007-05-30: [[Jesus-Wiki]] Christian encyclopedia
25-Jan-2007: [[Jedi Academy Wiki]] - ''A compilation of general and technical information about the game Jedi Academy''<br/>
*2007-05-28: [[Lunarpedia]] about the Earth's moon, Luna; exploration and settlement
25-Jan-2007: [[PlantPhotos]] - ''A project to create a plant identification wiki, with a color photo of each plant listed''<br/>
*2007-01-25: [[Jedi Academy Wiki]] compilation of general and technical information about the game ''Jedi Academy''
22-Jan-2007: [[SaneScreen]] - ''A Free Video Directory, indexing content on Youtube and Dailymotion''<br/>
*2007-01-25: [[PlantPhotos]] project to create a plant identification wiki, with a color photo of each plant listed
20-Jan-2007: [[Wikimocracy]] - ''Vote and debate''<br/>
*2007-01-22: [[SaneScreen]] — free video directory, indexing content on YouTube and DailyMotion
09-Jan-2007: [[Zyprexa]] - ''For the past few years, there has been some controversy about the drug Zyprexa.''<br />
*2007-01-20: [[Wikimocracy]] — vote and debate
08-Jan-2007: [[selearninggames]] - ''nonprofit social entrepreneur learning game''<br />
*2007-01-09: [[Zyprexa]] — for the past few years, there has been some controversy about the drug Zyprexa
06-Jan-2007: [[Wikevent]] - ''A Free Content public events calendar''<br />
*2007-01-08: [[selearninggames]] — non-profit social entrepreneur learning game
06-Jan-2007: [[Oklahoma Wiki]] - ''Wiki covering all things Okie''<br />
*2007-01-06: [[Wikevent]] — free content public events calendar
06-Jan-2007: [[Coach Universe Wiki]] - ''All about coaching''<br />
*2007-01-06: [[Oklahoma Wiki]] covering all things Oklahoma, USA
*2007-01-06: [[Coach Universe Wiki]] — all about coaching

31-Dec-2006: [[TechnoWiki]] - ''A wiki for everything technological.''<br />
*2006-12-31: [[TechnoWiki]] for everything technological
12-Dec-2006: [[Career Rymx]] - ''A wiki for career, job, and company profiles.'' <br />
*2006-12-12: [[Career Rymx]] for career, job, and company profiles
10-Dec-2006: [[Neverwinter]] - ''A Wikia about Neverwinter Nights, a Role Playing Game.  ''<br />
*2006-12-10: [[Neverwinter]] — Wikia about ''Neverwinter Nights'', a role-playing-game
08-Dec-2006: [[Travel Pelopor]] - ''A little wiki for travel tips, hints, locations, things to do and food! ''<br /> 
*2006-12-08: [[Travel Pelopor]] — a little wiki for travel tips, hints, locations, things to do and food
06-Dec-2006: [[TipCollection]] - ''Tips to make life easier.''<br />
*2006-12-06: [[TipCollection]] — tips to make life easier
06-Dec-2006: [[A Cornish Wiki]] - ''The communally created online resource devoted to the history, culture, language, places and people of Cornwall.''<br />
*2006-12-06: [[A Cornish Wiki]] devoted to the history, culture, language, places and people of Cornwall
06-Dec-2006: [[WikiStock]] - ''A quick reference for Stock Trading''<br />
*2006-12-06: [[WikiStock]] quick reference for stock trading
05-Dec-2006: [[Biblio Curiosa]] - ''Bibliographic catalogue of erotic, pornographic and curiosa literature.'' <br />
*2006-12-05: [[Biblio Curiosa]] — bibliographic catalogue of erotic, pornographic and curiosa literature
04-Dec-2006: [[WikiChix]] - ''Gender bias in wikis (female-only)''<br />
*2006-12-04: [[WikiChix]] — gender bias in wikis (female-only)
03-Dec-2006: [[Kathpedia]] - ''German and Catholic wiki''<br />
*2006-12-03: [[Kathpedia]] — German-language Catholic wiki site
03-Dec-2006: [[WikiWorlds]] - ''A repository of Free Content 3d media.''<BR>
*2006-12-03: [[WikiWorlds]] repository of free content 3D media
03-Dec-2006: [[FreeTrails]] - ''Backpacking and related sports, a copy-left project.''<BR>
*2006-12-03: [[FreeTrails]] — backpacking and related sports, a copyleft project
01-Dec-2006: [[Humbolpedia]] - ''Humboldt County California, information, guides, opinions, and more....''<BR>
*2006-12-01: [[Humbolpedia]] Humboldt County, California, information, guides, opinions, and more
23-Nov-2006: [[Richdex]] - ''Free Open Online Directory''<BR>
*2006-11-23: [[Richdex]] — free open online directory
22-Nov-2006: [[Quake III Arena Wiki]] - ''English information database about the popular game Quake III Arena''<BR>21-Nov-2006: [[Jobberwiki]] - "Aims to become a valuable research tool for people researching careers"<BR>
*2006-11-22: [[Quake III Arena Wiki]] information database about the popular game ''Quake III Arena''
21-Nov-2006: [[Trackpedia]] - ''English information database about driving cars on race tracks around the world'' <br />
*2006-11-21: [[Jobberwiki]] "aims to become a valuable research tool for people researching careers"
18-Nov-2006: [[Swedish Nintendo]] - ''Swedish information database about Nintendo'' <br />
*2006-11-21: [[Trackpedia]] information database about driving cars on race tracks around the world
17-Nov-2006: [[Astrowiki]] - ''Pictures from the sky''<br />
*2006-11-18: [[Swedish Nintendo]] — Swedish-language information database about Nintendo
14-Nov-2006: [[Netcipia]] - ''blog & wiki farm''<br />
*2006-11-17: [[Astrowiki]] — pictures from the sky
07-Nov-2006: [[UespWiki]] - ''the Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages!''<br />
*2006-11-14: [[Netcipia]] — blog and wiki farm
04-Nov-2006: [[PsychWiki]] - ''A wiki for psychology researchers.''<br />
*2006-11-07: [[Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (en)]] — for ''Elder Scrolls'' fans
03-Nov-2006: [[World Wikia]] - ''A travel guide for the world.'' <br />
*2006-11-04: [[PsychWiki]] — for psychology researchers
02-Nov-2006: [[Wikicosm]] - ''An encyclopedia of alternative knowledge, culture, and views.'' <br />
*2006-11-03: [[World Wikia]] travel guide for the world
29-Oct-06: [[Savory San Francisco]] - ''A video restaurant guide for the San Francisco Bay Area''<br/>
*2006-11-02: [[wikicosm]] encyclopedia of alternative knowledge, culture, and views
23-Oct-06: [[Relicodia]] - ''Windows API encyclopedia''<br/>
*2006-10-29: [[Savory San Francisco]] video restaurant guide for the San Francisco Bay Area
16-Oct-06: [[Unity Wiki]] - ''Multipartisan online politics.  Civil, pragmatic, effective.''<br>
*2006-10-23: [[Relicodia]] Windows API encyclopedia
13-Oct-06: [[Pen Pal Wiki]] - ''for people interested in writing to others around the world''<br>
*2006-10-16: [[UnityWiki]] — multipartisan online politics in the US; civil, pragmatic, effective
10-Oct-2006: [[PlasticsWiki]] - ''website dedicated to plastics technology, materials & equipment.''<br />
*2006-10-13: [[Pen Pal Wiki]] for people interested in writing to others around the world
29-Sep-2006: [[]] - ''A Polish Dictionary, grammar guide and phrase book.''<br />
*2006-10-10: [[Plastics Wiki]] dedicated to plastics technology, materials and equipment
24-Sep-2006: [[CryptoDox]] - ''An encyclopedia on Cryptography and Information Security.''<br />
*2006-09-29: [[]] — Polish-language dictionary, grammar guide and phrase book
23-Sep 2006: [[Yaransiklopedi]] - ''Turkish Wikipedia parody'' <br />
*2006-09-24: [[CryptoDox]] encyclopedia on cryptography and information security
23-Sep 2006: [[WikiDream]] - ''Wiki on general knowledge with exceptions of extra content'' <br/>
*2006-09-23: [[Yansiklopedi]] — Turkish-language Wikipedia parody
10-Sep-2006: [[Sightseeing Wiki]] - A travel portal dedicated to sightseeing and related activities around the globe.'' <br />
*2006-09-23: [[WikiDream]] general knowledge with exceptions of extra content
30-Aug-2006: [[wiki-markets]] - ''One nerd's attempt to create a free, user-supported database of financial information on stocks, futures, options, fixed income and currencies.'' <br />
*2006-09-10: [[Sightseeing Wiki]] travel portal dedicated to sightseeing and related activities around the globe
30-Aug-2006: [[Appropedia]] - ''a living library of appropriate technology, also covering sustainability and broader international development issues.'' <br />
*2006-08-30: [[wiki-markets]] — one nerd's attempt to create a free, user-supported database of financial information on stocks, futures, options, fixed income and currencies
29-Aug-2006: [[WikiCreole]] - ''Creating a common wiki markup (not replacing existing markup).'' <br />
*2006-08-30: [[Appropedia]] living library of appropriate technology, also covering sustainability and broader international development issues
27-Aug-2006: [[Open Guide to Milton Keynes]] - ''community guide to Milton Keynes written for folk living and working in the town'' <br />
*2006-08-29: [[WikiCreole]] — creating a common wiki markup (not replacing existing markup)
27-Aug-2006: [[中国0公里]] - ''Backpackers' Information Center in Western China.'' <br />
*2006-08-27: [[Open Guide to Milton Keynes]] community guide to Milton Keynes written for folk living and working in the town
23-Aug-2006: [[Hitchhiking Wiki]] - ''A wiki about hitchhiking'' <br />
*2006-08-27: [[China 0km]] — backpackers' information centre in western China
23-Aug-2006: [[CouchSurfing Wiki]] - ''A wiki for CouchSurfing'' <br />
*2006-08-23: [[Hitchhiking Wiki]] about hitchhiking
23-Aug-2006: [[Hospitality Exchange Wiki]] - ''A wiki about hospitality exchange'' <br />
*2006-08-23: [[CouchSurfing Wiki]] for couch surfing
22-Aug-2006: [[AIBO Lexikon]] - ''A collection of information on the Robo Dog AIBO (in German language)'' <br />
*2006-08-23: [[Hospitality Exchange Wiki]] — hospitality exchange
21-Aug-2006: [[OntologWiki]] - ''An open, international, virtual community of practice devoted to ontological engineering and semantic technologies'' <br />
*2006-08-22: [[AIBO Lexikon]] — German-language collection of information on the Robo Dog AIBO
20-Aug-2006: [[FreedomWiki]] - ''An experiment in social interaction <br />
*2006-08-21: [[OntologWiki]] open, international, virtual community of practice devoted to ontological engineering and semantic technologies
17-Ago-2006: Carlos from Brazil - Congratulations for this '''great job'''! <br />
*2006-08-20: [[FreedomWiki]] experiment in social interaction
11-Aug-2006: [[Scouting_wikis]] added these. Scouting wikis. for more info.  Eemail:[email protected]<br>
*2006-08-11: [[Scouting wikis]] — Scouting wikis
3-Aug-2006: [[KneeQuickie]] - ''A conlanging community'' <br />
*2006-08-03: [[KneeQuickie]] — con-langing community
25-Jul-2006: [[ERPWiki]] - ''An encyclopedia of roleplaying materials used in the Elite Roleplaying group'' <br />
*2006-07-25: [[ERPWiki]] — encyclopedia of role-playing materials used in the Elite Roleplaying group
25-Jul-2006: [[Ottawa Wiki]] - ''Guide to the city of Ottawa in Ontario, Canada'' <br />
*2006-07-25: [[Ottawa Wiki]] — guide to the city of Ottawa in Ontario, Canada
22-Jul-2006: [[WikiCPA]] - ''Collective knowledge and understanding on issues relating to the practice of a Certified Public Accountant'' <br />
*2006-07-22: [[WikiCPA]] — collective knowledge and understanding on issues relating to the practice of a Certified Public Accountant
19-Jul-2006: [[Wikipitaka]] - ''An English translation of the Tipitaka, the Buddhist sacred scripture'' <br />
*2006-07-19: [[Wikipitaka - The Completing Tipitaka]] — an English translation of the Tipitaka, the Buddhist sacred scripture
18-Jul-2006: [[WikIran]] - ''Covering all areas of Iranian history, civilization, and peoples'' <br />
*2006-06-21: [[TaxAlmanac]] the goal of the site is to transform tax research and to improve the effectiveness of tax professionals everywhere
18-Jul-2006: [[Gudfinna]] - ''Genealogy of Ágústína Jónsdóttir'' <br />
*2006-06-21: [[MyCraic]] — the USA Irish pub directory
18-Jul-2006: [[Kerkrade]] - ''A city in Holland'' <br />
*2006-06-20: Julie @ [[ChickShare]] — a medium for women to share advice, tips, learning and fun with other women
18-Jul-2006: [[Small Business Secret Weapons]] - ''dedicated to useful tips on starting, running, and succeeding as a small business or entrepreneur'' <br />
*2006-06-20: [[Diablotins]] — French-language wiki about the operating system FreeBSD
17-Jul-2006: [[Kingdom Hearts Wiki]] - ''For the critically-acclaimed Kingdom Hearts series'' <br />
*2006-06-18: [[Stadtwiki Karlsruhe]] and [[Rhein-Neckar-Wiki]] — German-language city wikis in Germany
16-Jul-2006: [[Wiki.sah]] - ''A science based wiki'' <br />
*2006-06-18: [[Ardapedia]] — open Tolkien encyclopedia for the spectacular world of Middle-earth
16-Jul-2006: [[WikiDesktop]] - ''A Desktop Engineer Guide for desktop engineers, technicans, admistrators and deployment engineers.'' <br />
*2006-06-18: [[The Star Wars Podcasting Guide]] — podcasting about Star Wars
12-Jul-2006: [[KirkKitchen]] @ [[YpsilantiEyeball]] - ''Based in Ypsilanti, Michigan'' <br />
*2006-06-17: [[LyricWiki]] — second largest wiki on the internet
11-Jul-2006: [[CityMap]] - ''It's a wiki, it's a map''<br />
*2006-06-16: [[TheTransitioner]] — thinking about the economy and collective intelligence in order to build a fair world
11-Jul-2006: [[Chainki]] - ''An open content wiki of web links based on The Open Directory project''<br />
*2006-06-14: [[Absurdopedia]], [[Psyklopedia]], & [[Simplified Chinese Uncyclopedia (Wikia)|Pseudo-encyclopedia]] — Russian, Swedish, & Simplified Chinese Wikipedia parodies
10-Jul-2006: [[Roller-Wiki]] - ''All about motor scooters (tuning, repairing, etc.)''<br />
*2006-06-14: [[AIDS Wiki]] — a place for AIDS dissidents to assist and foster activism
10-Jul-2006: [[DAoCpedia]] - ''A large german Wiki about the game "Dark Age of Camelot"''<br />
*2006-06-13: [[JurisPedia]], [[Queer101Wiki]], [[TripAdvisor]]
09-Jul-2006: [[MidnightWiki]] - ''A sort of crazy and opinionated Wikipedia slash blog slash community bulletin board, to that end, it has become indiscriminant intellectualism.''<br />
*2006-06-12: [[WikiPasy]], [[Wikimonster]]
09-Jul-2006: [[High School Alumni]] - ''For high school grads to keep up with one another and to help effectively plan class reunions.'' <br />
*2006-06-11: [[WikiAV]], [[LostPedia]]
09-Jul-2006: [[Where2Go]] - ''Pubs, resturants, bars and parties in Israel.''<br />
*2006-06-10: Eric @ [[Upcycling]], [[Ancientworld Wiki]]
07-Jul-2006: [[NeoNoodles]] - ''Parenting information wiki ''<br>
*2006-06-09: [[WikiRaider]], [[Sheep]]
05-Jul-2006: [[WikiBeer]] - ''To whomever added this wiki, excellent use of the category tag [[:Category:NeedsLove]] for a wiki that is just starting to grow!''<br>
*2006-06-08: [[Michael Daly]] @ [[KayakWiki]], Mike Hammond @ [[OoBdoo]]
05-Jul-2006: [[GISWiki]] - ''Ist ein von ehrenamtlichen Autoren verfasstes, freies Internetprojekt.''<br>
*2006-06-07: [[FreewarWiki]]
04-Jul-2006: [[Elliot Goodrich]] @ [[PSConclave Wiki]] - ''Dedicated to the art of pen spinning.''<br />
*2006-06-01: [[Gmail wiki]], Eugene Pik @ [[Million Artists (Translations)]], [[Sonic the Hedgehog Information Treasury]]
04-Jul-2006: [[Wikipaddle]] - ''Creating a world-wide paddling guide.''<br>
*2006-05-31: [[FEWiki]], [[WikiLaw (]], [[ArdKorPedia]], [[Gay Halifax]], [[Biological Cybernetics Wiki]], [[PCSpieleTest]], [[FreShTest]], [[ActivityScout]]
03-Jul-2006: [[GewerkschaftsWiki]] - ''About trade unions in Germany.''<br>
*2006-05-30: Mika Lindqvist @ [[KpopWIKI]], [[ArmchairGM]], [[ZetaDoc]], [[WikiFAQs]]
30-Jun-2006: [[LyricWiki]] - ''Over 200,000 songs, no banners or pop-ups.  Second largest wiki next to wikipedia.''<br>
29-Jun-2006: [[Somme spinoziste]] - ''Un projet sur le philosophe Spinoza.''<br>
[[Category:WikiIndex| ]]
29-Jun-2006: [[PhiloWiki]] - ''Un projet d'encyclopédie des philosophes et de la philosophie.''<br>
29-Jun-2006: [[Wikilivres]] - ''Une bibliothèque.''<br>
29-Jun-2006: [[CosmeticsWiki]] - ''A wiki with information about over 35000 skin care, hair, and make-up products.''<br>
28-Jun-2006: [[Code: WIKI]], [[The Realm of Lyoko]] - ''Both wiki are about Code: LYOKO, a popular television series.''<br>
28-Jun-2006: [[Muppet Wiki]] - ''Everything related to Jim Henson and the Muppets.''<br>
28-Jun-2006: [[The 4400 Wiki]] - ''Dedicated to USA's sci-fi series "The 4400".''<br />
27-Jun-2006: [[DemotechResearch]] - ''The principle that technology can win a democratic paradise on Earth.''<br />
26-Jun-2006: [[WikiVinaya]] - ''Concerning the Vinaya of the (Theravadin) Buddhist Monastic Order.''<br />
21-Jun-2006: [[TaxAlmanac]] - ''The goal of the site is to transform tax research and to improve the effectiveness of tax professionals everywhere.''<br />
21-Jun-2006: [[MyCraic]] - ''the USA Irish Pub Directory.''<br />
20-Jun-2006: Julie @ [[ChickShare]] - ''a medium for women to share advice, tips, learning and fun with other women.''<br />
20-Jun-2006: [[Diablotins]]  - ''French wiki about the operating system FreeBSD.'' <br />
18-Jun-2006: [[Stadtwiki Karlsruhe]] and [[Rhein-Neckar-Wiki]] - ''city wikis in Germany.''<br />
18-Jun-2006: [[Ardapedia]] - ''open Tolkien encyclopedia for the spectacular world of Middle-earth.''<br />
18-Jun-2006: [[TSWPG]] - ''The Star Wars Podcasting Guide''<br />
17-Jun-2006: [[LyricWiki]] - ''the second largest wiki on the internet.''<br />
16-Jun-2006: [[TheTransitioner]] - ''thinking about the economy and CollectiveIntelligence in order to build a fair world.''<br />
14-Jun-2006: [[Абсурдопедию]], [[Psyklopedia]] & [[伪基百科]], ''Russian, Swedish & Chinese Wikipedia parodies''<br />
14-Jun-2006: [[AIDS Wiki]], ''a place for AIDS dissidents to assist and foster activism.''<br />
13-Jun-2006: [[JurisPedia]], [[Queer101Wiki]], [[TripAdvisor]]<br />
12-Jun-2006: [[WikiPasy]], [[Wikimonster]]<br />
11-Jun-2006: [[WikiAV]], [[LostPedia]]<br />
10-Jun-2006: Eric @ [[Upcycling]], [[Ancientworld Wiki]]<br />
09-Jun-2006: [[WikiRaider]], [[Sheep]]<br />
08-Jun-2006: [[Michael Daly]] @ [[KayakWiki]], Mike Hammond @ [[OoBdoo]]<br />
07-Jun-2006: [[FreewarWiki]]<br />
01-Jun-2006: [[Gmail wiki]], Eugene Pik @ [[Million Artists (Translations)]], [[Sonic the Hedgehog Information Treasury]]<br />
31-May-2006: [[FEWiki]], [[]], [[ArdKorPedia]], [[Gay Halifax]], [[Biological Cybernetics Wiki]], [[PCSpieleTest]], [[FreShTest]], [[ActivityScout]]<br />
30-May-2006: [[MikaLindqvist]] @ [[Kpopwiki]], [[ArmchairGM]], [[ZetaDoc]], [[WikiFAQs]]<br />
17-Jun-2005: [[Ami6Wiki]] - ''The DokuWiki about the Citroen Ami6.''<br />

Revision as of 19:14, 26 May 2024


  • 2023-11-18: Kardashev Scale Wiki – about the Kardashev scale and an exhaustive list of sapient human and alien civilizations with an attempt to classify their origins, existence, technologies, computing level, energy usage, longevity, travel, possibility of extinction
  • 2023-11-11: Gaming Wiki Network Wiki – meta wiki for the Gaming Wiki Network
  • 2023-11-11: Hollow Knight Wiki – about Hollow Knight games by Team Cherry
  • 2023-11-10: Star Trek Online Wiki ( – about massively multiplayer online role-playing game Star Trek Online
  • 2023-11-10: Mamiya Wiki – about the visual novel MAMIYA, A Shared Illusion of the World's End
  • 2023-08-14: SCEE Cambridge Wiki – about the defunct Sony Cambridge Studio and their games
  • 2023-07-29: Berghapedia – Dutch-language free encyclopaedia about the former municipality of Bergh in the Netherlands
  • 2023-07-22: Pandora's Tale Wiki – about the webcomic Pandora's Tale
  • 2023-07-19: Create Your Own Story – a big wiki about Creating Your Own Adventures
  • 2023-07-19: Wikizilla – wiki encyclopedia of Godzilla, Gamera, King Kong, and other monsters
  • 2023-07-13: Stephen King Wiki – site all about Stephen King
  • 2023-07-04: Director – wiki site about the rich history of Adobe Director
  • 2023-07-04: Backrooms Wiki – site about a strange reality called 'the Backrooms'
  • 2023-07-04: James Bond Wiki (En.Wikia) – all about the world's most famous spy, James Bond, a.k.a. 007
  • 2023-05-21: Bluepages – global historical directory of everyday places
  • 2023-05-21: Scientia Practica – new wiki site about a diverse range of knowledge and insights
  • 2023-04-12: Core Platform Team – Semantic MediaWiki powered site for logging bug-fixes by MediaWiki developers
  • 2023-04-01: Calendar Wiki – wiki site about calendars
  • 2023-04-01: WappenWiki – wiki site about coats of arms
  • 2023-04-01: Ewiger Held Wiki – Michael Moorcock and his books about the Eternal Hero (German)
  • 2023-04-01: Plan 9 Wiki – about the operating system
  • 2023-03-25: Thermal-FluidsPedia – thermal fluids science and engineering
  • 2023-03-25: AlchemistryWiki – energy calculations in chemistry
  • 2023-03-18: Pornopedia (eo) – Esperanto-language version of Pornopedia
  • 2023-03-18: Pornopedia (bn) – Bengali-language version of Pornopedia
  • 2023-03-14: Earthdata Wiki – semi-private site from NASA about Earth data
  • 2023-02-01: Stunts Wiki – about the racing game Stunts
  • 2023-01-15: Miraheze Commons – media files repository for the Miraheze wiki farm
  • 2023-01-15: Miraheze Meta – meta wiki site for the Miraheze wiki farm
  • 2023-01-15: Liberapedia (Miraheze) – fork of the original Liberapedia


  • 2022-12-25: Independent Fallout Wiki – dedicated to the Fallout game franchise
  • 2022-12-16: Dwarf Fortress Wiki (en) – about the computer game Dwarf Fortress
  • 2022-12-06: VDR Wiki ( – German-language site for all aspects of a Video Disk Recorder
  • 2022-12-02: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Wiki – independent wiki about the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books
  • 2022-11-29: Niesiklopedia – Afrikaans-language version of Uncyclopedia
  • 2022-11-27: WHATWG Wiki – a site used for making proposals for web standards
  • 2022-11-23: Shadowiki – German-language wiki about the Shadowrun RPG, forked from Shadowhelix
  • 2022-11-23: Shadowrun Wiki – wiki about the Shadowrun RPG
  • 2022-11-22: Karl-May-Wiki – German-language site about Karl Friedrich May, a prolific and successful 19th century author of fictitious travels and adventures
  • 2022-11-22: Whiki Meta Wiki – official meta wiki site for new British wiki farm for wikis relating to multimedia
  • 2022-11-21: WikiSkripta – Czech-language space for cooperative creation and storage of medical educational materials
  • 2022-11-19: The True Tropes Wiki – yet another TV Tropes mirror
  • 2022-11-16: Higher Dimensional Geometry Wiki – about geometry in higher dimensions than the usual three ones
  • 2022-11-14: SABRE Wiki – all about roads in the United Kingdom and Ireland, from the Society for All British and Irish Road Enthusiasts
  • 2022-11-09: Aukrug Geschichte Wiki – German site about the history of the town of Aukrug in Germany
  • 2022-11-01: 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die Wiki – about the films in the book 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die
  • 2022-11-01: Lone Wolf Wiki – about the Lone Wolf gamebooks
  • 2022-11-01: Tron Wiki (en) – about the 1980s' film Tron
  • 2022-11-01: Tommy Westphall Universe – about the Tommy Westphall Hypothesis that an autistic boy on St. Elsewhere dreamed this series and every other series that has crossed over with it
  • 2022-11-01: Inception Wiki – about Christopher Nolan's movie Inception
  • 2022-11-01: James Cameron's Avatar Wiki – about the Avatar films
  • 2022-11-01: Sandman Wiki – about The Sandman by Neil Gaiman
  • 2022-11-01: VexiWiki – a wiki about flags
  • 2022-11-01: Vexillology Wiki – about vexillology, the science of flags
  • 2022-10-31: SpongeBob Wiki – independent wiki about SpongeBob SquarePants
  • 2022-10-31: Arthur Wiki – independent wiki about the Arthur TV show
  • 2022-10-31: Triforce Wiki – independent wiki about The Legend of Zelda video game series
  • 2022-10-31: SaGa Wiki – independent wiki about the SaGa series of games by Square Enix
  • 2022-10-31: Wiki of Mana – independent wiki about the Mana series of games by Square Enix
  • 2022-10-29: The Road of Time Wiki – for real and fictitious scenarios for the future, the past, and the present
  • 2022-10-29: Segment Displays Wiki – about 7-segment displays
  • 2022-10-29: LackaWiki – about the webcomic Lackadaisy with anthropomorphic cats
  • 2022-10-29: The Official GPF Wiki – about the webcomic General Protection Fault
  • 2022-10-29: Girl Genius – about the webcomic Girl Genius
  • 2022-10-29: Order of the Stick Wiki – about the webcomic The Order of the Stick
  • 2022-10-19: Military Wiki (Military-History.Wikia)‎ – world's largest, free, interactive online military encyclopedia
  • 2022-10-19: World War II Wiki – central hub for all World War II enthusiasts and historians and viewers
  • 2022-10-15: SofaWiki – a file-based CMS wiki engine, based on MediaWiki syntax, supporting Semantic fields
  • 2022-10-08: DiscWiki – German-language fan wiki for Terry Pratchett and his Discworld series
  • 2022-10-04: MediEvil Wiki – an independent wiki community covering the MediEvil video game series
  • 2022-10-02: Bildungsverein Region Karlsruhe – German-language wiki for the 'educational association in the Karlsruhe region'
  • 2022-08-29: Quickipedia – about the Harry Potter fan fiction Alexandra Quick
  • 2022-08-29: Sanctuary Shard – a private Ultima Online role-play community
  • 2022-08-21: ButtUgly – a personal wiki site from Janne Jalkanen, powered by JSPWiki
  • 2022-08-11: WikiPathways – a database of biological pathways maintained by and for the scientific community
  • 2022-08-10: Wikibase Personal data – a space and an integrative toolbox for individuals and collectivities addressing surveillance capitalism and wanting to take control of their personal data
  • 2022-07-31: FactGrid – a Wikibase (and Wikidata) instance initiated by the Gotha Research Centre in cooperation with Wikimedia Deutschland e.V., and hosted at the University of Erfurt in Germany
  • 2022-07-29: wiki – a site for Humax personal video recorders
  • 2022-07-13: Wiki de Historia Alternativa – a Spanish wiki for Alternate history
  • 2022-07-09: VDJPedia – a wiki for the VirtualDJ programme, aka the VirtualDJ Knowledge Database
  • 2022-06-28: permacomputing – a new site about permacomputing, powered by ikiwiki
  • 2022-06-03: Thank You – an official Wikimedia Foundation wiki on the domain, used for thanking donors
  • 2022-05-16: Astrologia Wiki – a Polish Wikia on astrology
  • 2022-05-02: OpenZIM – website of the openZIM project
  • 2022-03-26: Bisq Wiki – for Bisq, a decentralized bitcoin exchange network
  • 2022-03-10: Chess Programming Wiki – all about creating chess programmes on computers


  • 2021-12-29: Historical Hastings – history of Hastings in Sussex, England, UK
  • 2021-10-30: Indicators of Compromise – a DokuWiki site for cybersecurity professionals
  • 2021-10-20: Encyclopaedia Daemonica – a parody of Encyclopedia Dramatica, and now part of the Uncyclomedia Foundation
  • 2021-10-01: Institut AIFB – a 'by invitation' wiki from the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
  • 2021-08-18: Wikimedia Beta Cluster – a small wiki farm of test wiki running the latest alpha version of MediaWiki for MediaWiki developers
  • 2021-08-17: Star Kirby Wiki (zh) – a Chinese language site for Kirby
  • 2021-07-26: WSU Technology Knowledge Base – a 'by invitation' wiki from the Teaching, Learning, and Technology Services (TLT) at Winona State University (WSU), Minnesota, USA
  • 2021-06-29: WikiAlpha – a collection of articles which are identical copies of articles listed for deletion on Wikipedia
  • 2021-06-28: A Lisp in Wonderland – a wiki software (wiki engine) written in Common Lisp, to ease the collaboration on editable web pages
  • 2021-06-24: Clash of Clans France – a French wiki for the Clash of Clans video game
  • 2021-06-20: – a collaborative, community project to gather information useful for vegans and interested parties
  • 2021-04-06: Verified Handles – is a non-profit database for social handles (or username) aimed at combating impersonation on social media sites
  • 2021-04-04: HandWiki – encyclopedia for professional researchers in various branches of science, technology, and computing
  • 2021-02-14: Encycla – Git-based wiki style encyclopedia and knowledge sharing website
  • 2021-01-03: WikiPedalia – a site about bicycle technology in German based on the technical knowlege of Sheldon Brown


  • 2020-10-09: Falkland Historic Buildings – historic and listed buidilngs in Falkland, Fife, Scotland
  • 2020‎-06-29: ZUM Deutsch Lernen – an open learning platform for German as a foreign language and German as a second language
  • 2020‎-06-17: WikiAjuda – from Brazil, WikiAjuda aims to be a portal where Portuguese-speaking users can help people find everything they need


  • 2019-04-27: Wikidocumentaries – for writing history for every historian: amateur historians, scholars and all citizens interested in history
  • 2019-02-19: WikEMThe Global Emergency Medicine Wiki, is the world's largest emergency medicine open-access reference resource
  • 2019-01-11: WiGLE Wiki – a site in support of the Wireless Geographic Logging Engine (WiGLE) suite of software packages and apps for all WiFi infrastructure


  • 2018-12-31: Ikhwanwiki – Arabic encyclopedic wiki by the banned Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood
  • 2018-12-28: Geopoeia – Creative Counterfactuality multilingual wiki; ‘Creative counterfactuality’ is the creation (or ‘construction’) of fictional (imaginary, counterfactual) variants of parts or aspects of the world as we know it, and includes geofiction, constructed worlds and languages, and alternate/counterfactual history
  • 2018-12-05: FreeWiki – German wiki for 'disputed' topics that get censored on Wikipedia, especially alternative medicine
  • 2018-11-22: Fanonpedia – a fanon wiki for everything
  • 2018-10-01: Rebornpedia – a Spanish fan-game wiki
  • 2018-09-21: Protopedia – a 3D-encyclopedia of proteins and other molecules
  • 2018-09-21: Coastal Wiki – a wiki for and by coastal professionals
  • 2018-08-29: Radio Wiki – a list of New Zealand radio frequencies and call signs for radio scanning
  • 2018-08-29: RL3 – a wiki dedicated to the RL3 language
  • 2018-08-12: BingoLottoWiki – a Swedish wiki dedicated to the long running TV show BingoLotto
  • 2018-07-26: Religions Wiki – a counter-apologetics wiki that is meant to provide a thorough resource for responding to theistic arguments
  • 2018-07-23: Lolcow Wiki – a facts-oriented encyclopedia of eccentricity
  • 2018-07-13: Svensk MJ-Wiki – a Swedish railway modelling wiki
  • 2018-07-03: F-Zero Wiki (German) – a German F-Zero wiki
  • 2018-06-30: Wiki Dragon Quest‎ – a French Dragon Quest wiki
  • 2018-06-13: Pokémon-wikin – a wiki for the Swedish dub of the Pokémon anime
  • 2018-06-10: Wikivoyage Association – home to the meta wiki for the Wikivoyage project
  • 2018-06-06: Adelsvapen-Wiki – a Swedish wiki for coats of arms
  • 2018-05-31: Лунная Библиотека – a Russian wiki for My Little Pony run on DokuWiki
  • 2018-05-31: Pokémon 3D Wiki – a wiki for the fan-made Pokémon game Pokémon 3D
  • 2018-05-30: SAFE Network Wiki – a secure data storage and communication platform, owned by users and controlled by no one
  • 2018-05-27: Rightpedia – an encyclopedia from the alternative media
  • 2018-05-19: PlaneMapper Wiki – a reference for aviation
  • 2018-05-13: PokéPlaza Wiki – a never started Swedish Pokémon wiki
  • 2018-05-13: Drive Wiki – a wiki dedicated to collecting information regarding the science-fiction webcomic DRIVE, by Dave Kellett
  • 2018-04-17: Fextralife Wikis – a wiki farm for video game wikis
  • 2018-04-12: SotAwiki – a wiki dedicated to the Shroud of the Avatar game
  • 2018-04-05: Kaijumatic – a wiki dedicated to giant monsters throughout movie history
  • 2018-03-30: Harry Potter Wizards Unite Wiki – a wiki for the Harry Potter Wizards unite mobile game
  • 2018-03-30: Pokemon GO Wiki – a wiki for the popular mobile game Pokémon GO
  • 2018-03-30: Pokémon World Online Wiki – a wiki for the fan-made game Pokémon World Online
  • 2018-03-30: TPPC Wiki – a wiki ofr the fan-made Pokémon game TPPC
  • 2018-03-29: Magikarp Jump Wiki – a wiki for the Pokémon game Magikarp Jump
  • 2018-03-24: Yugipedia – a wiki dedicatecd to the Yu-Gi-Oh series
  • 2018-03-21: Biblioteka Ossus – a Polish Star Wars wiki
  • 2018-03-16: Pikmin Neowiki – a Pikmin wiki hosted on neoseeker
  • 2018-03-16: Pokémon NeoWiki – a Pokémon wiki hosted on neoseeker
  • 2018-03-13: Valve Wiki Network – a network of Valve related wikis
  • 2018-03-12: Dubbingpedia – a Polish wiki about Polish dubbing
  • 2018-03-12: Klingon Language Wiki – a wiki about the Klingon language
  • 2018-03-11: Project X Wiki – a wiki about 'project X', a modification of Worms Armageddon
  • 2018-03-11: Worms W.M.D Wiki – the official Worms W.M.D wiki
  • 2018-03-11: Pixelmon Wiki – a wiki for the Minecraft mod Pixelmon
  • 2018-03-11: Pokémon Vortex Wiki – a wiki for the fan-made Pokémon game Pokémon Vortex
  • 2018-03-10: CEMU wiki – a wiki about the CEMU emulator
  • 2018-03-10: Dolphin Emulator Wiki – a wiki about the Dolphin emulator
  • 2018-03-07: The Official Pokemon Insurgence Wiki‎ – the wiki for the fan-made Pokémon game Pokémon Insurgence
  • 2018-02-28: Splatoon 2 Wiki – a wiki about Splatoon 2
  • 2018-02-28: Bulbanews – Bulbagardens' news outlet
  • 2018-02-28: PidgiWiki – an image depository
  • 2018-02-27: Pokémon Wiki (Vietnamese) – a Vietnamese Pokémon wiki
  • 2018-02-27: PokeMMO Wiki – a wiki about the fan made game PokeMMO
  • 2018-02-27: 포켓몬고 위키 – a Korean Pokémon GO wiki
  • 2018-02-25: Fjantopedin – a wiki about the YouTube humor group Monte Fjanton
  • 2018-02-25: Azurilland Wiki – a Pokémon wiki hosted by
  • 2018-02-25: Azurilland Wiki (pt-br) – an Brazilian Portuguese Pokémon wiki hosted on
  • 2018-02-25: Hellenic Pokémon Wiki – was a Hellenic Pokémon wiki
  • 2018-02-22: Animal Crossing Wiki – the German Animal Crossing wiki




  • 2015-12-05: Ромянă Чирилице Wики — free open-edit encyclopedia in Cyrillic Romanian
  • 2015-11-27: OperaWiki‎ — German-language site about Opera Browser
  • 2015-11-03: Inkipedia — the free, editable Splatoon wiki
  • 2015-10-22: Simplepedia‎ — German-language wiki on 'controversial' subjects
  • 2015-09-31: RootzWiki‎ — how to root your smartphone
  • 2015-09-28: VroniPlag Wiki‎ — detecting plagiarism in masters thesis
  • 2015-09-20: Prepaid-Wiki — prepaid mobile phone services in Germany in German language
  • 2015-09-12: — German-language electronics wiki
  • 2015-07-17: — encyclopedia's mythologies in Spanish language
  • 2015-07-16: — dance techniques
  • 2015-07-16: — volunteer peer reviewed MediaWiki-based academic journal
  • 2015-07-08: Ada Developers Academy Wiki — the Ada Developers Academy addresses diversity in Seattle's tech community
  • 2015-07-08:‎ — Hong Kong Politics DB (politicians and political parties in Hong Kong)
  • 2015-07-07: Hillary Clinton Wiki — about Hillary Clinton
  • 2015-07-07: — Kuchařka (English: cookbook) is for students (or Matfyzáks) at MMF UK, the Prague institution also known as Matfyz
  • 2015-07-07: — dedicated to the Grand Theft Auto franchise
  • 2015-07-04: — encyclopedia's mythologies in Spanish language (see
  • 2015-06-24: The Library Wiki — a site seeking to collect, store, and archive fan-fiction for reading purposes
  • 2015-06-16: — Pasaulinė Mokslo Enciklopedija (PME) means 'World Encyclopedia of Science' in Lithuanian
  • 2015-06-16: — Spanish-language wiki about the Instituto Profesional Chileno Británico de Cultura
  • 2015-06-16: — used by a community of teachers who work on a project called English as a Foreign Language Resources and Materials; EFL is an acronym for English as a Foreign Language
  • 2015-06-16: — dedicated to the Polish Minecraft server Craftown
  • 2015-06-16: — Russian-language wiki for faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics at Moscow State University
  • 2015-06-16: — dedicated to environmental art
  • 2015-06-16: Wikifen.Wiki — Spanish-language wiki about the Universidad de Chile
  • 2015-06-16: — about Zabbix, an enterprise open source monitoring solution for networks and applications
  • 2015-06-16: — dedicated to Otherfaith, a modern polytheist religion created in 2010
  • 2015-06-11: — dedicated to game shows
  • 2015-06-01: — dedicated to the television series Bella and the Bulldogs
  • 2015-06-01: — Portuguese-language wiki about Unai, a city in Minas Gerais, Brazil
  • 2015-05-26: — documentation by the project team of Enigmail, a free and open source OpenPGP plugin for Mozilla applications
  • 2015-05-26: — community theatre
  • 2015-05-05: — Washington, D.C.
  • 2015-03-12: Death With Dignity Wiki — about physician assisted dying and end of life options
  • 2015-03-10: — repository for all things OUYA, both hardware and software
  • 2015-03-07: Unbreakable Machine-Doll Wiki — an encyclopedia about the Unbreakable Machine-Doll light novel, manga, and anime
  • 2015-02-27: — homeschooling
  • 2015-02-27: — community project for collecting reviews of... everything!
  • 2015-02-24: — anarchism
  • 2015-02-17: — researched and conflict-free alternatives and recipes to common household products
  • 2015-02-10: — Cascadia Wikimedians User Group, an officially-recognized Wikimedia user group serving the Cascadia region of North America
  • 2015-02-10: — dedicated to game cheats
  • 2015-02-08: — dedicated to My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, the My Little Pony franchise, and its fandom
  • 2015-01-29: Messenger of God Wiki — dedicated to people who are considered messengers of God
  • 2015-01-29: — dedicated to extraterrestrial life
  • 2015-01-29: SheboyganWiki — dedicated to Sheboygan County, Wisconsin
  • 2015-01-23: Wiki.Wiki — a wiki farm for the new .wiki top level domain (gTLD)
  • 2015-01-23: YouTube Poop Wiki (de) — deutsches YouTube Poop-Wiki (German YouTube Poop wiki)
  • 2015-01-21: — family-friendly activities and resources in Cordova, Alaska
  • 2015-01-21: — teaches Chinese and Japanese through a fictional story set in Arcania City
  • 2015-01-21: — dedicated to the Kannada (India) film industry
  • 2015-01-16: Wiki — info about all aspects of gender outside the binary


  • 2014-12-21: Animal Boyfriend Wiki — about Animal Boyfriend game for Android
  • 2014-12-17: True Awakening — a wiki about an upcoming show
  • 2014-12-04: — dedicated to the body of all life
  • 2014-12-04: Cornelis Drebbel — history of science; 1572-1633 innovations, submarine, regulators
  • 2014-11-23: SJWiki — about social justice activism, theory, and praxis
  • 2014-11-20: KarnevalsWiki Brühl — German-language site about about carnival in Brühl, Germany
  • 2014-11-17: Dilbert Wiki — (web)comic strip Dilbert by Scott Adams
  • 2014-11-07: Webcomic Wiki — about webcomics
  • 2014-11-03: FoodStartup.Wiki — about food startup companies and resources
  • 2014-11-03: Supercars.Wiki — about supercars
  • 2014-10-22: RenewableEnergy.Wiki — about renewable energy
  • 2014-10-22: VerticalSpace.Wiki — about vertical spaces and cities
  • 2014-10-22: Idiom.Wiki — about idioms
  • 2014-10-21: MobiWiki‎ — wiki engine for UNIX, based on Wards Wiki with scientific formatting
  • 2014-10-19: Dailybsness — encyclopedia of the work and business
  • 2014-10-10: Bilgive Wiki — Turkish-language encyclopaedia, glossary and news
  • 2014-10-06: RiffTrax Wiki — about RiffTrax and iRiffs; RiffTrax is an audio comedy project by MST3K comedians
  • 2014-09-28: Vimwiki — wiki engine
  • 2014-09-15: Marriage Equality Wiki (Wikia) — about history of marriage equality in the USA
  • 2014-09-08: Discordian Wiki — Wikia about discordianism
  • 2014-08-25: SPD Geschichtswerkstatt — German-language site about the history of SPD Schleswig-Holstein
  • 2014-08-25: Beschlussdatenbank der SPD Schleswig-Holstein — German-language site about database of resolutions
  • 2014-08-25: SPD Baden-Württemberg — German-language site about database of resolutions
  • 2014-08-25: — German-language site about tabletop- and boardgames
  • 2014-08-17: Freimaurer-Wiki — about Freemasons
  • 2014-08-14: YaSM Wiki — recommended best practices for providing services
  • 2014-08-05: NIER Wiki — about the NIER video games
  • 2014-08-05: Gallowmere Historia (en) — Wikia about the MediEvil video game series
  • 2014-08-04: Scienticity wiki — science literacy wiki
  • 2014-07-02: 3D Printing Wiki — about 3D printing and printers
  • 2014-06-18: Coin.Wiki — about crypto-currencies
  • 2014-06-18: Startup.Wiki — about startups and resources
  • 2014-06-17: Ostrobe Country Wiki — about a fictional country called Ostrobe
  • 2014-06-02: Busty Resources — wiki detailing everything about bras and breasts
  • 2014-06-01: Wikistad — Dutch-language wiki about a fictional country called Libertas
  • 2014-05-23: Weed.Wiki — all about cannabis
  • 2014-05-11: Electrical Installation Wiki — for professional electrical engineers
  • 2014-05-10: Arrowverse Wiki — about the television series, Arrow
  • 2014-04-06: Pindula wiki — about all things Zimbabwe
  • 2014-03-18: Pirate Party of Canada — bilingual political party wiki
  • 2014-03-08: De Tuin Wiki — Dutch-language site about gardening in the Netherlands
  • 2014-03-08: MovieMeterWiki — Dutch-language site about films in the Netherlands
  • 2014-03-08: LeerWiki — Dutch-language site about educational topics in the Netherlands
  • 2014-03-08: FOK!wiki — Dutch-language site of the news and lifestyle site FOK!
  • 2014-02-27: wikiBest — listing the 'best of' in a variety of topics
  • 2014-02-26: Wiki reken-wiskundeonderwijs — Dutch-language site about calculus and mathematics education in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-26: Museum van het Nederlandse Uurwerk Wiki — Dutch-language site about clockwork in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-26: Genwiki Nederland — Dutch-language site about genealogy
  • 2014-02-22: Bee and PuppyCat — wiki about the web series Bee and PuppyCat
  • 2014-02-22: Duurzame Energie Wiki — Dutch-language site about sustainable energy in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-22: Koipedia — Dutch-language wiki site about koi-fish in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-22: Radiopedia — Dutch-language wiki site about radio in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-22: Imkerpedia — Dutch-language wiki site about bees and beekeeping in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-22: DiabetesWiki — Dutch-language site about diabetes in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-22: Wiki Piratenpartij Nederland — Dutch site about the political party Piratenpartij in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-22: OV in Nederland — Dutch-language wiki site about public transport in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-22: Catawiki — Dutch-language site for collectors in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-21: Beeld en Geluid wiki — Dutch-language site about television, media, and audio-visual collections in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-21: SigarenWiki — Dutch-language site about cigars
  • 2014-02-21: ArchiefWiki — Dutch-language site about archives in the Netherlands and Belgium
  • 2014-02-20: Wegenwiki — Dutch-language site about roads and traffic
  • 2014-02-20: Reliwiki — Dutch-language site about religious buildings in the Netherlands
  • 2014-02-20: Ubuntu NL wiki — official Dutch-language site about Ubuntu
  • 2014-02-09: Crowdfunding Wiki — crowd-funding
  • 2014-01-25: The TaraElla Wiki — fan made wiki, all about the talented singer songwriter and writer Tara Ella


  • 2013-12-30: Gensoukyou: Eastern Story — a Touhou role-playing community
  • 2013-12-28: Apertium — free/open-source platform for developing rule-based machine translation systems
  • 2013-12-17: La Librairie de Thermographie — French thermographic wiki, also in English and Dutch
  • 2013-12-17: Unwelcome Guests — broadcasters who produce a fortnightly, public domain 2 hour talk radio show on a range of topics
  • 2013-12-15: Pinata — Viva Piñata wiki
  • 2013-11-22: Who's Who from the Arab World — encyclopaedia about prominent Arabs past and present
  • 2013-11-18: SuicideWiki — online repository of suicide reasons, methods and miscellany
  • 2013-11-14: ChildWiki — the children's liberation encyclopaedia
  • 2013-11-11: Nudist History Wiki — seeks to compile a complete source of nudist history in North America
  • 2013-10-25: PolyWiki — the global storehouse of information and ideas about polyamory
  • 2013-10-25: 77 Days Wiki — encyclopaedia of the 77 Days Mystery
  • 2013-09-01: iSC Pedia 3.0 — 'The True Wiki(a) Encyclopedia', available in a number of languages
  • 2013-08-06: LXDE Wiki — Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
  • 2013-08-03: WikiSuriya — Arabic wiki about the Syrian Civil War
  • 2013-07-14: Teacher Story Wiki — wiki for the game Teacher Story by Motion Twin
  • 2013-06-25: Gastro-Wiki — German wiki about kitchen technology for the catering industry
  • 2013-06-17: Wikipink — Italian language LGBT wiki
  • 2013-06-09: TranzWiki — directory of resources for transgender people in the United Kingdom
  • 2013-06-08: Gentils Virus — French wiki on thoughts of participatory democracy
  • 2013-05-25: The Neverhood Wiki — a wiki about The Neverhood
  • 2013-05-24: Whuspedia — a new wiki of humor
  • 2013-05-16: ROS Wiki — site for ROS 1 (Robotics Operating System), an open source OS and SDK for robotics devices
  • 2013-05-02: TheyServed Wiki (Wikia) — dedicated to all contributions made by the British Armed Forces during WW1 & WW2
  • 2013-04-06: Sobel Wiki — an encyclopaedia of Robert Sobel's alternate history For Want of a Nail: If Burgoyne Had Won at Saratoga
  • 2013-04-03: h2g2The Guide to Life, The Universe and Everything, a collaborative site from Douglas Adams, the author of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
  • 2013-04-01: 20% Cooler wiki — a My Little Pony (MLP) wiki
  • 2013-03-31: HârnWiki — a wiki for developing material for the role-play world of Hârn
  • 2013-03-24: Open Mesh — a wiki about building free and open mesh networks
  • 2013-03-24: Monster Frontier — a wiki about an iTunes Store application game, where you will find useful information on the game
  • 2013-03-06: Alvin and the Chipmunks Wiki — a wiki about the animated & CGI musical groups, The Chipmunks and The Chipettes
  • 2013-01-23: Research Groups Wiki — comparing Research Groups


  • 2012-12-28: WikiTunisie — information about Tunisia in French-language
  • 2012-12-10: CoDeSaH Wiki — la wiki de RuneScape en Español
  • 2012-12-05: Socialbar — a wiki about a social community which is dedicated to sharing information
  • 2012-11-24: Lengas Bastidas — a wiki about constructed languages, in Occitan-language
  • 2012-11-23: Oisquipèdia — a humourous wiki, in Occitan-language
  • 2012-11-21:‎ — about group games for youth groups, workshops, seminars, or wherever you play games
  • 2012-11-19: Test-Wiki — ein deutsches Wiki, wo man machen kann, was man will, auch Uploads von Bildern, Audios und Videos
  • 2012-11-06: ‎SDIY wiki — for learning and sharing knowledge about making your own electronic musical instruments and related equipment
  • 2012-10-29: LGBT History UK — history of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people, places, organisations, and events in the United Kingdom
  • 2012-10-29: Wikisage — general interest open free wiki encyclopaedia in Dutch and English
  • 2012-10-27: Torque OBD2 Wiki — automotive wiki on Android-powered OBD2 scan tools
  • 2012-10-10: Nostalgia Wikipedia — a frozen snapshot of the English Wikipedia from 20 December 2001
  • 2012-10-09: Open Web Application Security Project — a wiki for the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
  • 2012-10-08: WebPlatform Docs — aims to become a comprehensive and authoritative source for web developer documentation
  • 2012-10-06: The Business Model Project — a wiki about business models
  • 2012-09-30: UK Transport Wiki — a Wikia on public transport (buses and trains) of the United Kingdom
  • 2012-09-30: — an Arabic-language wiki about drafting the Constitution of Tunisia
  • 2012-09-29: Chemistry Wiki — an educational wiki to assist in GCSE / IGCSE studies
  • 2012-09-27: London's Burning Wiki — a Wikia about London's Burning
  • 2012-09-27: RLSH - Real Life Superheroes Wiki — about fictional Real Life Superheroes
  • 2012-09-09: Mt633 Wiki — personal wiki for Zach Harris' research in (primarily) math, theology, and computing
  • 2012-09-06: The Blackadder Wiki — a Wikia about the British television programme Blackadder
  • 2012-09-04: Freaks and Geeks — wiki about the television programme Freaks and Geeks
  • 2012-08-25: Quantum Conundrum Wiki — for Airtight Games' puzzle-platformer Quantum Conundrum
  • 2012-08-02: Touhou Patch Center — wiki whose goal is to translate the Touhou games into any language
  • 2012-08-02: Vnds Wiki — specialising in porting Visuals novels to the Nintendo DS
  • 2012-08-02: Vocaloid Software — a Vocaloid wiki that focuses on the technical aspects of the Vocaloid software
  • 2012-08-02: Depedia — a Spanish-language wiki about degrowth
  • 2012-07-25: Touhou Edge of Perspective‎ — a role-playing group that role-plays as Touhou characters
  • 2012-07-04: Nathania — Nathan Larson's personal bliki: biographies, interviews, essays, and more
  • 2012-07-03: DFRV - Regionalgruppe Berlin — the wiki for fundraisers in Berlin, Germany
  • 2012-06-26: Linux Gaming Wiki — a growing database of games that can be played on Linux, and instructions for running them
  • 2012-06-26: GameTree Linux Wiki — information about Cedega, which allows many MS Windows games to be played on Linux
  • 2012-06-26: Green Grass Ink — open wiki about the Inner-Mongolian singer Uudam, and his ideal ink greening the world
  • 2012-06-24: Islamic Finance Encyclopedia — free Arabic wiki encyclopaedia for Islamic finance
  • 2012-06-24: Isqat Al-Nizam — free Egyptian wiki encyclopaedia for the January 25 Revolution
  • 2012-06-20: WikiMaktabat — free Arabic-language encyclopaedia for library and information cataloging and archiving
  • 2012-06-20: UKAirsoftWikiAirsoft information site from the United Kingdom
  • 2012-06-10: Sturmkrieg — unofficial encyclopaedia for player created content related to Warhammer 40,000
  • 2012-06-07: Continuum Wiki — about the science fiction show Continuum
  • 2012-06-04: Class3Outbreak Wiki — information about Class3Outbreak zombie game
  • 2012-06-01: Semantic Stargate Wiki — English- and French-language semantic wikis about the Stargate franchise
  • 2012-05-29: WikiAuto — US-based automotive wiki for automobile, truck, and motorcycle repair
  • 2012-05-26: Pirates of the Caribbean Online Wiki — information resource for Pirates of the Caribbean Online
  • 2012-05-25: TV Maps Wiki — for maps from TV shows, films / movies, games, and more
  • 2012-05-19: Fun-Wiki — Ein deutsches Wiki, das lustige Sachen wie z. B Witze enthalten soll
  • 2012-05-13: Baustellenwiki — Ein deutsches Wiki bestehend aus Spielwiesen im Benutzernamensraum, einer Spielwiese und Ähnliches
  • 2012-05-13: Wikibaustelle — Ein deutsches Wiki bestehend aus Spielwiesen und Artikeln, die angelegt werden für die Wikipedia, wo jeder auch seinen Kram ablegen kann
  • 2012-05-08: (es) — Spanish version of the wiki, the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
  • 2012-05-08: (ca) — Catalan version of the wiki, the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
  • 2012-05-08: (en) — English version of the wiki, the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
  • 2012-05-08: Media-pool — media & template repository wiki of, the free, open and neutral telecommunications network
  • 2012-05-08: The Global Square — wiki about the social movements that occupy public spaces like squares all over the world, e.g. Occupy, 15M, Takethesquare
  • 2012-05-08: — a Spanish-language wiki about the collective
  • 2012-05-08: We Rebuild - Telecomix — a wiki about the Telecomix cluster of net activists
  • 2012-04-12: Firefox-Wiki — a German-language wiki about the free web browser Firefox
  • 2012-04-11: Forscherliga-Wiki — a German-language wiki about the World of Warcraft realm 'Forscherliga'
  • 2012-04-05: Arab Sciencepedia — Arabic-language Syrian free wiki encyclopaedia about scientific topics
  • 2012-04-04: SMWiki — containing information and resources to help with ROM hacking of the game Super Mario World
  • 2012-04-04: Foamypedia — a wiki about the web-toon Neurotically Yours
  • 2012-04-04: SM64 Machinima Wiki — information about Super Mario 64 machinima
  • 2012-04-04: Ikhwan(.net) Wiki — Arabic-language wiki encyclopaedia of the Muslim Brotherhood
  • 2012-04-03: Wiki Feqh — an Iranian (Persian-language) encyclopaedia about Islamic jurisprudence, Fiqh
  • 2012-04-02: Ikhwan Wiki — an Arabic-language official historical encyclopaedia of the Muslim Brotherhood
  • 2012-04-02: NetworkSet Wiki — an Arabic-language encyclopaedia about computer networks
  • 2012-04-02: Wiki Jubail — Arabic-language encyclopaedia about about biographies of the families of the city of Jubail in Saudi Arabia
  • 2012-04-02: Arabeyes — an Arabic-language wiki encyclopaedia about Arabising open source software
  • 2012-04-02: Kantoula — Arabic-language general-interest wiki encyclopaedia from Tunisia
  • 2012-03-29: Hero Tower Defense Wiki — about Hero Tower Defense
  • 2012-02-27: Copfilter — a wiki about an IPCop-Addon
  • 2012-02-27: Marefa — an Arabic-language wiki encyclopaedia
  • 2012-02-26: Powerbase — a wiki about lobbies, corporations, and pressure groups
  • 2012-02-23: True Capitalist Wiki — about an amateur radio show called True Capitalist Radio
  • 2012-02-19: Icaruspedia — a wiki about Nintendo's Kid Icarus franchise
  • 2012-02-14: Dessouswiki — German-language wiki about fashion and lifestyle
  • 2012-02-13: F-Zero Wiki — about Nintendo's F-Zero franchise
  • 2012-01-25: World Cruising and Sailing Wiki — information about cruising and sailing the oceans and high seas
  • 2012-01-24: FSFE Fellowship wiki — information for the Free Software Foundation Europe
  • 2012-01-21: Supernatural Wiki — a wiki about the television series Supernatural
  • 2012-01-18: OccupyWiki (UK) — a United Kingdom-based site for the occupy movement in Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • 2012-01-10: ITU Encyclopedia — information about Istanbul Technical University
  • 2012-01-08: Irish Comics Wiki — comics and cartoonists from Ireland
  • 2012-01-08: Wikimpress (de) and Wikimpress (en) — German- and English-language wikis with dynamic content
  • 2012-01-03: Lego Glitch Central — a wiki about glitches within video games produced by the Lego Company
  • 2012-01-02: Claymore New Wiki — about Claymore, the manga and anime series


30-Dec-2011: Vampira Wiki — a German wiki about the paperback novel series VAMPIRA
30-Dec-2011: FLOSS Manuals — a wiki for collaborative writing of Free Software manuals
24-Dec-2011: Fanlore — wiki by and about fans and fan communities that create and consume fanworks
19-Dec-2011: Wikirating — a wiki for independent and transparent credit ratings - the alternative to mainstream credit rating agencies
17-Dec-2011: Looney Pyramid wiki — a wiki for people to play games or design games using the Looney Pyramid game system
16-Dec-2011: Mega Bloks — a wiki of all Mega Bloks sets released
07-Dec-2011: EffiWiki — a wiki of Efficient INDIA; the Tools and software tutorial wiki
02-Dec-2011: Personality Tests Wiki — a wiki about personality tests
24-Nov-2011: QuizMeUp — a wiki of quiz questions; the community where sharing quiz questions builds better quizzes
21-Nov-2011: My Little Pony NeoWiki — a wiki all about My Little Pony
14-Nov-2011: TestWiki — a wiki where anyone can be an administrator for testing purposes
10-Nov-2011: Awa — a wiki to share your opinion on places all other the world
06-Oct-2011: OccupyWiki — a wiki to serve the OccupyMovement - please join us!
27-Sep-2011: WikiMANNia — a wiki about masculism, men's rights and anti-feminism
27-Sep-2011: AudiWorld Wiki — a wiki for the website and forum, dedicated to Audi motor cars
26-Sep-2011: CorradoTechnik — a wiki for the Volkswagen Corrado automobile
26-Sep-2011: TEFLChina — a wiki for English teachers in China
25-Sep-2011: Ratiopol — a French political wiki that aims to address the problems faced by politicians
25-Sep-2011: — the biggest wiki for dentistry
24-Sep-2011: Debuntu wiki — a wiki for the Debian and Ubuntu operating systems
24-Sep-2011: ALF Wiki — a wiki for all things related to the fictional character ALF
23-Sep-2011: Ross-Tech Wiki — a wiki on the VAG-COM Diagnostic System (VCDS) for use on all Volkswagen Group vehicles
23-Sep-2011: Roccopedia — a wiki on the Volkswagen Scirocco (Mk3) automobile
22-Sep-2011: — a German wiki for Star Wars, second-biggest after Wookieepedia
22-Sep-2011: Digital Fortress — a wiki for Dan Brown's novel Digital Fortress
21-Sep-2011: Wiibrew — a wiki for Wii and Homebrew games
14-Sep-2011: Bhamwiki — a wiki for the Birmingham District in Alabama
07-Sep-2011: International AIDS Vigil, Toronto — a wiki for the International AIDS Vigil event in Toronto
05-Sep-2011: IT Security Wiki — a wiki for IT Security
01-Sep-2011: Men of War - Wiki — a wiki for the tactic-strategic video-game Men of War
01-Sep-2011: Tauschwiki — a German wiki for Local Exchange and Trading Systems
31-Aug-2011: — a wiki about information on hockey cards
30-Aug-2011: InterSciWiki — a wiki about trans-disciplinary research, especially networks and complexity sciences
29-Aug-2011: Roblox Wikia — the unofficial Roblox wiki
29-Aug-2011: Qmail wiki — a wiki about the software qmail
27-Aug-2011: Japanese beyblade — the official Beyblade wiki in Japanese
26-Aug-2011: Whitest Kids U' Know Wiki — information on the hilarious show The Whitest Kids U' Know
25-Aug-2011: Art du Web — a French wiki about system administration, by sysadmins
25-Aug-2011: Edinburgh City Wiki — a wiki about Edinburgh, Scotland
25-Aug-2011: Arx Fatalis Wiki — a wiki about the fantasy videogame Arx Fatalis
24-Aug-2011: Wikiloc — an Italian wiki about outdoor, travel, nature...
24-Aug-2011: District 151 Wiki — a wiki for competitive Pokémon battlers
23-Aug-2011: The Dark Tower Wiki — a wiki about the magnum opus of Stephen King
20-Aug-2011: Wikiapbn — Encyclopedia of Ministry of Finance, Indonesia
18-Aug-2011: Tatiana's TOMATObase — Heritage Tomatoes - a wiki about heirloom and open-pollinated vegetable varieties, with focus on tomatoes
17-Aug-2011: One Piece Wikia (it) — an Italian wiki about One Piece
17-Aug-2011: Stamps Wiki — a wiki about stamps from all time periods, rare or common
17-Aug-2011: One Piece Wikia (ca) — the Catalan wiki for One Piece
16-Aug-2011: One Piece Wikia (en) — a wiki about One Piece
16-Aug-2011: Chinese Wikisimpsons — the Chinese wiki for The Simpsons
15-Aug-2011: VIKIpedia — an Italian wiki about VIKI
15-Aug-2011: Lamonetapedia — an Italian wiki for numismatics
15-Aug-2011: Dimenticatoio — an Italian wiki about the 1980s
15-Aug-2011: RotoWiki — an Italian wiki about the city Rotondella's people
15-Aug-2011: Wikiviaggiatori — an Italian wiki for adventurist people
15-Aug-2011: CosenzaWiki — an Italian wiki about the city Cosenza's people
15-Aug-2011: Coscienziopedia — a Portuguese wiki about Conscienciology
15-Aug-2011: Ekopedia (it) — an Italian wiki about ecology
15-Aug-2011: EduEDA — an Italian wiki about art, formerly known as Wiki ARTpedia
15-Aug-2011: Wikiufo — an Italian wiki about UFOs
15-Aug-2011: Ufopedia — an Italian wiki about UFOs
15-Aug-2011: Naturpedia — an Italian wiki about nature
14-Aug-2011: Lords of Uberdark Wiki — an informative wiki for the game Lords of Uberdark
11-Aug-2011: The World God Only Knows Wiki — a wiki about the manga The World God Only Knows
10-Aug-2011: Fanartwii — a Spanish wiki about fanart for the wiiflow software
07-Aug-2011: Open New Zealand‎ — a wiki regarding government and democracy in New Zealand
03-Aug-2011: War in the North Wiki — a wiki all about the upcoming videogame, Lord of the Rings: The War in the North
03-Aug-2011: KernelEx Wiki — a wiki about KernelEx, an Open Source compatibility layer with an aim to allow running Microsoft Windows 2000/XP-only applications on Windows 98 and Windows Millennium Edition operating systems
01-Aug-2011: Men in Black Wiki — a fast growing wiki covering the entire Men in Black series
29-Jul-2011: Wikimedia Outreach — home for several Wikimedia Foundation outreach and collaboration initiatives
29-Jul-2011: Sci-fi Independent Wiki Alliance — a wiki alliance about sci-fi topics
29-Jul-2011: WikiQueer — encyclopedia and resource hub for and by the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and ally communities
23-Jul-2011: Everybody Edits Wiki — a wiki about the multiplayer level editor everybody edits
23-Jul-2011: Crappypedia — a new wiki of humor
22-Jul-2011: Shihad Wiki — a wiki about New Zealand‎ band Shihad
22-Jul-2011: OARiNZ Knowledge Base Wiki — a wiki supporting New Zealand‎ repository projects
22-Jul-2011: Waihekepedia — a wiki with information about Waiheke Island, New Zealand‎
18-Jul-2011: Qi-Wiki — a wiki about the BBC television program Qi‎
15-Jul-2011: Roblox Wiki — an active wiki about the popular online sandbox MMO Roblox
15-Jul-2011: New Zealand Linux Wiki‎ — a New Zealand Linux Wiki‎
14-Jul-2011: Cheat Engine — a wiki about the popular gamehacking program Cheat Engine
03-Jul-2011: The Ferry Wiki — a wiki all about ferries and their companies from around the world
01-Jul-2011: Up The Punks — a wiki about punk music in Wellington, New Zealand
01-Jul-2011: Flight of the Conchords Wiki — a wiki about New Zealand comedy duo Flight of the Conchords
30-Jun-2011: Home and Away Wiki — a wiki about long running Australian TV show, Home and Away
30-Jun-2011: Shortland Street Wiki — a wiki about long running New Zealand TV show, Shortland Street
26-Jun-2011: Wikiwrimo — a wiki for all things National Novel Writing Month
26-Jun-2011: The Almighty Johnsons Wiki — a wiki about New Zealand TV show, the Almighty Johnsons
25-Jun-2011: ARRSEPedia — an unofficial wiki about the British Army
25-Jun-2011: Duran Duran Wiki — a wiki about the band Duran Duran
25-Jun-2011: Dresden Dolls Wiki — a wiki about the band Dresden Dolls
25-Jun-2011: GNS Science Public Wiki‎ — a wiki for New Zealand science collaboration
25-Jun-2011: Cricket Wiki — a wiki on the sport of cricket
24-Jun-2011: Music Ontology — a wiki on Music Ontology
24-Jun-2011: H-Town Rock Wiki — a wiki on music from Houston, Texas
24-Jun-2011: Postcards of Cornwall — a wiki on postcards of Cornwall, UK
24-Jun-2011: Kiwi Biker Wiki — a wiki on motorcycle clubs, etc, from New Zealand
21-Jun-2011: Glocal Focal — a wiki on social issues both local and global
21-Jun-2011: wikYpages — a wiki about local places and business, everywhere in the world
18-Jun-2011: Goatopedia — a wiki about the Royal Air Force
11-Jun-2011: Liverpool FC Wiki — a wiki about Liverpool Football Club
07-May-2011: Einstein University — the Free University
06-May-2011: Heraldik-Wiki — a wiki about heraldry
20-Apr-2011: Touhou Project Wiki — a wikia about the Touhou franchise (video games, comics, etc)
27-Apr-2011: Softeuskaraz — a wiki about software and web pages in Basque
14-Apr-2011: Pascal — a wiki for Pascal developers
11-Apr-2011: BirdWiki — for people passionate about Birding
09-Apr-2011: Maratrean Wiki — about the religion of Maratreanism
25-Mar-2011: ‎AtterWiki — about the Austrian region Attersee-Attergau
25-Mar-2011: ‎Chromium — open-source project behind Google Chrome
23-Mar-2011: Dragon Age Wiki — a wikia about Dragon Age franchise (video games, comics, etc)
23-Mar-2011: Mass Effect Wiki — a wikia about Mass Effect franchise (video games, comics, etc)
21-Mar-2011: WikiNorthia — a wiki about life in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne
21-Mar-2011: WikiShepp — a wiki about the history of the Goulburn Valley, in Australia
21-Mar-2011: ‎Delimiter — a wiki about Technology in Australia
20-Mar-2011: WIKINT — wiki focused on Intelligence Studies and Information Systems Security/Information Assurance
19-Mar-2011: — wiki about food, and their impact upon the body
18-Mar-2011: Planned Economy Wiki — wiki about the subject of Planned Economy
15-Mar-2011: WikiBound and NintendoWiki — wiki's on EarthBound/Mother and Nintendo, respectively
09-Mar-2011: mrbš — open-edit city wiki of the Germany city Meerbusch for both inhabitants and interested parties
08-Mar-2011: The Springfield Shopper — wiki with news articles about The Simpsons
08-Mar-2011: Simptionary — a Simpsons dictionary wiki
08-Mar-2011: UnSimpsons Wiki — a humorous wiki about The Simpsons
08-Mar-2011: Adventure Time Wiki — a wikia about the Cartoon Network series Adventure Time
08-Mar-2011: Random Wiki — write about anything, it's random; you will enjoy it
07-Mar-2011: Beachapedia — a project for publishing knowledge on coastal environmental topics
20-Feb-2011: LlamadaWiki — a wiki about a fictional land, you can create your own character, house and business
15-Feb-2011: California Criminal Defense Encyclopedia — provides information for people facing criminal charges in California
12-Feb-2011: Guardians of Ga'Hoole Wiki — wiki about Guardians of Ga'Hoole fantasy book series
11-Feb-2011: ‎RadioReference wiki — CollectiveAccess is a collections management application for museums, archives and digital collections
10-Feb-2011: ‎ATWiki — wiki about assistive technology; AT being any device or equipment used to maintain or improve the capabilities of people with disabilities
08-Feb-2011: ‎Fullmetal Alchemist Wiki...
08-Feb-2011: ‎Pork Bun Wiki — a wiki about Chinese pork buns
06-Feb-2011: ‎CollectiveAccess Documentation — CollectiveAccess is a collections management application for museums, archives and digital collections
04-Feb-2011: Svecthor Wiki — wiki about the great people who are Sven, Seth and Hector
04-Feb-2011: ‎DMFA Wiku — wiki about webcomic Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures
02-Feb-2011: ‎Biblepedia — wiki about webcomic Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
31-Jan-2011: Club Penguin Fanon Wiki — a wiki where you can read and write Club Penguin fan fiction
27-Jan-2011: Chicken Wiki — one-stop resource for those lovable poultry, chickens
19-Jan-2011: Cyborg Anthropology — a resource for students and educators


  • 2010-12-30: Xwing: The Rogue Squadron Wiki — wiki all about the Rogue Squadron
  • 2010-12-23: StFWiki - Die Wiki zu Sternenfaust — all about the german science fiction series Sternenfaust
  • 2010-11-28: G-11-ongjin's Campaign Memorials: a Three Kingdoms Wiki — a detailed encyclopedia about the historic events of China's Three Kingdoms period
  • 2010-11-25: GhibliWiki — all about the productions of the Studio Ghibli
  • 2010-11-21: Discworld & Pratchett Wiki — a Terry Pratchett-oriented wiki including the Discworld novels and adaptions
  • 2010-11-21: Street Fighter EX Wiki — everything about EX series for the true Arika/Capcom fans
  • 2010-11-19: Windows Phone Wiki — the ultimate source and only wiki about Windows Phone 7 and its predecessors
  • 2010-11-18: The Italy Wiki — everything to do with Italy
  • 2010-11-15: Wiki-Photography — a brand new photography wiki for beginners and professionals alike
  • 2010-11-14: Human Nature: Science and Catholic Doctrine — about the relationship between social sciences and Catholicism
  • 2010-11-14: Gay History Wiki — about gay men and allies in Philadelphia and their organization, culture, etc
  • 2010-11-12: NORAD Tracks Santa — a wiki about NORAD Tracks Santa available year-round
  • 2010-11-11: Napoleon Bonaparte Wiki — a wiki about one of the most influential people ever, Napoleon Bonaparte
  • 2010-10-30: Wikicollect — the one like Japanese version of this site (WikiIndex)
  • 2010-10-26: BeagleBoard wiki — wiki about BeagleBoard (a single-board computer)
  • 2010-09-11: Physikwiki — German-language wiki about theoretical physics
  • 2010-09-03: Lylat Wiki — the sole, independent Star Fox wiki
  • 2010-09-03: emule-wiki — a wiki about eMule world
  • 2010-08-31: Casualty Wiki — wiki about the long-running BBC Television medical drama Casualty
  • 2010-08-24: Zelda Chaos — the largest Zelda glitches database on the web
  • 2010-08-21: The Uncharted Wiki — a wiki about the Uncharted video game series
  • 2010-08-18: ProjectRhea — a wiki created by students for students used to create/share/discuss education-related material
  • 2010-07-08: Portland Afoot — wiki about low-car life in Portland
  • 2010-06-24: Coasterpedia — a wiki about roller coasters
  • 2010-06-01: Sekirei — a wiki about the Sekirei manga and anime
  • 2010-05-20: Fable Answers — ask questions about anything to do with the Fable games
  • 2010-05-14: AeroGardeners Wiki — an AeroGarden encyclopedia containing Seed, Model, Recipe, and Tip articles
  • 2010-05-09: Wycliffe Model United Nations Wiki — complete resource and research tool for Model United Nations participants
  • 2010-05-01: Project Yuki Developer Wiki — for development of a free and open-source video game industry simulation game
  • 2010-04-09: Paragon Wiki — wiki about City of Heroes and City of Villains
  • 2010-04-06: Wikisimpsons — all about The Simpsons
  • 2010-04-06: Test Wiki (Wikia) — ???
  • 2010-04-03: Sam & Max Wiki — if it's about our favorite suit-wearing six foot dog and mentally unhinged rabbity thing, we have an article about it
  • 2010-04-02: Test Wiki — wiki for testing
  • 2010-04-02: Neciclopedie — wiki humor
  • 2010-03-22: BCP Airport Parking Wiki — everything you could want to know about Airport Car Parking at all other major UK airports
  • 2010-03-15: Dragon Ball — a wiki about the famous serie of Dragon Ball, in Spanish
  • 2010-03-12: GayPedia — gay information wiki in French-language
  • 2010-03-10: WiKirby — a wiki about Kirby
  • 2010-03-09: — a wiki with the mission of organising the African Diaspora in Alpha stage
  • 2010-03-09: Mass Effect Fanon — a fan wiki where anyone can create their own articles about their Mass Effect ideas
  • 2010-03-02: Libertarian Wiki — a wiki by and for libertarians
  • 2010-02-26: MUGEN Database — a database of MUGEN characters, stages and more
  • 2010-02-26: Wiki Web Help — a new wiki engine for help applications designed to work like a desktop help viewer
  • 2010-02-23: Pharm2Phork Wiki — wiki about project for open source solutions for agricultural sectors
  • 2010-02-03: Luzipedia — a new German humour wiki; satanical, satirical, critical cynical but never ever almost funny
  • 2010-02-01: Home Wiki — a wiki about homes; it has information about the people who make a place a home, structures and infrastructure, furniture and furnishings, decorating, safety, tips for 'how to' and other homemaking ideas
  • 2010-01-20: LocoRoco Wiki — a wiki for the PSP game, LocoRoco
  • 2010-01-18: War of Legends Wiki — a general purpose wiki collection of information about the new game produced by Jagex Ltd called War of Legends
  • 2010-01-18: Three Sheets Wiki — an encyclopedia about the show Three Sheets a travelogue/pub-crawl television series
  • 2010-01-18: Amazing Race Wiki — an encyclopedia about the show The Amazing Race, a reality television game show in which teams of two race around the world in competition with other teams
  • 2010-01-18: White Collar Wiki — an encyclopedia about the show White Collar, an original crime drama series
  • 2010-01-09: Wikirestauro — an encyclopaedic guide to antiques and restoration, according to the philosophy of Wikipedia and all the free wiki


  • 2009-12-29: Glestmaps — compendium of Glest Maps, Tilesets and Factions Wikia; the ultimate resource for Glest map editing, design tools, tile-set and faction downloads
  • 2009-12-15: Wiki69 — repository of sex stories and articles
  • 2009-12-01: Our Brant — local history for people from the County of Brant, Ontario, Canada to share their memories, life stories, and family histories
  • 2009-11-30: — gardening wiki / plant encyclopedia with 15,000 articles
  • 2009-11-26: Dragonica Online Wiki — about the new MMORPG,[clarify please] Dragonica Online
  • 2009-11-16: Wikichan — database detailing the memes, peoples, and topics involved in *chan culture
  • 2009-11-16: 1d4chan — database detailing the memes, peoples, and topics involved in 4chan's /tg/ (tradition games) board
  • 2009-11-14: Mafia Wars Wiki — about the social networking game Mafia Wars
  • 2009-11-09: Tech Tutorial — wiki for technology related tutorials
  • 2009-11-09: Airfix Dogfighter — wiki for fans of the Airfix Dogfighter game
  • 2009-11-03: Zelda Wiki — the Legend of Zelda series in depth, in universe style documentation; independent of Wikia as a collaborative wiki among related sites
  • 2009-10-30: Red vs. Blue Wiki — about Red vs Blue science-fiction comedy video series
  • 2009-10-08: Discoogle — wiki about popular music; including discographies, albums, lyrics, charts, bands, and musical artists
  • 2009-10-04: The Pet Wiki — everything about pets
  • 2009-10-01: Mjällomslandet — wiki regarding the place Mjällomslandet 134
  • 2009-09-30: Artyoulike — dedicated to the Art lover; is full of user generated content for the art world, including museums & art galleries from around the world
  • 2009-09-30: DiabloWiki — likely the biggest wiki for the Diablo franchise; covering everything from in-game class info and skills to lore, novels, merchandise, and fan creations
  • 2009-09-30: Titannica — the Fighting Fantasy wiki; dedicated to Fighting Fantasy, its locations, background lore, creatures, books and production
  • 2009-09-24: WoWWiki Sverige — Swedish-language information resource about World of Warcraft and the Warcraft universe
  • 2009-09-14: apostiladigital — Brazilian universities admission exam questions
  • 2009-09-13: Railwiki — dedicated to abandoned railroads across the United States
  • 2009-08-23: Dan Dascalescu's Wiki — personal wiki comparing electronics (displays, PDA phones, electric toothbrushes etc)
  • 2009-08-16: Starsky and Hutch Game Wiki — information on the Starsky and Hutch game
  • 2009-08-10: MarketsWiki — for current and historical information about the global exchange traded capital, derivatives, environmental, and related OTC[clarify please] markets
  • 2009-08-06: Fundraising-Wiki — German language non-commercial source of information and knowledge about fundraising
  • 2009-08-04: Lommepedia — Norwegian Pokémon wiki
  • 2009-07-30: Daidalos — Spanish wiki for aircraft dispatch officer and maintenance technician
  • 2009-07-30: LehramtsWiki — for teacher trainees at University of Duisburg-Essen
  • 2009-07-30: Lumeniki — allows 'debate mapping' of many controversial topics; featured topics include: backyard solar steam electricity generation, converting waste into food, wiki 'anarchism', and philosophy
  • 2009-07-28: Atlanta Wiki — new wiki about Atlanta, Georgia, and its surroundings
  • 2009-07-28: Debatrix — debate wiki that focuses more on discovering what is true, than just winning
  • 2009-07-25: Insekten Wiki — about insects and animals, in German
  • 2009-07-24: Wetter Wiki — site about weather, in German
  • 2009-07-10: ZTEX Wiki — ??????[clarify please]
  • 2009-07-04: Eatapedia — recipe wiki geared towards great eating, featuring many BBQ and Traeger (wood pellet) grill recipes
  • 2009-06-26: Free Health, Safety & Environment Information Sources — ??????[clarify please]
  • 2009-06-16: Royalist Canada — Canadian monarchist wiki
  • 2009-06-16: Sabrina The Teenage Witch Wiki — great database about the Sabrina The Teenage Witch
  • 2009-06-15: Director Wiki — international database for (movie?) Directors and anyone in the entertainment world
  • 2009-06-07: Serna Company Wiki — ??????[clarify please]
  • 2009-06-05: Mississippi Wiki — online guide to Mississippi people, places, and things
  • 2009-06-02: Peace Corps Wiki — ??????[clarify please]
  • 2009-05-24: Psychic Database Wiki — ??????[clarify please]
  • 2009-05-20: Animal Crossing Wiki — about the video game Animal Crossing
  • 2009-05-16: Zero Wiki — about the video game series Fatal Frame
  • 2009-05-09: Plants — gardening wiki with articles on (hopefully) every garden plant in the world
  • 2009-05-07: Helpinitalian — wiki site dedicated to learning Italian, with info for students or teachers
  • 2009-05-04: Avatar: The Last Airbender (de) — wiki about the comic TV show Avatar in German language
  • 2009-05-04: Narnia-Wiki (Deutsch)Narnia wiki in German language
  • 2009-04-29: CongervilleNet — local community wiki
  • 2009-04-27: WikiRococo — collaborative encyclopaedia about the Firesign Theatre
  • 2009-04-26: Alien vs Predator — all about the Alien and Predator franchise and the combined one
  • 2009-04-24: Catholic Guide — wiki relating to all things Roman Catholic
  • 2009-04-16: Wikimini — encyclopedia written for and by children aged from 8 to 13 years
  • 2009-04-14: Flyff Wiki — wiki about the popular MMORPG[clarify please] Flyff (Fly For Fun)
  • 2009-04-07: WikiFotball — Norwegian site for Norwegian football (soccer) teams, players, venues, and such
  • 2009-03-30: a Storehouse of Knowledge — general encyclopædia with a biblical worldview
  • 2009-03-26: Charles de Koninck — wiki on the philosopher Charles de Koninck
  • 2009-03-20: MechScape Wiki Nederlands — all aspects of MechScape in Dutch
  • 2009-03-18: Apologetics Wiki — for Christian apologetics
  • 2009-03-17: Stagepedia — wiki on all aspects of stagecraft and technical theatre
  • 2009-03-11: Scalable game design wiki — for scalable game design / iDREAMS / ITEST[clarify please]
  • 2009-03-09: Wiki4Games — wiki about video games
  • 2009-03-04: k2g2 Craftopedia — craftopedia for knitting knerds and geek girls; everything from handicraft to crafting machines
  • 2009-02-24: Fable Fanon — fan-fiction wiki babled on the Fable series of games
  • 2009-02-09: Domain Wiki — editable wiki for domain names; alas, offline as of 2009-07-07
  • 2009-02-03: The Chemistry Book — wiki for high school chemistry students
  • 2009-01-26: MapleTip MapleWiki — about MapleStory, a MMORPG;[clarify please] one of the most reliable wikis for MapleStory, also the most articles
  • 2009-01-20: The Fable Wiki — Wikia about the Fable series of video games
  • 2009-01-20: New Amsterdam Wiki — about the 2008 Fox Television show New Amsterdam
  • 2009-01-16: The Houston Wiki — about Houston, Texas
  • 2009-01-02: Wikademia — for free and open research and learning


  • 2008-12-25: MapleWiki — all about MapleStory, a current popular online game
  • 2008-12-22: Artigpedia — the Illogicopedia is becoming bigger, the non-Wikia Norwegian version
  • 2008-12-21: Spelljammer Wiki — 'canon' from the Spelljammer fantasy universe
  • 2008-12-20: Northants Pub Guide — wiki site started by the Northamptonshire branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) to document real ale pubs in the county . . . hic, hic
  • 2008-12-14: Healthywiki — all about 'how to stay healthy in a sick world', information and discussion on an alternative approach to health care
  • 2008-12-10: Applied Stacks — structured wiki documenting the diverse set of languages, libraries, frameworks, and other tools people use to build websites and apps
  • 2008-12-10: E-maculation — wiki site focusing on emulation of older Macintosh computers
  • 2008-12-05: Star Wars Fan Wiki — for Star Wars fans and fan-works
  • 2008-12-04: Ami6Wiki — the DokuWiki about the Citroen Ami6 voiture (car)
  • 2008-11-18: Marriage Equality wiki — compendium of online resources for marriage equality
  • 2008-11-16: AmwayWiki — about the Amway company, business opportunity, products and people
  • 2008-11-13: Musikwiki — site about free music
  • 2008-11-10: Elder Scrolls Wikia (English)Elder Scrolls Wikia
  • 2008-11-08: TesfanonElder Scrolls fan-fiction and modding Wikia
  • 2008-11-06: UnRuneScape Wiki — satire, parody, and humour site about the popular MMORPG, RuneScape
  • 2008-11-05: Timber Investments Wiki — about forestry investments, with a focus on hardwood investments
  • 2008-11-05: Hardhoutbeleggingen Wiki — Dutch-language wiki about teak, and other hardwood investments
  • 2008-11-04: TMNTPedia — wiki site about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • 2008-11-04: Wikiants — free content wiki site encyclopedia for DIY projects
  • 2008-11-03: Animation Wiki — all about animation
  • 2008-10-31: FinnegansWiki — for interpretation of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake
  • 2008-10-31: — German-language wiki site about start-ups
  • 2008-10-18: My Eco Guide — wiki site with tips for 'eco' living
  • 2008-10-14: Pegasus/Dragon Project — place where fantasy enthusiasts can develop their own mythologies and fantasy worlds
  • 2008-10-10: DWiki — wiki site for D students
  • 2008-10-09: Life on Mars Wiki — dedicated to the British television show Life on Mars
  • 2008-10-09: SSM2007 Wiki — community site for Space Shuttle Mission 2007 simulator
  • 2008-10-07: Statfastic — wiki site for statistics, research design, and data analysis
  • 2008-10-07: Captainbranding — wiki site marketing branding, and strategy methods
  • 2008-10-07: Mediawikibook — documentation for MediaWiki administration
  • 2008-10-07: Sourcegirl — wiki site open source and cloud computing applications
  • 2008-10-07: Openflight — wiki site for crowd-sourcing the flying car
  • 2008-10-07: Model Muse Barbies Wiki — dedicated to Mattel's ModelMuse doll body sculpt
  • 2008-10-04: Fahrrad-Wiki — German-language site about cycling
  • 2008-10-03: Help For Shepherds — wiki site designed to help Christian pastors with free community created resources
  • 2008-10-02: Pegasus Project — wiki site where fantasy enthusiasts can develop their own mythologies and fantasy worlds
  • 2008-10-01: — open free information provider of companies, people, or web sites
  • 2008-09-26: SuccuWikithe ultimate authority wiki site of the Succubi, and its related forms
  • 2008-09-26: ThunderWiki — science fiction in it's written form; alas, offline as of 2008-11-24
  • 2008-09-20: Rocket Science Wiki — all about rocket science
  • 2008-09-18: Fringe Wiki — Wikia for the J.J. Abrams' television series Fringe
  • 2008-09-10: Style Encyclopedia — the wiki site for all things fashion, style, and beauty related
  • 2008-09-06: USHikingtrails — wiki site of hiking trail maps, descriptions, and trail reviews throughout the USA
  • 2008-09-02: BlogaPro — wiki site that features sites that teach individuals 'how to make money blogging'
  • 2008-09-01: WikiSarathe authority about French roads
  • 2008-09-01: Nintendo DS Wiki — all about the Nintendo DS
  • 2008-08-25: cam.* FAQ — wiki site FAQ for the cam.* hierarchy of Usenet newsgroups from Cambridge, England
  • 2008-08-16: Irwin Allen Wiki — all about Irwin Allen's productions, including TV shows Lost in Space, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Land of the Giants, and The Time Tunnel
  • 2008-08-14: Starting Strength Wiki — strength training site for beginners, based on Starting Strength by Mark Rippetoe
  • 2008-08-06: GM Wiki — a (gaming) Gangster Mind Wikia
  • 2008-08-03: FreeCLAS — Free Commons of Annotated Speech
  • 2008-08-01: Teflpedia — wiki site about teaching English as a foreign language in foreign countries
  • 2008-07-31: Weedee — hybrid wiki site about people and companies that provides directory and networking tools
  • 2008-07-30: Twilight Saga Wiki — about the popular Twilight Saga books and the Twilight movie
  • 2008-07-27: Read and Review Wiki — literary community site to share book reviews in any genres
  • 2008-07-26: Amateur Radio Wiki — online encyclopedia for Hams
  • 2008-07-25: EveryBlog — the very first wiki site that collects your blogs; join now and start editing without registration
  • 2008-07-21: Adobe Wiki — for all Adobe software, including tips, profiles and tutorials
  • 2008-07-21: X-Files — wiki site all about the X-Files
  • 2008-07-17: Pokia — poker wiki encyclopedia, dictionary, tutorial and more
  • 2008-07-17: Sega Wiki — all about Sega, their games, their characters and their consoles
  • 2008-07-14: Mail Quizzer (now known as Guru Quiz) — wiki-based resource for quizzes in all areas
  • 2008-07-14: IEEE Bushy Tree — collaborative wiki site encyclopedia about the Human Computer Interface
  • 2008-07-14: DollWiki (ABC Doll Club) — all fashion and collectible dolls (and some other toys) such as Barbie dolls and Dollfies
  • 2008-07-13: Geohashing Community Wiki — an adventure generator for real life
  • 2008-07-10: GolfWiki — golf and travel; bilingual English / Swedish
  • 2008-07-09: Gartentipp-Wiki — German-language site of for sharing gardening tips
  • 2008-07-06: FRApedia — Swedish-language wiki site for citizens who have no desire of being eavesdropped by the Swedish National Defence Radio Establishment (FRA)
  • 2008-06-25: — online resource on gender equality, created by the OECD
  • 2008-06-23: xooguru — shopping wiki site for articles and information on products and merchants
  • 2008-06-12: World Wodka Web — German-language wiki site about Wodka
  • 2008-06-06: WikiAudio — learn about audio creation
  • 2008-06-06: WikiCandidate — create a virtual presidential candidate
  • 2008-06-04: FruWiki — about frugality, it's a place for sharing tips on saving money and using resources wisely
  • 2008-05-25: ScriptsPedia — wiki guide which includes code examples in various languages
  • 2008-05-24: Yatina — wiki guide of open content projects which works like a 'meta-encyclopedia'
  • 2008-05-21: Club Penguin Wiki — aims to create a large database for all there is to know about the popular online game, Club Penguin
  • 2008-05-14: Navision — wiki site used by the Dynamics NAV (Navision) community to share their Navision knowledge
  • 2008-05-04: IdeaWiki — for everyone around the world to contribute and improve ideas in any area
  • 2008-05-01: Hellboy — wiki site all about Hellboy
  • 2008-05-01: FFXIclopedia — wiki site for Final Fantasy XI
  • 2008-04-29: Sustain A Place — a user-generated, comprehensive and global directory for both businesses and non-profits that promote sustainable practices
  • 2008-04-29: The Computer Resource — wiki site about computers
  • 2008-04-29: Batman Wiki — about Batman
  • 2008-04-29: Robotech Wiki — about Robotech, a science fiction franchise
  • 2008-04-28: CultureSheet — wiki site about plant cultivation
  • 2008-04-27: Marvel Movies — Wikia about movies based on Marvel comics, including Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk
  • 2008-04-27: Speed Racer Wiki — about Speed Racer
  • 2008-04-27: Recipes Wiki — about food with free recipes
  • 2008-04-27: MST3K Wiki - Mystery Science Theater 3000 — for the MST3K comedy series
  • 2008-04-23: Skywiki — the corporate-wide private knowledge portal of, the Frankfurt airport operator Fraport AG (Germany)
  • 2008-04-21: Telescope F70076 — get yourself a telescope
  • 2008-04-16: Video Game Sales Wikia — Wikia for the video game sales industry
  • 2008-04-15: Web Community Wiki — the future of wiki, a project of the Web 3.0 with the newest features and many things to explore
  • 2008-04-15: WiSiKi — wiki site around the Klausenerplatz in Berlin
  • 2008-04-12: — German-language wiki site about beekeeping and honey bees in general
  • 2008-04-10: 9Dragons Wiki — dedicated to documenting all aspects of the MMORPG 9Dragons
  • 2008-04-09: CopyCamp Wiki — for CopyCamp, a copyright event for fans and artists
  • 2008-04-03: EmuWiki — project aimed at producing an encyclopedia about emulators
  • 2008-04-02: Forget the Franchise — project to create a localised directory of independent, quirky and unique shops, restaurants, experiences etc; which franchise clones and charmless chains are destroying
  • 2008-04-02: ChinaTravelGuide — wiki site featuring unbiased China travel reviews, opinions, and wiki guides from real travellers
  • 2008-04-02: Strawberryland Wiki — for Strawberry Shortcake fans
  • 2008-03-31: Tram Wiki — created by two tram enthusiasts for many others to enjoy, gain information from and contribute to; aims to create a large tram data repository
  • 2008-03-28: BPMA Wiki — British Postal Museum & Archive site to encourage people to share their postal and family history stories and experiences of working for the Post Office
  • 2008-03-28: Jamaikedia — a community based wiki site to improve the knowledge of the area and understanding to its citizens and the rest of the world
  • 2008-03-26: Wikiecho — free high quality resources on echocardiography
  • 2008-03-25: Sustainaplace — collections of sustainable choices in cities around the world
  • 2008-03-25: ConShell — technical wiki concerning virtualization, Linux, FreeBSD, system & network administration & security, open-source server and desktop applications
  • 2008-03-17: Retailwiki — information and pictures on characters in leisure industry
  • 2008-03-16: Kleinmachnow-Stahnsdorf-Teltow-Wiki — grammar school project of a congested area near by the German capital Berlin
  • 2008-03-13: Lost Odyssey — wiki site about the RPG Lost Odyssey
  • 2008-03-13: Gienga — wiki site community where people can find out how to learn just about anything and contribute their own experience to others
  • 2008-03-11: Archivopedia — wiki site about archives and finding primary source research material
  • 2008-03-08: Hurraki (de) — German-language Easy to Read Dictionary for words and articles
  • 2008-03-07: Mono Wiki — for the Mono .NET project
  • 2008-03-07: FMSLogo Wiki — for people to discuss, ask and share about LOGO
  • 2008-03-06: WakiWiki — for international students looking to study in the United Kingdom
  • 2008-03-02: Idiki — wiki site of ideas organised in categories
  • 2008-02-29: Bucketheadland — wiki site about experimental guitarist Buckethead and his friends
  • 2008-02-20: DaSch-Tour — projects, literature, poetry and journalism
  • 2008-02-16: HostPedia — wiki site on web hosting, including articles on web servers and networks
  • 2008-02-15: — created just for the Simpson's universe
  • 2008-02-13: Hostel Management Wiki — community-written documentation and resources for hostel managers (a.k.a. 'youth hostels')
  • 2008-02-13: Community Traveler Travel Guides — community-written travel guides licensed under the GFDL
  • 2008-02-06: RARIN Wiki — Rights and Reproductions Information Network for museum professionals
  • 2008-02-05: Ferato — Spanish-language health and medicine wiki site
  • 2008-02-02: mondiparol — wiki site intending to categorize all words and lay a page for each of them
  • 2008-02-01: Recipewiki — free place to share your favourite recipes
  • 2008-01-30: CodeAlias — articles on computer networks, coding and general IT
  • 2008-01-24: Wham! wiki — for marketers containing tips, guidelines, rules and instructions
  • 2008-01-27: Democratic Science Wiki — experimenting with democratic science
  • 2008-01-21: PeMex — discussion about Mexican politics
  • 2008-01-19: Rugby Union — Wikia of one of the world's largest sport
  • 2008-01-18: Rhondda Cynon Taf Wiki — site for Rhondda Cynon Taf in Wales
  • 2008-01-15: SiteHoppin — social networking/bookmarking site based on MediaWiki that let's you find new site with 1 click
  • 2008-01-10: Grand Theft Auto Wikia (English) — regarding the Grand Theft Auto series
  • 2008-01-10: ITtoolbox Wiki — to share information technology (IT) definitions, how-tos, answers to FAQs, code, etc
  • 2008-01-10: Tamriel-Almanach — German-language wiki about The Elder Scrolls and all his background information
  • 2008-01-09: Technische Analyse — German-language wiki for Technical Analysis of Finance Markets
  • 2008-01-07: Arrested Development Wiki — about Arrested Development television series
  • 2008-01-07: Joepedia — wiki site for G.I. Joe toys, cartoons and comics of all eras
  • 2008-01-06: Eigapedia — Japanese film wiki site
  • 2008-01-06: ProjectWiki — for project managers
  • 2008-01-04: MusicDocz — wiki site for musicians and music lovers
  • 2008-01-04: Kotava Kotapedia — Kotava language lexical and linguistic encyclopaedia
  • 2008-01-01: Formula 1 Wikia — Wikia for all fans of Formula 1


  • 2007-12-29: Bose L1 Encyclopedia FAQ — wiki for musicians and others using the Bose® L1™ Personal Line Array
  • 2007-12-28: Critical Mass Wikia — information about Critical Mass bike / cycle rides in cities around the world
  • 2007-12-24: Gardora — das Gartenwiki für Österreich
  • 2007-12-17: Gislewiki — wiki about Gisle Martens Meyer
  • 2007-12-16: ShoppiWiki — the wiki-way of shopping
  • 2007-12-13: PinWiki — for pinball games
  • 2007-12-09: SM-201 — BDSM wiki that is a combination of various projects
  • 2007-12-09: Wiki Herbolaria — todo lo que hay que saber acerca de las plantas y hierbas medicinales utilizadas en la terapéutica actual y antigua
  • 2007-12-06: Bucureşti Wiki — all about Bucharest, the capital of Romania
  • 2007-12-03: James Bond Wiki (Wetpaint) — all about the fictional British secret agent James Bond, also known as 007
  • 2007-12-02: TransWiki — lists of public transportation companies around the world; includes information on buses, trains, and routes
  • 2007-11-23: FedITWiki — designed to communicate the information technology (IT) related research and development activities One Enterprise Consulting Group (1ECG) is engaged in that support the Federal Government IT initiatives
  • 2007-11-22: VdfWiki — for the DataFlex and Visual DataFlex software development community
  • 2007-11-19: WikiAOC — about the game Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures! (also a French version)
  • 2007-11-18: EntreWiki — paid wiki site for entrepreneurs who are looking for money-making business ideas
  • 2007-11-16: Liberapedia (Wikia) — parody of Conservapedia, advising that: "most articles should take stereotypical liberal views and distort them to the extreme"
  • 2007-11-14: StartUps 24/7 — on demand entrepreneurial resources from the Council for Entrepreneurial Development
  • 2007-11-14: ASP3 Wiki — entire contents of Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0 book from Wrox Press
  • 2007-11-14: Christmas Specials Wiki — a very merry wiki full of yuletide cheer
  • 2007-11-13: Language Links 2006 — wiki for teachers of modern foreign languages
  • 2007-11-11: Oracle Wiki — all about Oracle products and the Oracle community
  • 2007-11-11: IDS Developer Edition Wiki — about IBM's high-performance cluster database, Informix Dynamic Server
  • 2007-11-08: Enciclopedia DG — wiki encyclopedia in Spanish, Carmeni, and English
  • 2007-11-07: WikiBriefs — wiki for writing amicus curiae briefs
  • 2007-11-04: Wikinvestopedia — financial wiki glossary with investment definitions, chart descriptions, and trading resources
  • 2007-10-31: Gay Celebrities Wiki — celebrities who are gay and who are not
  • 2007-10-29: OneBuckWiki — for entrepreneurs and SEO specialists
  • 2007-10-13: ArticleWiki — wiki about all things article
  • 2007-10-11: Pixar Wiki — for the animated movies of Pixar; including Toy Story and Finding Nemo
  • 2007-10-11: Reaper Wiki — for the CW series Reaper, about a young man hunting down souls for the Devil
  • 2007-10-11: Dexter Wiki — for the Showtime series Dexter about a serial killer who works for the police
  • 2007-10-11: Ugly Betty Wiki — for the hit ABC series Ugly Betty
  • 2007-10-11: Wizards of Waverly Place Wiki — for the new Disney Channel series about wizards-in-training
  • 2007-10-09: WikiBond — the Dutch web-archive about the most famous fictional British secret agent, James Bond, 007
  • 2007-10-06: Skaneateles Wiki — an encyclopedia of all things relating to Skaneateles, New York
  • 2007-09-28: ActProper — a manners and etiquette wiki with the goal of making the world nicer
  • 2007-09-27: Bionic Wiki — documenting the world of NBC's new show Bionic Woman
  • 2007-09-25: Folkipedia — wiki for folk and traditional song, music, and dance
  • 2007-09-25: Tradexicon — wiki with everything relating to trading, finance, business, and companies
  • 2007-09-14: Wiki — guide on all Italian cities, information and photos
  • 2007-09-12: Robot Chicken Wiki — for Robot Chicken television show
  • 2007-09-04: JargonF — French IT dictionary
  • 2007-09-01: Wikimagination — collaborative fantasy world-building
  • 2007-08-29: WikiDexPokémon encyclopedia
  • 2007-08-27: Peoplandard — a project-wiki to regulate democratic, international standards
  • 2007-08-26: RationalWiki — pro-science, anti-creationism website
  • 2007-08-18: Radswiki — radiology wiki that anyone can edit
  • 2007-08-16: Terrorchid — wiki on Terrestrial Orchid culture, companion wiki for the terrorchid forum and gallery
  • 2007-08-16: — for tango argentino (Argentine tango), run by (t.i)
  • 2007-08-14: Flash Gordon Wiki — about the Flash Gordon comic strip, serials, movie, and TV show
  • 2007-08-12: AberWiki — for the seafront town of Aberystwyth in west Wales
  • 2007-08-12: WikiWeddings — free wedding planning site that everyone can edit
  • 2007-08-11: Humane Earth — define, plan, and act: to make a more sustainable, inclusive, safe, and cruelty-free world
  • 2007-08-09: Wikipornia — for collecting information on pornography actors, films, and studios
  • 2007-08-09: RoWikicity — a free, fictional country that everyone can edit
  • 2007-08-04: Trustlet — a transparent, cooperative environment for the scientific research of trust metrics on social networks
  • 2007-08-04: TrentoWiki — for the city of Trento in Italy
  • 2007-08-01: Wikifixmycar — collaborative car repair manual for every car
  • 2007-08-01: Wikihorses — encyclopedia of horses and horse-related topics
  • 2007-08-01: Symbolism Wiki — guide to literary symbolism
  • 2007-08-01: CDWiki — large German-language wiki about audio-CDs
  • 2007-08-01: Kivapedia — wiki supporting, online micro-lending to small businesses in developing countries
  • 2007-08-01: Greenlivingpedia — green living and sustainable building wiki
  • 2007-07-29: Pensapedia — city wiki for Pensacola seaport, Florida, USA
  • 2007-07-28: Tribalwiki — the tribalradix wiki ~ workings of the world - untie!
  • 2007-07-27: Ron Paul wiki — for Ron Paul (Republican), the 2008 USA Presidential candidate
  • 2007-07-27: HD AV wiki — high-definition (HD) audio-video (AV) custom installation; discusses AV products, methods, and custom installation
  • 2007-07-27: SnoWiki — snow lifestyles: snowboarding and skiing extreme sport
  • 2007-07-27: wiki Pollution — tackling pollution worldwide through anonymous geographic collaboration
  • 2007-07-27: wiki Global Warming — analyzing the causes, situations and implications of societies views on global warming
  • 2007-07-26: WiKitsune — online encyclopedia of foxes
  • 2007-07-25: International Music Score Library Project — public domain musical scores
  • 2007-07-14: Ugugu — German- and English-language private wiki on outstanding musicians and actors
  • 2007-07-14: Mikiwiki — German-language private wiki on Linux-based computers
  • 2007-07-10: PetCities — user edited database on cities and their pet friendly places
  • 2007-07-06: Beekeeping Wiki — English, Romanian and Spanish project sites about beekeeping
  • 2007-07-03: NativeWiki — an online collaborative wiki project of NativeWeb
  • 2007-07-02: — cross-country mountain bike (MTB) routes in Italy
  • 2007-07-02: Dead Rabbit — wiki encompassing the entire universe of Dead Rabbit characters, as well as a look behind the music
  • 2007-07-01: Copula Wiki — information exchange platform for researchers in the field of copula theory
  • 2007-06-29: Windows Wiki — German-language site about Microsoft Windows (especially the Alpha- and Beta-versions)
  • 2007-06-27: WindelWiki — German-language site (about diaper lovers?)
  • 2007-06-27: CIO - Portal — information exchange platform for Austrian Chief Information Officers (CIO)
  • 2007-06-24: AoCWiki — wiki about the game Age of Conan and Conan lore
  • 2007-06-22: TeleWiki — business telecommunications related information, installation, programming, and documentation
  • 2007-06-22: Illogicopedia — an insane repository of words put together in no particular order
  • 2007-06-20: Sudopedia — wiki for Sudoku players
  • 2007-06-17: NikkiWiki — the premier online adult model encyclopedia
  • 2007-06-12: YouWiki — Australian project site where users can share their interests with the world
  • 2007-06-10: wiki.Единоборства.info — Russian project dedicated to martial arts
  • 2007-06-09: The Music Snob — musicians sharing info on local music scenes
  • 2007-05-30: Jesus-Wiki — Christian encyclopedia
  • 2007-05-28: Lunarpedia — about the Earth's moon, Luna; exploration and settlement
  • 2007-01-25: Jedi Academy Wiki — compilation of general and technical information about the game Jedi Academy
  • 2007-01-25: PlantPhotos — project to create a plant identification wiki, with a color photo of each plant listed
  • 2007-01-22: SaneScreen — free video directory, indexing content on YouTube and DailyMotion
  • 2007-01-20: Wikimocracy — vote and debate
  • 2007-01-09: Zyprexa — for the past few years, there has been some controversy about the drug Zyprexa
  • 2007-01-08: selearninggames — non-profit social entrepreneur learning game
  • 2007-01-06: Wikevent — free content public events calendar
  • 2007-01-06: Oklahoma Wiki — covering all things Oklahoma, USA
  • 2007-01-06: Coach Universe Wiki — all about coaching